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Taiwan President includes a version in Catalan and with a stellate in a message in China

Tsai Ing-wen calls for international support to defend its sovereignty in a publication in several languages ​​on Facebook

The president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, ruled outunification with the PRC in a publication in several languages on Facebook, which includes a Catalan version with a starry flag. The president has called forinternational support to defend the sovereignty of the island and said that Taiwan will not accept the Chinese solution "one country, two systems'.

Hours later and over a longer message, Tsai has sworn to defend democracy on the island and their way of life, an affirmation that occurs in a context of tension between the two countries, following threats by Chinese President Xi Jinping, annexing the territory by force.
China claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which is only officially recognized by fifteen states of the world. Others, such as Spain, does not recognize Taiwan as a country but maintain unofficial relations.
Vicent Partal
Director of VilaWeb


Did you know that Spain is not part of the G-20?

A few days ago we saw the impostor of Pedro Sanchez becoming the pimp in the G-20 meeting.

But Spain is part of the G-20? 
And the answer is a resounding NO.

Who they are part of the G-20? 

Why Spain is going? 
He has permanent guest.

You can be president once the forum? 
Ever, it is rotatable between the 19 member countries. 

And organize a summit? 

So ... what do there ...? 
Everything came because in 2008, France ceded one of the 2 places I had (as amember of the G-7 as rotating president of the EU who ran then). 
From the summit, no one has dared to tell him not to go more ...

The European Union chooses Barcelona instead of Madrid to install the platform KIC Urban Mobility

Barcelona has been chosen by the European Union to host the entity that will lead innovation in urban mobility in Europe over the coming years. For it will be installed in the city's Community Innovation and Knowledge in Urban Mobility.

The KIC Urban Mobility  is formed as a public-private European platform which will be devoted to research and implement solutions that improve the collective use of urban spaces ensuring a multimodal mobility, accessible, comfortable, safe, efficient and sustainable from the perspective offering integrated solutions through new forms of urban transport.

The KIC is valid for between seven and fifteen and  a financial volume expected to be reached to 400 million euros from the European Union and to 1,200 million from the partners . The headquarters will be installed in Barcelona and will have 4 sub - offices located in Copenhagen (Denmark), Prague (Czech Republic), Munich (Germany) and Helmond (Netherlands).

The choice of Barcelona to host the platform for innovation in urban mobility involves the consolidation of the city as abenchmark of excellence in research and innovation in the European Union currently the Catalan capital already hosts nodes two KIC  : the renewable energy (KIC InnoEnergy) and health (health EIT).

Objectives for 2026

The KIC on Urban Mobility Barcelona willwork to reach 5 strategic objectives: 
• Highlight the value of urban spaces for the quality of life through the reformulation of mobility. 
• Promoting innovation through education and training. 
• Integrate services and user - centric products. 
• To foster the competitiveness of European industry and encouraging mobility generating market opportunities.
• Stimulating markets and changes in behavior through regulation and commitment of prescribers mobility.


BRUTAL decline in exports in Madrid (-8.4%) during the month of May.

In the state total exports fell -0.2%, further evidence confirming what I'm saying throughout the year. 
Inertia ever lasts less.

The terrible thing is that Pedro Sanchez has called for more deficit Europe in a year in which growth will be well below forecasts, ie two data feed back negative.

So far this year (January-May) growth Catalunya is 60% higher than in Spain:

Comparison of exports first 5 months 2018:
China: + 12.3% 
USA: + 9.7% 
UE28 + 3.5%

Catalunya: + 3.3% 
Spain: + 2.8% 
Spain without Catalonia: + 2% 
Madrid -5%

The main reason for the fall in Spanish exports in May is the United Kingdom (-12.2%), USA (-12.8%), China (-13.4%) and Germany -5.9%. 
Arms sales to Saudi Arabia (+ 37.2%) helped balance the scales. 

Winter comes...



The "satraps" in Brussels have approved for themselves, retirement at 50. Long live the Europe of thieves! - retirement at 50 for officials of the European Economic Union has been approved monthly pension of 9,000 €. It's normal that there is nothing for us! You may have noticed that politicians have a strong interest in entering the European Administration, why? 
Very simple, this year 340 officers retire with 50 years and a pension of 9,000 € monthly (not a joke, retirees are 340 x 9,000 € / month x 12 months x 40 years = 1,468,000,000 € you have to pay us and our children). And this is only a very small part.

Thus leaving room for new officials from countries that have recently entered EU (Poland, Malta, ... everyone is entitled to a piece of TETA). 
Who pays for this? We who have worked and contributed to achieve a shameful pension, while those who make the laws are gifts like this. The difference between them- the gods of Olympus ,and we-walk- citizens is too important; They abuse us and our patience shamelessly. 

European technocrats have pensions that even parliamentarians have, which is saying:
Giovanni Buttarelli, Assistant controller data protection shall be entitled to a pension of € 1,515 per month after 1 year and 11 months of service.More than an ordinary citizen after 40 years of contributions. His colleague, Peter Hustinx, after 10 years of service will get a pension of 9,000 € monthly. 

It's simple, nobody happens accounts and do what they want. 

Roger Grass, prosecutor at the European Court leaves with 12.500 €. monthly. 

Pernilla Lindh, Judge Court, € 12,900 per month. 

Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, Spanish, general counsel, 14,000 € per month. 

You can see a list in French at: 
http: //www.sauvegarde/

In that list one Jacques Barrot (73 years old) appears with a pension of € 4,728.60 for 5 years as European Commissioner for Transport. To this must be added his pension as a former deputy in France, the former minister, the former president of the General Council of the Haute Loire, the mayor of Yssingeaux and final crown, February 23, 2010 he was named member the Constitutional Council. It is as if, on the same day, you won the lottery, the EuroMillions, the bonoloto and football pools.

For them, only 15 years of service, 70% of their final salary as a pension, in addition to accumulating pensions. We have to work 40 years (in no time will be 42) and charge less. The pension system also say it is bankrupt (put fear to cut rates ), they are increasingly asking us to work more years to qualify for a meager pension, but for them 15 years enough and also pension number and millions are made. 

They are making fun of us in the face, they are milked. Were only members of the European Commission before; now we must add judges, lawyers, attorneys, mediators, drivers ... a whole bunch of leeches. 
And the best: NO QUOTED a penny, we pay.

They occupy these positions to ensure that Nice example "compliance with laws" that "costs are as low as possible ..." 
And give us lessons on budgeting, judge us, create policies to save ... I I think it is a provocation. we 

should take action or will not be us nothing. Iremember our ancestors in the Middle Ages they had a king or a feudal lord who burdened them with taxes. If they paid could not lose a hand, or a child, or . a cow, or anything I think they were lucky: the now no need to use such so outrageous violence is enough to make a law that allows them to log into your account and get you the money without telling you or charge you a surcharge of 300%. for something you have not paid on time.

'PLEASE PASS, if only for people NOT LIVE FOOLED !!


World Leaders cry for Syrian children, but Gaza is business as usual

World leaders mourn Syrian children False Flag White Helmets while ignoring genocides in Gaza, Yemen, Libya, Rohinyas and massacres of indigenous leaders in Colombia, Honduras and Mexico, among others.

After the  assault with chemical weapons that choked  more than 80  men, women and children in the city of Douma, eastern Ghouta, this weekend British Prime Minister, Theresa May, issued a stern warning to the highest levels of Syrian government:

"The regime and its sponsors, including Russia, must be held accountable," he said. This was a "completely barbaric attack".

Former Foreign Minister, William Hague, is recommending missile attacks on the Assad regime, while Tony Blair has entered the debate to persuade May that does not need parliamentary approval for air strikes.

The envoy of the United States to the UN, Nikki Haley, said Russia has in his hands the "blood of Syrian children" while US President Donald Trump has promised that there will be a "big price to pay."

The etching was really barbaric, but the total lack of integrity that these politicians have shown in dealing with other crises in the Middle East has led to question the sincerity of these statements and if they really have the best interests of the Syrian people at heart.

Let's start with Donald Trump. The US president has called for a ban on Muslim immigration and compared to Syrian refugees with snakes to kill the US. UU. 

With bites "vicious" and "  poisonous  ".Early last year, Al-Assad came out in support of this ban ,  arguing that attacked the terrorists and not the Syrian people.

Addressing a demonstration outside Downing Street, the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn condemned the Western silence about Israel's actions against demonstrators in Gaza, called on the British government to support the UN investigation and to review arms sales. 

Last year alone, the UK granted licenses worth 220 million dollars in weapons to Israel, which partly explains its silence on Gaza.

While the United States and the United Kingdom are appalled by the attack this weekend to Syria, do not hesitate to sell thousands of millions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia, who heads a coalition of countries that currently bombard civilians, schools and hospitals Yemenis. 

In fact, on April 9, coalition air strikes led by Saudi Arabia  killed 15 people  in Yemen, but is unlikely to have heard.

Britain is now the second largest supplier world's largest arms and two thirds of this trade goes to the Middle East. 

Last year, Britain sold over 5 billion dollars in arms to Saudi Arabia and is aware that this military equipment could have been used to kill civilians because other members of parliament and  human rights organizations they  have presented evidence directly.

While the British government seeks an independent mission to investigate whether al-Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, it has blocked a UN investigation into allegations of war crimes and civilian deaths in Yemen.

Last year, the UK also sold weapons worth 24 million dollars to Egypt, despite strong man, military Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has imprisoned 60,000 political prisoners and torturing to death. 

It was Hague who was Foreign Secretary at the time of the  slaughter of Rabaa  in Egypt when the army massacred more than 1,000 protesters in the streets. 

He simply said he was "deeply concerned" before his government  ahead with trade agreements with the country  .

During 2017, the monitoring organization Airwars revealed that civilian deaths from air and artillery of US-led forces in support of local land in Iraq and Syria coalition attacks increased by 200%;13,000 civilians were killed in Iraq this year, but the UK sold 176 million dollars worth of weapons to the country.

In recent weeks, the government Theresa May has been involved in a number of controversies in his country, although being a weak leader as she is, has failed to take action. 

Two days ago, the Minister of Interior, Amber Rudd said there was no link between police cuts and rising violent crime despite the fact that the department of which she is the head produced a report that concluded just this. Desperate to save himself, Rudd said he had not seen the report.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs, which should have been fired months ago, faced harsh criticism after declaring that the research lab UK defense had been "absolutely categorical" that the nerve agent used in the attack on the Russian spy and her daughter in Salisbury had originated in Russia when in fact failed to establish that he had done there.

The Foreign Office then erased a tweet blaming Moscow for the attack and Johnson tried to divert attention to Corbyn, labeling it as "useful idiot of the Kremlin". 

This is the same Secretary of Foreign Affairs said the Libyan city of Sirte may be the next Dubai  once the bodies have been removed  .

Whether foreign or domestic policy Theresa May can not hide the hypocrisy of certain members of his government that is becoming increasingly open. 

The government is right to criticize the last barbaric attack against the Syrian people, but you can not blame us if we do not trust any word of what he says.

Source:  Amelia Smith

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The fatuous españolismo load it all: FREIXENET be like Italian-German ABERTIS Madrid

Let's face it, when you go to Switzerland or Germany (countries that normally I) always Freixenet and Codorniu find a neighborhood supermarket, not in the big gourmet shops ...

Both brand and have never known another sell your product well, a name, that of cava, which coexists with extremeñas bottles at 50p. From the beginning was the DO to bust Catalan cava ... Something do with the wine they do with sparkling ... So many brands left the Catalan cava to call  DO Penedès Clàssic .

Freixenet it is another example that the fatuous españolismo only manages todestroy big brands and multinational Catalan. 
Abertis will be chopped between Madrid and Italian and Freixenet will be German. 
It's amazing how these companies do not see that staying in an impartial stance is best. Spain always boycotting everything Catalan, but the Catalans will do the same with botiflers ...

Although we must be very groveling to embrace some Spaniards who institutionally promoted the boycott cava 10 years ago ... 
A españolismo only involves the destruction of Catalan companies hearth.Betraying the origins lead to ruin, here and in the People 's Republic ... 
Very good what he said the president of Caixa d'Enginyers the "we do not we go or we stay, we're just".

Well, very proud Catalan bourgeoisie will not be those who see Abertis Barcelona disappears, they always so proud to cohabit in La Caixa and Abertis ... 
Those offices with pictures of houses, Fortuny, Roca-Sastre ... 
Those transvestites ... 
Mala sort ...

And neither will the Ferrer family-Bonet see that after years DE125 lose Freixenet ... 
Shame ...

In the center, Bonet, the shame of the family and a whole saga.

For that, the German group Henkell has reached an agreement to buy 50.7% stake in Freixenet for just under 220 million euros (bargain price).

Remember that makes Henkell sparkling wine and, therefore, will not raise the category of Freixenet, but that will make it profitable and not a CEO will be watching you hang medals in Madrid.

So given where the headquarters is (the vineyards can not be transferred) but the news is very good for Catalan exports.



The stock market is about to collapse, paving the way for the introduction of a "gold standard monetary system

Thursday, March 8, 2018

ALERT RV / INTELLIGENCE - March 7, 2018 

The Alliance is negotiating the unification of Korea in an effort to eliminate the remaining Cabal influence on the peninsula. 

The stock market is about to collapse, paving the way for the introduction of a "gold standard monetary system", also known as the new financial system. .. 

According to sources, the UST is now ready to introduce the gold standard in the US. UU. 

Once the US. UU. Switch to the gold standard after the collapse of the stock market, the IMF apply the "gold standard monetary system" as a global solution. 

Each country will be changed to a gold standard / assets that will restore all the coins to their actual values.

Collapse is expected to begin in mid-March, lasting an unknown number of days. 

The restoration will benefit mostly to countries suffering from poverty, as their purchasing power will increase dramatically. 

The first and main objective of the transition is tocompletely eliminate poverty. 

Restarting all currencies is just the beginning. 

Once all the coins are reset, the RV is released along with the 800 # to receive an appointment to share / exchange their fiat currencies and historical bonds. 

The purpose of the RV is to summon an army of aid workers to assist in the elimination of poverty.

It is also given to us by the benevolent forces of this planet to make up for all the suffering and pain we had to endure under the oppression of the evil Cabal gifts.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...