
16 de enero de 2018


The independent UN rapporteur Alfred de Zayas and international law expert practicing in Switzerland, Alfred de Zayas, complains that  "there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by the EU and the UN."
De Zayas (Havana, 1947), believes that the Catalan case has become clear  "that states apply international law selectively, à la carte" . So, consider a  "great incoherence" that the EU will ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence as  "denies"  that the Catalans can aspire to its sovereignty.
The international law expert, considers  "absurd"  that the Catalans  "have been denied international solidarity"  by declaring independence on October 27, 2017.

The existence of political prisoners in Spain, de Zayas says:
"It is clear that these four people are incarcerated for alleged crimes that are essentially political, because there is nothing more political than peacefully defend culture and own identity and exercise their right to self-determination. The first article of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both ratified by Spain, provide for the right of self-determination as a right that can not be repealed in any case, and this is very relevant, it is a law that takes precedence over other rights. I refer to Article 96 of the Spanish Constitution, which gives precedence to international law over national law. As is well known by Madrid,
"Unfortunately, Spain has political prisoners and the EU and the UN are silent. They are political prisoners because they are accused of defending a political right without having committed any violent action or sabotaging anything. Compare the case of Spain and Catalonia with other countries where there are demonstrations, which are very violent in all kinds of firearms are used. Well, the Spanish State, as a member of the EU is a democratic state, seeks to equate peaceful demonstrations of the Catalans with extreme violence, and that is very serious. Precisely what we have seen in Catalonia is a peaceful discipline in the independence camp, which insists on dialogue with the central government. There is nothing more legitimate to demand this dialogue. "
"It is the duty of the UN and EU condemn a situation in which people are arrested and imprisoned for actions strictly political nature."
"I recommend that political prisoners be directed in writing to the Working Group of Arbitrary Detention of the UN, sending all the necessary documentation. And at the same time I recommend that you do get these cases the human rights committee of the UN ".
"It is an absolutely absurd situation, but impunity in international relations and law is very common and known. If the EU, geopolitical interests and not interests of human rights, refuses to act against this aberration committed by the government of Spain, it loses its credibility and the European project is touched. And so does the UN. I, in my limited role of president of the UN on the democratic and equitable international order, have made it clear that Catalonia has the right to self-determination and that Spain has an obligation to respect this right. It is a right that belongs to the people and has no limitation. And it is false that is limited to people who have been former colonies ".
"Clearly there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by Brussels and the UN, the silence of which it is deafening. And it has also become clear that the states apply international law selectively, to the letter.
"How can Europe ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence, and at the same time denying that the Catalans can aspire to independence? It is a spectacular inconsistency calls into question the democratic EU solvency. If this principle is applied in Kosovo, or in Slovenia or Croatia, where the states of Europe immediately recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of these people, why not acknowledge the Catalan DUE? I do not get to say whether or not you want Catalonia to be independent, but I want the Catalans to decide. Always peacefully, as have the Catalans, who do not want violence but dialogue. "
"Again, the most important thing is to persevere in Catalonia peaceful means, dialogue and international legality".

As we never tire of repeating for months, causing the rejection of highly corrupt organizations like the UN (which works with its complicit silence in all kinds of abuses and crimes against humanity worldwide), or one of the institutions most corrupt in the world, the European Union (the direct service of international financial powers), is not that Catalonia could be a new state.
This is not going no flags or borders.
What worries the global political and financial elites, is the precedent of popular rebellion led by people from below and against power. What happens in Catalonia, it puts in check long-established plans by elites to establish a new international order of absolute control over the population.
These elites are interested in the relationship between governments and their populations, either as seen in Spain: with a government that slavishly obeys the dictates of international financial powers (in this case the EU), violates the rights and citizen convenience and has such a long indoctrinated population into passivity and obedience to the lord and master, that not only fight against abuses received and against the corrupt mafia has hijacked your country, but is capable of mobilizarse freedoms to defend their oppressors.
As we will not tire of repeating, Spain and their serf society and unworthy so years of education in blind obedience, they are the wet dream of international financial elites, what they would like to implement in all countries of the world to dominate at will without no opposition.
And the Catalan popular rebellion, even with all its imperfections, contradictions and errors, is exactly what these elites fear most: a popular, horizontal, able to jump ideological and political barriers to achieve common goals organization.
That way of being rooted in Catalan society, is what most endangers their interests.
Therefore, we again call people who really want to fight in Spain against abuse of multinationals and those dark financial powers: let the flag aside and give support to the Catalan popular rebellion, as indicated in the article:  WHY ALL SPANISH REVOLUTION should support CATALANA
Although many do not want to believe, what happens in Catalonia, is the last hope left this Spain turned into a fascist and corrupt regime where political stops to fulfill election promises, pursued peaceful manfiestantes and locks herself in prison singers, twitters and activists for criticizing power.

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