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foto de LA LUZ NEWS- USA -.

"Blessing creates a shield of divine protection light over the person you are blessing.
It is divine connection.
Hence the importance of always blessing with love.
Bless your day, your partner, your children, your family, your friends, everything you do, your money, be it a lot or a little.
Stop for a second and bless the person who is close to you, you can do it mentally, observe them and you will see that there is a slight change in their face.
Bless your body regardless of whether it is sick or healthy right now.
Bless him and fill him with light, love, mercy and forgiveness so that he is healthy.
Bless your relationships, no matter if you are alone, because you complement yourself.
Bless your work, pay you little or pay you a lot, because by blessing it you fill it with divine light and in that way you are preparing yourself for something better.
You are entitled to wonderful things, you just have to believe it and feel it. Go ahead, bless yourself.
Bless your existence regardless of painful experiences, that are simply the pitfalls to overcome and grow.
I bless you who are reading this message. I bless your heart, your life, your health, your marriage, your children, your home, your family, your work, your finances, your projects. "
Anais Garfe Weishaupt
La Luz News



  From my supreme divinity I (Name and surname) ________________________________
 I open my heart so that the feminine energy is established in balance with my masculine energy and that in this way it manifests and brings me the happiness that corresponds to me by divine right!  I also ask for the help of the universe to calm my mind and strengthen my spirit, as I express my emotions more clearly every day and connect more and more with my essence of light as a creator here on Earth!

 Prayer to align my feminine power.

 From my supreme divinity I, (Name and surname) _________________________________
  I align the light of the memory of the feminine power that has been in me and has been waiting to discover itself as an ancestor! I honor her and give her a place in my heart and open myself to her energy by recovering the best of her energy in my Being!

 Thus I open my heart so that the remnants of the memories of pain that still reside in my cells and my chakras are released by divine right and thus restore my balance with the feminine essence!

 I honor the woman, I honor the man in me and who knows perfectly how to extract the essence of the soul of each Being from the connection of my heart with his!  I give myself time to consolidate this opening, to expand it and thus carry out my mission on Earth, Be Light from creation and incorporate my feminine energy back on Earth!

 I open myself to love, to be honored and cared for, and I let go of the warrior who suffers and strives to connect with the energy of flow!  Day by day I breathe that flow that sends me multiple signals!  I am a messenger of the Light on Earth in the many ways it manifests!  I LOVE ME, SORRY, I HONOR ME, I GIVE THANKS, THANKS AND THANKS

 Prayer to align Feminine Energy and reciprocated Love and Forgiveness to Mother or Father

 Divine presence, I ask that all memories, beliefs and old programs that cause me dissatisfaction, illness, suffering, fear, depression or sadness be erased now!  I apologize for the part of me that boycotts my evolution, from the root and forever all the beliefs that cause me limitations and deficiencies of any kind!

 And in particular I request that my Being align itself with my physical, emotional and mental body and open completely to the feminine energy, placing the roots embedded in the Earth and balancing my masculine part in the direction of my service to be performed!  I open the flower that is in me aligning my first and second chakra, I clean my fears in love to fully trust my feminine energy and my masculine energy to bring me a firm and adequate love to my evolution!

I apologize to my mother!

I ask my father for forgiveness and I forgive them but from the heart my Being stands before them, requesting my recognition while I also recognize my power!  I line up in front of my mother and father giving me permission to lift my wings and open myself to a reciprocated love!

I ask my guides and my teachers to support me in this step that takes place now!  That is why I love and forgive myself!

I consolidate myself as a Being of Light whatever the activity I have to carry out because I open my heart completely to the light and I surrender myself to what has been entrusted to me without judging, accepting with love!

 So be it
 So is
 Done this

Hada Pleiadian



                      Resultat d'imatges per a "informe fulford 9 de septiembre de 2019"
The inner journey is as enriching as the geographical journey but we must discern to acquire The wise see without looking, achieves without acting, can discover the world without crossing the door, doing great deeds accomplished great things. Fear not be slow, fear only to stand still. Wisdom is not to reject the faults of others is more difficult to discipline himself to do obey others. Immoderate ambitions can hurt us eventually devouring the heart. Any decision depends on a particular context is not enough to be good in every situation must practice kindness. It is better to play with someone intelligent to talk to an idiot. A man survives transplanted, a transplanted tree dies. The man is a nomad who has the power to change places of expatriation, the tree does not seem to plant its roots in the earth. I can not teach who speak no effort to speak. There is a land of happiness in every situation Nothing happens without consequence, as a result nothing The nearest hearts are not those who actually touch-se. Who plant virtue must not forget to water it frequently. Save the life of a man is worth more than build a seven-storey temple. Explanation Consciousness is the light of intelligence to distinguish good from evil. No material realization by prestigious it is worth the same as a single human life where the smallest good deed is worth as a heroic act. One is not necessarily love to be close. Pride is a very bad defect, true love resists the distance ...

                                             ALL CREATED BY LOVE IS THEREFORE WE ARE ALSO LOVE, have you thought about WHY DO NOT YOU AGREE? ...

It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now also alert the public about this knowledge in hand
ublicado by Thenansehed by Joan Ashtar  
© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL  and Copyright notice


Archangel Michael and The Council of Radiant Light: A Glimpse of You; From Vast, Non-Physical Consciousness

the collective eraoflightdotcom
Hello Dear One,
We greet you in love. We see you; resplendent and glorious. Creating here in ways that further All Life. We know that you are not always aware of your immense beauty and so today we wish to reflect that to you, and if you would please simply read and experience the energy of what we offer here, to you as a way of knowing yourself.
You are Divine Light.
You are Eternal.
You are Endless.
In all versions through which you play and express yourself, you are fully you.
You are never diminished.
Nothing about you is every anything less than whole.
The light within you knows how to thrive.
When you honor what feels best to you, you are living intuitively and this inner orientation serves you. We’d like today to talk a bit further about how we see you and how you might play the game here – for more fun.
The light within you knows how to thrive. You feel this clarity as your sense of what feels right to you, in the moment.
When you resist your inner sense of what you want you diminish your sense of self; the self you are is nonetheless whole and perfect.
Most people think they are not perfect because they do not see the perfection in their lives.
It is very easy in embodiment, to look at your life and think what you see defines you.
Of course, we want you to consider that is just a viewpoint, not necessary and optional.
When we see you we know you.
When we see your life we see what you are shaping in experience here and how you are creating. These things are not the same thing. You and your expressions are not the same thing. Yet every expression of you bears your signature; emanates from and because of the energy you are – eternally – and the energy you are here, and is energetically, expressive of you.
We love all of it. You here, you eternally you, all the expressions of you.
We do not have preferences about your creativity. We do have preferences about your choices in focus because we agreed before you came here, to remind you of who you truly are. So the preferences we express about how you might use your consciousness and perceive yourself, come from a long-standing agreement we have with you, to play our part in this game.
We like the calling of embodiment, a game. It’s helpful we feel, with a perceptive of freedom. When you think of your life here as a game, you might also consider being playful about it and that serves you.
This life experience, your humanity, does not have high stakes. There is nothing terribly wrong here, or in need of fixing. There is nothing here that is going to fall apart and no demise that is coming about. Life is evolving, thriving and expressing and those of you here, in focus are creating how that comes about and each of you get to choose from the vast and diverse menu of expressions on Earth, what you notice and what you experience.
So even with so many different people here and so many different viewpoints, you are always in complete control of your experience. and even when you think that isn’t so, it is. And eventually, if you pay attention to yourself with love, you start to realize this, to know first hand that your mood and your sense of life is always of your own making. It’s a choice of perception that you can make freely and change anytime you like.
You can look at anything and feel despair, or hope.
You can look at anyone and feel joy or rejection.
You can look at yourself and feel immense pleasure and satisfaction or total disappointment and regret.
Or anything else you might like to feel.
For how you see things determines how you feel.
We offer to you how we see you:
You are endlessly creative!
Never running out of ideas or things you think would be fun, fabulous and amazing.
You are so good at mash-ups! At recombining things in new ways. The energy signature that is you brings about new ideas relative to most everything you do and see and create and want all day every day. You are making it up as you go along and even though you might repeatedly choose your favorites, once again, you also tend to choose your least favorites, over and over – you might consider mixing that up a bit!
Life is never ending.
You cannot get it wrong.
You did not come here to fix anything.
Therefore (drum roll) you don’t have to figure out what is right.
This is the most important message for many of you – there isn’t a “right way” to do this. There is just your way and your way is of your making and your way can evolve, change, expand, return…your way can be as you make real in focus.
Here’s how we’d play here if we were you.
Each morning we would wake up and choose enthusiasm as our mood.
Then in that state of eager anticipation, we would make a list of things we think would be really nice to experience today.
Things like:
When I got to sleep tonight I am dazzled by today being the most fulfilling and fun day I can remember
I know exactly what to do and when to do it
Really happy and kind people show up everywhere I go today
Things just feel easier and softer today
The world around me looks and feel especially beautiful to me today
My body feels better today than it has in a really long time
I am introduced to new ideas today that show me how life could be more fun for me
I am present with someone I love in a way that gives them great joy and makes them laugh. I feel really good about this.
I share my creative expression in simple and natural ways today and as I do so, I feel deeply fulfilled and at peace
The world reflects joy to me. I feel it, I am it, I love it, I accept it and am open to receive it.
These are just some ideas we offered to you at this moment, you can imagine your own wonderful days. What would you say? Realizing that as you say it and as you feel it, so it becomes real. If you can do that and then let go.
Be light about life. Be more general and less concerned with details. Choose soft and easy thoughts that please you. That’s what we’d do.
What will you do today?
Will you consider yourself in these wonderful, cheerful and happy ways?
Will you dare to let go of any ideas of limitation or lack and instead make real stuff you like as your life?
Today is your day.
This moment is your moment.
There is only you, here, NOW and what you choose to focus upon, feel and express.
The wise part of you awaits within, ready to play and rise up inside of you and light the way.
You can easily live from higher levels of your own consciousness, it’s natural. Listen to your heart. Do what makes you happy. Think thoughts you absolutely love. Learn to play with your imagination more – that will get you going.
Have fun here, friends.
That’s what it is for: the feelings you can have here and the way that expands and opens up more life.
Life is wide open to be enjoyed, shaped and experienced.
You can live here embracing that as your purpose and living with meaning and joy. Your joy is a means to contribute generously and will align you with your own vastness in ways that allow brilliant wonderful things to come about here, through you.
You may see these as small moments and big events – to us, they are all the same! You, allowing YOU to flow forth here, clearly and in joy, being who you are now.
Emanating light, and wholeness. A presence of coherent beauty and immense joy.
That’s what we see.
We love you very much.
We are complete.
Copyright © 2009-2019, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.


How to detoxify your spirit of the 4 'poisons' you take daily | I'm Spiritual

Every day, people consume 4 'poisons' that keep their spirits expand and evolve. This article will tell you what are those and how desintoxicarlosCada day, people consume 4 'poisons' that keep their spirits expand and evolve. This article will tell you what are these and how to detoxify.

Our mind naturally wants to grow and evolve. We are destined to be much larger than the way we live our lives beings. And you can achieve this potential in certain individuals. 

But you also have this potential. We all do. We are all unique and we can only give fruit to the world if we allow our minds to fully develop rather than imprison ourselves. 

Just remember the creative and wonderful version of yourself you were a child. Imagine what you could have been if you had continued to develop that spirit. And you're still able. 
You just need to detoxify your mind, gain perspective and create a better lifestyle for yourself, one that is more free "poisons". Here is how you can do this.

4 'poisons' you take daily: 

How to detoxify poisons your spirit daily. 

1. negativity. 

What is negativity? See this well, let 's say your energy is expansionary or contractionary. 

The expansive energy comes from abundance means you're open to new possibilities and see opportunities. 

The contractual power comes from scarcity, it means you're protective, defensive, closed to the possibilities and your attention is on problems. 

To understand the negativity, you should see it as something that makes your energy more contractionary, and this something can be a person, an environment or even a song.

Most of us are surrounded by negativity daily. From the conversations he has with his colleagues to television news and songs on the radio, most of them pay attention to the problems. 

Most of these currents share stories and have fear. Promote scarcity mentality. Reinforce a victim mentality. Stop you from expansion. 

How to detoxify negativity? First you must realize that negativity is part of life, not something to avoid completely, just do not let prevail. 

To detoxify negativity, you must create a negativity quickly. Get rid of the negativity, people, environments, TV, movies, songs, who spread negativity.

Do this for 2 weeks and see how it feels. Try to bring more positivity in your life, listen touplifting music, watch comedies, connect with positive people, read better books. 

2. Overthinking. 

How society works is very focused mentally. Thus we have developed complex social structures, laws and rules. 

However, this way of life makes us forget, perhaps not even realize anything, to experience life through the mind is just one of many realms. 

Thinking too much, then, is a byproduct of living only through your mind, mentally experiencing all, directing all your attention and energy to thinking.

This way of living creates anxiety and stress. Why? Because the mind is a tool that generates possible scenarios and mostly impossible. 

He lived only through your mind, you will be so far from reality that you can worry for every possibility and even the impossibility that comes to mind. 

You give so much importance to your mind you believe everything you think. Instead of using this powerful tool, you are used by it. 

How to detoxify overthinking? First you must realize that there are more ways to experience life through your thoughts. Feel it , touch it explores.

Be open to other realms of existence. Try to see the world with new eyes. Relax your mind through various practices. Observe your thoughts rather than trust them. 

Moving away from your overactive mind, try to feel your feelings. Call your attention to what you feel, what you feel. Most importantly, start playing again. 

3. Comparison. 

Disease of modern society is compared. Especially with social networks. And do not get me wrong, I do not think that social networks are the problem, I think only highlighted the problem. 

I think we were competing with us before the Internet was one thing. Social networks gave us a tool we use to connect us to satisfy our ego.

People love to see how other people live. They love to gossip and share stories about the lives of others. Why? Because somewhere in the background makes them feel better. 

However, with social media, anyone can pretend to be anything. They can create ego about his ego. They can pretend to live the happiest life possible for others to see. 

And when people move through social networks and see these images immediately feel that something happens. It is a game of comparison. 

In this game no one wins. There is always someone better than you. You get that dose dopamine to be liked, but there is always someone with more "likes".

How to detoxify comparison? First you must realize that the more I like to have less self -confidence, get more approval, most needed. 

Accept who you are. Stop playing this silly game and fully accept who you are, with all your talents and shortcomings. Take a break from social networks for a couple of weeks. 

The only way to win this game is to stop playing. Create better game. Instead of comparing yourself with others, write down your goals. It is much more satisfying. 

4. Distractions. 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to step into your purpose, follow your passions and joy, doing things that really matter.

And you probably know what you 're supposed to do. If you're really honest with yourself, if you're on a polygraph, you tell the truth. 

You know what you should do, what satisfies you, but for some reason, keep running inside the wheel of the rat. 

This reason is, most of the time, distraction. You get these flashes of consciousness, watching a video or reading an article like this, and return to the wheel. 

This wheel of rats is the endless amount of distractions around you in order to get your attention. And you stay within the comfort zone, putting off what matters.

These distractions ranging from social networks, games and meaningless conversations with people who do not even like to addictions, activities and habits that are not under their control. 

How to detoxify distractions? First you must realize that distractions will always be there, it 's you who need to take more responsibility for your attention. 

Make some free zones distractions. Protect yourself from distractions creating a couple of hours is not available to others, just do what makes you happy. 

If you know your purpose to make a strategy. Create a plan of purpose. Create a program, you can spend 45 minutes per day to take actions towards its purpose.

Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free worlds through misteri Joan Ashtar © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice


Synthesis with the Master Archangels of the Multi Universal Level by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson –  Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

I, Archangel Metatron wish to share an insight into the Multi Universal Level of which I am the overseer. I wish to support your connection, integration, synthesis and experience of the Multi Universal Level and Creator’s expression through your unions with beings in existence at this sacred dimension. This will raise your energy and light vibration significantly, supporting an expansion in your energy field and awareness while downloading new insights, enlightenment and truth. There are powerful healing frequencies which penetrate your entire being within the Multi Universal Level, not only creating healing at a physical level, also on a deep soul and unification with the Creator level.
The Multi Universal Level holds the purity and truth of the Creator, it enhances liberation and true expression. Due to its high and quick vibrational frequency, it can be difficult to comprehend and understand from the earthly levels. However, its influences are magnificent, powerful and impactful, encouraging a deeper resonance and connection with the Creator and your divine self.
The Power of Sound
Within the Multi Universal there are beings labelled Master Archangels, each receives and distributes a quality of the Creator into the Multi Universal Level and the entire Universe of the Creator. The divine will and plans of the Creator for ascension flow through these Master Archangels. They are known as Master Archangels because their role is to maintain the vibration of the Multi Universal Level and support me, Archangel Metatron, in my role as overseer of the Angelic Kingdom and Multi Universal Level. Due to their high vibrations they do not have names, instead they are distinguished as sound vibrations and frequency. Sound exists within the entire Universe of the Creator, it is a magical way to communicate and allows for true experience and expression of the Creator essence. Each Master Archangel has a purpose and a sound vibration which allows you to call upon their presence to work with you.
Sound has the power to penetrate your entire being and change the vibration and oscillation of your cells, aligning your physical body to the frequency you are receiving, this can create tremendous shifts, awakening and healing. Sound invites your soul to activate and become more fully embodied within your body and reality. Due to sound being able to change the frequency of your entire being on all levels, it is a powerful tool to accelerate your ascension, creating new awakenings, activations and illumination. When you connect with a being on the inner planes through the process of sound, you experience an intimate connection with them and are able to explore their energies and that which they reflect within you.
Connecting with Archangel Metatron
I, Archangel Metatron wish to share with you my sound vibration so you may tone, sing and express it through your voice in a way that is comfortable for you. In doing so you will automatically call upon my presence. You may wish to tone with your eyes closed for as long as you feel is appropriate, then let yourself be silent and sink into meditation or quiet reflection. You will connect on a deeper level with your being while experiencing my resonance merging with you. I will share with you whatever is needed, whether it is healing, wisdom, peace, love, activations or something else. Simply take time to observe and be present with the energy activation, synthesis and transitions taking place within your being. My Sound Connection for Integration with me, Archangel Metatron is: Ma – Ta – Om
Connecting with the Master Archangels 
I, Archangel Metatron wish to introduce you to important Master Archangels who will support your ascension and spiritual evolution. I will share the quality of the Creator they receive and distribute as well as the tone you can use to call upon their presence to work with you. In the same way I guided you to connect with me, you can connect with these Master Archangels. It is advisable to only connect with one Master Archangel at a time. Simply tone, sing and express their sound, which is like their name, through your voice in a way that is comfortable for you. They will be automatically present with you. You may wish to tone with your eyes closed for as long as you feel is appropriate, then let yourself be silent and sink into meditation or quiet reflection. You will connect on a deeper level with your being and recognise the synthesis of the Master Archangel with you. Take time to observe and be present with the energy activation, synthesis and transitions taking place within your being. The same method can be achieved for each Master Archangel. You may also tone a chosen Master Archangel’s name in your mind as you go about your daily reality to draw upon their support and the quality of the Creator’s light they distribute.
Master Archangel of Ascension
Sound Connection for Integration- Tae – Ho
Master Archangel Tae – Ho holds a focus upon the Multi Universal Level of ascension. The process of ascension on the Earth can be described in many ways but there is a simple explanation of ascension at a Multi Universal level, it is to raise your vibration. The simplicity of this process allows for an extremely powerful experience. Tae – Ho assists in the quickening of the vibration of the entire universe, quickening the vibration of even the Earth as guided by the will of the Creator. Tae – Ho also holds the ability of slowing down the vibration of the Creator’s energy in order for the processing of energy. Our understanding of this upon the Earth may be that Tae – Ho is the overseer of time but in fact he is the overseer of the speed at which ascension for all is achieved, or the speed at which we unite our energies with the Creator. Tae – Ho teaches many how to quicken their vibration and unite with the vibration of the Creator.
Master Archangel of Truth
Sound Connection for Integration- La – Na
Master Archangel La- Na amplifies the truth vibration of the Creator and allows for a greater in depth understanding of the Creator’s will and vibration. As I, Archangel Metatron anchor the vibration of the Creator so La - Na supports in deciphering the vibrations of the Creator accessing and interpreting the wisdom of the Creator. We could say La – Na is the Creator’s interpreter. While wisdom is accessed and unfolds from the vibration of the Creator, it is very rarely spoken on a Multi Universal level; truth will manifest more as inspiration within the heart centre or the origin of the soul energy, and then can be transferred from heart centre to heart centre through bonds of light. La - Na assists in the manifestation of the entire reality of the universe whether it is the collective reality or an individual’s reality. Each soul and soul group hold an aspect of the Creator’s truth, La – Na ensures that these are expanded into realities for greater understanding. La- Na is a powerful part of the ascension process throughout the entire universe.
Master Archangel of Vibrational Balance
Sound Connection for Integration- Emm – Ka
Master Archangel Emm – Ka assists with the continuous balance of the vibration of the Multi Universal Level and entire Universe of the Creator. Emm – Ka works alongside my vibration, Archangel Metatron and Tae – Ho the Master Archangel of Ascension to maintain balance. As I, Archangel Metatron, distribute the light, Tae –Ho increase the vibration of light and so Emm – Ka ensures that the perfection of the Creator is achieved at all times. Emm- Ka works with the divine will of the Creator ensuing that everything is being expressed as the perfection of the Creator. Emm – Ka’s mission is to create the perfection of the Creator and ensure divine vibrational balance is experienced by all within all aspects of their energetic beings, soul and soul group. Emm – Ka will always bring you back into harmony and balance with your own being as well as the entire Universe of the Creator and the central source of the Creator.
Master Archangel of Illumination
Sound Connection for Integration- La – Mor – E
Master Archangel La- Mor – E assists with illumination at a Multi Universal Level, La – Mor –E assists with brilliance, brightness and radiance of the Creator’s energy. This means La – Mor – E encourages the continuous expansion of the Creator’s energy, as well as inspiring aspects of the Creator to experience expansion and limitless experiences. La –Mor- E ensures energy is always activating, that stagnation is dissolved, and that self-expression is fully experienced. Master Archangel La – Mor- E works closely with the Master Archangel of Truth, assisting in the expression of truth into reality for experience.
Master Archangel of Enlightenment
Sound Connection for Integration- Vai - E – O
Master Archangel Vai- E – O assists the Multi Universal Level with the process of enlightenment which at the Multi Universal Level is the collection and contemplation of all aspects of wisdom throughout the Creator’s Universe. It is the integration of the Creator’s consciousness completely and the experience of this vast knowledge and understanding of all. Enlightenment is an understanding of all aspects of the Creator, Vai – E- O acts as an example of this embodiment and assists many on other levels of the Creator’s Universe in achieving the same.
May you enjoy a journey of exploration and integration within the Multi Universal Level,

Archangel Metatron



The High Radiance:
The light frequency is surpassing everything that has gone before and The Ancient Fields Are Open:

This incandescence frequency is surpassing anything that has been coming to earth through the light soul consciousness at this moment in time and The Ancient Fields Are Open, the vortex in Gaia’s Sub strata’s terrain infer- structure of the tectonic plates are activated; this ancient field is open.
Everyone is a cartelist for Gaia perpetuating these highest frequencies of solar light into areas on earth to be anchored.
Everybody on earth does this in his or her own unique frequency and way
Radiating their unconditional conscious heart felt love to Gaia each in their own way everything is correct

Remember the universal law, every soul can consciously anchoring their light with unconditional love and physical awareness adding to the one.
 Each person has a light signature that’s encoded in their D N A and aura that is anchored into Gaia creating a trail of light signatures in and across her surface spreading the light and altering the over–all signature of light quotient exponentially until all the dots link up and create the new earth frequency on earth.
Each soul who is following their AUTHENTIC TRUE beings and guides from the unconditional heart felt love is giving this out; connecting all parts of Gaia’s surface into a filigree of light covering her, this is how it is perceived.
Follow your intuition and be guided by the cosmos movements that are prompting this light filigree for earth.

The Councils Gives A Meditation To Do:
Put your mind into Gaia, outer and inner with the unconditional heart felt love conscious awareness taking you into a natural state of vibration, meditate today and tune into her 5th  and 7th chakra colours and crystalline meridians’/ ley lines and inter- dimensional light frequencies and ‘BE; with her.
Become the attachment to the filigrees network of her silver and gold iridescent light flows that have been created right through her.
Feel it in yourself and it will be in Gaia, you are one and hold it in balance, harmony and love anchoring this activation.

Perceive this field of light with no perimeters meld into Gaia with these light the spiral waves of crystal light; become its infinite potential light.
This can be described as the field of potential where all things can be created it’s coming from outer universe through the rout as described in previous text from 22 galactic diamond crystal array through the Andromeda then milky way galaxy’s.
It comes into Agatha’s ancient crystals through North Pole and then it comes out onto the surface, it is permeating through to the outer strata of Gaia from inner earth and being emitted out through all of the portal and vortexes that sit on Gaia surface and all star seed/worker/ are putting it back into Gaia from their solar plexus and heart felt love of conscious unity.
This is the field we are holding as a silver and gold filigree plexus within Gaia’s tectonic plates and lower strata.
Plexus means an intricate network or web-like formations, OR an interwoven combination of parts or elements in a structure or system.
This is going to hold Gaia’s structure as the future Isos-Tonic chemical changes come through the structure from the high octane plasma streaming into Gaia’s fields from outer Galaxies and main star of the solar system.

Isos is Greek for equal: Tonic means one that invigorates/ restores.
The word Isos-Tonic in this context  means an equal chemical change that will invigorate restores the correct energy within Gaia.

All life on earth is prompted by the universal movements of the Galaxies star group / clusters and solar systems in this quadrant of the local universe. It affect the very basic D N A levels of the human and earths bio-structure the suns rays change the D N A of all life on earth, the movements of the planets effect changes in harmony and balance and chemical action.
This is a cosmic truth the energy fields of these creates tensions and releases tensions of Gaia, man and all life. The animals understand this and flow with it, man is trying to control it, and this causes much dis-harmony on earth.
Be blessed, be light, be love, be happy.


Aligning Ourselves With The Energy Field Of The Lions Gate

Dear Friends,
over the past years I have been reporting in details about the energy field of the Lion’s Gate, which opens in our stellar realms every year between July 26th and August 12th. This yearly rather intense event is making an additional impact on humanities collective awakening process into the Golden Age of Aquarius, to the massive Full Moon in Aquarius with Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, and the New Moon in Leo on August 11th with a Partial Solar Eclipse. On August 8th is when the energies of the Lion’s Gate are at their peak, and we can downloads a big wave of “I AM light” vibration into our personal energy field. Take the chance my friends and take it all in.
While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Voltaire lighted a torch and gave to others the sacred flame. The light still shines and will as long as man loves liberty and seeks for truth.
Robert Green Ingersoll
As you build trust in yourself, your ability to expand your vision and fully live in your magnificence is amplified.
Miranda J. Barrett
An angelic number sequence that showed up particularly to guide us in the energy field of this years Lions Gate peak is the number 1515:
The combination of these two numbers is powerful and seeks to us of our multidimensional potential. It encourages us to stay focused upon our personal life path, celebrate our visions and destiny, and to keep believing in ourselves. With this number sequence the Angels brings us also messages of necessary changes to achieve our dreams and goals. The number 1 vibrates of personal fulfillment, the power of creation, the courage for new beginnings, divine inspiration, spiritual insights and the initiative to act. While the number 5 is transporting the awareness of the endless possibilities how to use our creative powers.
If you enjoy being guided by the master realms, the Ascended Master “Lord Lanto” is the chohan (the leader) of the 2nd divine ray, the golden ray of the victorious “I AM light”, and he can support our wish to integrate our own higher light. The power tool of Master Lanto is the “mighty transcendent golden flame of illumination”, located in the Himalaya mountains. Work with his energy field and you will feel your own inner presence growing on strength and radiance.LORD LANTO PRAYER I
Love the golden hope of your divinity more than your current reality,
then there is hope!!
Eventually this hope is not true anymore, because it became your truth.
The golden light of God comes to establish peace and wisdom!
Through the temple of revelation and divine peace,
the light of God manifest once again on the earth plane.
Open Up, turn into a barer of divine faith and truth!
Allow the stream of light to flow through you!
Aligned with the great plan of The Eternal One!
Your reward is immense inner wealth
and your awakening into divinity!
In the Divine I live, I move and I have my entire existence.
The divine lives and moves within me and my entire being.
I radiate love, peace and divine power into my environment, for the benefit of all beings.
The divine power heals me and penetrates my entire soul.
I feel, think and accept, that me and all the members of my family
are protected by the divine force of unconditional love!
I AM positive, that the divine light and eternal vigilance,
heals, helps, guides, enlightens and transforms me.
I forgive everyone and everything!
In the center of my existence is deep inner peace.
In silence I feel the power, the leadership and the love of the Holy Presence.
I feel the stream of eternal love flow within me.
I know, that all my problems are already resolved in the divine light.
The divine ways are my ways.
The words that I have spoken will accomplish,
what they are send for!!
Dear ones, I hope you are all feeling invited and inspired right now to align yourself with the magical blessings of the I am light, that this years strong Lions Gate Peak is providing for us. Allow yourself to open your senses and to receive the many downloads it is bringing us, to understand the next logical steps into the Golden Age of Aquarius.
Love and Blessings

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