
7 de abril de 2020





We bring you a brief message to ask them to disclose because it is really important to develop responses that will be generated by their many questions regarding the current change and its transformations.
However, this is not the object of our intervention at this precise moment of your time, but that precisely at this time understand the meaning of what is time.

Time is a variable to adjust the spacing and the current rise.
Time states at a frequency within a portion of space.
Any modulation frequency is changed the dimension of time, because any dimension of space is associated with a modulation time.
But there's more, because time is also an energy and as such is polarized.
Time is an energy field that rotates in space.
It is not linear and can rotate spirally downward direction or falling or rising or upward.

The promotion involves reversing the direction of rotation time.
This investment passes  a 'zero'  at the time that the rotational movement is stopped, before starting in the opposite direction.
This moment can be experienced on Earth, individual or collective scale.

What it has already happened in the downward direction or fall can, therefore, reoccur in the upward direction or promotion.
In this second scenario, all people and all kingdoms combined, are concerned.

It also calls this collective moment : 'the end of time' .

The Easter period commemorating the death and Resurrection, illustrates and symbolizes this  'passage'  in time.
This  'passage'  contains the codes for promotion.
These energy codes can be translated using numbers, so in this part of the message, the we illustrate on the weekend of Easter, which takes place for 3 or 4 days, depending on whether Friday or Saturday start, but start with Good Friday:

THE 10.04.2020 = 1 + 4 + 4
The total sum or digital translation is 9.
The number 144 refers to this particular date in your calendar.
While the number 9 indicates the end, to the death or the end of a process.
Christ died on Good Friday.

THE 11.04.2020 = 2 + 4 + 4
The total reduction is 10 or digital.
No. 10, or 1 + 0 translated to the  "zero point"  as the waiting phase of the Easter vigil or renewal 1.

THE 12.04.2020 = 3 + 4 + 4
The sum total is 11 or digital reduction.
Numeral 11 represents a divided unit, for example, Eva emerging from Adam's rib, which can also result by 2  'hallowed'  or  'magnified'  which corresponds to the image of Mary.
Number 11, therefore, translates the Divine Feminine and the Gestation of the boy king.

The 04/13/2020 = 4 + 4 + 4
This sum totals or numerical reduction in 3 to 12.
No. 3 represents the Child born Unit between  Father Sky = 1  and  Earth Mother = 2 .
This date and this figure reveal a new birth.

That's all for this message, thank you for accepting this transmission.
The time is approaching and we are there where the prophecy must be fulfilled.
It will be fulfilled in you who are alive, a Star in Heaven will show the way back to the Truth.
And so it is.

We are the Hathors, through Pascal Bécu.



We are here to offer our words of encouragement and empowerment.
We know they are feeling more strongly to the intense changes of these frequencies of energy rising, taking place in the world and within their bodies.
Many people are eager to conclude because they feel overwhelmed, while others are watching as this energy flow is increasing their control over what they believe is real.
Those of you who are sensitive are experiencing a struggle to manage chaos des this frequency intensity.

We invite you to start being kind to yourself and allow yourself the gradual integration of this new energy.

When you feel fear or panic, follow these simple steps because they will help you relax and when you do can integrate with more grace and ease to this new energy.

Remember that it is normal to be careful with the unknown, it is part of your process of survival in 3D.

Remember to take several deep breaths.

Remember to be fully anchored to the planet because you are a Divine Being incarnated in a physical form.

Some people realize they are here to anchor the energy flowing, then remain open to increasing the flow.
These people realize and remember this energy, their knowledge of these frequencies intense is familiar because they are a Star Being.
Even if they have a physical form to play in this dense 3D reality, remember that this type of vibration opens and awakens.

These vibrations they feel is a gift Galactic higher energy intensity and these higher frequencies can certainly cause disturbances in their fields.

Witness and perceive the game on their home planet disharmony, division and intense climate of intense emotional reactions, because this Galactic Energy offered the opportunity to make dramatic changes.

This energy is opening them up to possibilities beyond anything they've experienced in their physical reality.

All this is part of the Ascension process and the equated with these energies superiors realize that this is really the next step.

You're realizing your part in this Ascension process, recognize what your mission, passion and Don in this process.

Your body has been slowly transforming so you can make this Ascension with your physical form.
Remember that all this must stand with your 3D body, as you release all programs and old energies, and you upgrade with new programs and Codes of Light.
Also for many a part of this process, is the reception of Divine Inspirations are a call to move, or to dramatically change some aspect of their lives.
We invite you to remain open to ideas and guidance they are receiving, relax in the truth of his own knowledge.

You also are realizing Galactic your contract, you do recognize you as a Lightworker, a teacher or spiritual mentor.
Been expressing the unique gifts you have, because you feel that manifest require and if you ask yourself how come in your life your unique gifts, you will emerge as abilities they call you to be:

A worker Red or Guardian of the planet, connected and called to travel to sacred sites to open spiritual doors on this earth.

A Guardian of Light, someone who embodies the light regardless of the circumstances, to serve as a lighthouse for humanity.

A transmuting or an elevator that works on behalf of, and for the collective consciousness of humanity.

A healer, a seer or a shower.

A holder of Planos divines active templates and codes Awakening.

A messenger who receives the Divine Guide, Angels or Ascended Masters.

These gifts and abilities are emerging, we invite you to enter your personal power, because now is the time to share your unique gifts.
Remember that everything is energy, which are connected to the collective consciousness, and with your loving intentions can offer your gifts to this energy field of the collective.

1.     If you feel you are a Guardian of the grid and can not physically travel to various places of the planet, remember that you can sit quietly and imagine that you are energetically there.
Imagine opening a portal or gate, then add consciously, to much more light to the darkness of this site.
You can do this easily work this way, you can also invite them to join you, other divine beings and angels.

2.     If you feel you are a Guardian of Light, or transmuting or elevator, also can imagine sitting quietly and radiating light and love from your heart, to any person or group of people.

Note that, reclaiming your unique gifts, you will feel inspired to offer this gift in different ways.

There are no limitations, are pure Divine Energy, the way you translate and use is what makes you unique.

Only we are giving you the power to take a step forward and activate your intentions and focus.

Now is the time, while this energy is very intense, grab, secure it and use it to transform this reality.

Only through the heart and of human consciousness, it is that the transformation occurs.

You have the key to help transform misqualified energies of this planet.

Divine Light and Energy are manifest.

We recognize and we give power to any swing estabilices in your personal energy field, use this gift of Divine energy to its full potential.


This Energy Galactic offered the opportunity of exponential change.
This energy is abriéndote the possibility to go beyond anything you've experienced in your physical reality.
All this is part of the Ascension process, to equal you with these higher energies, and you realize that this is really the next step.
You're realizing your part in this process of Ascension, then, recognize it with your gifts and put them with passion in your evolution.

We are available to support and help at all times, are the team through Peggy Black.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...