
5 de agosto de 2017

His distractions are created by his ego as a means of keeping him apart from his path.

Goddess of Creation via Sheryl Dressel, August 4th, 2017

Nama sika; Venia benya, I AM the One, I AM the Whole
I greet you beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I welcome you into this now moment of sharing time together. I feel such love for all of you. I feel such honor and respect for each one of you that is living your life and is upon your journey.You may have a hundred different people that listen to the same message and they will each interpret it a hundred different ways because each one of you is on your own unique path. You are on this journey that is your own taking you through your life.
I always appreciate how there may be billions of people upon the earth. All of you humans with your thoughts, your emotions, your physicality and there is that which is common amongst people that are on a similar pathway but to each one of you, your experiences, your path, your reality is that, it’s your reality. So to take a moment, look around you, consider your life. What is one word that expresses your reality?
I’m smiling because I always get those people that are “Well let me think about it”, “Well it could be this it could be that, it could be this”. When you consider your life and whatever the focus of your reality is in that moment, it’s not about analyzing or thinking or putting a lot of intention into it; it is about being in the moment and whatever thought process comes to you let that be your reality.
Most of you have distractions. Your distractions are created by your ego as a means of keeping you aside from your path. Sometimes people are so caught up in the distractions they would not even know what their path is.
Your path is created over and over and over again through your communication and connection to your own divinity. Every time we get together on these channels you begin as the human that you are. You shift into that space of your higher self, which is a higher vibration than your physical reality, but it is not as high as your divinity and then we also move into your actual I AM Presence.
Therefore I would say to you that your ultimate mission or goal or intention for living your life is the expression of your own divine self in every reality. You the human are a glorious individual. You the divine are even more magnificent than that which you can fully take in. And I say that because it’s word that you could understand, but it’s not about judgment or saying one is better or worse than the other; it’s more so about recognizing that you as the human have been living your life, having your experiences; we tap into that all the time, and yet you as the culmination of lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, as the culmination of your God source are this infinitely massive, if you want to think of it that way, or high vibrational being. This is why the statement was created, “You are more than just this life”. This is why the statement was created that “You are human having a spiritual experience or are you a spiritual person having a human experience?” That was a big one back in the 90s.
Ultimately at this time it is more important than ever that you recognize you are more than just the human living your life and you are the expression of your own divinity. Anything at all that you can do to get back into that flow and get back into the rhythm and to understand who that is, is going to assist you within your life in truly being the person that you wish to be. In terms of things manifesting for you, you could look at it as a river or as a wave of energy that just moves through your life. And you can choose to play in it and wade in it or you can choose to stand on the side and just observe.
I would encourage everyone to become that wave of your divinity to allow it to fully be expressed in every part of your reality.
I know I don’t usually talk so long at the beginning but that message just wanted to come out. So now, I invite you to breathe in once more, breathe all the way down inside of yourself and let that energy go into the earth so that you may merge with Gaia. As you feel your energy expand in different directions you are anchoring your consciousness and you’re anchoring your physicality into the earth.
As you allow for all of that to come up within you, you send a beam of light that moves up. This is what I’m speaking about a few minutes ago. All you do is you send that bean of light. You have the intention that you create a ball of energy within your heart center and you send that energy upwards in the top of your head. It moves out and it just naturally merges with your higher self.
Allow your consciousness to then feel as if it expands as it merges with the energies of your higher self.
As you feel this energy, you may find yourself shifting or expanding into something even more. Your higher self is a place where you frequently come and work out problems or you look for solutions. So if there are old things that are sitting around you, clear it out, let it go, so that for tonight, in this now moment, you can have a clear and direct communication.
That little ball of light that you sent up to your higher self continues. There is a cord that connects you within the human to you within your divinity. That consciousness just follows that cord as it goes all the way up in the higher vibrations or the higher dimensions. You find yourself in the soul plane, which is that plane of existence in which your soul resides and as you feel that consciousness merge it’s as if you as your soul, you as your divinity open up to embrace this energy or this thought or this conscious awareness that moves from you into that space.
The soul plane just as the All That Is; is a very expansive place. It’s got many dimensions, therefore, when you link with your I AM Presence or with your divinity you are merging with that which is most in alignment with where you are right now but you can find other experiences by linking or moving deeper into your I AM Presence.
I the Goddess, walk in and amongst each one of you. As I do so, I reach out to embrace who you are. As our energies merge with one another there is a sense of expansion, there is a sense of awareness.
Everything moves in to the All That Is as our energies merge together.
Here within the All That Is, you have created a space that is your own. Let us shift things up or mix things up a little bit. I’m going to send through ~whew~ a wave of energy and just clear things out.
As I do so, take a moment to look around and see all that is here.
The All That Is is a very high vibration that is able to create a link or an alignment with whatever level in which you vibrate so that no matter who you are, no matter what your experience, you can find yourself merging within the space and you feel the unconditional love of Goddess. You feel the complete support and acceptance of your own divinity.
The All That Is is a place of creation. It is a place where many different beings of light will come to work with you or to work with each other. There are many Angels here. There are energies of the crystalline vibration that come into the space also; so one might even consider it a gathering place that emanates a particular frequency of alignment.
I invite you to pay attention and as you do so, really listen. When you listen you might hear different things, so as if everyone just closes their eyes for a moment, feel as if you are just floating in this energy of the All That Is. Allow yourself to be open to hear. Perhaps you’re going to sense; perhaps you’re going to feel, but these energies that are within this space, communicate with you. Some on a very deep unconscious level and some that you literally can hear a tone or feel a sense and it gets interpreted within you.
Out within the universe, you have your stars, your planets; there are rays of light and energy, all of which have a particular frequency that is unique to them or it.
You as the individual that you are have the ability to flow up and down through many different frequencies which is what allows you to connect with numerous potentials and opportunity.
There are transformations taking place in the alignment of the stars and planets that are amplifying the energy upon earth. So in this state in which you are allowing yourself to just float in this energy I invite you to put forth a question; “What is in my best interest to understand at this now moment?”
As you ask that question you may immediately get a response or you may send that wave of energy out to the All That Is and it may take several days, several hours for you to receive the answer. Understand that it may possibly come in through your unconsciousness, therefore ask yourself, let me rephrase that, therefore, put forth the question; “Anything of which I may be conscious or unconscious I would like to come into my awareness at this time”. Ah, there we go, now I suddenly saw many people just kind of opening up.
There is an intrinsic balance that takes place within the universe. It’s a balance between the stars and the planets and it is a balance between its relationship or alignment with the earth. Are you balanced energetically within your own life?
I know that perhaps people may say “I’ve got a lot of this so I need to do that” or you may have this analytical understanding of what’s happening. Here in the All That Is, I speak of the energy that you integrate within you.
Are you energetically in balance?
And what I’m hearing is, “Sometimes I am”, “No I’m not”, “My digestive tract is a problem”, “My adrenals are a problem”, “My stress level is too high”, “My cortisol is to high”. So let us do a reset so to speak. Again you continuously breathe in this intrinsic balance of the All That Is and the universe and as you breathe that deeply within your consciousness feel that vibration and the frequency of balance move through you and it’s going to begin. It’s just going to go through the top of your head and it’s going to go down through your body and this intrinsic balance is going to adjust everything within you so that your physical body will have the energetic balance of your energy body with which you are working right now.
Again you feel that balanced vibration and frequency moving through you once more and as it does so, wave upon wave clearing out and creating a new balance within you. We’ve spoken about the physical frequency and vibration that is your reality. Let us now go into the mental body.
Your thoughts create your reality. Your belief systems create your thoughts. So let’s go first into the belief systems. If there are old beliefs that no longer serve you in your life let us connect into whatever that may be, let us tap into whatever that is. Bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~whew~ clear it out.
Your ego in particular wants to hold onto these old beliefs because it’s the only thing it knows. So immediately allow the vibration or the frequency of balance, to go through your thoughts and your beliefs, filling up those spaces that you just released and cleared out with the vibration of balance, the vibration of love, the vibration of new potential.
What I’m noticing is that as you integrate this new frequency in your thoughts and beliefs, your physical body is also relaxing. It’s not trying to be stressed as a result of the belief system that’s telling you to accomplish something that is very frustrating to you. So, your reality; I understand that you may come out of this meditation and have a total different reality but in this now moment the vibration and the frequency of the reality that you seek to have; let that come into your thoughts, let that come into your beliefs. It may be multiple things it may be one single thing.
You allow the frequency and the vibration of what you have been seeking to just merge with your thoughts and your beliefs. Okay… As soon as I said that I heard some of you responding with “This doesn’t work for me, I’ve done this before”, “This is a waste of time”. So if that is a part of your belief system tap into whatever it may be ~whew~ get rid of it. And again, bring in the reality that you want.
If you have repeatedly attempted to manifest or had the intention of manifesting something that’s not working then let’s tweak it. Maybe it needs to look different than what you are thinking it’s going to look like. Maybe it will feel different to you than what you anticipated will feel like. So take this moment and clear out the vision or the intention of what you seek so that once more we can let the universe know what you would like but do so letting the universe or letting your divinity express to you it’s version and not ego’s version. There is a difference frequently.
Your emotions have its own frequency that is different than your thoughts and beliefs, that is different than your physicality. Are there any particular emotions that you find consistently come up for you?
As you consider what that may be, again, it might be related to your thoughts or your reality it might be related to what your physical body is expressing. Clear out your emotions ~whew~ and again allow emotions such as happiness, belief, excitement, joy, anything at all that builds you up; allow for those emotions and the frequency that they emanate to come within you.
Open up. Feel as these emotions wash through you.
Your spiritual body is the representation of all of this. Your spiritual body is your I AM presence as it’s expressing from you. So as you spiritual body comes in to support you, it’s saying, “Don’t forget me, I’m here with potential, I am bringing in the change, I am bringing in the opportunity so let me do what I’m supposed to do” and again you breathe down feeling the support and the energy of your own divinity coming through and aligning and balancing your thoughts, your beliefs, your physicality, your emotions, the whole entire blended you is fully supported by your divinity and just as I expressed at the very beginning, it is this part of you that will strengthen and will help to guide you the more that you are in the flow and understanding of who you are.
The crystalline body; this is that higher dimensional vibration of you that is seeking to have that alignment within all the other frequencies and vibrations of the crystalline energy. This is the foundation for all the change taking place upon the earth and as you look here in the All That Is you see where that crystalline vibration is coming in. In part it comes from the omniverse, meaning other universes. In other parts it comes in as the vibration or as the expression for who you are. As the crystalline energy moves through every part of you, you find that your frequency is once again rising to a higher level.
So, the crystalline vibration and your I AM Presence are this end of the spectrum, which is of the highest light vibration and is in the balance of all the potentials that fully support you; flowing down through your beliefs, your thoughts, your physicality into the vibration that represents you upon the earth. And frequently they are different frequencies or vibrations, therefore as you bring everything together within you, almost as if it’s swirls together, moving through you. You are bringing in that higher vibration that is raising up that lower vibration of who you are. So too, it is what is anchoring those higher light vibrations into your everyday reality.
I know some of you would love to be in that transparent vibration and just let that be your everyday reality, but I also understand that you are living and communicating with others who are of a different vibration and you therefore need to have that balance. So you can feel the flow and this flow as it moves through you is constantly bringing in the vibration, the frequency, the balance of the crystalline energies. It is working within you on your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs and your physicality and it is working in such a way that it gives them the potential to transition and transform into something that feels good within you. Breathe it all the way down within you. There you go.
You can feel your consciousness expand within this energy and we come back around full circle for a moment and I invite you to ask yourself the question, “What is in my best interest in this now moment for me to know and understand because I choose to understand what is happening within and around my life and where is the best place for me to go?”, that flow moves through you. You can feel it.
Through this expanded consciousness and the balance that you are creating you can tap into the knowledge of anything that’s happening out within this universe. You can reach out inviting the angels, your guides to come speak with you. As more and more of this vibration and balances is intrinsically or integrated upon the earth through your consciousness rather than your unconsciousness, you will begin to see that stuff that’s always been around you will suddenly make itself known and you’ll wonder; “Where did that come from? Has it always been there? When did they put that in? And it is because your reality is changing, your frequency is changing.
We spent the summer talking about the ways in which you as the person can understand and know who you are and we’ve spoken about frequency before. But truly I invite you to know and trust that all of this is your reality in this now moment.
Breathe it in and breathe out. Look around at everybody here. Look perhaps at your own guides and realize you are now creating a new relationship at a higher vibration; therefore, you will receive information differently. You may have more of it come in through your consciousness where you will just get ideas that instantly come into your mind. You may see things and by seeing things you may see something written that’s been there before but now you notice it because now is the time for you to notice.
You may hear things and everybody that’s seeking to expand their third eye or open their light body centers is here. It’s happening, it’s now. And your way of creating your reality is to have that vibrational frequency that balances all of your energy bodies and emanates out from you.
This is something that is excellent for you to practice in a very conscious way like this but once it’s set up it is just always there in the background. It’s always working for you and you need not constantly analyze it. As it comes to your attention that you’re struggling or this isn’t working or that isn’t working, take a step back, consciously breathe in clearing out all your energy fields and ask for the vibration and the frequency to once again rebalance or recalibrate within you. The more you do that the easier it will be.
One of the most beautiful things that I’m seeing right now is that as I’m looking at each one of you I see you here in the All That Is but I’m also seeing you in your physical life, in your physical reality and it’s representing everything that you have right here. I invite you step in to that potential allowing that to be your reality.
I invite you to come back together as a group. As you do so, you see coming up within the center of you the hologram of the earth. As this hologram comes up within you, pay attention to what it looks like. It is already showing you the vibration that is been a part of the hologram but you perhaps didn’t notice it because you vibrated at a different frequency. So look at it now with these new eyes or with this new balance within you and as you do so recognize that you are amplifying that more balanced frequency into everything that’s happening upon the earth.
As you send into the hologram your own intrinsic balance, it all comes together. There are many angels and light beings who are also here and they also send that light into this hologram. It begins to flow down. It flows on its pathway as there is a part that moves out into the universe and the rest goes down into the earth.
As you observe that hologram, it clears through the collective consciousness that is surrounding the earth already clearing it out and it moves down inside of the earth. It anchors and then it comes back up through the earth, it comes back up through the many layers of the earth and it comes back up within each one of you. You already grounded and put your energy within the earth, so therefore, it merges with that and it comes back up within you. It flows up into you, anchoring within your heart. As you allow yourself to anchor within this energy, begin to feel how your own vibration and your own frequency is clearing. You may feel as if bits of debris or old energy just flakes off of you. It clears away.
Give yourself a moment and feel the balance as it moves through you. It’s going through your physical, your mental, your emotional, your spiritual, your light body energies; all the levels of who you are, are finding that same balanced frequency that you have in the all that is. It may feel different where you are because now you are integrating the vibrations of the earth, but let yourself connect and integrate as much of that balanced energy as is possible.
So too this energy is moving through the rest of the earth. It’s clearing old pockets of stuck energy, helping to release it. It’s activating that vibration within the collective consciousness so that as people intrinsically look for a balanced energy or balanced frequency or vibration they have it here to tap into and it begins to just move in every direction.
Once again have that sense of reaching up to the All That Is and bring back the rest of your consciousness. As if you breathe deeply into your heart center it all flows back. It moves through your I Am Presence. It moves through your higher self and it comes back within you in the person.
Allow yourself to just sit for a moment, readjusting and recalibrating from every cell within your body through every vibration that you emanate. Allow it to be in the flow of your divinity and the balanced energy of all your energy fields.
Who are you? As you ask yourself that question, recognize that you now vibrate the frequency of the balanced person; the person in the human reality, the person in the All That Is, the light body, everything as it’s associated with you is balanced within you. Create your reality through balance.
Here we are in this time space reality where we just worked in the All That Is about you frequency and were now bringing it up into your everyday reality or the perception of your frequency.
You the intrinsic person, you the person of your soul or your divinity is that core, that center of who you are as the human and that’s reflected through your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, your physicality. So therefore take this time and just feel or just have the intention that your frequency is that of balance and that of your divinity.
If you vibrate your divinity that takes care of everything and through that you can bring in more and more of that crystalline energy or that crystalline vibration. It’s here, it’s available to you. Wrap it around you like it’s a cloak and let it just work in its own natural way. Take out the analysis, take out the mental planning and instead be the frequency and the balance of who you are as your soul.
Beloved, I’m always here with you and within you.

Release of RV worldwide

“Oh My” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Saturday – August 5, 2017

Received via email at 2:02 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Multiple sources reporting in Friday PM:
Speaker Paul Ryan’s furniture and decoration choices were moved into the White House today.
Trump never seriously moved into the White House in terms of bringing his personal effects from New York because he didn’t believe he would be there long, because he never expected to win, and why he took so much money from foreign governments and businessmen seeking favor.
Neither Presidential candidate is required to repay campaign contributions per US election laws. So whomever lost made a heap of money–no wonder the Clinton camp took another one for team (Obama’s 2008 Democratic nomination was the first).
In fact, both Trump and Clinton took so many bribes from foreign sources prior to the 2016 election, sources insist the “witch hunt” he speaks of would have gone down the same way for either candidate–ending in resignation before being impeached.
Ironically, they also said because both candidates are known to be women by birth, and both in theory could be legitimately called witches as Hillary is well known to be an occult high priestess while Trump is a transgender which automatically elevates one’s anti-Christ status in occult circles.
I know it’s a tough one to accept, but I keep repeating it because you deserve to know the truth about how bad things got in politics / media / entertainment — tons more transgenders than one would dare investigate.
HSBC eliminated all vacation days through Labor Day–except traders who are to report back to work on September 4.
Wells Fargo has been completely taken out of transaction decision making for RV off site redemption centers, and now waits like every other second tier bank.
Also WF lost BofA branch extension privileges post RV–expect HSBC to absorb all BofA locations to expand their North American footprint.
There is only one collateral source backing all revalued currencies and bonds. There is no more fractional reserve system period.
Making all currencies and bonds on an equal par against a common gold benchmark set twice daily in Asia (Shanghai Gold Exchange) regardless of country of origin.
Zimbabwe President Mugabe is in Iran to finalize a discounted thirty year oil and natural contract for all nations in the African Union.
When Bob Mueller subpoena’s Trump, which is why the Grand Jury was impaneled in D.C.–pay close attention for the release of the 800#s and Tetelestsi notification email.
The Watergate Saturday Night Massacre is being highlighted in the media to cloak a Saturday night RV when all banks and markets are closed (8pm-2am). It’s the safest time to release the RV globally.
If you’re not yet on the Tetelestai list, is now accumulating contact emails as well as
God is with us.

Liberación de la RV a nivel mundial

"Oh My" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Sábado 5 de agosto de 2017

"Oh My" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Sábado 5 de agosto de 2017

Recibido por correo electrónico a las 2:02 AM EDT para su publicación. ~ Crónicas Dinar

Múltiples fuentes informan el viernes PM:
Las opciones de mobiliario y decoración de Paul Ryan fueron trasladadas a la Casa Blanca hoy.
Trump nunca se movió seriamente a la Casa Blanca en términos de traer sus efectos personales de Nueva York porque no creía que estaría allí por mucho tiempo, porque nunca esperaba ganar, y por qué tomó tanto dinero de gobiernos y empresarios extranjeros que buscaban favor.
Ninguno de los candidatos presidenciales está obligado a reembolsar las contribuciones de la campaña por las leyes electorales de los Estados Unidos. Así que cualquier persona perdida hizo un montón de dinero, no es de extrañar que el campamento de Clinton tomó otro para el equipo (la nominación demócrata de 2008 de Obama fue la primera).
De hecho, tanto Trump como Clinton tomaron tantos sobornos de fuentes extranjeras antes de las elecciones de 2016, las fuentes insisten en que la "caza de brujas" de la que habla habrían caído de la misma manera para cualquiera de los dos candidatos.
Irónicamente, también se dijo que ambas candidatas son mujeres de nacimiento, y ambas teorías podrían legítimamente ser llamadas brujas, ya que Hillary es bien conocida por ser una alta sacerdotisa oculta, mientras que Trump es un transgénero que automáticamente eleva su condición de anticristo en Círculos ocultistas.
Sé que es difícil aceptarlo, pero sigo repitiéndolo porque mereces saber la verdad acerca de lo malo que se mete en la política / medios / entretenimiento - toneladas más transgéneros que uno se atrevería a investigar.
HSBC eliminó todos los días de vacaciones durante el Día del Trabajo, excepto los comerciantes que se reintegrarán al trabajo el 4 de septiembre.
Wells Fargo ha sido completamente retirado de la toma de decisiones de transacción para los centros de redención fuera de sitio de RV, y ahora espera como cualquier otro banco de segundo nivel.
Además, WF perdió los privilegios de extensión de la sucursal de BofA después de que RV esperara que HSBC absorbiera todas las ubicaciones de BofA para expandir su huella en Norteamérica.
Sólo hay una fuente de garantía que respalda todas las monedas y bonos revaluados. No hay más período de sistema de reserva fraccional.
Haciendo que todas las monedas y bonos estén en igualdad de condiciones frente a una referencia de oro común establecida dos veces al día en Asia (Shanghai Gold Exchange) independientemente del país de origen.
Zimbabwe El presidente Mugabe está en Irán para finalizar un contrato de 30 años de aceite y natural para todas las naciones de la Unión Africana.
Cuando Bob Mueller cita Trump, por lo que el Gran Jurado fue impregnado en DC-prestar mucha atención para la liberación de los 800 # y Tetelestsi notificación de correo electrónico.
La masacre de la noche del sábado Watergate se destaca en los medios de comunicación para cubrir una noche de sábado RV cuando todos los bancos y los mercados están cerrados (20-22). Es el momento más seguro para liberar la RV a nivel mundial.
Si todavía no está en la lista de Tetelestai, ahora está acumulando correos electrónicos de contacto, así como .
Dios esta con nosotros.

Señora Venus Kumara vía Jahn Kassl - ¿Por qué no puedes confiar? Porque tienes miedo al engaño y la decepción.

¿Por qué no puedes confiar? Porque tienes miedo al engaño y la decepción.
Amados seres humanos,
La confianza no es un concepto, sino unaactitud. Es una actitud básica hacia la vida que, independientemente de engaño o decepción, está presente en una persona o no lo es.
¿Cómo puede la confianza enraizarse en ti?
¡No haciendo la confianza condicional en cualquier cosa! Esto significa: no hables de "abuso de tu confianza". ¡Que todo juicio en este contexto vaya y decida confiar incondicionalmente en la vida y sus consecuentes actos de providencia!
La confianza tiene todo que ver con usted, y nunca está ligada al comportamiento de otras personas.
¿Usted o no confía en usted? En este punto, su mente habla y plantea dudas.

Actitud básica de confianza

Esto es exactamente cuando usted no debe prestar demasiada atención a la duda. Observe las preocupaciones que vienen de su mente cuando se enfrenta con la confianza en la vida, y seguir observándolos hasta que sus pensamientos se calman y sus emociones se disuelven.
Una persona espiritualmente despertada ha interiorizado la actitud básica de confianza y permanece confiada, no importa cuán desafiantes sean las circunstancias, no pueden hacer otra cosa. La persona despierta sabe que es insignificante cómo la gente o el medio ambiente reaccionan a su confianza, porque la confianza y el amor están en resonancia con Dios y no necesitan ningún otro campo de resonancia. Lo que se dice: la duda y la desconfianza son asuntos de la mente, la certeza y la confianza se originan en el alma.
Una mente despierta se ha dado cuenta de esto. Así que adelante y confíe! Nunca haga que su confianza dependa de nada y nunca lo atar al comportamiento de otras personas.
Quien piensa que pueden abusar de su confianza, se abusa; El que piensa que puede decepcionarte es decepcionante a sí mismo; El que es incapaz de reconocer tu luz, vive en tinieblas; Y quien se aleje de tu amor no se ha acercado todavía a amar a sí mismo.
Verdad y validez son las leyes cósmicas de todo ser, verdadero y válido es lo que su alma busca. Su alma está hecha de confianza - el sentido de la confianza básica en TODO LO QUE ES y en uno mismo. Su alma no necesita reflexión exterior para tener confianza porque es autosuficiente.
Lo que aquí se proporciona es verdadero y válido, porque la verdad es: La unidad entre los seres humanos se logra a través de cada individuo que se vuelve entero.
En este proceso, la confianza básica en Dios es de suma importancia.
Amado humano,
Aquí y ahora se te revela el camino de la plenitud.
Estoy con usted.
» Fuente - Canal: Jahn J Kassl

Lady Venus Kumara via Jahn Kassl - Why can’t you trust? Because you fear deception and disappointment.

Why can’t you trust? Because you fear deception and disappointment.
Beloved humans,
Trust is not a concept, but a spiritual attitude. It is a basic attitude towards life that, regardless of deception or disappointment, is either present in a person or it is not.
How can trust take root in you?
By not making trust conditional on anything! This means: don’t speak of “abuse of your trust”. Let all judgment in this context go and decide to trust in life and its consequent acts of providence unconditionally!
Trust has everything to do with you, and is never tied to other people’s behavior.
Do you or don’t you trust? At this point, your mind speaks up and raises doubt.

Basic attitude of trust

This is exactly when you shouldn’t pay too much attention to doubt. Observe the concerns coming from your mind when confronted with trust in life, and keep observing them until your thoughts calm down and your emotions dissolve.
A spiritually awakened person has internalized the basic attitude of trust and remains trustful no matter how challenging the circumstances may be  – they can’t do otherwise. The awakened person knows that it is insignificant how people or the environment react to their trust, because trust and love are in resonance with god and do not need any other field of resonance. What’s being said: doubt and mistrust are matters of the mind, certainty and trust originate in the soul.
An awakened mind has realized this. So go ahead and trust! Never make your trust dependent on anything and never tie it to other people’s behavior.
Whoever thinks they can abuse your trust, abuses himself; whoever thinks they can disappoint you is disappointing himself; whoever is incapable of recognizing your light is living in darkness; and whoever stays away from your love has not come close yet to loving himself.
True and valid are the cosmic laws of all being, true and valid is what your soul aims for. Your soul is made of trust – the sense of basic trust in ALL-THAT-IS and in oneself. Your soul doesn’t need outer reflection to have trust because it is self-sufficient.
What is provided here is true and valid, because the truth is: Unity amongst human beings is achieved through each individual becoming whole.
In this process, basic trust in god is of the utmost importance.
Beloved human,
here and now the path of fullness is revealed to you.
I am with you.

Todas las almas que son capaces de ir junto con las vibraciones más altas encontrará que su vida se vuelve más agradable y gratificante,

Mike Quinsey Mensaje, 04 de agosto de 2017                                                

Las vibraciones continúan subiendo y esas almas de las vibraciones más bajas están lenta pero seguramente encontrándolas más difíciles de lidiar con las y, como resultado, se desorientan. Huelga decir que dejarán esos niveles cuando se produzca la Ascensión y se moverán a uno que les resulte cómodo ya su gusto. Naturalmente aquellos de ustedes que están elevando sus vibraciones no sentirán ningún efecto adverso, y por el contrario se entusiasmará y elevará por ellos. Todas las almas que son capaces de ir junto con las vibraciones más altas encontrarán que su vida se vuelve más agradable y gratificante, y serán atraídos a esas almas que son compatibles con ellos. 

Al igual que atrae a los gustos y es por lo que se refiere, aunque por razones kármicas muchas almas de diferentes niveles pueden ser una parte de sus experiencias. En efecto,

Lo que usted ve a su alrededor es la incertidumbre resultante de mucha confusión como la gente trata de entender lo que está ocurriendo. Eventualmente, un sentido de propósito se sentirá y se hará evidente y las viejas vibraciones ya no le servirán. Con la promesa de que las guerras nucleares serán evitadas y ya son cosa del pasado, hay una sensación de alivio y una sensación de que la paz finalmente está descendiendo sobre la Tierra. 

¿De qué otra manera podrías dar la bienvenida a las nuevas vibraciones si todavía temías la guerra y la destrucción? Vivir en paz es su manera correcta y normal de vivir, y regresará mucho antes de lo que pueda anticipar. Quítense de los atavíos de la guerra y dejen que se convierta simplemente en un capítulo en la evolución del Hombre. Muchos de ustedes han ganado su lugar en la Nueva Era,

No se rebaje y carezca de ambición, ya que es mucho más de lo que imagina o realiza. Es sólo que para muchas vidas que fueron llevados a las vibraciones inferiores, y se olvidó de su verdadero potencial. En realidad, tienes todo lo que necesitas para ser todo lo que deseas, y no hay límite para lo que puedes lograr. Pronto estarás en posición de elegir donde te llevará tu próxima vida, y no está limitado como lo ha sido hasta ahora. 

Usted habrá demostrado su disposición a convertirse en un alma de Luz pura, y el Universo se abre a usted. Usted tiene poca idea ahora mismo en cuanto a las oportunidades maravillosas que vendrán su manera. Sus viejas experiencias se convertirán en un mal sueño, aunque apreciarán esos momentos de pura alegría y alegría.

Mucho se está descubriendo que no tendrá lugar en el futuro, y revela cuántas personas han evitado sus responsabilidades, por ejemplo, encontrando maneras de evitar pagar su parte de los impuestos que apoyan a los demás. De hecho, hay muchos planes inaceptables que tienen un objetivo similar y poco a poco saldrán a la luz. 

Todas las personas deben contribuir de una manera justa para el bien de todos y verse actuar en consecuencia. Puede extender esta idea para tener en cuenta las prácticas mundanas que muestran una gran brecha entre aquellos que se definen como ricos o bien acomodados, en contraposición a aquellos que son indigentes y pobres. 

En la sociedad afectuosa que está por venir, la riqueza del mundo será distribuida de manera justa, y nadie quedará deseando una vida feliz y aceptable. Como toda su actitud hacia el bienestar se eleva, Así será cambiado el rostro inaceptable de aquellos que desean el engrandecimiento de sí mismo. Esté seguro de que las actitudes y las políticas hacia la humanidad entera cambiarán para el mejoramiento de todos en un futuro no muy lejano.

Ahora hay muchas almas que están despertando a la necesidad de introducir una nueva forma de difundir la riqueza del mundo, y tomarlo de los que han estado dirigiéndolo en proyectos secretos por motivos ocultos. No hay duda de que tales asuntos serán tratados cuando sea apropiado, y un nuevo paradigma estará operando cuando se vea que la Nueva Era está reemplazando la de las antiguas maneras ahora consideradas inaceptables.

 Lo que te han sido negados pronto será restaurado a ti, y todos pueden esperar una vida feliz y gozosa. Has venido a través de un tiempo de prueba y recogerás tus recompensas, a medida que vengas a disfrutar de los inmensos cambios que están a punto de manifestarse. 

Ya se le ha dado una idea de lo que puede esperar y puede estar seguro de que de ninguna manera será decepcionado. Tienes que compensar el tiempo perdido, y te será difícil mantener el ritmo de los cambios que se avecinan. Dios ha decretado que el final de este ciclo será para su gran deleite y satisfacción, cuando la armonía y la alegría serán tuyas. Ya no estarán presentes los oscuros en la Tierra y habiendo quitado todos los vestigios de guerra comenzará la Edad de Oro.

Sea alegre y sepa que cualquier problema que usted está experimentando ahora, se solucionará gradualmente y una existencia pacífica alcanzada. Usted será el amor en la acción y llegar a su familia galáctica que han estado esperando pacientemente para que usted llegue a la mayoría de edad.

Con el tiempo también serás mentores para otros que te sigan, y así la energía de la evolución continúa llevándola adelante. No hay urgencia ya que estarás viviendo en el "Ahora" como Seres Ascendidos. Es un momento difícil de imaginar cuando se vive en las vibraciones inferiores, pero sin duda superará sus expectativas.

Algunas almas serán atraídas al "servicio a los demás" y bien pueden regresar a las dimensiones inferiores para ayudar a aquellos que pueden estar luchando para progresar. Tenga la seguridad de que en cualquier etapa de su evolución siempre hay quienes se acercan para ayudarle.

Aquellos de ustedes que están en la escalera de la Ascensión son un brillante ejemplo de lo que se puede hacer cuando se aplican a la tarea en la mano. Requiere fe total en su propia habilidad y evitar que se vea afectado negativamente por aquellos a su alrededor. Sin embargo, lo único que debes hacer es mantener la calma frente a cualquier provocación. 

Tienes que estar centrado dentro de sí mismo y construir tal fuerza que usted puede montar en cualquier tormenta y seguir siendo tú mismo. Si te desvías, no te desanimes, ya que aún habrás progresado, y tus guías estarán contigo jugando su papel. Usted siempre ganará de todas las acciones positivas que ha tomado.

Hay mucha limpieza en los niveles más altos, ya que aquellos que no tienen entrada de las vibraciones más altas son inadecuados para llevarlos a la Nueva Era. Tienen dificultad en mantener su nivel de comprensión que ya no es compatible con las vibraciones más altas que vienen. En pocas palabras, no pueden sobrevivir a los cambios que están teniendo lugar y deben dar paso a aquellos que pueden. No tenga miedo, ya que funcionará totalmente como se prometió y nada se le permitirá estar en el camino.

 Estáis entrando en un nuevo ciclo que llevará adelante a aquellas almas que han podido elevar sus vibraciones. Aplaudimos su perseverancia y determinación que le ha permitido tener éxito, y con una sola voz expresamos nuestro amor y gran admiración por todos ustedes.

Nunca abandones a aquellos que usan formas tortuosas para detener tu progreso, y sabes que tienes la fuerza y ​​la resolución de desviar las energías negativas. Tenga en cuenta que todo el tiempo que mantiene su nivel de vibraciones por ser positivo en todo momento, no se puede distraer de la Senda de la Luz que ha elegido. Os dejamos con nuestro amor y bendiciones para acelerar vuestro camino hacia la libertad.

En Amor y Luz.
Mike Quinsey.

All souls that are able to go along with the higher vibrations will find that their life becomes more pleasant and rewarding,

Mike Quinsey Message, August 04, 2017                              
The vibrations continue to rise and those souls of the lowest vibrations are slowly but surely finding them more difficult to deal with the and as a result they become disorientated. Needless to say, they will leave such levels when Ascension takes place, and move to one that they find comfortable and to their liking. 

Naturally those of you who are raising your vibrations will feel no adverse effect, and on the contrary will become enthused and uplifted by them. All souls that are able to go along with the higher vibrations will find that their life becomes more pleasant and rewarding, and they will be attracted to those souls who are compatible with them. Like attracts like and it is so where you are concerned, although for karmic reasons many souls of different levels can be a part of your experiences. Indeed, karma takes precedence over other considerations, as it is a major factor in your development.

What you see around you is the uncertainty resulting from much confusion as people try to understand what is taking place. Eventually a sense of purpose will be felt and become evident and the old vibrations will no longer serve you. With the promise that nuclear wars will be prevented and are already a thing of the past, there is a sense of relief and a feeling that peace is at last descending upon Earth. How else could you welcome the new vibrations if you were still fearful of war and destruction. To live in peace is your right and normal way of living, and it shall return much sooner than you may anticipate. Detach yourselves from the trappings of war and let it become simply a chapter in the evolution of Man. Many of you have earnt your place in the New Age, and you are well on the path to becoming a Galactic Being.

Do not demean yourself and lack ambition as you are so much more than you envisage or realise. It is just that for many lives you were been pulled down into the lower vibrations, and forgot your true potential. In reality you have all you need to be anything that you wish, and there is no limit to what you may achieve. Soon you will be in a position to choose where your next life shall take you, and it is not limited as it has been up to now. You will have proved your readiness to become a soul of pure Light, and the Universe is opening up to you. You have little idea just now as to the wonderful opportunities that will come your way. Your old experiences will become like a bad dream although you will treasure those moments of pure joy and elation.

Much is being uncovered that will have no place in the future, and reveals how many people have avoided their responsibilities, for example by finding ways to avoid paying their share of taxes that support others. There are in fact many unacceptable schemes that have a similar objective and bit by bit they will come to light. All people must contribute in a fair way for the good of all and be seen to act accordingly. You can extend this idea to take into account worldly practices that show a vast gap between those who are defined as rich or well off, as opposed to those who are destitute and poor. In the caring society that is to come the wealth of the world will be fairly distributed, and none shall be left wanting for a happy and acceptable life. As your whole attitude to well-being lifts up, so shall the unacceptable face of those who desire self-aggrandizement be changed. Be assured that attitudes and policies towards the whole of Mankind will change for the betterment of all in the not too distant future.

There are now many souls who are awakening to the need to introduce a new way of spreading the wealth of the world, and take it back from those who have been directing it into secret projects for ulterior motives. Have no doubt that such matters will be dealt with when appropriate, and a new paradigm will be operating when the New Age is seen to be replacing that of the old ways now considered unacceptable. That which you have been denied will soon be restored to you, and all can look forward to a happy and joyful life. You have come through a very testing time and will collect your rewards, as you come to enjoy the immense changes that are on the verge of manifesting. You have already been given an idea of what to expect and can be assured that you will in no way be disappointed. You have to make up for lost time, and you will be hard put to keep up with the changes that are coming. God has decreed that the end of this cycle shall be to your great delight and satisfaction, when harmony and joy shall be yours. No longer will the dark Ones be present on Earth and having removed all vestiges of war the Golden Age will commence.

Be cheerful and know that whatever problems you are experiencing now, will gradually be solved and a peaceful existence achieved. You will be love in action and reach out to your Galactic Family who have been patiently waiting for you to come of age. You will in time also be mentors to others who follow after you, and so the energy of evolution continues to carry all forward. There is no urgency as you will be living in the “Now” as Ascended Beings. It is a difficult time to imagine when you dwell in the lower vibrations but it will undoubtedly exceed your expectations. Some souls will be drawn to “service to others” and may well return to the lower dimensions to aid those who may be struggling to make progress. Be assured that at any stage of your evolution there are always those reaching down to help you along.

Those of you who are on the Ascension ladder are a glowing example of what can be done when you apply yourself to the task in hand. It requires total faith in your own ability and keep yourself from being negatively affected by those around you. However, the very thing you must do is to keep calm in the face of any provocation. You have to be centered within Self and build up such strength that you can ride out any storm and still be yourself. If you slip up do not be dismayed as you will still have made progress, and your Guides will be with you playing their part. You will always gain from all of the positive actions you have taken.

There is much cleansing going on at the highest levels as those that have no input of the higher vibrations are unsuitable to lead you into the New Age. They have difficulty in maintaining their level of understanding that is no longer compatible with the coming higher vibrations. Put simply they cannot survive the changes that are taking place and must give way to those who can. Have no fear as it will work out totally as promised and nothing will be allowed to stand in the way. You are entering a new cycle that will carry forward those souls who have been able to lift up their vibrations. We applaud your perseverance and determination that has enabled you to succeed, and with one voice we express our love and great admiration for you all.

Never give way those who use devious ways to halt your progress, and know that you have the strength and resolve to deflect the negative energies. Bear in mind that all of the time you maintain your level of vibrations by being positive at all times, you cannot be distracted from the Path of Light you have chosen. We leave you with our love and blessings to speed you along your path to freedom.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Ashtar Sheran: Un portal abrió en América Latina para salvar usted de los enfrentamientos de 2017

Todos los aspectos bancarios técnicos necesarios de la RV realmente completado el 1 de enero de 2017 para una liberación de agosto.

"Hard" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Viernes 4 de agosto de 2017 ....
Todos los aspectos bancarios técnicos necesarios de la RV realmente completado el 1 de enero de 2017 para una liberación de agosto.
Toda la situación de Trump se resolvió legalmente antes del 1 de julio de 2017.
Esto significa que las negociaciones para el enjuiciamiento, la renuncia, la amnistía y la oportunidad para todas las partes involucradas en la administración ya han completado a pesar de lo que se informa en las noticias diarias.
Bob Mueller será despedido públicamente tan pronto como este fin de semana, y en última instancia recontratado por el Congreso como un ciudadano privado para completar su investigación. Los eventos son 100% scripted.
El reflejo del escándalo de Watergate se hizo para aliviar la preocupación pública por la remoción de un presidente estadounidense sentado.
Sin embargo, el presidente Paul Ryan ha estado dirigiendo el país como presidente preseleccionado de la República desde el otoño de 2015. Y el general Joseph Dunford, el ejército estadounidense desde el verano de 2015.
China y Rusia han utilizado Trump para hacer cambios difíciles pero necesarios en GESARA antes de insertar públicamente a Ryan, Republic y USN.
También hay un elemento de vergüenza que jugó durante dos años usando la candidatura de Trump y Clinton. A medida que el excepcionalismo y el pecado histórico americano se reveló a sí mismo y se hizo correr desnudo desnudo durante un período de tiempo para que todo el mundo presenciara.
El resultado final de lo que concluirá con la soberanía de EE.UU. y reveló moneda menos cualquier deuda nacional. Sin embargo, el ejército estadounidense será hecho para dar un gigantesco paso atrás en todos los asuntos policiales extranjeros.
Los Estados Unidos han sido devueltos a su condición de nación soberana entre los cientos de otras naciones soberanas.
Considere la ilusión de superioridad americana ahora desaparecida en todo el mundo, y en su lugar reestablecer a su largo plazo adecuada ubicación diplomática, militar, financiera y geopolítica.
Trump fue hecho para aparecer como el Emperador sin ropa por diseño para lograr esta recalibración.
Esto fue por elección del verdadero poder oculto que ambos mantiene sus deudas soberanas después del incumplimiento y controla los activos estadounidenses avanzando hasta que todos los acuerdos internacionales de bancarrota puedan ser implementados.
Saber que el equilibrio global del poder ha sido restaurado a niveles sostenibles, lo que incluye el debilitamiento de América y sus aliados a cambio de la restauración de la soberanía y el acceso al nuevo sistema financiero. Esto incluye a Israel, Arabia Saudita, Ucrania y toda la UE.
Tenga en cuenta que todos los bancos en todo el mundo están de nuevo utilizando una fuente de garantía de activos duros que no está bajo el país occidental - y nunca ha sido.
Así, la ilusión que era el sistema bancario de reserva fraccional es lo que ha sido permanentemente eliminado, reemplazado por un sistema cuántico moderno, controlado por las Soberanas Familias de Asia.
Como resultado, la influencia y el poder estadounidenses también han sido permanentemente de tamaño adecuado dado su verdadero valor de activos naturales, el tamaño de la población y el PIB económico.
Todos siguen siendo relevantes sin duda, pero en proporción correcta a todas las demás naciones soberanas basadas en un sistema de auditoría común.
Esto incluye un reajuste de posición para la raza blanca como se relaciona con todas las otras razas de color; Y lo que ha sido la causa de casi todo el caos en el mundo desde el colapso de agosto de 2007 Lehman Brothers o el inicio de la escopeta GCR / RV.
Fue una dura década para vivir.
Hacer del GCR un proceso de inversión de diez años iniciado por las potencias mundiales del este que ahora se considerará completo con la liberación y rescate de RV de todas las víctimas de divisas de reserva fraccionaria, que fueron subestimadas por el mundo occidental con el propósito de robar activos soberanos por un No tan oculta agenda sionista.
La base de los partidarios de Trump, consciente e inconscientemente, apoya esta agenda sionista, y por lo tanto luchan por comprender y aceptar a los inquilinos básicos de tales hechos de transición.
De ahí que la ira, la rabia y el malestar general sean empujados sobre todas las razas y naciones.
Pronto todos se asentarán geopolíticamente a medida que las nuevas reformas financieras mundiales se implementen públicamente, hasta entonces es prudente retroceder y tratar de ver toda la imagen humana mientras se despliega como una flor para revelar una belleza inclusiva frente a la divisiva.
El cambio es ciertamente una constante en la vida, pero la gracia durante el gran cambio es una forma de arte y depende de la toma de decisiones individuales ... momento a momento.
Dios esta con nosotros.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...