, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : THE SCENARIO WILL COLLAPSE SOON. ABSOLUTE FATHER






 Greetings, my dear children!

 My post today will be somewhat unexpected for you since, as you have probably noticed, it is not typical of me to comment in detail on the events that unfold on Earth.

 I would like you to think independently, trust your intuition and draw your own conclusions.

 But now it seems necessary to tell you in detail what is happening on your planet, because I see that even the strongest of you are a bit lost and are putting everything in the person that the dark forces are trying to take away from them.  'authority.

 Those of you who have turned away from the totally false and rotten media, and who became involved in the study of real events, fully understand the current situation and know that the representatives of the Forces of Light incarnated as humans, already  They have begun to work to bring to life a specific plan to save humanity.

 However, sometimes you are also misled by the fact that in almost every country in the world measures to cope with the so-called impact of the pandemic are difficult, although this is not justified at all.

 Why is this happening?

 The only reason is that this is the way the collective reptilian consciousness works.

 Terrified by the fact that the Light Forces operation has been launched, the top of the world government is bringing fear to the middle and lower levels of its representatives and field workers.

 Therefore, this FEAR has taken over the entire reptilian "community" on Earth, but, on a physical level, it manifests itself in various ways, depending on the social rank in which a particular representative of this race is found.

 Thus, leaders who are used to feeling support from above and who do not realize what is really happening behind the scenes of world politics continue to conscientiously carry out the orders of their bosses.

 But this fervor is the result of the same fear of not finding themselves overboard or abandoned by their bosses in the supreme moment because the reptilian "animal" intuition still prompts them to crucial events to come that they do not yet fully understand.

 Furthermore, having become accustomed to living according to certain programs, they cannot break them in their conscience, which does not imply the right to choose.

 As for the low-level reptiloids, the so-called mob man, they live in fear for their lives and are willing to do anything to save him, even vaccination and the flea.ñ

 And they actually have nothing to lose, as they are in any case overwhelmed by certain programs of their collective consciousness.

 The fierce fight against the Forces of Light is being waged by the stratum of reptilians who have entered government structures and who will have to personally answer for all the crimes against humanity committed over centuries by their invisible puppeteers.

 This is exactly what you are seeing right now.

 Of course, among these "people" there are representatives of other races with low vibrations, including the Orions, but the vast majority of them are reptilian and semi-reptilian.

 This last fight won't last long, and I really don't want you to participate in that fight, either in terms of energy or mindset, which would affect your vibes.

 The best you can do is visualize the new world of the renewed Earth imbued with Love and Light, Unity and Brotherhood, Mutual Respect and Infinite Creativity for the good of all inhabitants.  of your planet.

 On the physical level, start a calm and systematic lighting work in your immediate environment and you will be supported by the series of my messages on this subject.

 Keep the power of the Spirit and Faith in your Soul!

 At the moment, much depends on you, the best representatives of humanity!

 I bless you and love you immensely!

 Absolute Father spoke to you

 Channeled Marta

Ángel Ricco

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  1. me llamo Salvador Alvaro Alvaro
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