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MESSAGE FROM ANDROMEDANS: The heart in itself is of the greatest technology.


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The Andromedans are known to be masters of scientific endeavors. This is true. We have created such technology that would leave you speechless.

However, today we wish to speak of matters of the heart.

The heart in itself is of the greatest technology. It is no accident that the heart is placed at the center of your chest, the center of your being. The heart carries technologies that are yet to be discovered. The heart connects to energy more quickly than does the brain. The heart receives the energetic impulses first.

Therefore, if your heart chakra is blocked, a lot of these impulses will be lost, the energetic intuitive imprints that you would otherwise receive will be lost.

So we would encourage you to keep your heart centers clear, keep them open, keep your hearts pure.

What does this mean in day-to-day life?

Your medical doctors would encourage you to eat a clean diet so that you do not get cholesterol. What we would like to show you  today is something similar.  Your heart can get clogged with negative emotions, old patterns of negative belief systems, hurts caused by others, self-sabotage, and so on.

So we would like to point out to you that whenever you receive a transmission or frequency that is negative which would like to settle in your heart and clog its energetic field and passageways, that instead of letting it settle, transmute that frequency into pure crystalline, diamond white light. Clear out those passageways of your energetic heart.

Keep them clean and keep them pure!

When someone says an unkind word to you, and that message would like to settle in your heart chakra, visualize those words turning into pure crystalline, diamond light energy flowing into your veins, transmuting negative into positive, shadow into light.

Whenever you have a negative thought about another person, situation or circumstance, this would also like to travel to your heart center to clog it up, and to make it harder for your heart to function. So we would encourage you also to transmute yet again that negative thought that would travel there to settle in to become spiritual cholesterol.

As you catch yourself with these thoughts, transmute them into pure crystalline, diamond light energy and transform your whole being with Light.

Even if you have to repeat to yourself, "I let it go", this transmission is now LOVE. Please do so, for not only are you aiding yourself, you are also aiding those who are a mirror of you. And you are aiding the entire collective.

And so now, do you see how easy it is to transform your life? And to take those things that would have clogged your heart up and then turn into something new and beautiful, magical and healing.

For your spiritual hearts now have a chance to be far more healthy and far more effective, and to beat with a purer beat.

So in a way, this message of the heart is scientific. We are showing you how to keep your heart pure and clean by transmutation, by a certain alchemy of energy. This in itself could be considered technology.

The energy is being rerouted from grounding into your being as a negative force and is being rewired into a positive force that strengthens your heart field. So you see the picture we are showing you?

And now we would like to say to take care of yourselves, to honor your journey, and to not judge yourselves or each other. If you need to step back from someone, do so. If you need to take a few days to rest, by all means, do so.

If you need to change just one thing to aid yourself, please do so. Do not get overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, or all you think you need to do, for there is nowhere you need to be right now, except here; receiving love, receiving the light transmission, receiving healing.

So in the next few days, take the time to rest and to nurture yourself, for much is changing still. Much is being purged and much is transforming. So stay pure in heart, stay connected to Source.

And as we like to say here, "Don't forget to play!" For when you play, you create that inner childlike wonder, which is where all magic begins.

We leave you now with a quote from Tennyson:

"My strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure." ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

We wish you the greatest blessings. Open your hearts to receive those blessings.

We love you and we are here for you. That is all.


Channeled by Kalia Diya
La Luz News

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