
3 de abril de 2020


The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Greetings.  We are the Arcturian Council.  We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the progress you have been making as a collective at this time, and we are particularly pleased with the way your hearts have opened to include people who are being affected by the virus and who live far away from you. 

People with whom you have no association have been in your prayers, and you have been sending them healing love and light.  And this is what humanity needs at this time, more than anything else.

While there are doctors who are working feverishly to get some sort of cure for the virus, those of you who are awake are generating more compassion than ever before on planet Earth. 

Your numbers are a factor here. 

You can look around the world, which is full of more people than it has ever had before, and you can see there are some very bad people doing very bad things. 

And you might even think that they represent half of the human collective.  You might still believe that half of humanity is operating out of a place of darkness, and only half of you come from the light.

But those who operate from the light within them far outnumber those who play the role of the dark. 

Therefore, you, as a collective of light, are generating enough compassion to push humanity to an even higher vibratory frequency than if something good were to happen all over the world, affecting every person in one way or another.

And we wish to point out that this amount of compassion shows your willingness for extraterrestrial contact. 

It shows that humanity as a collective has gone beyond where you needed to go vibratorily to be seen as ready for that full, open contact that you all desire so much.

And so, that is another by-product that is something positive, a positive outcome, coming from something that could only be described as negative in nature. 

However, it is how you respond to something negative that defines you, and you, as a human collective, take what is right in front of you and turn it into gold. 

You are responsible for taking humanity beyond what the collective has been before, and you are doing it with the light, love and compassion you have within you at this moment.

As we said, numbers matter.  A critical mass has been reached, and very soon you will be living on a very different planet because of what is happening right now. 

These are very interesting, chaotic and exciting times for humans on Earth, and we promise you will begin to see evidence of what we are talking about, and you will recognize it as your own work.

We are the Arcturian Council, and have enjoyed connecting with you.

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