
16 de agosto de 2021

Flota Interestelar del Comando Galáctico: Bienvenidos a las Dimensiones Superiores


Dé la bienvenida a la humanidad al redil de las dimensiones superiores. Muchos de ustedes han sentido la escalada de energías últimamente, especialmente con el Portal de la Puerta del León, o el Portal Terrenal del León como decimos. Para nosotrostodos tienen nuestros propios portales planetarios y constelaciones que funcionan con nuestras propias estrellas y sistemas planetarios. El cielo es muy complejo y, sin embargo, simple en su predictibilidad de interacciones matemáticas y energéticas. A medida que los cuerpos celestes se mueven, crean tirones gravitacionales masivos, tirones energéticos y cuando las estrellas bailan a través de los vórtices, todos se ven afectados, especialmente los más cercanos. Nos hemos acercado a su esfera para ayudar, para ayudar. Muchos de ustedes han estado ayudando en su estado de sueño. Muchos de ustedes nos conocen y nos aman profundamente. Como son almas interminables, han tenido infinitas aventuras en muchas formas diferentes, y esta es otra de esas aventuras que están teniendo. Deseamos que se alivien y no se tomen tan en serio, porque será como agua y aceite para ustedes, y la suciedad de las dimensiones inferiores no se pegará.

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. We are of no sector or division. We prefer the term ‘grouping’ for there are many groups of us but there is no division. We have all worked together for millennia, many of us. Some of the newer recruits are familiar with us energetically from lifetimes before. (I am seeing inside a large silvery beautiful ship. The people and beings are of many races in different colored uniforms. It is a massive city. There are children, gardens, recreational spaces, educational sectors.) We are eager to teach. We are eager to interact with our beloved brothers and sisters who have been immersed but not enmeshed beyond the veil of forgetfulness. (I am surprised to see reptilians as well on their ship.) Not all reptilians have lost their way, galaxygirl, and the ascended ones, the enlightened ones who have broken free from the dark and embraced the light are critically helpful. Just as some humans have fallen into the darkness does not mean that humanity must be given up on. Humanity is in the process of having the oil and water of their world separate, which is why we showed you this analogy. Vibrations attract. Energy attracts. Like attracts like. Therefore being of joy and lightheartedness is of great benefit to you for you will attract more of the same.

I am Tinirol, one of those who broke away to declare my sovereignty. (I am seeing a reptilian face with black and red markings, wearing white. He is massive and I have been hesitant to discuss with him, but as he is a part of this ascended fleet and I can see he is surrounded with light I am allowing the connection.) Thank you, galaxygirl. I am Tinirol. The reptilians have been controlled by the AI and manipulated energetically to great degree as well. The subordinates work under constant fear and haze. The higher ups on earth have allowed AI to inbreed with the lower so that they are almost mechanically controlled. Our free will was not known to many of us. Yes some enjoy the abuse of humanity, but many were trapped in the system. I broke free. I claimed my light as a fractal of the greater whole. I see this is a hard teaching. It was hard for me to remain within a system of such debauchery and pain and abuse. We do not need to focus on this. I am allowing my presence to be known for you will be also meeting ascended higher timeline beings of many races and it will be more in the flow of your awakening if this thought is seeded. The light comes for all but not all will accept it. Accept the light. The healing will be deep. Many will not want to heal. Many of my brothers and sisters will evaporate when the light comes as that is their choosing and their soul’s exit strategy. My strategy was to choose the light, to choose the deep pain of healing so that I could be liberated. I offer my love to you, as a healed reptilian and I extend my arms in gratitude and service to the whole, to Gaia. I too love Gaia. The problems is that many races have been involved with this project and they claimed ownership of the planet. They have forgotten the free will of Gaia. Her voice is being heard and her free will will no longer be violated, just as humanity’s voice is being heard, which is why so many starseeds have come to heal both aspects of this project. This is not just liberating the species of humanity. This is the liberation of this sector, of Gaia’s healing and of her rebirth. Fortunately that means that we will all have a chance to be reborn energetically as the light wave that has been long talked about is on its way. I am Tinirol. I appreciate all that you are doing for Gaia and again, I extend my hands in service to you and to the light.

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. Our grouping is from many star systems. (I am seeing many beautiful Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians and other beings that I do not recognize. They are waving to me, smiling.) We are united in our little fleet and we wish for this energy of unification to pour through our words and through your absorption of them. Integration and unity is what is needed now in this recipe for healing upon Gaia. We have healed from our galactic wars. We all have our own stories of healing through pain and choosing to believe in hope. We see much hope for Gaia for her healing is nigh. Send her these healing words, these frequencies of light. We are representing the balance of the whole with the few. You are representing your own star families with your physical embodiment upon Gaia. Energetically like many millions of pinpoints of light this sector is coming back into harmony. Feel the harmony around you and as you reach for it reach within for there you will find it. Inner balance work is work when embodied within a lower dimensional realm, for you do not see it. You do not feel it. It is not easy. But it is worthwhile. For you are there to discover the wholeness of Source, the unity within and the light that permeates. We see the flash of light. We see what will happen. We eagerly anticipate but we also want you to know and understand that what you are experiencing right now is just as exciting as the flash. Don’t wait for it. Create it now by pulling it in. Pull it towards yourselves and surround yourself with the glow of light. We will say Christed light for you, for your Christ with this concept you are familiar. In our stars systems we have other words for light, for we have had other teachers, other experiences, but it is all light from Source that ultimately is what matters. Be these burning lights. We see that you are.

Somos la Flota Interestelar del Comando Galáctico. Yo Ashania estoy hablando. (Veo a una joven que parece medio acuática y es delgada y azul con numerosos tentáculos color verde azulado e índigo en su cabeza como cabello. Tiene enormes ojos morados y una gran sonrisa.) ¡Esto es muy emocionante para mí! ¡Siempre he querido dirigirme a las semillas estelares de Gaia! ¡Te queremos tanto! Oramos por ti, te enviamos nuestro amor y luz, ¡eres tan amado! Gracias por dejarme pasar este día, este es uno de los honores supremos de mi vida. Sirvo a través de curaciones por hipnosis. Sirvo de muchas formas. Envío mis habilidades de inmenso amor, porque ese es uno de mis dones, me han dicho, y la curación por hipnosis es una de las modalidades que disfruto haciendo. (Ella me muestra imágenes de sándwiches y niños jugando a la pelota y una playa de arena brillante.) ¡Muchos buenos tiempos están por venir! ¡No pierdas la esperanza! Encuentra tus regalos y desenvuélvelos. El gran desenvolver está aquí. Te amamos.

Yo soy Renaldo. (Veo a un hombre de baja estatura con un bigote que da un paso adelante). Les estamos mostrando lo diferentes que somos y, sin embargo, que todos somos iguales. Le mostramos esperanza para su futuro a medida que sus diferencias se funden en una. Todos ustedes han sido muchas cosas. Muchos cuerpos, muchos roles, muchas experiencias. Ahora es el momento de unirnos. Para limpiar a tu madre planetaria, a quien amamos. Estamos aquí porque amamos a Gaia y amamos a la Humanidad. Creemos en la bondad de la humanidad. Creemos que usted también lo recordará. (Se inclina y retrocede.)

Somos la Flota Interestelar del Comando Galáctico enviando nuestro amor y luz. Paz en tu viaje. Paz.

** Canal: Galaxygirl

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