
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de noviembre de 2017

FOR THEM! The IBEX 35 is still in free fall since 155 ... it has lost confidence in Spain.

We all remember those days of the referendum and the DUI, how the Ibex35 down then up in a rebound effect or "roller coaster" ... 
But now spent ten days falling (around November in red) *, it is not of specific news that may affect your quote, but a far more dangerous reality has lost confidence in Spain. 
* (ties the longest losing streak in its history)
 Francoland is no longer a safe place to invest money l site people are looking for another return on their investments.Although, let 's face it the value of the Ibex 35 today is the same as 20 years ago (10,000 points)

All those savers who believed that someday win something with the Ibex 35 or one of its companies have failed in the attempt. Spanish listed are to earn some money in the short (as happened with the People) and nothing else. Certainly the CNMV continues to prohibit the sale of securities Liberbank short drives away brokers and funds.

As I was saying, the money is leaving Spain because Rajoy has imposed a 155 coup and imprisoned politicians. 

I am convinced that many Spanish and Madrid press see that as something normal, butassure you that investors see it as an approach to own totalitarian positions Turkey (excuse since the Turkish park is more attractive than the Spanish .. .).

  • Apply 155 in Catalonia, encouraging the boycott of Catalan products and promote the transfer of headquarters is something that will not go free or Catalonia or Spain.
The psychological-economic impact will be short and long term (albeit with different nuances).

  • Markets are knowing that there is a poisonous germ in society. The international business press sees suicide the anticatalanimo be fed and that no offer ideas to solve the Catalan problem. Quite the contrary, every day we see news to humiliate Catalunya.

The UK stock market suffered no collapse when he announced the referendum in Scotland. But Mariano Rajoy has applied the 155 and catalanofobia without announcing what comes next. An economic pact ?, agreed to a referendum ?, a what? The government is not reassuring the economy and has decided to piss off those who "do things". 
I break out laughing when I see that some people think that Catalan is exportable talent ... 
Depress the Catalan people bring devastating consequences for the future of the system and especially for Social Security. 

In order to see what happens with the IBEX 35 index BOE living ... 
By the way the weighting of Santander, Inditex (Zara), BBVA, Telefónica and Iberdrola represents 50% of the IBEX ...

Analysts often say that "money does not like the noise," and noise is what is left over in recent weeks on account of the confrontation between the Government and the corrupt government of Rajoy.

How good look at it from the sidelines, except Grifols, Catalonia has no companies in the Ibex, although the  IndexCat  had better behavior until Rajoy took him up with changing venues ...

2 de noviembre de 2017

social and intellectual differences between supporters and opponents of independence.

Social and intellectual differences between supporters and those opposed to independence.

The CEO survey indicates that 48.7% of Catalans want to live in an independent country and 43.6% do NOT.

Removing supporters of "do not know-do not answer" we have 52.7% by 47.3% ...

But, that almost half, does not translate equally into the trades or training, that is, does not mean that, for example, half of the doctors are independentistas and the other half are not.

The data is from the CEO in percentages of YES and NO

Doctorate 61% -20%

Master 63% -21%

University career 63% -28%

FP 51% -42%

Baccalaureate 51% -42%

ESO 42% -53%

ESO not approved 37% -55%

No studies 20% -67%

Illiterate 8% -58%

As you will have seen, the more studies people have, the more independent they are.

Social class:

Low 37% -50%

Medium-low 44% -49%

Medium 53% -39%

Medium high 48% -46%

High 41% -59%

Curious that the independence movement in the group of middle class people.

On the other hand, Spanishism belongs to the rich and the poor. It is understood that C's have the same percentage of votes in Pedralbes, Sant Gervasi as in El Carmel, Nou Barris (see here).

Mother tongue of the independentistas:

Catalan 59.8%

Spanish 32.3%

Mother tongue YES-NO

Catalan 82% -13%

Spanish 28% -63%

Without grandparents born in Catalonia:

Yes 25.8%

No 64.9%

With some grandparents born in Catalonia:

Yes 76.5%

No 17.7%

Father born in Catalonia (almost equal mother percentages):

In favor 73.8%

Against 20.2%

Father born in Spain (almost equal mother percentages):

In favor 30.8%

Against 61.2

Born in Catalonia:

In favor 61.5%

Against 31.4%

Born in Spain:

In favor 20.2%

Against 71.4%

Private schools indoctrinate children with Spanishism ...

Training level unionist voters:

Without studies 21.9%

Primary studies 26.5%

Medium studies 34.8%

Higher education 16.2%

Formation of independence voters:

Without studies 10.6%

Primary studies 18.7%

Medium studies 38.1%

Higher education 32.3%

Enough data to know how are the "types" independence or Spanish.


Born in Catalonia, with parents and grandparents mostly Catalan and with the Catalan language as their usual language; of medium social class and with higher than average studies.


Born in Spain, with mostly Spanish parents and grandparents and with Spanish as their usual language; of rich or poor social class and with few studies.

All this leads us to the fact that Catalonia is a land where settlers of low education get - for now - to stop the independence of Catalonia.

24 de octubre de 2017



Catalonia has started a process that can drag the whole of Europe and the United States to a compromised situation, the Catalans have begun a crusade against a corrupt state pushing their representatives towards a route of rupture with Spain.


If Catalonia becomes independent of Spain the consequences are unpredictable, at least at first, but with a deeper analysis we see that they are very serious, not only for the economy but also for the geography.

Resultat d'imatges de economia
     Spain is without its major contribution to the coffers of the state, (about 240,000 million
     GDP by - 20%

     Increase in debt by 130%

     Loss of important freight infrastructures (train, road, aviation)

     Drop in income from entry of foreign visitors (Catalunya attracts 25% of all
     tourists coming to Spain)

Resultat d'imatges de europa
     Europe remains without charging the Spanish debt in the absence of a pact with the Spanish government
     by the distribution, therefore, the debt that has Catalonia (about 65,000 million euros) are
     property of the Bank of Spain), if the European Union claims to Catalonia the
     proportional, the Government of the Generalitat could say that the debt is from the Bank of Spain and
     he does not pay because it is not his.

    Europe does not recognize Catalonia - If Catalonia is not recognized by the member countries of the EU
    any goods that had to pass through Catalan territory would have to pay a fee of
    entrance and other exit expensive products.

    Europe recognizes Catalonia, but Spain does not - Not recognizing Spain to Catalonia, Catalonia
    could continue within the EU regardless of what the Spanish government says and
    would do with the proportionate share of the debt it should bear with the countries that have  

    Resultat d'imatges de españa

    Catalonia is in a strategic place very tempting for many companies, but one
    indepéndencia not agreed many companies would think much invest in this new country. By
    On the other hand, negotiating more advantageous conditions with a new state opens the door to

   The European Union is not interested in the indepen- dence of Catalonia because there are about 40 regions
   in Europe waiting for what happens with Catalonia to follow in their footsteps, there may be a
   dominated in large countries by dismantling this private organization (remember that it is
   made by entrepreneurs and not by the people the EU)

Resultat d'imatges de iluminati Resultat d'imatges de iluminati
  The elite that controls the European Union does not want to lose the Catalan contribution and does everything 
  possible to avoid the rupture with Spain, threatens to leave it outside Europe, withdrawal of 
  investors, to support Spain with all its forces to make the process fail.

  The error of the elite is to disparage all Catalan society, that tired of lies, 
  plunder, and attacks on their identity have rebelled against a form of government that tramples on 
  human rights.

Contagious effect

 The fear that has the elite is that the success of Catalonia in its claims is contagious to the rest
 of the planet and there is a quiet and peaceful revolution that counteracts the pressure and oppression that 
 these few families exercise us.

 Resultat d'imatges of peaceful civil revolts

The independence of Catalonia can lead the world to a better way of life, without being imposed the laws nor able to approve them, LOSING FEAR IS THE MOST FEAR THE ELITE.

May all the inhabitants of the earth lose their fear and rebel against that oppressive elitist class that tries to control us with the economy and the loss of the job.


© misteri1963 autonomous non profit organization, disclosure is permitted whenever citing the origin of the publication

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