
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence. Mostrar todas las entradas

31 de diciembre de 2017

On the other side of the mirror

M. Rajoy does not live in reality, but in an accounting note of box B. But reality lives in Rajoy. He makes reality. Our income, our expenses, pensions, expectations, our vacations, our homes, the electricity bill and even our tweets. Reality is that set of vagueness, peeled commonplaces, viscous silences, crooked intentions, threats, more threats, platitudes, lies in which the appearances of this forum scourge usually consist. It does not matter because the reality, in short, is what he wants to be "by virtue of 155", a rule that does not allow you to do anything of what you have done, but allows you to do what you give the win. Thus, after consulting with his ally, Rivera, Rajoy warns that "the law will not allow new ruptures." And by law the 155 will be understood that, when suspending the Constitution, it suspends all law except that which emanates from the will of the one who applies it, that is, from the dictator.

A situation for which the opposition is directly responsible. PSOE, Podemos, PNV and Catalan independents have in their hands put an end to this maelstrom that is devouring democracy and the rule of law in Spain. Some more than others, true. All agree and submit a motion of censure to end the outrages. It is unlikely, given the position of the PSOE, favorable to 155, even above the majority will of the Catalan electorate. Each one is responsible for what he thinks, as M. Rajoy would say.

This situation was already advanced by Albiol, today at the head of a quartet of wind in the Parlament for which however the majority party speaks in the rest of the country. The president of this party, an organization very badly seen by the judges and the citizens whom he has fleeced, denies that he can be president of the Generalitat abroad and to Urkullu the idea seems "absurd" to him. There will come a time when these things are possible for the benefit of all but, for now, the solution is very simple: lift the 155, exonerate the way you want to the incarcerated and exiles, let the Parliament be legally constituted and loyally acknowledge the governor from that Parlament. The question of whether or not that government skips the law can not be prejudged. He should be the one who decides, warned, besides, as he is already with a harsh gesture, that if he is outside the law, from the law of 155, he will fall a new 155, or the same as the previous one.

This is the expected scenario. The 155 is still functioning and creating an unprecedented situation of institutional crisis in Catalonia. The independents will see if they accept the call of Rajoy to constitute the Parliament with candidates elected in exile or in jail and in conditions of absolute legal uncertainty. We still do not know exactly what political rights are cut or denied to pre-trial prisoners, for what reason and who makes the decision. They have several options that range from refusing to accept the call for considering it a blackmail, to accepting it by constituting the Parlament and later govern with substitutes in the lists. But the latter, about being practically unviable, is useless because it does not solve the real problem of reality (not of Rajoy's magmatic reality) that are political prisoners and exiles.

In no state of law can there be political prisoners, prisoners of conscience.

A conflict like the one of the Catalan Republic is a political question of constitutional rank that has to be treated through negotiations and agreements if necessary structural that are demanded by the will of almost 50% of the electorate and more than two million people, not by four conspirators of the millennium. But it can also be seen, and this is how the government and the judges see it, as a matter of public order promoted by agitators in front of mobs and raised the judicial tone (which is not necessarily legal) as one of the crime of sedition, rebellion, of treason. When this point is reached, justice becomes an inquisition and citizens are judged and condemned for their convictions.

It is not to be proud.

There is no more to withdraw the 155, stop the police and judicial repression and offer a referendum agreed that we would see if the independents would accept after having held two reais (9N 2014, 1/10 2017) and two on the other side of the mirror (27S 2015 , 21D 2017). If they did not accept, the conflict would surely fester.

If they accept we would find that in Spain they have cost three more or less referendum consultations as well as a thousand wounded, damages, strikes, aggressions, exiles, fines, prisons to get what the Scots got after a brief negotiation with the British government.

Now make a brief calculation of efficiency and apply to the confused triumphalism of the president, who closes a year without talking about corruption when he should only be left to impute in the Gürtel.

Ramón Cotarelo

29 de diciembre de 2017

Catalunya: majoria republicana, el rei derrotat - Contribuïm a impulsar la lluita per un futur digne en pau i en llibertat.

Manuel Ruiz Robles 


el Règim 

El règim del 78 està fonamentat en dos pilars estratègics extremadament fràgils: 

• L'anomenada Llei d'Amnistia, que perpetua la impunitat dels crims del franquisme (més de 120.000 desaparicions forçades i assassinats, investigats pel jutge Garzón, expulsat injustament de la carrera judicial pel poder monàrquic).

• Una Constitució imposada, en els aspectes més fonamentals, pels poders que van sostenir la dictadura;avui liderats pel rei Felip de Borbó, que continua controlant els aparells repressius de l'Estat, heretats d'una dictadura genocida. 

Tots dos pilars, corroïts pel pas del temps, no poden impedir -sense derrumbarse- el creixement de l'actual marea democràtica, anunciant la fi de la monarquia.

La reforma de la Constitució no serà suficient per resoldre els greus problemes que tenallen el nostre futur. La credibilitat actual de la Constitució del 78 és nul·la. Cap demòcrata conscient reconeixerà com a legítim el resultat d'una pretesa reforma constitucional.

Les eleccions del 21-D

El resultat de les eleccions del 21 de desembre passat, desenvolupades en unes circumstàncies extremadament desfavorables per al bloc democràtic i imposades a toc de corneta pel bloc monàrquic, han constituït un gran triomf per a la incipient República catalana. 

Mentrestant, el president de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, continua a l'exili al costat de part del seu Govern. 

La resta dels presos polítics, inclosos els líders d'Òmnium Cultural i de ANC, continuen a les presons de l'Estat espanyol, igual que el Vicepresident Oriol Junqueras, al costat de la resta de Consellers del seu Govern. 

Exigim, per dignitat democràtica, l'immediat alliberament dels presos polítics i el retorn de l'exili del president de la Generalitat i del seu Govern. (i)

El discurs de Nadal del rei 

Després de la derrota del rei a les eleccions del 21-D, el seu maquillat discurs del 24-D ha posat en evidència la seva desesperada crida d'auxili a una inexistent majoria monàrquica. El seu poder es sustenta en la seva capacitat d'acovardir subliminalment a la població amb una hipotètica intervenció de la Forces Armades, d'aquí la seva referència al 23-F. 

El seu cínic missatge fa preveure el suport de les forces més reaccionàries a l'aplicació sine die de l'article-trampa 155, redactat el 1978 per poder transformar, a voluntat del govern de torn, la fachosa democràcia borbònica en dictadura "constitucional".

La República necessària

Cada vegada resulta més evident per a Europa que el règim monàrquic, imposat als pobles de l'Estat espanyol, és inviable i condueix a mig termini a la implosió d'Espanya, és a dir a un Estat fallit. 

La correlació de forces interna i externa fa improbable una immediata revolució social que acabi amb el domini de l'imperialisme a Europa i, en particular, en el nostre territori. 

De seguir Andalusia, Galícia, Euskadi -i els altres pobles de l'Estat- una estratègia anàloga a la del poble català, seria possible avançar de forma efectiva cap a una república federal o confederal, en què els principis de l'estat de dret i la justícia social no siguin més un bast sarcasme.

És evident, vist el vist, que la República de Catalunya, donada l'actual correlació de forces, no podrà construir-se de forma unilateral, sinó aliada a la resta de pobles i nacions de l'Estat espanyol. 

Tampoc seria viable mitjançant una negociació amb l'actual règim, ja que això conduiria a una situació inestable: Un Estat lliure (República de Catalunya) associat al Regne d'Espanya? 

L'única via que fa possible la República de Catalunya és la seva solidaritat amb la resta de pobles i nacions de l'Estat espanyol. Això implicaria necessàriament l'enderrocament de la monarquia i la formació d'un Govern provisional que incorporés de manera destacada a membres rellevants del Govern de la Generalitat.

Aquest Govern provisional hauria de decretar una nova llei electoral i convocar eleccions a Corts constituents. Aquestes serien les encarregades d'iniciar un procés constituent en llibertat. 
Les contradiccions interclassistes, presents en els moviments sobiranistes, hauran de passar a un segon pla, fins que no es dugui a terme l'enderrocament de la monarquia per vies pacífiques i democràtiques

.Donem suport, doncs, als nostres germans catalans ia totes les forces democràtiques, instant-les a coordinar les seves estratègies cap a un objectiu comú. 

Contribuïm a impulsar la lluita per un futur digne en pau i en llibertat. 

Fem sentir amb força les nostres veus unides. 

Visca la República d'Espanya!

Visca la República de Catalunya!


i.Comunicado fet públic a Còrdova l'11 de novembre de 2017 durant la II Trobada Andalús per la República. Comunicat nº 36 del Col·lectiu Anemoi Manuel Ruiz Robles, capità de navili de l'Armada (R), portaveu del Col·lectiu Anemoi, membre de l'Associació Civil Milícia i República ACMYR. 

Rebel·lió ha publicat aquest article amb el permís de l'autor mitjançant una llicència de Creative Commons, respectant la seva llibertat per publicar-lo en altres fonts.

Catalunya: Republican majority defeated the king - Let us help boost the struggle for a decent future in peace and freedom.

Manuel Ruiz Robles 



Regime 78 is based on two extremely fragile strategic pillars: 

• The call Amnesty Law, which perpetuates impunity for the crimes of Francoism (more than 120,000 forced disappearances and killings investigated by Judge Garzon, unjustly expelled from the race court the monarchical power). 

• A constitution imposed, in its most fundamental aspects, by the powers that supported the dictatorship; today led by King Felipe de Borbon, who continues to monitor the repressive state apparatus inherited from a genocidal dictatorship.

Both pillars eroded by the passage of time, without derrumbarse- can not prevent the growth of the current democratic tide, announcing the end of the monarchy.

The reform of the Constitution will not be enough to solve the serious problems that plague our future.The current credibility of the Constitution of 78 is zero. No conscious Democrat recognize as legitimate the result of an alleged constitutional reform.

The elections of 21-D

The outcome of the elections on 21 December, developed under extremely unfavorable conditions for democratic and bugle imposed by the monarchical bloc block have been a great victory for the fledgling Catalan Republic. 

Meanwhile, the President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont continues in exile with his Government. The remaining political prisoners, including the leaders of Omnium Cultural and ANC continue in the prisons of the Spanish State, as Vice President Oriol Junqueras, together with the other directors of his government. 

Let 's demand for democratic dignity, the immediate release of political prisoners and the return from exile of President of the Generalitat and its Govern. (i)

The king's Christmas speech 

After the defeat of the king in the elections of 21-D, its makeup speech 24-D has revealed his desperate call for help to a nonexistent royalist majority. His power is based on its ability to subliminally intimidate the population with a hypothetical intervention of the armed forces, hence the reference to 23-F. 

His cynical message does provide support to the most reactionary sine die under Article 155 trap, drawnin 1978 to transform at will ofgovernment, the Bourbon fachosa democracy dictatorship "constitutional" forces.

The necessary Republic

It is becoming increasingly evident to Europe than the monarchical regime, imposed on the peoples of the Spanish State, is unworkable and leads in the medium term to the implosion of Spain, ie a failed state. 

The correlation of internal and external forces makes it unlikely an immediate social revolution to end the domination of imperialism in Europe and in particular in our territory. 

Follow Andalusia, Galicia, the Basque Country - and the other peoples of the state analogous to that of the Catalan people strategy, it would be possible to advance effectively toward a federal or confederal republic, in which the principles of the rule of law and social justice they are merely a rough sarcasm.

Clearly, apparently it is seen, that the Republic of Catalunya, given the current correlation of forces, can not be built unilaterally, but allied to other peoples and nations of the Spanish State. 

Nor would it be feasible through negotiation with the current regime, as this would lead to an unstable situation: A Free State (Republic of Catalunya) associated with the Kingdom of Spain? 

The only way that enables the Republic of Catalunya is solidarity with other peoples and nations of the Spanish State. That would necessarily involve the overthrow of the monarchy and the formation of a provisional government to incorporate prominently to relevant members of the Govern de la Generalitat.

This provisional government would enact a new electoral law and hold elections to the Constituent Cortes.These would be responsible for starting a constitutional process released. 
The interclass contradictions present in soberanistas movements, will pass to the background, while not perform the overthrow of the monarchy by peaceful and democratic means. 

Let us support therefore our Catalan brothers and all democratic forces, urging them to coordinate their strategies towards a common goal. 

We contribute to advance the struggle for a decent future in peace and freedom. 

Let us hear our united voices hard. 

Long live the Republic of Spain!

 Long live the Republic of Catalunya!


i.Comunicado published in Cordoba on 11 November 2017 during the II Encuentro Andaluz by the Republic. Communique No. 36 of the Collective Anemoi Manuel Ruiz Robles, captain of the Navy (R), spokesman Anemoi Collective, member of the Civil Militia Association and ACMYR Republic. Rebellion has posted this article with the author 's permission through a Creative Commons license, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

18 de diciembre de 2017


AYER saturated INSS RECEIVING CALLS OUT OF SPAIN TO RESIDENTS HAVE NOT YET CHARGED THE PENSION PENSIONERS. Yesterday it became official that the bank pension ran out and had to resort to debt to pay pensions, which has caused a delay in the payment of some pensioners (I do notknow if nationals but all who reside outside Spain) . This is the prelude to that the money is gone and it 's something we should explain very well to the Catalans Albiol, Arrimadas and Iceta, but Domenech when he says it will negotiate with Iceta.

Iceta recognized that there will be cuts, because it is old cat and knows that it is impossible to deny it, but put a carrot the donkey talking about managing a Catalan hacienda half with the Spanish state, something already provided for in the statute but has never created. ... What does it solve? Nothing. Spain still has no money and is collected here or there, if no money is worthless ... If someone thinks his head will not follow that carrot. An insult to the intelligence of the Catalans.

Albiol indicated that independence would disappear pensions which is an insult to the intelligence of the Catalans since pensions disappear never in any case be paid more or less, but never disappear. We just need to see the example of Greece. There they have lost almost all social pensions coverage less, yes, half charged ... And everyone is prepared if we continue in Spain, because that is the reality of pensions .... It is logical, if no money, they have to lower or higher taxes are created, or clipped on the other, or impossible .... And if we add that Spain, in September lost its sole purchaser of debt .... . it is clear that without Catalonia Spain that half of 16,000 million euros to stay,

Arrimadas not touch pensions, is too keen to blow up the mantra of companies that have gone and the jobs that have disappeared ..... Another it insulting to the intelligence of the Catalans ... Changing the Registered office and / or tax, does not involve changing the production center and offices. All companies that "have been" remain where they were, and has not lost a single job. We will have to explain to everyone if someone is stupid enough to believe that the B. Sabadell will throw away 385 million won last year in Catalunya and will be converted into staff transfers and layoffs that they will cost a lot of money? .... Someone will believe that Freixenet and Codorniu Cava leave the business? ...

Domenech ..... not "fish nor fowl" ... Being against 155 antidemocratic and say you want a pact with the PSOE was the necessary accomplice of 155, since, if it had been against, with a motion of censure would have been avoided, it is the height of folly ... why speak of pensions if another argument not to follow in Spain? Whoever has doubts about the pensions reread my post of 21/11/17 about it: And again remember that everyone is responsible for what rate. Not worth that of "I've been cheated" in any case people are "self - deceiving" when voting Spain is threatening our social coverage. Jordi Mas Font PASS. NO MORE LIES

13 de diciembre de 2017

The Curse of 'Procés' charges another 'victim' The judge who instructs the 1-0 entered

It would be strange ... 
if the black hand of MOSAD does not follow these deaths

The investigating judge 13 of Barcelona, ​​Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer , who is investigating the organization of the independence referendum on October 1as well as the proces sovereignty , has been admitted in a serious condition due to intestinal disease in the Hospital Clínico de la Catalan capital.
Ramirez Sunyer has entered this health center on Tuesday, afflicted with this intestinal disease, as it has advanced this afternoon  Voz pópuli  and has confirmed Public in judicial sources.  
This magistrate was the first to open at the end of 2016 a cause for the use of  a census and tax data  of the Catalans from the initial revelations in a public act of the exjuez and independence leader Santiago Vidal.
Ramírez Sunyer was the one who ordered the  arrest of the organizers of the referendum  on September 20, 2017.
Among the records ordered is that of the Ministry of Economy, which was surrounded by a crowd of 40,000 people that prevented the  departure by a few hours of the lawyer of the court and the Civil Guard.
The result of these records was the seizure of Josep Maria Jové Lladó , number two of former vice president Oriol Junqueras, the Encocat s document , the  independence roadmap    where the responsibilities of the political leaders are distributed and how to mobilize the masses and what is key in the investigation for rebellion that is instructed in the Supreme Court.
The 'proces' has put the state on the ropes , but also its public servants.
The State Attorney General Jose Manuel Maza diedon November 18 in Argentina, during an official trip, victim of a generalized infection in the blood originating in the only kidney he had. Maza was the one who  filed the two complaints against the Govern and the Bureau of Parlamentthat are now being investigated in the Supreme Court in a single case.  
More surprise caused the death of the superior prosecutor of Catalonia  José María Romero de Tejada  shortly after, on November 27, after going to the ardent chapel of José Manuel Maza.
Romero de Tejada was suffering from a serious illness - myelodysplasia - and received monthly blood transfusions. 
This type of leukemia causes a decrease in defense , in such a way that the prosecutor died of a pneumonia that led to a heart attack.
In addition, the secretary of the Civil and Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia ,  Joaquín Martínez , has been convalescing for more than two months due to illness. 
This Chamber was in charge of investigating politicians trained in it, such as the president of the Parlament Carmen Forcadell, until the Supreme decided to accumulate research there

16 de noviembre de 2017

Spain justo lit a fuse under Catalonia its richest region

by Don Quijones
November 3, 2017
from WolfStreet Website

Acute uncertainty
is like sand in the gears
of the local economy.

It's amazing how fast the wheels of the Spanish justice system go round when the establishment wants them to, and how slowly they revolve when it doesn't, which is usually when members of the same establishment,
  • senior politicians and civil servants
  • bankers
  • business owners
  • even royalty,
...are in the dock, which is happening with disturbing regularity these days.

On Thursday we saw Spanish justice at its fastest. In the dock was the recently sacked vice president of Catalonia's separatist government, Oriol Junqueras, and seven other elected representatives of the breakaway region who stand accused of a litany of charges, including rebellion, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years' imprisonment.

The counsel for the defense had less than 24 hours to prepare the case.

After just a few hours of hearing preliminary evidence, the National Court Judge sent half of Catalonia's suspended government to jail without bail.

On Friday, the same judge issued an international arrest warrant for Carles Puigdemont, the disputed Catalan president who fled to Brussels on Monday, as well as four other former ministers who did not show up to court on Thursday.

Catalonia's separatist politicians are paying a very high price for overplaying their hand.

As we warned months ago, many in the Catalan government had hoped that threatening to declare independence unilaterally, or even following through on the threats (which it kind of did on Friday), might be enough to push the Spanish government into having to compromise.

It was a massive bluff, and it's hugely backfired.

But while jailing Catalonia's elected government may be justifiable by Spanish lawand will probably go some way to placating the more revanchist elements of the Spanish public, it will also further inflame tensions and polarize divisions within Spain's north eastern region while doing yet more damage to the tattered image of Spanish democracy in the rest of the world.

It also risks exacerbating economic uncertainty and instability in Catalonia, Spain's richest region.

Just when things appeared to be returning to some semblance of normality as local people and the region's political parties turned their attention to the regional elections scheduled for December 21, Rajoy, his government, and the judges they help appoint just lit a fuse under the region.

In Catalonia today it's virtually impossible to tell what will happen tomorrow, let alone this time next month or next year.

Such acute uncertainty is like sand in the gears of the local economy. Rather than slowing, the exodus of Catalan-based companies to other parts of Spain hasactually accelerated in the wake of Madrid's activation of article 155 of Spain's constitution.

On Tuesday alone an additional 99 companies bid farewell to Catalonia, albeit merely on paper for now.

Spain's central bank yesterday warned that the current crisis could, in the worst case scenario, end up shaving 2.5 percentage points off Spain's GDP in the next two years.

That could be very optimistic if a genuine, lasting solution is not found to this crisis soon - and preferably one that does not involve the government in Madrid criminalizing a political movement supported by roughly half the region's population.

The greatest tragedy of all, as British-Spanish journalist John Carlin wrote yesterday in the Barcelona daily La Vanguardia, is just how "spectacularly unnecessary" the current conflict is and how easily it could have all been avoided:
First, with a change of the sacred text of the Spanish Constitution and the approval of an agreed referendum, just as any other modern and democratic State (Canada, United Kingdom) would have done in similar circumstances.

But it could have been avoided with even less, with merely conciliatory gestures and respectful words, with the granting of extra powers to the autonomous Catalan region, with a minimum of statesmanship, with the desire to think first of the general good.
Instead, what we have is a constant escalation of tensions from a government majority ruled by a party (Popular Party) that is implicated in over 60 major political scandals - more than just about any other governing party in Europe.

And yet, even as the party continually falls on the wrong side of the law, the EU holds it up as a defender of the rule of law.

Spain's Premier Mariano Rajoy recently become the first sitting prime minister to appear as a witness in a Spanish court when he gave evidence in a massive corruption case involving the alleged illegal financing of his Popular Party.

One of the dozens of companies embroiled in the Popular Party's kickback scandals isIndra, a semi state-owned tech giant that organizes the vote counting for virtually all of Spain's political elections, including Catalonia.

The company is alleged to have paid Rajoy's party €600,000 of public funds diverted through a complex network of shell companies. The scandal barely graced the front pages of Spain's newspapers.

Now Indra gets to organize the vote counting for Catalonia's do-or-die elections in December.

For years, this sort of corruption has consistently ranked as the second biggest cause for concern after unemployment in Spain. Now, it's the prospect of Catalan independence that's at the forefront of people's minds.

It's the perfect smokescreen for,
  • the endless corruption trials of PP politicians
  • the stagnating wages
  • the ballooning public debt
  • the collapsing banks
  • the shrinking pension pot,
...that the government has systematically plundered to plug some of its own massive fiscal shortfalls.

In short, Spain's economy is perhaps not as robust as recent growth figures may suggest.

Unemployment, already at 17.1%, surged by 58,000 in October as the number of highly seasonal tourist-dependent jobs began shrinking. Market-entry salaries are 14% lower than they were in 2008.

Worse still, the economy's recent show of strength was based on three main pillars:
  • consistently low global energy prices
  • the large-scale diversion of tourists from geopolitical hot spots like Turkey and Egypt
  • dirt cheap public debt resulting from Mario Draghi's massive binge-buying of euro zone sovereign bonds
And all of these pillars are beginning to show signs of strain.

As tensions continue to rise in Catalonia, the economic uncertainty digs in for the long haul...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...