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18 de abril de 2020

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance

We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic of our lives according to the Media, the Government and the United Nations. We are witnessing an unprecedented global lockdown in response to the Coronavirus outbreak known as COVID19.
The global population living in Western countries have been taught for more than a generation to live in a constant state of fear ever since 9/11. We have been encouraged to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security, being conditioned more and more each day to rely on the state for protection, and now many of us find ourselves relying on the state to pay our bills.
Despite the government’s budget and deficit continuing to grow exponentially every day… some are beginning to see that there may be more to the official story than what we are led to believe. The very few may have seen this coming and are waiting for the next phase of what very well could be another step closer to global governance. The very men and women, the exact same individuals and government agencies, in addition to global institutions who stand to benefit the most, are the ones calling the shots…
Welcome to COVID-1984 and the official rollout of the New World Order…


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WHO cements ties with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Australian PM: Life Won’t Return To “Normal” Until There’s A Vaccine
Declare Your Independence!
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Bill Gates: How the coronavirus pandemic can help the world solve climate change

21 de febrero de 2020

False Flag - Germany Angela Hitler State Propaganda.

Dear readers,

I have strong doubts about the lecture we get in this false flag attack to call normal people right-wing extremists, and to blame the left-wing Goros fascists for the act of this mass murder on an AFD trailer.

To accuse the AFD as Extreme Right and dangerous.

A patsy was used to explain this attack, in which of course the shooter himself is found dead.

Farewell letter with propaganda on the mill of the left-wing fascists in Germany, to the detriment of common sense by order of Angela Hitler.

I can't attach any value to the video and/or letter from the perpetrator, because it can be manipulated at will as it fits into the story of the left-wing fascists and globalists.

The Reichstag was also allegedly lit by a confused man in 1939, The alleged murderer of JF Kennedy was murdered in order not to release any further information, which could prove his innocence because several shooters had been hired by GW Bush.

Trump and the Q movement are also linked as driving forces behind the Hanau assassination, as Donald J Trump declared Globalism and the NWO dead.

The true facts and everything that preceded this attack will be dealt with in the same way as the elimination of evidence about the MH370 / MH17.

The fact that this attack was again immediately after a meeting in Munich, where Alexander Soros (Eric Ciaramella) spoke with many globalist politicians as the successor of his Father, Georg Soros, it seems to me that there are too many coincidences that only serve to launch a wrong story about the true facts.

Don't forget that paedophiles are going to be hunted everywhere, as happened in Thuringia by the Russian Embassy.

How long will it take Trump commander and chief to take action to arrest this scum?

Massacre in Hanau: Police find letter and video of confession
20/02/2020 - 07:34
Source: ©
Police forces in Hanausit for more information.
Massaker in Hanau: Polizei findet Bekennerschreiben und -video

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After several acts of violence with many dead in Hanau, a letter of confession and a
video were found according to information from security circles.

Both are now being evaluated. Apparently the perpetrator had a right-wing extremist

Following the massacre in the Hessian city of Hanau, police have now reported that a confessional video of the suspected perpetrator is available, as reported by "Bild". The newspaper reported that this is supposed to show that the perpetrator had a right-wing extremist motive.

Polizisten haben einen der Tatorte abgesperrt.
Read more:Hanau: Several dead from shots in ShishaBars

According to information from security circles, the suspected perpetrator of Hanau published a video on Youtube a few days before the crime.
In this video, the man speaks in fluent English of a "personal message to all Americans.
The clip, which could still be seen on the internet on Thursday morning, was
obviously shot in a private apartment, and was put on the net a few days ago.

In it the man says that in the USA there are underground military facilities where children are mistreated and killed. There they would also pay
homage to the devil. American citizens should wake up and "fight now" against these conditions.

The video does not contain any reference to an imminent own act of violence in Germany.

While the security forces initially did not explain anything about the motive for the crime, which resulted in a total of eleven deaths, various media reported that it was a
right-wing extremist background.

In the Hessian city nine people were shot dead in two different places on Wednesday evening.

Hours after the crime, police discovered the body of the alleged shooter in his apartment.

Special forces also found another dead person there.
Currently there are no indications of further
perpetrators," the police reported on Twitter early
Thursday morning.

Police South East Hesse

#Update after #Shooting in #Hanau

 Suspected perpetrator was found lifeless at his home address in #Hanau.
In addition, special police forces discovered another body there.

The investigation is ongoing.
Currently there are no indications of further perpetrators.

05:03 - Feb. 20, 2020
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456 users talk about it

The federal government reacted with dismay to the
crime. According to investigators, the first shots were
fired around 10 p.m.
The thoughts are with the people in #Hanau this
morning, in whose midst a horrible crime was
committed," government spokesman Steffen Seibert
wrote on Thursday morning on Twitter. "Deepest
sympathy goes to the families concerned who
mourn for their dead", he added. Seibert expressed
the hope that the injured will soon recover.
The Lord Mayor of Hanau, Claus Kaminsky (SPD), is
also shocked by the violence in a special broadcast by
Bild live.
That was a terrible evening, which will surely keep
us busy for a long, long time and will remain in sad
[dpa/rt german]

Commission President von der Leyen on the violence in Hanau: xenophobia and racism have no place in Europe

EU President Ursula von der Leyen expressed his dismay at the Hanau murders and expressed her condolences to the victims and their families. "Xenophobia and racism have no place in Europe. Hanau's atrocious act is fundamentally opposed to all the fundamental values that are part of the EU and of which we are rightly proud. We resolutely oppose those who want to divide our society with agitation and violence," said von der Leyen on Twitter (external link). EU President Charles Michel and EU President David Sassoli were also concerned about the violence.

Vestager visits KI centres in Baden-Württemberg with Kretschmann

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the EU Commission and Commissioner for Digital and Competition, together with Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, visited the Cyber Valley at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Centre for Personalised Medicine at Tübingen University Hospital today (Thursday). "Yesterday we launched a comprehensive digital strategy and a white paper on artificial intelligence," said Vestager. She looks forward to hearing first-hand how artificial intelligence is used and how it can best be used, for example, in medicine.itler.

30 de mayo de 2019


CHRIST was a servant of God, and a fellow servant of his brothers & sisters, that is why he washed his disciples feet, to show that he was their equal, and not their superior. - CHRIST IS NOT TO BE WORSHIPPED - CHRIST IS NOT THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE, that is Satan's corruption of the Bible. - God says you shall put no other before me, no idols, no pictures, NO OTHER. - GOD, The ONE, Infinite Creator, is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE - posted by The Son of Man (formerly Sun Tzu)

Ever since my birthday and since God knocked me upside the head really good, I have been noticing all across the internet all of this worship Jesus, and find salvation in Jesus, and that Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and the Life, and I'm gonna come out and tell you that I believe you are being lead astray.

It is obvious that Satan and his minions in the; Roman Catholic Church, Methodist, Baptist, and every other Church have been twisting God's words to suit Satan's needs and desires.

Do not worship The Son of Man, worship God, The ONE Infinite Creator, and put no others before God, nor next to God, as God must have the mantle all to God's self.

This is why Jesus washed the feet of his disciple.  This is why the angel in revelations said, "See that you do not do that, for I am your fellow brother servant of God," when the man being shown the vision by the angel of God dropped to his knees before the angel.

You have been lead astray my fellow brothers and sisters, and lead astray by Satan and his disciples.

You were never supposed to worship the Blessed Virgin Mary, nor to worship the Virgin de Guadalupe.

You were never supposed to worship the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but the same Romans that crucified christians and fed them to lions, whom took over christianity so that they could trick christians into eating the body of christ, and drinking the blood of christ, and worshipping all these false idols, which Satan has tricked you into, for you are not worshipping the virgin Mary, and instead you are worshipping "Eve from the Garden of Eden, whom did sleep with Satan, and beget Cain," and you are worshipping Satan when you worship "The Lord," as the Infinite Creator has no sex.

The Notre Dame Church fire is the best example, you can easily see all the idols inside the church, and the church began construction in 1177 AD, and if you look up the biblical concordance for 1177, you get, "BAAL IS GRACIOUS," which means, "The Devil is gracious," or "Satan is gracious."

And so is the reason that God says that "The woman who has enslaved all the kings and the nations of earth, that she is adorned in scarlet and purple and she holds a golden chalice in her hands full of abominations."  That is because the Romand Catholic Church, which spawned every other Satan controlled religious institution, THEY WEAR PURPLE, AND THEY WEAR SCARLET, and THEY HOLD A GOLDEN CHALICE FULL OF ABOMINATION EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY GIVE MASS.


This is The Son of Man, and THE END is HERE, welcome to the TRIBULATIONS.
(formerly Sun Tzu)

4 de mayo de 2019

20,000 5G technology satellites 'cook' humanity with microwave radiation

5G technology satellite
On 29 March 2018, the Federal Communications Commission United States (FCC by its initials in English)  gave its approval to 4,425 SpaceX to launch satellites in low orbit around the Earth. The total number of satellites that are expected to be placed in high orbit and down several companies  will total 20,000 satellites . In recent months, there has been growing controversy over the bills in the US to establish antennas 5G technology, as was approved in the State of Michigan in 2018 even after Dr. Sharon Goldberg exposed in ahearing before a state jury scientific research demonstrating the negative biological effects of wireless radiation on health human. 

On September 13, 2017, it was issued a  moratorium document signed by at least 180 scientists from 35 countries  to warn of the serious effects of the 5G technology for health. The think tank Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has also spoken out against the 5G technology and is working on resource management to report to Congress on the situation and help you take action.Thus  Senator Patrick Colbeck testifies  against the deployment of 5G technology in an audience of 2018, and US Senator  Richard Blumenthal also expressed concern about the health risks of 5G wireless technology in a hearing of the United States Senate in February 2019, in which he questioned representatives of the industry if it were funding independent research to understand the effects of this technology against health, to which they responded no. . While the 5G industry are not even interested in knowing the health effects of technology, Dr. Goldberg was very emphatic to testify before the Court of Michigan in 2018: "Wireless radiation has adverse biological effects, period. If you consult the electronic library PubMed and reviewed scientific literature on the  block chain

Will understand that this issue is no longer subject to debate. "The growing controversy over the 5G technology focuses on plans telcos to install millions of small mobile phone towers on poles, in public buildings and schools, bus stops, in public parks, anywhere you need in national and state parks. 

It is estimated that local urban communities exist a cell tower 5G approximately every 150 meters along every street. However, as harmful as they seem to be these small cell towers from the point of view of the constant exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RF) near the fountain, perhaps an even more alarming prospect is the microwave transmission millimeter length to Earth from thousands of new communication satellites equipped with this technology. 5G technology is touted as the next "great wonder" in the technology agenda to create smart cities where everything and everyone connect instantly in real time without delays or lost signals. But all this will have a high cost, and not economic .Actualmente, la única manera de detener la tecnología 5G sería mediante la acción del Congreso. Si hay suficiente gente que presione a sus funcionarios electos, tal vez se podría suspender la 5G mientras se realizan estudios para examinar los verdaderos riesgos para la salud. 

La inversión económica en telecomunicaciones para instaurar la tecnología 5G ha sido masiva. Están planeando la implementación completa en el terreno y en el espacio en los próximos dos años. El momento de objetar es ahora y no después de que cientos de miles de personas se enfermen.

5G utilizará las antenas Phased Array para disparar haces de radiación en teléfonos celulares

Estos satélites utilizarán el mismo tipo de antenas de matriz en fase que los sistemas 5G basados ​​en tierra.
Esto significa que enviarán haces de radiación de microondas intensamente enfocados a cada dispositivo 5G específico que se encuentra en la Tierra y cada dispositivo enviará un rayo de radiación al satélite.
Las generaciones anteriores de comunicación celular de RF utilizaron grandes antenas para enviar un manto de radiación en todas las direcciones. Las frecuencias más bajas que utilizaron y la amplia distribución de microondas limitaron el número de dispositivos celulares que podían conectarse a través de una torre alta individual.
Las microondas de longitud mucho más corta utilizadas para 5G permitirán el uso de pequeñas antenas de fase en fase para enviar y recibir señales.
Las antenas de matrices en fase consisten en grupos de cientos de antenas diminutas que trabajan juntas para disparar un rayo de energía a un objetivo como una bala. Un grupo de estas pequeñas antenas se puede organizar en una matriz de 4 pulgadas por 4 pulgadas.
Los rayos de microondas que producen serán lo suficientemente fuertes como para atravesar paredes y cuerpos humanos. Si no fueran lo suficientemente fuertes para hacer esto, entonces todos los que tuvieran un teléfono inteligente 5G tendrían que estar afuera cuando usen los dispositivos.
Cada producto 5G también tendrá múltiples antenas de matriz en fase que se utilizarán para crear un potente haz de radiación a los dispositivos 5G montados en los postes de servicios eléctricos o hacia un satélite específico en el espacio.
Estos rayos de radiación también deberán ser lo suficientemente fuertes para atravesar las paredes y la carne humana, como una mano o una cabeza, para alcanzar el destino deseado.
Esto significa que si se encuentra en un lugar lleno de gente, como un aeropuerto o en un tren, habrá cientos, si no miles, de rayos invisibles de radiación volando a través del ambiente a la velocidad de la luz.
A medida que las personas se mueven en ese entorno, sus cuerpos serán penetrados por numerosos rayos de radiación mientras caminan o cuando otras personas caminan alrededor de ellos con sus teléfonos inteligentes 5G.

Los teléfonos 5G serán mucho más poderosos que los teléfonos anteriores

La potencia radiada efectiva de las antenas de matriz en fase 5G en los teléfonos será 10 veces más potente que la de los teléfonos 4G.
Nadie estará libre de la exposición.
Además, se recibirán y transmitirán rayos 5G de radiación de microondas desde nuevos equipos de computación, electrodomésticos y automóviles.
Los equipos fijos, como los centros de conexión Wi-Fi en hogares y oficinas, podrán utilizar haces de microondas 15 veces más fuertes (300 vatios) que las señales de los teléfonos 5G ó 150 veces más fuertes que los teléfonos 4G.

¿Por qué 5G es mucho más peligroso que los anteriores sistemas de comunicación por microondas?

Arthur Firstenberg, autor, investigador y defensor de limitación de la exposición a RF del medio ambiente, explica así el análisis de la radiación 5G que se publicó en Microwave News en 2002:
Cuando un campo electromagnético ordinario ingresa al cuerpo, causa que las cargas se muevan y que las corrientes fluyan. Pero cuando los pulsos electromagnéticos extremadamente cortos ingresan al cuerpo 5G, sucede algo más: las cargas en movimiento se convierten en pequeñas antenas que re-irradian el campo electromagnético y lo envían más profundamente al cuerpo. Estas ondas re-irradiadas se llaman precursores de Brillouin. Se vuelven importantes cuando la potencia o la fase de las olas cambian lo suficientemente rápido. 5G probablemente satisfaga ambos requisitos. Esto significa que la tranquilidad que se nos está dando al decir que estas ondas milimétricas son demasiado cortas para penetrar en el cuerpo, es falsa.

Los satélites 5G llenarán los cielos

Estas son las empresas con los mayores planes para desplegar satélites 5G:
SpaceX: 12,000 satélites.
OneWeb: 4.560 satélites.
Boeing: 2.956 satélites.
Spire Global: 972 satélites.
Arthur Firstenberg describe así los planes de las corporaciones que desean utilizar la tecnología 5G:
Honeywell ya ha firmado un memorando de entendimiento para convertirse en el primer gran cliente de OneWeb: planea proporcionar Wi-Fi de alta velocidad en aviones comerciales, comerciales y militares en todo el mundo. SpaceX desea proporcionar el equivalente de 5G a cada persona en el planeta.

Implementación de la tecnología 5G en la Tierra

Los sistemas 5G basados en tierra ya se están implementando en docenas de ciudades importantes en este momento. Los planes están siendo aprobados por cientos de otras ciudades, lo que permitirá su implementación en 2019 y más allá.
Las ciudades no tienen derecho a “decir no” a 5G. Las regulaciones de la FCC evitan que las ciudades se opongan por motivos de salud: solo pueden hablar de cuestiones de estética y de la cuestión práctica de la colocación de equipos.
Se les exige que “digan que sí” y es mejor que lo hagan rápido, o las compañías de telecomunicaciones los amenazarán con acciones legales por obstruir sus planes.

Implementación de la tecnología 5G basada en satélite

SpaceX lanzó los dos primeros satélites de prueba 5G en febrero de 2018. Se espera que cientos de otros satélites se lancen en 2019. El conjunto completo de 20,000 satélites se podría poner en órbita durante los próximos dos años.
Para poner esto en perspectiva, a partir de septiembre de 2017 había 1,738 satélites operativos en órbita alrededor de la Tierra. Esto significa que el número de satélites será 11 veces mayor que el número actual.

Catástrofe ambiental de cohetes usados ​​para lanzar satélites

El combustible para cohetes es muy destructivo para la capa de ozono de la Tierra, que nos protege de los duros efectos de la radiación del sol. En 2017, hubo 90 intentos de lanzamiento de cohetes en todo el mundo.
Los cohetes que usan combustible sólido producen un agotamiento masivo de ozono. Mientras que los cohetes que utilizan queroseno líquido como combustible destruyen menos ozono, liberan enormes cantidades de hollín de carbono negro en el aire, especialmente a grandes altitudes.
Si el número de lanzamientos anuales de cohetes aumenta diez o más veces (algo que es probable en los planes realizados por estas corporaciones) los modelos informáticos sugieren que la combinación de agotamiento de ozono y la liberación de hollín negro podría producir un efecto de calentamiento de 3 grados sobre la Antártida y reducir el ozono en la atmósfera mundial en un 4%.
Aunque será posible que un solo cohete ponga en órbita múltiples satélites, todavía estamos hablando de un aumento de 10 ó 20 veces en el daño ambiental sobre lo que se está produciendo hoy.
Los satélites 5G tienen una vida útil relativamente corta, tal vez solo 5 años, lo que significa que habrá un gran número de lanzamientos de cohetes, no solo en los próximos años, sino en todos los años en el futuro previsible.

El combustible para cohetes a base de mercurio podría esparcir neurotoxinas sobre la Tierra

Apollo Fusion está desarrollando un sistema de propulsión basado en mercurio para lanzar cohetes. Los sistemas basados en mercurio son tan malos para el medio ambiente como los combustibles líquidos y sólidos para cohetes.
Estos motores de cohetes de propulsión iónica utilizan potentes imanes para expulsar pequeñas partículas cargadas a altas velocidades, lo que genera empuje. La NASA experimentó con la propulsión de iones de mercurio en la década de 1960, pero abandonó la investigación.
Mercury is an extremely strong neurotoxin that is harmful to all forms of life, especially humans.
Risks of environmental catastrophe are monumental, because if there was a malfunction and explode one of these engines, the  highly toxic mercury would spread through the atmosphere and on Earth .
All propaganda telcos about that 5G "is a panacea for environmental protection and energy conservation" is ridiculous when we think about the environmental damage that will be created by either rocket engines that choose to use to launch its satellites.

Space debris pollute the Earth

Each satellite will have the size of a small refrigerator and  weighs about 400 kilograms .
With a  life expectancy of only 5 years , this means that there will be a lot of space junk orbiting Earth.
Eventually, all these satellites will fall to Earth and will burn when they enter the atmosphere of it.
All hazardous materials in satellites will be launched into the air and float to the ground as dust or raindrops.

Telcos are creating a global disaster in the name of technological progress

5G is touted as the next "great wonder" in the technology agenda to create smart cities where everything and everyone connect instantly in real time without delays or lost signals. But all this will have a high cost, and not economic.
We will all be irradiated with non-ionizing radiation of millimeter size 24 hours a day with completely unknown health effects, although predictably negative according to scientific studies.
The definitive studies designed to investigate damage caused by 5G will be completed many years after the 5G systems on the ground and in space have been fully implemented.
At that time, it is very unlikely that telecommunications companies dismantle their systems, even if it is demonstrated that its technology is causing cancer and other diseases. They would simply deny the risks.
They say that the evidence linking 5G with cancer and other diseases is just a conspiracy theory.
Millions of people suffer exposure to radiation with symptoms such as headaches, weakness, brain fog, ability to learn and reason, chest pain and many other symptoms that embarrass most conventional doctors and try to interpret them by associating them naivete to other causes .

No where to hide from radiation 5G

Today, it is possible to live in a place that has reduced levels of exposure to microwave. This is accomplished by choosing a living space that is away from the cell phone towers.
However, in the near future, it will not matter where we are, because we will radiate 5G wherever they live or work.

Cities can not refuse to implement 5G

FCC regulations are structured in such a way that local municipalities can not prevent telecommunications companies installed 5G. They are specifically prohibited from attempting to delay or stop the implementation of 5G for health reasons. Your only recourse is to try to make the 5G system based on land more aesthetically pleasing.
Based on what has been happening throughout USA, telecommunication companies are eliminating local resistance and obtaining approval from its 5G systems in rapid succession.

Can you stop the implementation of 5G?

Currently, the only way to stop the 5G technology would be through congressional action. If enough people to pressure their elected officials perhaps you could suspend 5G while studies are conducted to examine the real health risks.
Economic investment in telecommunications to establish the 5G technology has been massive. They are planning to full implementation on the ground and in space over the next two years.When object  is now  , not after hundreds of thousands of people sick.

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