
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta European Union. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta European Union. Mostrar todas las entradas

2 de abril de 2018

The European Union on the verge of disappearance, the independence of Catalonia will be the trigger

Resultat d'imatges Catalan estelada

The European Union is a company of the fair and its purpose is that Spain is his laboratory to intaurar the new world order, their mistake is that the Catalan movement is horizontal movement can not control,

Resultat d'imatges European Union

now with Puigdemont to jail in Germany, has internationalized process and obliges Germany (EU) to decide if they deliver the treated liquid. Spain has the support of Germany, but without this support

Resultat d'imatges of Puigdemont

the Spanish government falls, is the PP, C's or the PSOE, no matter what color, no matter that Catalonia becomes independent, proque their control would lose everything.

ANGELA MERKEL ROCKEFELLER (ADOLF HITLER granddaughter), is family CLINTON William Rockefeller and George Soros is a small step away from being arrested
Resultat d'imatges of angela merkel

© Posted by misteri1963 authorize release of the goods provided that the copyright is respected 

19 de enero de 2018

The dreaded 'domino effect' of Brexit arrives : Norway also asks to renegotiate

The dreaded domino effect of the  Brexit  has already arrived: the Norwegians warn that, if the United Kingdom is now able to negotiate  a special trade agreement  after the divorce, they  will also ask to review their relations with the European Union (EU). The Nordic intervention on the game board represents a new obstacle to the claims of the British Government to reach a free trade pact that goes  beyond the recently closed with Canada , where there are still important barriers to goods and services.
But above all, it is a touch of attention for Brussels, where the main fear is that an offer too generous for London could  feed other Eurosceptic movements . 
It is true that Norway is not part of the bloc and only accepts part of the Community regulations to have access to the single market. But a possible rebellion  could spread rapidly  to member states.

In this sense, Leopold Traugott, of the Think Tank Open Europe, stresses that  the EU "will be very cautious"  when granting the United Kingdom "special concessions" during the new phase of negotiations of the Brexit, which officially begins next month. March. 
"A too good agreement could make  other partners, such as Norway or Canada , feel  betrayed, " he assured El Confidencial.
Currently, the Nordic country makes the block  greater financial contributions per capita  than the United Kingdom and accepts the free movement of people to have access to the largest market in the world. 
But  he has no voice or vote in decision-making, so he would not accept that London would now be given privileges.
The euro-skeptical party Center Party - which wants to get Norway out of the European Economic Area (EEA) to achieve a free trade agreement -  doubled its votes in last year's elections
Among the main major parties there is a general consensus in favor of belonging to the EEA. 
However, the youngest member of the current coalition government, Progreso, has already pushed for a renegotiation in the past and there is no doubt that if he sees favoritism he will return to the fray.
Theresa May during her recent cabinet change, on January 9, 2018. (Reuters)

No to the "back door" for now

"[The Norwegians] are  following this very closely, " a senior EU official told the British newspaper The Guardian. 
From Brussels they fear that, in the first instance, Oslo will become more demanding in future negotiations on a fisheries agreement once the United Kingdom withdraws from the Common Fisheries Policy and the three-party talks on access to the seasbegin  The Norwegian Executive declined to comment on this.
In the EU, the hard bloc will be led by Germany and, above all France, which has faced those countries that, like Luxembourg, are considering the possibility of allowing British financial services a "back door" access to the common market . According to Traugott, "should the United Kingdom decide to leave the single market, which seems to be the current desire of the Government, it is likely that it will reach an agreement in the wake of the CETA (EU-Canada) and TTIP (EU-EE. UU.) ". 
"This would give London more regulatory freedom, but in return it would limit its access to the EU market . 
The exact nature of this dilemma - for example, to what extent the United Kingdom can continue to export financial services to the EU, and in what sectors the regulatory alignment will still be necessary - will be decided in the forthcoming negotiations, "he clarifies.

In this sense, the expert warns that the different member states will be "tough negotiators  on different issues". 
"Each country has particular interests that it wants to safeguard. Some are more focused on economic ties, others on migration or defense cooperation, "he says.
Therefore, a difficult scenario is expected. 
Although the problems do not end there. 
In exchange for the two-year transition period that London has requested after the divorce, Brussels would be planning to  demand the free movement of people  - during this time - and the extension of the residence permit to all those EU citizens who move to the United Kingdom before the December 31, 2020. 
Although the Government of May has not yet given official dates, it is supposed to be limited to those who arrived in the country before March 29, 2017, when Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon was formally activated.

16 de enero de 2018


The independent UN rapporteur Alfred de Zayas and international law expert practicing in Switzerland, Alfred de Zayas, complains that  "there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by the EU and the UN."
De Zayas (Havana, 1947), believes that the Catalan case has become clear  "that states apply international law selectively, à la carte" . So, consider a  "great incoherence" that the EU will ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence as  "denies"  that the Catalans can aspire to its sovereignty.
The international law expert, considers  "absurd"  that the Catalans  "have been denied international solidarity"  by declaring independence on October 27, 2017.

The existence of political prisoners in Spain, de Zayas says:
"It is clear that these four people are incarcerated for alleged crimes that are essentially political, because there is nothing more political than peacefully defend culture and own identity and exercise their right to self-determination. The first article of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both ratified by Spain, provide for the right of self-determination as a right that can not be repealed in any case, and this is very relevant, it is a law that takes precedence over other rights. I refer to Article 96 of the Spanish Constitution, which gives precedence to international law over national law. As is well known by Madrid,
"Unfortunately, Spain has political prisoners and the EU and the UN are silent. They are political prisoners because they are accused of defending a political right without having committed any violent action or sabotaging anything. Compare the case of Spain and Catalonia with other countries where there are demonstrations, which are very violent in all kinds of firearms are used. Well, the Spanish State, as a member of the EU is a democratic state, seeks to equate peaceful demonstrations of the Catalans with extreme violence, and that is very serious. Precisely what we have seen in Catalonia is a peaceful discipline in the independence camp, which insists on dialogue with the central government. There is nothing more legitimate to demand this dialogue. "
"It is the duty of the UN and EU condemn a situation in which people are arrested and imprisoned for actions strictly political nature."
"I recommend that political prisoners be directed in writing to the Working Group of Arbitrary Detention of the UN, sending all the necessary documentation. And at the same time I recommend that you do get these cases the human rights committee of the UN ".
"It is an absolutely absurd situation, but impunity in international relations and law is very common and known. If the EU, geopolitical interests and not interests of human rights, refuses to act against this aberration committed by the government of Spain, it loses its credibility and the European project is touched. And so does the UN. I, in my limited role of president of the UN on the democratic and equitable international order, have made it clear that Catalonia has the right to self-determination and that Spain has an obligation to respect this right. It is a right that belongs to the people and has no limitation. And it is false that is limited to people who have been former colonies ".
"Clearly there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by Brussels and the UN, the silence of which it is deafening. And it has also become clear that the states apply international law selectively, to the letter.
"How can Europe ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence, and at the same time denying that the Catalans can aspire to independence? It is a spectacular inconsistency calls into question the democratic EU solvency. If this principle is applied in Kosovo, or in Slovenia or Croatia, where the states of Europe immediately recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of these people, why not acknowledge the Catalan DUE? I do not get to say whether or not you want Catalonia to be independent, but I want the Catalans to decide. Always peacefully, as have the Catalans, who do not want violence but dialogue. "
"Again, the most important thing is to persevere in Catalonia peaceful means, dialogue and international legality".

As we never tire of repeating for months, causing the rejection of highly corrupt organizations like the UN (which works with its complicit silence in all kinds of abuses and crimes against humanity worldwide), or one of the institutions most corrupt in the world, the European Union (the direct service of international financial powers), is not that Catalonia could be a new state.
This is not going no flags or borders.
What worries the global political and financial elites, is the precedent of popular rebellion led by people from below and against power. What happens in Catalonia, it puts in check long-established plans by elites to establish a new international order of absolute control over the population.
These elites are interested in the relationship between governments and their populations, either as seen in Spain: with a government that slavishly obeys the dictates of international financial powers (in this case the EU), violates the rights and citizen convenience and has such a long indoctrinated population into passivity and obedience to the lord and master, that not only fight against abuses received and against the corrupt mafia has hijacked your country, but is capable of mobilizarse freedoms to defend their oppressors.
As we will not tire of repeating, Spain and their serf society and unworthy so years of education in blind obedience, they are the wet dream of international financial elites, what they would like to implement in all countries of the world to dominate at will without no opposition.
And the Catalan popular rebellion, even with all its imperfections, contradictions and errors, is exactly what these elites fear most: a popular, horizontal, able to jump ideological and political barriers to achieve common goals organization.
That way of being rooted in Catalan society, is what most endangers their interests.
Therefore, we again call people who really want to fight in Spain against abuse of multinationals and those dark financial powers: let the flag aside and give support to the Catalan popular rebellion, as indicated in the article:  WHY ALL SPANISH REVOLUTION should support CATALANA
Although many do not want to believe, what happens in Catalonia, is the last hope left this Spain turned into a fascist and corrupt regime where political stops to fulfill election promises, pursued peaceful manfiestantes and locks herself in prison singers, twitters and activists for criticizing power.

Fisherman robot etiqueta_00000

21 de noviembre de 2017

The end of the Merkel is close

Date:  November 20, 2017

* This excellent article begins with the internal matter of parties in Germany ... and continues with what comes with the fall of Merkel and the post would fall into the hands of Yordy the child poll @ forgiveness Emmanuel Macron, you have to deal with the impending collapse, ofcourse after Germany drain wealth to her,
* After the fall of Merkel the European Union would fall, but of course this replacement manipulates Macron-ble, all to further complicate the international scene ...


This is a headline I've been waiting to write for six years.  German Chancellor emérita  Angela Merkel can not join  a bad coalition . This is the result of an election in which  the populist Alternative for Germany (AFD) emerged  and the  Social Democrats, led by Soros puppet Martin Schultz , fell.
Now  the Free Democrats (FDP), led by Christian Lidner,  understand how strong position. They do not have to do a bad deal with Merkel to get a seat at the table just to share with the ideologically opposed Verdes .They can bind to vote again, see their increased standing by AFD and go for cake much larger chunk.
But ultimately, if the party of the CDU / CSU coalition Merkel will remain united, and there is no guarantee that, a Merkel will have to leave if he wants to survive as a voting bloc.
Moreover, the CSU, led by Governor Horst Seehofer the Bavarian could be separated from the CDU making impossible any coalition without a new vote.

The last position Merkel-ism

All I get this  Washington Post article is that the decision now rests with President Frank-Walter Steinmeyer. It sets out three scenarios, none of which includes the obvious, a new vote. But that is anathema to the deep state on both sides of the Atlantic, so it is ignored by the Post Office.
However, a new vote is probably what is on the table. Powerful in Europe to anticipate as long as possible and try to carry this through the Bundestag with the hope that Merkel can gain the ability to form a minority government. But frankly, I do not see why anyone would want that more than block any access to power by AFD.
With a minority government, the electoral bloc of nearly 100 seats placed in a very strong position to start closing deals with other parties, who publicly say they would never work with them.
Then the reality of a new vote is high.And that means profit for all Germans called conservative parties - CSU, FDP and AfD. The nightmare scenario for everyone is that AFD rise above 15% in any new vote.Excluding the 6.8% of the CSU, Merkel's CDU won only 26.8% of the vote in September.
Falure to put together a government will not improve the position of the CDU. While the FDP, CSU and AfD everyone can win to ensure that Merkelism is completely rejected.The Social Democrats have beheaded, first entering the grand coalition with Merkel after the last elections and now after executing Schultz as a stalking horse for obvious Merkel.
You can not emphasize enough that Schultz oppose a Merkel to lose, as McCain and Romney were here in the United States. His job was to channel the votes a Merkel from the Social Democrats.
But it does not work.
What happened was a total collapse of support Merkel, a shift to a mindset of Germany first. This is the opposite of those who are Merkel and Schultz. They are the first people in the EU. And although EU sentiment in Germany remains very favorable, it is not favorable at the expense of German securities, and frankly, German women.

Divisions run deep Immigration

Merkel radical adherence to the ideology of open borders Soros will cost the Chancellery.  Also throw the EU into complete confusion as their de facto leader is deposed by a German electorate that is no longer fully committed to commit cultural suicide as penance for the Holocaust.
This leaves the boy-toy francés Emmanuel Macron to lead the EU at a time when leadership is needed hard to navigate dementia looming in the banking system . I've been hurting the end of the EU as it currently includes a couple of years ago.
See the rise of populist movements in Europe has been slow but steady. Despite having Macron in France, the Front Nationale populist Marine Le Pen beat two of the main French parties. While we can still end up with the scenario "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" both in France and in Germany, the populist wave in Europe has not yet reached its peak.
The end of Merkelismo is the natural result. It was always a political position end. A federated Europe under the terms of Germany was never going to be stable for more than the generation that sold it .
It was built on a base of division, rolling the wealth of the continent to the Germans at the expense of everyone else.  As I summarized in my article of October:
Until now, Germany has used southern Europe as a dumping ground, trading Italian and Portuguese sovereign debt to BMW.
But this scheme has reached its limit and is tearing apart the EU.  Germany does not want to stop this agreement or want to pay their "fair share" of the burden for resolution, namely debt relief for countries which considers the 'Club Med'.
Merkel German politicians have exploited this cynically for political purposes, but now we have reached the debt limit, she has been exposed as nothing but a spokesman for the US policy and its Deep State, not the German leader.

EU will not survive a Merkel

And that's where we 're headed in Europe. Merkel once gone, you can begin the real work of dismantling the current version of the European project. Macron is the plan B of elites, an easily influential naif that will promote all the crazy nonsense they want.
That means 
  1. An EU army to subdue the separatist states.
  2. New banking rules that ensure that depositors are annihilated in the next financial crisis.
  3. More legal and political pressure on states of Eastern Europe such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic wholeheartedly reject everything that represents Merkelismp.
  4. Political turmoil in Italy and Spain that will see the opening for more autonomy since the message from Brussels is less focused on saving banks in Germany contagion.
Merkel really held much of this together, but the election results make it impossible for her to continue doing so. His legacy will be a Europe fractured along tribal lines old, exactly the opposite objective of the EU.
Soros and the rest of a world elites will try to use this unleashes chaos to forge a new European identity, a stronger EU. But do not count on it. Theresa May is holding up better than expected in Brexit talks.  Trump administration is putting your feet under this internally and that means ending the career of John McCain as president through the Senate.
Once Trump has a real legislative majority and opposition within the Republican Party is castrated correctly, will help in the resistance against the remnants of Merkelismo.
This is the reason why  we need tocarefully watch the attacks deployed on the pillars supporting the Merkelismo . The output of the "Soros List" of the MEP under its control is significant . Abandoning the Clinton Democrats of all shapes and sizes so is . Loss of diplomatic confidence and, most importantly, respect for the United States from its allies in all matters relating to Syria, as I described yesterday, also influence this.
And once the new vote confirms the trend against Merkelismo in Germany, we will have clarity on what the next phase of this story 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...