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Secret Societies Revisited

by Jon Rappoport
November 29, 2019
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As many of my readers know, I wrote a book called The Secret Behind Secret Societies (included as a bonus in Exit From The Matrix and Power Outside The Matrix). This article adds a few pieces to the puzzle.
Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission—I called these and other such groups Architects of Reality. Among their actions, they try to build our perception of the world.
What is that perception? It’s an endless string of crises and half-hearted resolutions—that’s how we’re supposed to see things. We’re not supposed to see what actually works about the world.
Because what works is freedom and everything that flows from that.
In other words, secret societies are trying to bury the idea of freedom under an ongoing process of manufacturing desperate situations that can only be dealt with by large organizations—governments and so-called public interest groups.
With an estimated 40-60 million people in the US taking tranquilizers every year, it appears this program is working. One chronic user frankly told me, “I can’t deal with reality anymore. Unless it’s a chemical reality.”
Over the years, I’ve spoken with a number of teachers in the US. They tell me the areas variously known as Civics, Social Studies, and Government no longer place emphasis on the individual or individual freedom. Instead, it’s all about “group rights” and “victims.”
So again, the agenda of burying freedom is working.
In 1776, the Illuminati was announced as an operating society in Europe. The most important political tenet of this group was the abolition of private property—and that principle can be historically traced all the way down to the formation of the USSR. And beyond. These days, private property is under attack, albeit in a “softer” manner. It, too, is a concept no longer given emphasis in our schools—and when you de-link private property from the individual, you are attacking a significant aspect of what freedom translates into, in everyday life.
An American Studies professor at a prominent Northeastern university told me, off the record, because he was afraid he might lose his job if he went public, “Political and economic crises are being manufactured all the time. It’s basically psychological warfare, because one feels these endless crises can’t be solved. People just give up. And when they do, who do they turn to? Government. Government will handle things. That’s a sign that freedom is no longer a priority. It’s going into the dustbin of history.”
He was suggesting that, in wider and wider circles, freedom is no longer considered a solution to any serious problem. And since we seem to be awash in a sea of problems, freedom goes on the shelf.
As I’ve been writing for years, creative power of the individual is the prow of the ship of our society. Great innovators are the people who keep us moving into the future. Well, if the legs are being cut out from under freedom, we will be seeing fewer and fewer of these innovators. As has been pointed out, we will be “naturally selecting” away from those people and toward groups.
This is no accident. This is an agenda. To say the loss of freedom is simply a trend overlooks the keynote of coming global government and management—it is groups, not individuals, who have access to larger and larger structures that run our affairs.
One small example: 90 years ago, the rise of labor unions was achieved through legislation passed by the federal government. In other words, government would protect the right of employees to organize and bargain with management. But now we have public unions—government employees who bargain with “themselves.” It’s an absurdity. The real purpose is to expand the size of government by making its jobs more attractive and intractable.
In our schools, children are being taught to think of themselves in terms of a group identity. To what group do you belong? What are the problems of your group? What are your group’s grievances? How is your group being mistreated? What does your group need?
Is this development an accident? Did it happen by chance?
It’s on the agenda of legislated equality, which replaces the idea of equal opportunity to succeed. Legislated equality supposes that, instead of freedom, we will have group rights and group privileges.
This leads to the development of “positioning”—a hierarchy of groups who have assigned degrees of power—in hopes that the notion of the individual will disappear. The individual will be placed in a context, will be given what he “deserves,” will occupy a place in life that is suitable for the benefit of overall society.
Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, stated: “It was the full conviction of this, and what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination.”
Earlier, in 1755, a Frenchman known only as Morelly (possibly a pseudonym), wrote a treatise called Code of Nature. In it, he spells out what “fitting into society” means for those who oppose individual freedom:
I. Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.
II. Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.
III. Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws.
Today, we are moving in this direction. A pseudo “share-and-care” philosophy, that claims to be the ultimate in humane concern, wants to “distribute” individuals within the fabric of society, in order to achieve “a better world for all.”
These days, instead of brusquely elevating society beyond the scope of the individual, the agenda works by tapping into empathic and sympathetic emotions—using others’ suffering as the tool by which people can be turned to “help everyone.” But what slips under the radar of this program is the institutionalizing of aid out along broad political and economic platforms that change the nature of society in its official functions.
Society, in other words, in the person (or non-person) of government, takes in order to give. Takes more to give more. A great leveling, which in essence ranks the free individual at the bottom of the ladder.
Nothing appears to be lost in this effort, if people have already forgotten what the free individual means and is.

Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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Henry Kissinger — The Man Behind Eugenics And Depopulation

Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World."

Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry.

Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas.

Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce.

Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy.

National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says:

"Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.

Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. 

According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.

In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared.

It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski — all with ties to David Rockefeller.

The Bush family, the Harriman family — the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler— and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation:

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" — Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" (Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995).

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S.

For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons.

Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor.

She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project.

Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations.

The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary.

Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War.

The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK.


© Autonomous Organization without Profit


The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station

The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station

Published on Apr 17, 2018
Millions of women from Asia and Africa, are being enslaved in Arab homes as house maids under circumstances that no human being can imagine.

Many of them have given up on hope of regaining their freedom so to what extent are these women going to claim back their freedom?

And truly has mankind lost all sense of humanity?

Join us in this exclusive documentary that goes deep within the Maid Trade in the Middle East.



The independent UN rapporteur Alfred de Zayas and international law expert practicing in Switzerland, Alfred de Zayas, complains that  "there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by the EU and the UN."
De Zayas (Havana, 1947), believes that the Catalan case has become clear  "that states apply international law selectively, à la carte" . So, consider a  "great incoherence" that the EU will ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence as  "denies"  that the Catalans can aspire to its sovereignty.
The international law expert, considers  "absurd"  that the Catalans  "have been denied international solidarity"  by declaring independence on October 27, 2017.

The existence of political prisoners in Spain, de Zayas says:
"It is clear that these four people are incarcerated for alleged crimes that are essentially political, because there is nothing more political than peacefully defend culture and own identity and exercise their right to self-determination. The first article of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both ratified by Spain, provide for the right of self-determination as a right that can not be repealed in any case, and this is very relevant, it is a law that takes precedence over other rights. I refer to Article 96 of the Spanish Constitution, which gives precedence to international law over national law. As is well known by Madrid,
"Unfortunately, Spain has political prisoners and the EU and the UN are silent. They are political prisoners because they are accused of defending a political right without having committed any violent action or sabotaging anything. Compare the case of Spain and Catalonia with other countries where there are demonstrations, which are very violent in all kinds of firearms are used. Well, the Spanish State, as a member of the EU is a democratic state, seeks to equate peaceful demonstrations of the Catalans with extreme violence, and that is very serious. Precisely what we have seen in Catalonia is a peaceful discipline in the independence camp, which insists on dialogue with the central government. There is nothing more legitimate to demand this dialogue. "
"It is the duty of the UN and EU condemn a situation in which people are arrested and imprisoned for actions strictly political nature."
"I recommend that political prisoners be directed in writing to the Working Group of Arbitrary Detention of the UN, sending all the necessary documentation. And at the same time I recommend that you do get these cases the human rights committee of the UN ".
"It is an absolutely absurd situation, but impunity in international relations and law is very common and known. If the EU, geopolitical interests and not interests of human rights, refuses to act against this aberration committed by the government of Spain, it loses its credibility and the European project is touched. And so does the UN. I, in my limited role of president of the UN on the democratic and equitable international order, have made it clear that Catalonia has the right to self-determination and that Spain has an obligation to respect this right. It is a right that belongs to the people and has no limitation. And it is false that is limited to people who have been former colonies ".
"Clearly there is a conspiracy of silence against Catalonia by Brussels and the UN, the silence of which it is deafening. And it has also become clear that the states apply international law selectively, to the letter.
"How can Europe ask Spain to recognize Kosovo's independence, and at the same time denying that the Catalans can aspire to independence? It is a spectacular inconsistency calls into question the democratic EU solvency. If this principle is applied in Kosovo, or in Slovenia or Croatia, where the states of Europe immediately recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of these people, why not acknowledge the Catalan DUE? I do not get to say whether or not you want Catalonia to be independent, but I want the Catalans to decide. Always peacefully, as have the Catalans, who do not want violence but dialogue. "
"Again, the most important thing is to persevere in Catalonia peaceful means, dialogue and international legality".

As we never tire of repeating for months, causing the rejection of highly corrupt organizations like the UN (which works with its complicit silence in all kinds of abuses and crimes against humanity worldwide), or one of the institutions most corrupt in the world, the European Union (the direct service of international financial powers), is not that Catalonia could be a new state.
This is not going no flags or borders.
What worries the global political and financial elites, is the precedent of popular rebellion led by people from below and against power. What happens in Catalonia, it puts in check long-established plans by elites to establish a new international order of absolute control over the population.
These elites are interested in the relationship between governments and their populations, either as seen in Spain: with a government that slavishly obeys the dictates of international financial powers (in this case the EU), violates the rights and citizen convenience and has such a long indoctrinated population into passivity and obedience to the lord and master, that not only fight against abuses received and against the corrupt mafia has hijacked your country, but is capable of mobilizarse freedoms to defend their oppressors.
As we will not tire of repeating, Spain and their serf society and unworthy so years of education in blind obedience, they are the wet dream of international financial elites, what they would like to implement in all countries of the world to dominate at will without no opposition.
And the Catalan popular rebellion, even with all its imperfections, contradictions and errors, is exactly what these elites fear most: a popular, horizontal, able to jump ideological and political barriers to achieve common goals organization.
That way of being rooted in Catalan society, is what most endangers their interests.
Therefore, we again call people who really want to fight in Spain against abuse of multinationals and those dark financial powers: let the flag aside and give support to the Catalan popular rebellion, as indicated in the article:  WHY ALL SPANISH REVOLUTION should support CATALANA
Although many do not want to believe, what happens in Catalonia, is the last hope left this Spain turned into a fascist and corrupt regime where political stops to fulfill election promises, pursued peaceful manfiestantes and locks herself in prison singers, twitters and activists for criticizing power.

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Leaked: List Of Corporations And Industrialists Involved In NWO and Their Secret Propaganda

These individuals, families, and corporations are the real forces behind our political corruption, our planet’s destruction, and our economic enslavement. These corporations and Industrialists wants to Enslave People and destroy their freedom to fulfil their greed, at the cost of Everything. See their names below and what they are doing.

1. The Rockefellers

Credit – CS Globe
The Rockefellers are arguably one of the most evil families in American history. J.D. Rockefeller, the US’ first billionaire, was responsible for monopolizing the American Medical establishment over 75 years ago, and led the campaign to discredit other natural remedies in favor of the pharmaceutical industry he helped to create. He and his descendants later funded the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which used Freudian techniques to influence the opinion of the masses.
Graduates of this institute went on to assume leadership roles in mainstream media, the government, and corporations. David Rockefeller is the only surviving grandson of J.D. Rockefeller, and, as such, continues his family’s dark legacy by using his incredible personal wealth. He has openly admitted that his family’s long-standing plan has been to create a one world government controlled by elites saying:
“Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’, conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”
David Rockefeller has been instrumental in planning the advent of this “new world order” via his influence in the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations.

2. Monsanto

Monsanto has been the subject of ire for over a decade, most recently following international studies and revelations regarding the carcinogenic nature of their best-selling pesticide Round-Up, also known as glyphosate. Monsanto, in the past, helped contribute to atomic bomb research and created Agent Orange which was used to deforest large sections of Vietnam during the US invasion among other chemicals.
Agent Orange alone caused half a million Vietnamese children to be born with deformities and poisoned over 3 million people. Monsanto currently still markets Agent Orange as a pesticide for GM corn in the US.
In addition, Monsanto’s business model for the dissemination of its biotech products has created untold suffering around the world, particularly in India. After GMOs were introduced in the country in 2002, poor Indian farmers became trapped in vicious debt cycles after adopting GM seeds and herbicides.
Originally marketed as a method to make farmers more productive and wealthier, they have instead become so indebted to foreign GM seed and agrochemical companies that many farmers have been taking their own lives.
In 2009, the number of GM-debt related suicides was so high, that an Indian farmer was estimated to commit suicide every 30 minutes. The situation in India has repeated itself in numerous other countries, but Monsanto has yet to be held accountable.

3. George Soros

Credit –
George Soros is one of the most notorious billionaires in the world. Soros made it rich as a currency manipulator, famously making a billion dollars in one day by initiating a British financial crisis and betting on the outcome.
During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Soros was accused by the Malaysian government of bringing down the nation’s currency through his insider trading activities. He did something similar in England, prompting Thailand to call him an “economic war criminal.”
Yet, Soros is more well-known for his funding of political causes, as well as his machinations that helped lead to Europe’s refugee crisis.
Soros has also been accused of rigging elections as he has strong ties to several of the companies which produce electronic voting machines. Many of these Soros-funded voting machines malfunction and even switch votes. Soros also pushes for a “one world government”, and has worked to erode American sovereignty as well as the sovereignty of other nations in pursuit of that goal.

4. Google

Credit – CNN
Despite their motto of “don’t be evil,” Google has left its relatively humble beginnings far behind, transforming into a tech behemoth with a sinister dark side. With its development secretly funded by the CIA from the outset, Google was intended to be – and has become – a tool of war against enemies of the U.S. government and anyone who stands in the way of the “global order.”
In the Global Intelligence Files published by Wikileaks, Stratfor’s Fred Burton, who also once worked for the State Department, wrote of Google:
“Google is getting WH [White House] and State Dept support and air cover. In reality they are doing things the CIA cannot do . . . [Cohen] is going to get himself kidnapped or killed. Might be the best thing to happen to expose Google’s covert role in foaming up-risings, to be blunt. The US Gov’t can then disavow knowledge and Google is left holding the shit-bag.”
Indeed, Google has been exposed as fomenting uprisings throughout the world, particularly ones that benefited U.S. imperialism such as the Arab Spring. In addition, Google has been pegged as having the ability to swing elections due to its influence on the internet’s flow of information and is rumored to have the capability to predict one’s online actions due to the massive amount of data it stores about their users – most of whom are unaware that Google logs every search they make and every YouTube video they watch.

5. The Rothschilds

Sir Jacob Rothschild, current patriarch of the British Rothschild lineage
Last but not least, we have the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds are arguably the richest family in the world and essentially own a majority of the world’s central banks – which are private institutions in most countries – as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The Rothschilds’ most well-known patriarch, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, once said:
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”
This has been the maxim of the Rothschild family ever since. The Rothschilds are also responsible for Zionism, a racist ideology opposed by many Jews, and the State of Israel, which has caused numerous wars in the Middle East in its short history and is responsible for the unbelievable suffering of the Palestinian people.
With so much money and so much power, the Rothschilds have incredible amounts of influence in US and international politics, so much so that even Hillary Clinton has begged them forgiveness in leaked emails. This one family has the power to economically destroy any nation that doesn’t do what the Rothschilds want.

6. Nestlé

Credit – Nestlé
The world’s largest food company, Nestlé is guilty of numerous crimes against humanity, ranging from its dubious and misleading marketing strategies to intentionally selling poisoned food to stealing freshwater from communities who desperately need it.
For instance, Nestlé – the largest artificial baby milk producer – is largely responsible for the deaths of the 1.5 million infants who die annually due to being fed artificial milk over breast-milk, thanks to Nestlé’s aggressive marketing.
Nestlé has also promoted the use of untested nano-technology and GM food, the exploitation of farmers, the use of child labor, and extensive pollution.
In addition, Nestlé has been caught on several occasions intentionally selling poisoned or tainted products. The most recent example was their marketing of lead-poisoned noodles in India, which led to the entire product being placed under a nationwide ban. In addition, Nestlé is well-known for illegally extracting groundwater, particularly in Brazil.
In the United States, they also do the same – though “legally.” Recently, they made headlines for tripling the amount of freshwater they pump from a source near Flint, Michigan – a community that has been without clean drinking water for multiple years.

7. Bill Gates

Credit – Indian Express
The Microsoft founder and the world’s richest man – under the guise of “philanthropy” – has directly financed and caused the suffering of thousands of people, particularly in the developing world where his efforts are largely focused. An admitted proponent of global population reduction, Gates has widely promoted vaccination programs as well as biotechnology (i.e. GMOs and associated agrochemicals.)
While such efforts would normally be applauded, Gates has only pushed the vaccines and biotech products in which he personally has a financial stake. For instance, Gates has multi-million dollar investments in major biotech companies like Monsanto, Cargill, and Dow Chemical – all of which benefit handsomely from his foundation’s initiatives pushing the adoption of biotechnology in the third world.
The same is true of his support for vaccination programs as Gates’ foundation is invested in 15 pharmaceutical companies with $52 million invested just in the German vaccine company CureVac.
Some of Gates’ vaccination initiatives have crippled communities throughout the developing world. In one particularly egregious example, Gates’ initiative to eradicate polio has continuously pushed the use of an oral polio vaccine that is no longer used in Western countries as it was found to actually cause polio.
However, Gates didn’t let this dangerous and unsafe vaccine go to waste and instead found a market for the deadly vaccine in India. Indian doctors have reported that this particular “charitable” project of the Gates Foundation has led to over 47,500 cases of paralysis. Cases of paralysis were found to be directly proportionalto the the doses of oral polio received.

8. Goldman Sachs

Credit – Bloomberg
Widely considered to be one of the world’s most evil banks, Goldman Sachs has been duping and robbing the American public for decades – not to mention most of the world. For example, Goldman Sachs intentionally deceived its clients and investors immediately prior to the Great Depression in the 1930s, a calamity they helped create and which netted them a massive profit.
In 2001 they lobbied for the now infamous Enron and also “cooked the books” to allow Greek into the EuroZone, an act largely responsible for Greece’s current and dismal financial situation. More recently, they had a major role in creating the 2008 financial crisis which – like the Great Depression – generated a handsome profit for the bank at the expense of American consumers.

9. Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger is a war criminal like no other, though some of his proteges – such as Hillary Clinton – have come close. Not surprisingly, he’s been one of David Rockefeller’s closest friends since 1954. Kissinger, while serving as Nixon’s Secretary of State, oversaw a bloody coup in Chile, an illegal bombing campaign in Cambodia, and millions dead in Vietnam.
However, because of his insider connections to the military-industrial complex, Kissinger ended up being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a decision so outrageous that several members of the Nobel committee resigned in protest.
Also noteworthy is Goldman Sachs’ control over U.S. politics and, thus, U.S. policy. The last several Treasury Secretaries – Henry Paulson (George W. Bush), Tim Geithner (Barack Obama), and Steve Mnuchin (Donald Trump) – were all Goldman Sachs employees prior to overseeing the U.S. Treasury.
Goldman also has more than 30 ex-government officials working as its lobbyists on Capitol Hill and contributes thousands to political campaigns to ensure the loyalty of powerful politicians.
Not surprisingly, Goldman Sachs has avoided prosecution for its numerous crimes and has prevented the U.S. government from passing any meaningful banking reforms thanks to its strong government ties. Essentially, Goldman Sachs has free license to do as it pleases, to the detriment of everyone else.

10. British Petroleum

Credit – Vitatech
Though many other oil and gas companies have committed their fair share of crimes against humanity, British Petroleum stands apart – not just for its negligence or contamination of the environment – but for its efforts to intentionally make the disasters it has caused even worse. Of course, the most famous BP oil spill – the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico – took place in 2010.
This disaster, considered the largest and most devastating oil spill in human history, dumped more than 200 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Even though the spill happened over 7 years ago, it is still washing up along the Gulf Coast’s shores and helped create a permanent hypoxic “dead zone” near the spill’s epicenter. The Gulf of Mexico’s ecosystem and human economic activity based around it has been devastated and may never recover.
Yet, even worse than BP’s devastating oil spill – legally recognized to have been caused by the company’s “negligence” – has been its “clean-up” efforts. Instead of trying to remove the oil from the environment, despite the fact that such technology existed at the time, BP chose to use an oil dispersant that hides the oil from view but doesn’t actually do anything to clean the environment.
Worse still, the oil dispersant used – known as Corexit – is actually highly toxic and has been killing marine life in massive quantities. BP used over 7 million liters of Corexit despite scientists’ warnings.
Though Kissinger no longer serves as secretary of state, he still wields enormous influence and works as a consultant for some of the biggest names in US and international politics. He has served as a mentor to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and has been largely influential in the development of the US’ system of perpetual war. His legacy is evident in the never-ending ‘War on Terror’, and in the extrajudicial killings of US citizens via the covert drone war.
In addition to the oil spills and its “clean-up” efforts, BP has also been caught colluding in gross human rights violations, fueling unrest abroad, and devastating the rights and livelihood of indigenous peoples. BP has also drilled and spilled in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and has also been recently cleared to drill next to a newly discovered coral reef near the mouth of the Amazon river.

11. Larry Summers

Credit – Bloomberg
Larry Summers not be very well-known, but his influence has been substantial nonetheless. Summers was a key player in economic policy under Bill Clinton’s administration, serving various important positions within the US Treasury until becoming the Secretary of the Treasury in 1999.
Summers, along with his mentor Robert Rubin, were responsible for deregulating the US banking system via the removal of the Glass-Steagall Act, making him more responsible than any other person for the economic crisis of 2008, as well as the economic crisis we are soon to face.
Not only that, Summers also conspired with a cabal of banker big-shots to deregulate the banks of the entire world. Summers and his cronies forced nearly every government in the world to sign the Financial Services Agreement, an addendum to the international trade agreements managed by the World Trade Organization.
The only country that refused was Brazil, one of the few countries who avoided the worst of the 2008 crisis. Summers pushed all of this deregulation to make the bankers richer as the 2008 crisis was essentially a massive wealth transfer from the people to the bankers. With Summers still very influential in the US government, his work will only make the inequality divide in the US worse with time

12. International Monetary Fund

Credit – Business World
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), along with similar institutions like the World Bank, has been a major player in the global economic landscape ever since its creation in 1944. The international banking organization, which is privately controlled by the notorious Rothschild banking familyfirst pressures nationsto deregulate their financial sector, allowing private banks to loot their economies.
Once governments are forced to bail-out their deregulated financial sector, the IMF or World Bank sets up a loan package written in secret by central bankers and finance ministers that undermine their national sovereignty and force them to adopt policies of austerity that harm workers, families, and the environment. For instance, the disastrous Greek debt crisis is a direct result of the IMF’s under-handed tactics.
In addition, The last three directors of the IMF have all been the targets of legal action, with two – including current director Christine LaGarde – having been found guilty of corruption. Rodrigo Rato, IMF director from 2004 to 2007, was recently convicted for fraud and will spend four years in prison.

13. Halliburton

Credit – Reuters
Though it gained notoriety for its “reconstruction” efforts after the U.S. Invasion of Iraq in the early 2000s, Halliburton’s crimes reach far beyond the Middle East. Halliburton is one of the largest providers of products and services to the fossil fuel industry but a considerable amount of their corporate profits come from civil and military projects, particularly for overseas U.S. operations. Most recently, Halliburton made headlines after it pled guilty to destruction of evidence regarding its role in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (B.P.) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Halliburton’s connections to the U.S. military has protected it from prosecution, despite its numerous crimes. For instance, from 1992 to 2000, Halliburton forced thousands of villagers in Burma to work on its pipelines and related infrastructure, often without pay. They lost their homes due to forced relocation and were raped, tortured and killed by soldiers hired by companies as security guards for the pipelines. No one at Halliburton was ever punished for this practice.
However, Halliburton’s illegal activities really came into their own when Dick Cheney became its chief executive in 1995. While Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, it was involved in a cover-up of its widespread use of asbestos, a bribery scandal in Nigeria, a corruption scandal in Indonesia, and the poisoning of communities in New Mexico and Texas among others.
Of course, Halliburton is most famous for the war-profiteering racket that Dick Cheney’s position as vice president enabled when the U.S. illegally invaded Iraq in 2003. Halliburton reaped a nearly $40 billion profitfrom the contracts it received following the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Halliburton has also been accused of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and of being viciously anti-union. In one case, taking place in Iraq, a female worker for a Halliburton subsidiary was gang-raped by her co-workers and Halliburton tried to cover it up. They tried to intimidate the female worker after the crime took place by trapping her in a shipping container without food or water for 24 hours.

14. Bayer AG

Credit – Bayer
A well-known and global pharmaceutical brand, Bayer’s first patented product was heroin, which they marketed to children around the world for decades as a cough medicine free of side effects, despite the dangers of addiction. Bayer soon established themselves as the dominant pharmaceutical company in Europe after trademarking aspirin a year later. However, Bayer then became involved in the manufacture of chemical weapons, including the invention of chlorine gas in World War I and its founding of a “School for Chemical Warfare.”
During World War II, Bayer – as part of the now defunct conglomerate IG Farben – produced all of Nazi Germany’s explosives and used more than 83,000 forced laborers and concentration camp inmates in its factories. They also financed torture in concentration camps and manufactured the infamous Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide that claimed the lives of over a million people in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek. Bayer has since resumed production of Zyklon B.
Bayer, in the years since, has also been responsible for a slew of crimes including dumping toxic waste in Nepal, dumping acid in the North Sea, abusing workers, intentionally creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and financing human experimentation.
More recently, Bayer went to court after 24 children in a remote Andean village were killed and 18 more severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that was actually methyl parathion – a Bayer pesticide. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odor was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labeled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no images indicating danger or toxicity.

15. Rio Tinto

Credit – Analytics India
Though not a household name in the U.S., Rio Tinto is one of the world’s largest mining companies and one of the most notorious corporations for human rights violations and other crimes. From its founding, Rio Tinto has exploited and mistreated its workers. During the Spanish civil war, for example, Rio Tinto applauded then Dictator Francisco Franco’s forces for assassinating their more “radical” (i.e. unionized) workers.
Source : thetrueactivist

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