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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Egypt. Mostrar todas las entradas

26 de diciembre de 2018

8. The code of Egypt - The mystery of 10,500 BC by Brandon West

by  Brandon West
April 3, 2014
the  website  ProjectGlobalAwakening

In the  2008 book by  Robert Bauval  ,  The Egypt Code  , in style meticulously researched typical, it intends to prove the theory that the ancient Egyptians built their pyramids on the Necropolis of Memphita not a random randomly, but reflect the cosmos Uniting heaven and earth.

Here I will present the main ideas and evidence of the book  The Egyptian Code  of Robert Bauval  that validates the existence of a high civilization that existed on this Earth about 12,000 years ago.

This is important because, first, it is essential that we understand the truth of our history and truth of human origins.

If indeed there was a high civilization 12.000 years on this earth capable of great feats of architecture, engineering and science does, how would that change our perception of ourselves?

And, secondly, there is great knowledge and wisdom that the ancient Egyptians had and we have forgotten. In the words of Robert Bauval:
"I hope the new generation of Egyptologists come see, as I did, that ancient Egypt is not a dead civilization to be studied dispassionately, but rather a cultural model that is very much alive and needs to be understood. With perhaps some of its principles put back into practice for the benefit of mankind ".
(The Code of Egypt, p.187)
What we are concerned in this article is, more or less, is the origin of the myth that Egypt was made in "the image of heaven."

In his book,  The code of Egypt  , Robert Bauval compared with the creation myth of Heliopolis, where they genealogy pantheon of gods and their interactions created Heaven, Earth, Air, etc.

he concludes,
"Probably there arose the idea that the image of the sky had been printed in the land of Egypt and made 'the image of heaven.'"
But what if the source of that myth was not really a myth but architectural origin, and if actually much older?

What if it were a memory that has been transmitted to future generations and has been mythologized meaning once the memory has been forgotten by some, perhaps even most?

This is what I think is the case.

Let's begin with the pyramids.

The mystery of the pyramids

It is almost unanimously accepted by scholars that the  Great Pyramid of Giza  was built around c.2500 BCE date.

This is based on the assumption that Khufu built this great monument, which places very well over the top of the "age pyramid" in Egypt when it is undeniable that the Egyptians undertook a massive project to build pyramids.

However, there are some idiosyncrasies. No other pyramid in Egypt about the Great Pyramid.

Especially those who know that were built during the era of the pyramid, many of which have been reduced to a pile of rubble today.

There is also the inexplicable fact that it seems that the ability of the ancient Egyptians in construction  decreased over time, rather than better. And yet, the great pyramid still stands, although its outer layer of white limestone was excavated to build the city of Cairo today remains practically unaffected.

Not to mention the fact that the ancient  Egyptians did not even claim to have built the Great Pyramid.

There is only one piece of evidence that Egyptologists used to date the pyramid to 2500 BC, and is a cartridge name Khufu was written on the wall with red ocher paint in a small isolated space inside the Great Pyramid we had  to use dynamite  to break into.

In no other part of the pyramid there is only one entry, except in this space that was locked even before the pyramid was completed entirely.

To me, this suggests that the ancient Egyptians even entered the Great Pyramid simply because, as we know, put inscriptions in all and above  all  .

Basically, the official history of the dating of the pyramid is that supposed to know that was built around 2500. C. because of a supposed original cartridge painted on a wall, not even enrolled in a room where the builders had believed  Nobody would come again  ?

That sounds to me as unusual as the official story of September 11. Perhaps the same people were behind this.

Robert Bauval discovered another piece of evidence that certainly is much more convincing: the great pyramid dating from c.2500 BC. He found that the South well in the House of Reyes points to the belt stars of Orion as they were in c.2500 BC (The  Search for the Lost Civilization of Graham Hancock   : The mirror of the sky  ).

This is a much more convincing that could have been built at that time evidence, but still does not solve the fact that the Egyptians never claimed to have built the Great Pyramid and the pyramids of Giza created a star map on the ground specifically. 11,541 indicating ECB (as we shall see), and the simple fact that these pyramids were beyond the level of technology in Egypt at that time (since they are probably even beyond our current level of technology).

This should, if we have an open mind, lead us to consider at least that was built in an earlier time.

Will more old A date for the pyramids?

"The historian Herodotus in the V century BC called Egypt" the gift of the Nile '. The Egyptians went much further. They said their sacred river originated among the stars ".
Robert Bauval (  The Code of Egypt  , p. 33)
In the book  The Egyptian Code of  Robert Bauval  , in his meticulously researched style, provides many highly convincing evidence that the Egyptians built their pyramids in the Memphite Necropolis to reflect the heavens.

He realized that by observing the Memphite Necropolis from a northern perspective, specifically from an ancient site known as Letopolis found that looking south along the Nile, some of the most important ancient sites have created a map of he start with the Nile symbolically representing Milky Way (  the code of Egypt , p.106).

The city of Heliopolis would have been closer to this view, south and left of the Nile, which, as shown in his book, was an ancient center of worship that revolved around stars but also later about God sun Ra.

It also provides convincing evidence (The Egypt Code, pages 79-95) that Ra joined later with the stellar Horakhti god (Horus-of-the-Horizon), which was often symbolized as a "reclining lion" which it merged to create the Deity Ra-Horakhti (Ra-Horus Horizon).

In the words of Robert Bauval:
"Be careful observers of the constellations to the point of obsession ... it would be very strange that the priests of Heliopolis not pay special attention to the constellation as a lion that housed the sun at this time of year, and that was the metaphor perfect for Ra-Horakhti, Ra merging with the cosmic lion. "
(The code of Egypt, p.85)
Therefore, Heliopolis would have represented the  constellation Leo  in the sky.

Then, farther south and turn right (west) of the Nile, this time we have the great pyramids of Giza which are clearly aligned to represent Orion in the sky. Interestingly, they are in correct alignment according to the Nile and also to reflect the relationship between the Milky Way and the Orion constellation in the sky.

Then, farther south again on the right (west) side of the Nile, we have a small group of pyramids of Abusir would represent the  'constellation' of Pleiades (group  )  creating a map of the sky on the ground with the triangular relationship Leo -Orion-Pleiades all represented in the field and all located in sync with the Nile to represent the Milky Way.

The only thing is that in c. 2500 BC, the Nile, which flows from south to north, it would have been perpendicular to the Milky Way in the sky, it would have been parallel to the horizon at the time (The Egypt Code, p.107).

Here's where things get interesting, and where Robert Bauval still bravely and admirably despite evidence that breaks with convention.

Was there a time when the Milky Way had been running in one direction "north-south" in the sky so that it was aligned with the Nile, and that this star map out a mirror image of heaven, rather than one Now image had to be rotated 90 degrees to make it compatible?

Robert Bauval thought so.

starmap Memphite necropolis

Based on the  cycles of Sothic  (which relate to the calendar of the ancient Egyptians who played an important role in  the Code of Egypt  but that is unfortunately beyond the scope of this article) Robert Bauval decided to return the heavens that change over time due the phenomenon called precession of the equnoxes to reach 11,541 BCE date (the Egypt Code p.110-111).

The surprising thing is that on the date of 11,541 BCE, the Milky Way would have rotated 90 degrees compared to the way it appeared in c.2500 BCE, and this time, instead of running perpendicular to the Nile, runs parallel to the Nile and perpendicular to the horizon that gives the appearance that the Milky Way, the cosmic river flows directly into the Nile river!

So when the Egyptians said their Nile originated in the stars, this was not simply a myth, but it was a direct reference   to a much earlier date  when in fact it seemed that was thecase, although from an imaginative and poetic perspective.

Surprisingly, when we look at stars and alignments of the pyramids from this viewpoint, the two brightest stars Orion form an angle of 43 ° 20 'with the north-south meridian, and the two largest pyramids in Giza (Khufu and Khafre). Also make an angle of 43 ° 20 'north south with meridian. And both are positioned to the left of the Milky Way and the Nile.

Perfect star map on the floor.

Copyright Robert Bauval,
The Code of Egypt, p. 110

In addition, as shown in the picture on the right, Heliopolis, which, as we have seen, was dedicated to Ra (sometimes symbolized as a lion) have reflected on the floor the location of the constellation Leo, and the pyramids of Abusir they were in the correct location (although not perfect) to represent the star cluster Pleiades.

In the words of Robert Bauval,
"As controversial as it may seem at first glance, we have also seen how, when the sky is precasado to 11,451 BC and the three stars of Orion are aligned along the meridian with the three pyramids of Giza, the image of  Zep Tepi  in heaven ( "the triangular region Orion-Pleiades-Leo) has an uncanny resemblance to the image of  Zep Tepi  on the floor (the triangular region of Giza-Memphis-Heliopolis)".
(The Code of Egypt, p.184)
Now in the  Code of Egypt  , Robert Bauval provides this as strong evidence that the ancient Egyptians built their pyramids on the Memphita Necropolis according to a master plan: to reflect the image of the sky in Egypt, thus fulfilling the belief that Egypt It was made in "the image of heaven" as we discussed earlier in this article.

I agree with Robert Bauval wholeheartedly ... in part.

It is clear that during the era of the pyramid, comprising the third to the sixth dynasties between c. 2686 - 2181 BCE (. The Orion Mystery, p 13) the ancient Egyptians embarked on a project to build pyramid and the evidence strongly suggests they were built according to a master plan to reflect the heavens in Egypt, after all how could all? How these alignments be attributed to pure coincidence?

But is there another explanation?

An ancient legacy  of  Zep Tepi

As I explained above, and not much detail as I could have written (and I will soon) all based solely on scientifically advanced and mysterious nature of the Great Pyramid, Article do not think that has been built around 2500 BCE, and I think the evidence supports this.

Even if we look at this truly groundbreaking and ingenious theory That Robert Bauval have Proposed, there are a couple of things That do not sit right with me.

Namely the fact That the Giza pyramids are aligned  to a single arc minute  to perfectly Reflect the constellation of Orion  as it Appeared in 11,451 BCE , Whereas Heliopolis and the Abusir pyramids are much less exact, and are Merely built in the right places so That They  resemble  the location of the stars, but not the exact alignments as With the Giza pyramids.

Said Robert Bauval himself of the Heliopolis site and the Abusir pyramids:
"Admittedly the match is not perfect due to Bedrock Mathematically realities of geography and topography."
(The Egypt Code, p.106)
The issue is, the other sites are Whereas Mathematically not perfect, it is clear That everything about the Great Pyramid, Giza pyramids and the other for that matter, are Mathematically perfect.

And It Seems to me if it was the That true pyramid builders to build more pyramids intention from the start, I believe the builders Would Have Moved mountains not only to make it a reality, but to make it  perfect.

For They That Clearly it was shown us Within Their capabilities Given the fact That They quite literally built a mountain, and meticulous planning and surveying That Went into the Certainly engineering and construction of These monuments.

Since everything related to architecture, to the greatest cosmic alignments representing the great pyramid it is almost perfect, and maybe once was ...

This suggests to me that it was the work of  one  civilization  completely  different And a more advanced civilization.

I think the reason why the ancient builders of Egyptian pyramids built their pyramids according to this master plan, and the origin of the myth that Egypt was made in "the image of heaven" have a common source.

Evidence suggests, however improbable or contrary to our  preconceived ideas  , the pyramids of Giza are around 11,541 BC built in specific alignment to commemorate the stars at the time, which is probably the origin of the myth that Egypt was created. "In the image of heaven."

I believe the old myth that Egypt was constructed image of the sky was referring to these pyramids of great antiquity.

And this tradition is transmitted orally through each generation and that the era of the pyramid to focus approximately c.2500 BC was an attempt to continue the work that began long before a  race of gods (for the "mind "Egyptian anyway), the legendary first (  Zep Tepi ), which, as Robert Bauval has shown us has been fixed in time by these huge stone monuments, no matter how we look.

The question is, is there any proof?

I would say yes.

hereditary knowledge

The ancient astronomer-priest advanced and kept in their minds the truly sacred knowledge of the movements of the stars and celestial cycles, as is commonly accepted.

But what if you also had another kind of knowledge, knowledge old?

Ancient knowledge as the Egyptian priest who  refers  Solón  , the ancestor of Plato, when he tells Solon:
Egyptian priest:  Oh, Solon, Solon, all Greeks are all children, and there is no ancient Greek.

Solon:  What do you mean?

Egyptian priest:  all are young in mind, they have no belief rooted in old tradition, and have no knowledge of age.

And the reason is this ... You, and others, writing and other necessities of civilization have just developed when the periodic scourge of the deluge comes down and spares no one else than those who have no limits or that they are not grown, so you should start again as children,  in  complete ignorance  of what happened in the early days  ...

Remember only one deluge, though there have been many
(  Timaeus and Critias  , p.35-36)
Now the truth of the statements of Plato has been questioned, and rightly so.

We should never believe anything completely simply because it was claimed by someone or written somewhere ... even if it was  Plato  who said it.

But the interesting thing is that there is scientific evidence of support and mythical evidence of another ancient culture that identify the same dates for the global flood and the statement that "there have been many" flooding.

The oldest flood myth comes from India, and  are the myths  Kumari Kandam  myths about an ancient advanced civilization that existed over 10,000 years ago in India, who built great centers of learning and generally reminiscent the myth of Atlantis.

Graham Hancock explores this in detail in his phenomenal book  Underworld - The Mysterious Origins of Civilization  .
"The first great flood took place in 16,000 BC ... The second occurred in 14,058 BC when parts of Kumari Kandam sank beneath the sea. The third occurred in 9564 BC when a large part of Kumari Kandam was submerged."
(  Inframundo  , p. 245)
Coincidentally, the dates given in the  myth  of  Kumari Kandam for the last flood coincide closely with the date Plato (and therefore the Egyptian priest gives Solon) Flood civilization of  Atlantis  .

According to the Egyptian priest, Atlantis was flooded circa 9600 BC

The fact that these ancient cultures have myths that identify that specific date is highly intriguing and at least increases your credibility.

But surprisingly, modern science not only identifies a framework very similar time for a global flood that occurred around that time, but also science predicts that, in fact, therewere three  major  global flooding as  the  states of the  myth of Kumari Kandam that occur approximately bands approximate time:
  • 15.000 to 14.000 years ago
  • 12.000 to 11.000 years ago
  •   8.000 to 7.000 years ago
This time we are given by the work of Professor  John Shaw  of the University of Alberta (Underworld, p.65).

As you can see clearly, the date of the Egyptian priests of 9500 BC is right in the middle of the period of the global flood that science gives us.

Now the point of all this in relation to the age of the pyramids is just to test the validity of the statements made by the Egyptian priest, and therefore, how specifically says that Egyptian culture has many thousands of years with records extending written. 8000 years ago, and "the canary knowledge age".

Now we have seen that the date of the priests of the global flood was true, and the occurrence of multiple floods,  we must accept that the rest of their claims also have at least some truth  , if not completely truthful.

Thus, as clearly she stated an ancient Egyptian priest, there was much ancient knowledge transmitted within the Egyptian priesthood.

And then, at such a time they were instructed to act on the knowledge, or who decided it was time that, in place of advisers of kings and pharaohs, could keep them informed of cosmic science. alignment within Egypt and urged him to act on it.

It would not have been very convincing considering the glory in the eyes of the man and the gods that the Pharaohs have won to participate in this work.

Therefore, on the basis of the evidence in question (I've provided here and what is outside the scope of this specific article) we should at least consider the possibility that  the pyramids of Giza were  built around the time of 11,451 BC  by ancient and so far the civilization lost  .

And were these specific pyramids and their alignment with the Nile and, therefore, with the cosmos, which gave rise to the idea that Egypt was made in "the image of heaven."

May even have this knowledge and pyramids which incited the ancient Egyptians to the massive construction project pyramids was the era of the pyramid.

Not necessarily in an effort to reflect heaven on earth, but that was definitely a motivation, but rather to approach the gods who  already  had  begun this work  , and become gods to continue the work that had already begun in the Memphite necropolis.

the Sphinx

The Sphinx itself  acts as another key to this cosmic mystery on earth.

As Graham Hancock has shown in his   search for the lost civilization: The mirror of the sky (which can be found on  YouTube  ), you should just east in alignment with the gaze of the Sphinx, Sphinx will see a very specific constellation that It rises just before the sun sets.The vernal equinox each year, the first day of spring.

But because of the phenomenon known as  precession of the equinoxes,  the constellation changes over time. The precession of the equinoxes is usually explained as a slow axial wobbling of the Earth with a period of about 26,000 years, but the period is not fixed.

So if the Sphinx was built in 2500 BC, as proposed by the community of Egyptology, then Sphinx would face the constellation Taurus just before sunrise on the spring equinox. Therefore, you would expect that the Sphinx does not have the shape of a lion, but the form of a bull to represent this constellation.

But if you rewinding the stars, you will find that there is a moment in history where the Sphinx would face his own 'celestial counterpart' in heaven:   10,500 BC  .

As  they suggest  the work of  John Anthony West  and  Robert M. Schoch  , the Sphinx itself is probably much older due to the fact that erosion patterns on the side of the Sphinx could have  been caused by thousands of years of torrential rain  which at least makes its construction date out of the clutches of the period c.2500 BCE, which Egyptologists have stubbornly fixed.

But despite the inflexibility of Egyptologists, ancient Egyptians themselves speak clearly.

Almost as if to tell us that we have unraveled this mystery correctly, there is a block between the legs of the sphinx covered with inscriptions, and one of the lines mysteriously says:
"This is a splendid place for the first time." (  The Code of Egypt  , p.66)
It's almost as if the Sphinx was not looking in space but in time, silently imploring us to make this connection and we remembered the events of that crucial period in our prehistory.

What could have occurred between 11,500 and 10,500 BCE BCE?

Source: Library pleyades

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