
2 de abril de 2018

The European Union on the verge of disappearance, the independence of Catalonia will be the trigger

Resultat d'imatges Catalan estelada

The European Union is a company of the fair and its purpose is that Spain is his laboratory to intaurar the new world order, their mistake is that the Catalan movement is horizontal movement can not control,

Resultat d'imatges European Union

now with Puigdemont to jail in Germany, has internationalized process and obliges Germany (EU) to decide if they deliver the treated liquid. Spain has the support of Germany, but without this support

Resultat d'imatges of Puigdemont

the Spanish government falls, is the PP, C's or the PSOE, no matter what color, no matter that Catalonia becomes independent, proque their control would lose everything.

ANGELA MERKEL ROCKEFELLER (ADOLF HITLER granddaughter), is family CLINTON William Rockefeller and George Soros is a small step away from being arrested
Resultat d'imatges of angela merkel

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