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Vitamin D supplements can promote weight loss in obese children

Vitamin D supplements can promote weight loss and reduce the risk factors for future cardiac and metabolic disorders in overweight and obese children, according to research presented  at the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology.
These findings indicate that simple supplementation with vitamin D may be part of an effective strategy to address childhood obesity and reduce the risk of serious health problems, like heart disease in adulthood.
Obesity in childhood and adolescence is a major health problem worldwide, leading to the development of costly and debilitating complications serious as heart disease and diabetes in later life. Although vitamin D deficiency is typically associated with impaired bone health in recent years it has been linked increasingly with increasing accumulation of body fat and obesity, and the precise nature of this relationship is currently being investigated by researchers. However, it has not yet investigated the effect of vitamin D supplementation on weight and health of obese children and adolescents.
In this study, Christos Giannios, MD, Evangelia Charmandari, MD, MSc, PhD, MRCP (UK), CCST (UK) and colleagues at the Medical School of Athens University and Children 's Hospital Aghia Sophia in Athens, they evaluated 232 obese children and adolescents over 12 months, with 117 randomized to receive vitamin D supplements, according to the Endocrine Society guidelines on the treatment and prevention of deficiency. Vitamin D levels, body fat and blood markers of liver function and heart health were evaluated at baseline and 12 months later. The study reported that children who received vitamin D supplements had a body mass index, body fat and cholesterol levels improved significantly lower after 12 months of supplementation.
"These findings suggest that simple supplementation with vitamin D can reduce the risk of overweight and obese children develop serious cardiac and metabolic complications in adult life," says Charmandari, principal investigator.
The team now plans to investigate the effects of vitamin D supplementation on the health of obese children and adolescents who are already unhealthy conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood glucose and high cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of disease heart, diabetes and cerebrovascular accident.
Charmandari warns, though these initial findings indicate that vitamin D could be used in the treatment of obesity, there remains a lack of evidence on the safety and long-term effects of supplementation, especially if there is no deficiency of vitamin D.
"However, if your child is overweight or obese," he said, "I recommend that you consult your physician for advice and consider their levels of vitamin D are analyzed

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Groundbreaking study looks at the regenerative potential of vitamin C for hormone health and cancer prevention

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 by: 

Image: Groundbreaking study looks at the regenerative potential of vitamin C for hormone health and cancer prevention

(Natural News) When we think of vitamin C we probably think of citrus fruits, winter and preventing the flu. However, this powerhouse nutrient is so much more than an immune booster – albeit a powerful one. A groundbreaking but undervalued study published over two decades ago in the peer-reviewed journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry, found that vitamin C can provide amazing hormone balancing benefits and could potentially even prevent cancer. Unsurprisingly, the Big Pharma-led mainstream media and medical establishment have chosen for the most part to ignore the study’s findings.
Green Med Info’s Sayer Ji recently commented on that vital study, explaining that the Austrian researchers set out to explore the role that vitamin C could play in preventing steroid hormones like progesterone, estrone (a form of estrogen) and testosterone from degrading and becoming toxic, cancer-causing metabolites called “hormone transients.”
They found that vitamin C could facilitate almost total estrone regeneration, along with 52.7 percent regeneration of progesterone and 58.6 percent regeneration of testosterone.
This has profound implications for the use of vitamin C as an alternative to cancer-causing hormone replacement therapy in middle-aged women. And, since vitamin C also reduces the formation of carcinogenic hormone-transients, it is a potentially vital component of cancer prevention.

The link between hormones and cancer

Sayer Ji explains that when steroid hormones are exposed to environmental and other factors like high temperature, pH and UV light, they change, losing electrons and becoming toxic hormone transients. That’s where vitamin C comes in, since it is a “reducing agent,” which means it has the ability to donate electrons to other compounds. When vitamin C donates electrons to steroid hormones it regenerates them and at the same time acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals.
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The study abstract explains the methodology employed by the researchers:
Investigations were performed using progesterone (PRG), testosterone (TES) and estrone (E1) as representatives of hormones. By irradiation with monochromatic UV light (?=254 nm) in a media of 40% water and 60% ethanol, the degradation as well as the regeneration of the hormones was studied with each hormone individually and in the mixture with VitC as a function of the absorbed UV dose, using HPLC. Calculated from the obtained initial yields, the determined regeneration of PRG amounted to 52.7%, for TES to 58.6% and for E1 to 90.9%.

What conclusions did the research team reach?

Firstly, that the electron emission process can successfully be regenerated by electron donation from a potent donor like vitamin C.
Secondly, with regard to cancer prevention, they noted:
The regeneration of hormones by electron transfer process using a potent electron donor, such as VitC, might offer a new pathway for an efficient reduction in the formation of metabolites, also such initiating cancer among others.
And, with regard to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), they added:
The reported results concerning the ability of VitC to act as electron donor in the regeneration of hormone transients might also be of benefit in the clinical application of hormones (e.g. contraceptive, HRT).

Other reasons to supplement with vitamin C

A study published back in 2007 indicated that most Americans are deficient in vitamin C, and that supplementing with very large, therapeutic dosages of this nutrient could prevent chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer.
In addition, as previously reported by Natural News, vitamin C deficiency is associated with a host of health problems, including joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, bleeding gums and much more. Writing for Natural News, Jonathan Landsman made the astounding claim that “there is not a known virus that can survive in the presence of this essential antioxidant.”
There are therefore really good reasons to increase consumption of fruits and veggies that are high in vitamin C, as well as to consider supplementation with a trusted, clean source of this amazing gift from nature. Learn more at
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Threats to the European pharma industry from Brexit

by Paul Anthony Taylor
25 January, 2018
from Dr-Rath-Foundation Website


Our Foundation's vision is for a truly democratic Europe in which science-based natural preventive healthcare approaches make possible the elimination of diseases that kill millions of people every year.

This goal clearly cannot be achieved under the Brussels EU.

But as committed advocates for natural health therapies, we see Brexit's disruption of the pharma industry as a valuable opportunity to help turn our vision into a reality

As 2017 drew to a close and the Brexit negotiations prepared to move on to discussing the UK's future trade relationship with the Brussels EU, Bloomberg News quietly admitted something that our Foundation has long recognized.
In an article published on 27 December titled 'Why Brexit Keeps Drugmakers Up at Night', three of its reporters described how leaving the Brussels EU has the potential to disrupt almost every aspect of the UK's pharmaceutical business.

For ourselves, as committed advocates of natural health approaches and staunch opponents of the drug industry, this underreported fact represents yet another good reason to support Brexit.

The planned relocation of the so-called European Medicines Agency (EMA) from London to Amsterdam could hit UK pharmaceutical companies particularly hard.

The Brussels EU agency responsible for the evaluation and supervision of drugs, the EMA is said to receive around 40,000 visits a year from pharma industry stakeholders.

Reflecting on how this might change in the post-Brexit world, in a written message posted online in 2016, Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that if the EMA were to be moved to another Brussels EU country,
"the appeal of London as an environment for the development of pharmaceuticals would be lost."

The UK is a key player in the Brussels EU drug industry, constituting 10 percent of its total production and employment.

It also manufactures around 40 percent of experimental drugs used in the bloc's clinical trials, and is its second largest recipient of competitively awarded drug-related funding.

Faced with a potential reduction in their lucrative European-derived revenues, British pharma industry executives have much to worry about when they lie awake at night.

But it is not just UK drug makers that will be affected by Brexit.

As Jianwei Xu, an associate professor at Beijing Normal University, pointed out last year in a well-researched article published on the London School of Economics website, Brexit will ultimately impact the entire European pharmaceutical industry.

Border delays, the disruption of drug research and development, and regulatory divergence: all of these pose threats to the European arm of the 'business with disease'.

Brussels EU suppression of natural health

So what about the alternatives to pharmaceutical medicine in the Brussels EU?

Fact is, the laws governing natural health therapies in Europe are highly restrictive. Stringent regulatory controls exist not only on the types of ingredients that can be put in supplement formulas, but also on the information that can be communicated when promoting them.

From over 44,000 nutrition and health claims submitted to the Brussels EU under its 'Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation', which became law in 2006, a mere 261 have been authorized for use.

In short, therefore, the Brussels EU is deliberately preventing European citizens from learning about the existence of a century of lifesaving scientific research on vitamins and other micronutrients.

The only beneficiaries from this outright suppression of natural health information are the region's pharmaceutical suppliers - for whom the Brussels EU functions as their 'politburo'.

Seen from this perspective, with Brexit a clear threat to the interests of drug makers, we believe that natural health advocates everywhere should wholeheartedly support it.

Over the years, in its regulation of vitamin therapies, the Brussels EU has consistently adhered to a pro-pharma, anti-science, anti-freedom of choice approach.

Our Foundation's vision is for a truly democratic Europe in which science-based natural preventive healthcare approaches make possible the elimination of diseases that kill millions of people every year.

This goal clearly cannot be achieved under the Brussels EU.

But as committed advocates for natural health therapies, we see Brexit's disruption of the pharma industry as a valuable opportunity to help turn our vision into a reality




Here is an article by Jon Rappoport, one of the most radical, critical, and above all controversial activists, against the Western medical and pharmaceutical system.
As always, we expose the opinions of Rappoport because they are interesting, whether or not they agree with them. Ultimately, it should be the reader who applies his critical judgment to it and balances the possible excesses in Rappoport's points of view, in order to decide how much real warning he can have in his words.

Pay close attention to this. It is the future that is approaching like a gale.
First of all, let's talk about the background. For years, I have gathered conclusive evidence that the psychiatric diagnosis of mental disorders is a fraud. It's pseudoscience. There are no definitive laboratory tests. There is no blood test in the diagnoses, neither saliva, hair, brain, nor genetic tests.
Instead, committees of psychiatrists meet and discuss how to group various arbitrary behaviors, finally grouping and labeling them with names relating to  "mental disorders."
(That is, they come together to decide how to group certain behavioral disorders by grouping them into defining labels that they themselves invent to classify them)
But the intransigents insist that one of the oldest disorders, schizophrenia, is the exception. That is solid. That is not pseudoscience. That is the  "gold standard ".
As says  :
"... Diagnosing schizophrenia is based on subjective methods ... There is no single test for schizophrenia, so diagnosis usually involves observing symptoms and ruling out other potential causes for them ..."
"And while scientists have observed differences in the brain scans of healthy people and people with schizophrenia ... are not currently used to diagnose neurological disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)."
That is, they are neither precise nor definitive.
As usual. The committees of psychiatrists  "observe the symptoms" (behaviors) and invent rules for the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
As usual, the public is the last to know.
Now, there is a new project underway that aims to change these non-objective diagnoses, using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.
IBM and the University of Alberta are working on it, as we are reminded at Fiercebiotech:
"The team used machine learning to create a model that identifies connection-based schizophrenia in the brain, IBM said. Magnetic resonance imaging data were taken from different sites, using different machines, but the algorithm could differentiate between patients with and without schizophrenia, 74% of the time. "
This was through a small pilot study with 95 volunteers. Typically, these projects are extinguished when larger studies are done, because the results are not specific enough.
That is why NO test based on brain scans, for NO supposed mental disorder, is labeled as definitive proof in the psychiatric Bible, the DSM, Diagnostic and Statistics Manual.
However, computer boys and medical professionals are still trying to get it and this is where the Massive Surveillance State comes on the scene in a very ugly way.
According to Fiercebiotech:
"Mindstrong Health, co-founded by former head of the National Institute of Mental Health, Tom Insel, is working on technology that analyzes smartphone data to determine a person's mental state. The company's technology collects information about which words are used, or a person's location when using certain applications, for example, and converts them into objective measures of brain function. Recently, the company raised $ 14 million ... "
"Meanwhile, Boston-based Akili Interactive and Pfizer reported last year's data showing that a video game-based diagnostic test could distinguish between people with and without cerebral amyloidosis, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. And Sonde Health of PureTech is working on the analysis of "vocal biomarkers", or changes in the non-linguistic characteristics of a person's voice, to indicate changes in health. "
We can already see that, where the subject is going: to spy on the whole world through their cell phones and computers, in order to diagnose them with any mental disorder.
The State of Surveillance receives a new justification, and the psychiatric establishment comes to play in the Big Brother's game,  "to protect us all" from people with mental illnesses.
This investigation was initiated in the highest gears of power, when the Obama-led Brain Mapping Project was launched, which was announced following the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook School.
According to Obama at the time,  "the Project is necessary, to help prevent such future tragedies."
But no, in fact, the Project is necessary to expand the surveillance of the population, for the sake of control.
The psychiatric diagnosis, and the toxic drug addiction (medication) that always derives from him, is a form of control.
"Well, we have a subject identified as a potential danger in Boston who has been using keywords in his cell phone calls, and non-linguistic pauses and voice inflections indicate that he is demonstrating a schizoid pattern. According to the procedures described, we must intensify vigilance over him, make a deep control of his finances, quietly interview some of his friends and co-workers, determine his voting record, find out which groups he belongs to. He is a university professor. He teaches American history. Do we have something about how he interprets the Founding Fathers, the Constitution ... oh look, he seems to be making statements about the need to limit the power of the central government ... we have a case, guys. "
They will diagnose the teacher by saying that he has schizoid tendencies and will force him to medicate with antipsychotics, which will sink him into a brain fog and slow down his motor reflexes, at least.
That's what we're going to do.
Psychiatry and the State of Massive Surveillance, holding hands.
Jon Rappoport

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