
7 de mayo de 2020

message and interpretation from the pleiades

Patricia V YaBas    Joan Ashtar 

publication of the pleiades 
interpretation of  Patricia V YaBas and Joan Ashtar 

original publication 
Masked, do not breathe in the midst of suffocation ...
Realities are not sustained, The improbable kings arrive for proper occupations ... The current failures disintegrate ... The angelics come and stay ...
publication and interpretation by  Patricia V YaBas

Masked, not breathing in the midst of suffocation ...
Of course, masks produce epoxy

Realities are not sustained,
does it also refer to the dissolution of clones?
The improbable Kings come for proper occupations ...
The star seeds will occupy their rightful places?
The current failures disintegrate ...
This refers to the fall of the matrix?
The angelics come and stay ...
Are the angels and archangels already with us to do battle?
I hope I'm not wrong on those points. publication and interpretation of Joan Ashtar together with that of Patricia V YaBas

Masked, do not breathe in the midst of suffocation ...
Of course, the masks produce epoxy.
The masked does not breathe in the middle of the axphyse. Carbon dioxide is lethal in the human body, when you press it and retain it in the mask, it returns to us through contact with it and through our breathing .

Realities are not sustained,
does it also refer to the dissolution of clones?
The realities are not sustained, in addition to uncovering the Clones, also corrupt journalists
The improbable Kings arrive for appropriate occupations ...
The star seeds will occupy their rightful positions?
Unlikely kings arrive for proper occupations. Star seeds will take their place and it is already decided which seeds will be responsible for replacing all the rulers of the planet.
The current failures disintegrate ...
This refers to the fall of the matrix?
Current faults disintegrates refers to the dissolution of the matrix and the entire current system i cut in 3D
Angelic come and stay ...
S on the angels and archangels who are already with us to give battle?
Los Angeles and archangels come and quexa to help us in the battle, I will only comment that they come more and more to attract light and eliminate darkness

*** © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, as the source thereof, and including this URL  and the Copyright notice ***

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