
10 de abril de 2020

Thousands of children released in New York! in an underground tunnel to the Clinton Foundation in New York!

Misteri1963: "Confidential Report" - Update from Philip ...
Nearly 100,000 children and corpses were found  starving. Some are distorted All are malnourished  and terribly abused have been found dead or saved in an underground tunnel  to the Clinton Foundation in New York! The rescue efforts are under the leadership of the Pentagon's Pedophile Task Force.   At the base of Lake China in California, 35,000 children were released,  others are being released in Florida and Washington DC! Nurses confirm treatment of child victims of horrible abuse at Corona Campaign Hospital in tents in Central Park! There is evidence of horrible torture and sexual abuse.

 They speculate that the living and hungry children ate the dead. Many need respirators because the air in the tunnels stagnates and is not renewed.
Some of these children were to be used to produce Adrenochrome, the blood of traumatized children enriched with adrenaline that the "Elite" use to rejuvenate themselves! In the United States, more than 800,000 children go missing every year, and we are beginning to discover where they are to meet the needs of the Satanist elite who rule part of the world and who believe that everything is allowed and above the law by regularly violating and sacrificing children.

Q Anon declares that the children are cared for first (that is, their release) before the declassifications of the files and the indictment of the 160,000 people with an indictment sealed in the various United States federal courts!So it was not a hospital in Central Park to scare people with the coronavirus. This is one of the largest bailouts ever made!
This is happening in many countries and nobody can imagine the Dantesque of this operation and especially how impressive and traumatizing it is to meet children destined for organ trafficking, prostitution and others, whose legs and arms were amputated along with vocal cords and other nonsense to turn them into sex toys.
Then it is clarified, it is a children's hospital. rescued from the horse.

*** © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author as its source and including this URL  and the copyright notice ***

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