
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta WW3. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta WW3. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de mayo de 2017

An Apollo 14 astronaut: "Aliens prevented a nuclear war"

Houston, we have an ally. Edgar Mitchell,  astronaut Apollo 14 mission , the third one managed to land on the moon in 1971, said that aliens helped stop a possible nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

In an interview with the Daily Mirror , Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon, he says that aliens were interested in nuclear tests that the US  conducted at White Sands (New Mexico), the first place where a nuclear bomb was detonated in July 1945 .

" They wanted to know our military capabilities. NASA then  had to issue a statement rejecting the claims of Mitchell ."It 's a great American, but we do not share their views on this issue." SOURCE:

2 de mayo de 2017

Russia Gives Ultimatum to Spain for his role in NATO - A Quijotada that can cost us a Nuclear Holocaust

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A sociatas of bipartisanship only serves the real left as a crutch to lean to govern, if not, do not want pá nA.

There can be democracy with the outlawed right because if not govern and allowed tomaneuver, only dedicated to shrivel and destabilize all possible forms: legal and illegal. Armak of Odelot Russia Gives Ultimatum to Spain - The role of NATO SPAIN - A quixotic that can cost us the nuclear holocaust - and everything, not by country but by the Zionist EDF 

SPAIN result image ARMY all for the money - NATO

SPAIN result image ARMY all for the money - NATO

Spain sent more than 300 military Latvia in operation ... /.../ espana_enviara_mas_300_militares_seis_carros_combate_leopar ...

15 February. 2017 -  Spain will  deploy "more than 300" military-six tanks Leopard -the ... a NATO  "balanced in all  areas and geographical axes" and .... The  army Russian will be thinking if it attacks or goes to take a shot. ... Those who go, stick  by  going  for pasta ; then if any palm be ...

NATO puts Spain at the center of a new 'Cold War ...

September 28th. 2015 -  This October will be deployed in  Spain  one  army  of 20,000 soldiers. ... is put into action  for the  first time with a huge military maneuvers ... It will be a special force mobilized at  all  times, "very high .... All that  dough  for R & D and education besides social support ...
SPAIN result image ARMY all for the money - NATO

Image result SPAIN - NATO - all for the money 

SPAIN - all for the money

"Spain will begin the war against Russia in May-June if there are no changes. A quixotic that can cost us the nuclear holocaust over a century.Russia gives the diplomatic ultimatum the Spanish government Pepero. "

Military-U1010390323905SB-U3014023774A9-575x323 @ Hoy-Hoy
Brigade Extremadura XI opens the way to the Spanish army  in Latvia .  A die for the Federal Reserve Jewish and broken, not by Spain dollar.
Mission to press and attack Russia  in Latvia .
To die,  but not for the country  but by the Federal Reserve Jewish broken.
Five of the F-18 is going to Latvia to play war against Russia and will not return. S-300 systems and electromagnetic sweeps will make them fall in midair.
Russian T-50. The Spain deep in the dome of the army and a puppet government and mannered pusillanimous have no name. Having seen must wait for the defeat and come back with their tails between their legs.
SPAIN result image ARMY all for the money - NATO
NATO has missed the Russian winter so that does not happen the same as the German troops. Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941 (11 + 11 + 6 + 6). A date that can be repeated again and whose duration would be undetermined by the characteristics of modern weapons, tanks, aircraft, missiles and submarines.
In a last attempt to deter the Zionist escalation of the Federal Reserve to organize war through NATO military office, the government of Russia gives an ultimatum to the government of PP BRAND SPAIN Zionist.
"Russia will try to Spanish politicians question the mission of Spain with NATO in Latvia".ABC 

"Spain  deploys troops  with NATO to confront the threat of Russia". (You must specify that the threat is NATO on Russia, not vice versa).

"Russia has the military capability to invade and conquer Estonia in just 36 hours."
Although Spain decided to withdraw, their position is already decided with this government, and would be massacred in various Spanish cities.
"The fastest cruise missile flies at  Mach 3 and thus maneuver in the air , " the  Indian Russian missile  BrahMos . Launched from a submarine, it would be undetectable.
Airlink distance and flight time between Spain and Russia

7019 km900 km / h7 hours 47 minutes
7019 km700 km / h10 hours 1 minute
7019 km500 km / h14 hours 2 minutes
Spain reach in 2 hours from Russia. And from a submarine in Gibraltar, Azores or Mallorca from 2 to reach Rota, and 7 minutes Madrid.
War is not lords game, neither one of whom is the buddy who: the current war is the nuclear holocaust. And some who have not done military service, can not imagine the dimensions of decisions of attack.


-Spain has been in the line of fire to attack Russia from Latvia.

"Five F-18 Spanish army  leave Estonia on a mission to NATO".

"Spain  will deploy  six Leopard II, 14 Pizarro and 300 soldiers in Latvia".



- "The  troops  US They begin to patrol the border  between Turkey and Syria. "
And from Lebanon to attack Damascus and the palace presidendial President Al Assad in Syria.
- "The Brigade Canarias start this month deployment in Lebanon ".
- " Contingent Brilib XXVII.  600 servicemen stationed in Lebanon  came out  of Gran Canaria. "
10 days ago.

data = RfCSdfNZ0LFPrHSm0ublXdzhdrDFhtmHhN1u-Gm, yNGoPuPpHtQZ2G - vDYVbqZnJXeScHPpd_ixaTelvVUY_2ujompG_OOJrlOkcHGkxHkuZYZEDIGgVP32jiuReLeAmQFgLr89GVcX0rnn7BpV011DeJp7EKN64TLLbndXhSO9WyWn1-Thh
73 kms. Beirut - Damascus.
The  Contingent Brilib XXVII  600 men, will have to deal with  the Russian T-90  and S-300 deployed in Syria to win the war. 

- "Russian nuclear Tsunami  hit the US  in World War III."

1064973553 (1)

RS-28 Sarmat  Russian .

Memories  of those who do not want NATO avenir:
1995:  "22 years of the attack to Aznar:  an event  that would have changed the history of Spain". An event that was not ETA as intended with Admiral Carrero Blanco, but NATO itself.
2010:  "Polish President dies  in the crash of  his plane in Russia." "Polish President Lech Kaczynski, along with most of his presidential cabinet and the main army chiefs in the country have lost their lives in the crash of the plane they were traveling when attempting toland at Smolensk airport in western Russia"


Spanish war games get dearer the State budget, raise taxes and public spending will erode sustanciosamente. 

NATO and the Federal Reserve Jewish need a lot more money .

This will love the matrix worshipers of toxic television news, it does not reach them to go on vacation.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...