
10 de julio de 2018

Informe completo de Benjamin Fulford: ¿arrestos en agosto, anuncio del 11 de septiembre en septiembre y jubileo en octubre?

Los buenos continúan ganando la batalla secreta por el planeta tierra a lo grande, confirman varias fuentes. Tal como están las cosas ahora, habrá una nueva ola de arrestos masivos en agosto, divulgación oficial del gobierno sobre el 11 de septiembre en septiembre y algún tipo de "gran anuncio económico en octubre", según afirman fuentes del Pentágono.
Entre bastidores, reuniones en las que participan Caballeros de Malta, funcionarios rusos del FSB, sociedades secretas asiáticas y otros preparan el camino para un anuncio económico que bien podría ser un jubileo genuino acompañado de un nuevo sistema financiero, según fuentes involucradas en las negociaciones. . Dado que las negociaciones están en curso, aún no se han aclarado los detalles, pero existe un consenso general, dicen las fuentes.

La clave puede ser la inminente toma de control de la Corte Suprema por parte del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, que allanará el camino para los juicios por crímenes de guerra y el reconocimiento legal de un nuevo sistema financiero cuando se reúna en octubre, dicen fuentes del Pentágono.

En ese frente, "la batalla arrecia, ya que la súper élite de Trump detuvo al operativo de Bush Brett Kavanaugh y puede lograr que una mujer o un nativo indio sea nominado", dicen las fuentes.

La situación ha llegado al punto en que The New York Times ha pedido una táctica de "Padrino" y una rebelión armada porque Trump y sus partidarios estaban listos para tomar el control de la Corte Suprema.

Deberían estar muertos de miedo, ya que son en su mayoría criminales de guerra que ya habrían sido encarcelados y posiblemente incluso ejecutados si el ejército de los EE. UU. No los estuviera protegiendo.

La prensa corporativa también está siguiendo este boletín (recuerde, lo leyó aquí primero) al informar que la OTAN y el sistema de posguerra están en peligro de muerte.

Tenemos a Bloomberg informando que la asediada canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, está resuelta a "luchar por la supervivencia de las instituciones globales posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial".

También tenemos a la prostituta jázara, el bardo de la corte Bono advirtiendo a cientos de funcionarios de la ONU que las Naciones Unidas, la UE, la OTAN y el Grupo de los Siete están "bajo ataque".

Están bajo ataque, porque su liderazgo ha estado conspirando para asesinar al 90% de la humanidad, y su incompetencia está llevando a la mayor destrucción de vidas en el planeta desde que los dinosaurios fueron aniquilados hace 65 millones de años.

Por supuesto, como de costumbre, la mafia jázara intenta asesinar, mentir y sobornar para mantenerse en el poder.

La última víctima fue el presidente del Grupo HNA chino, Wang Jian, quien según los informes de prensa "cayó muerto después de posar para una foto en Francia", la semana pasada.

Fuentes del Mossad dicen que no fue "un accidente" y que fue "retirado", ya que estaba a punto de testificar en una audiencia cerrada sobre las irregularidades aún por revelar de Deutsche Bank, posiblemente lo suficiente como para haber terminado en el banco. Se sabe en ciertos círculos que Hilton Hotels es un servicio de lavandería global para dinero negro. La familia de Wang recibió una orden de mordaza ".

"Como saben, Deutsche Bank es un George H.W. El establecimiento Bush-Sherff del Cuarto Reich ", explicó una fuente de la CIA.
Es probable que la muerte de Wang esté relacionada con la ejecución en Japón la semana pasada del genio del ataque al gas Sarín del tren subterráneo de Tokio y gurú de culto de Aum Shoko Asahara y seis de sus principales lugartenientes, según fuentes derechistas japonesas cercanas al Emperador.

El gobierno esclavo japonés de Shinzo Abe está aterrorizado de que las verdades sobre el ataque de gas en el metro, así como el evento de asesinato en masa nuclear y tsunami de Fukushima, se hagan públicas pronto, ahora que Corea del Norte está cortando sus conexiones con el jázaro mafia, dicen las fuentes.

Ejecutar el liderazgo de Aum evita que sean cuestionados por terceros sobre lo que realmente estaba pasando.

Aum fue un frente para la Iglesia de Unificación del Reverendo Moon que había trabajado durante mucho tiempo en el negocio internacional de narcóticos y armas con los nazis bajo el mando del Führer Bush, dicen las fuentes derechistas.
Además, el día del ataque con gas del metro el 20 de marzo de 1995, globos de Corea del Norte con un "líquido no identificado" aterrizaron en todo Japón, con el mensaje de que este ataque era "venganza del 100 aniversario del asesinato de la emperatriz Myung". Cantado."

Myung Sung quería relaciones cercanas con Rusia para contrarrestar los intentos japoneses de colonizar Corea, por lo que los japoneses la asesinaron y procedieron a colonizar Corea.

También vale la pena señalar que el culto aum tenía decenas de miles de seguidores rusos.

La conexión con Deutsche Bank probablemente tendría que ver con el lavado de dinero de la droga.

Varios periodistas japoneses fueron asesinados después de informar que el culto al gas del metro Aum Shinrikyo estaba vendiendo anfetaminas de Corea del Norte a gánsteres japoneses, según lo confirmaron fuentes del sindicato Yamaguchi Gumi.

Además, todos los testimonios sobre el negocio de drogas ilegales Aum fueron eliminados de los ensayos relacionados con Aum durante décadas.

A esta escritora se le acercó una vez un autodenominado "esclavo sexual Aum", que dijo que la jerarquía superior del culto al ataque con gas eran gángsteres norcoreanos, y que por encima de ellos había "judíos del tipo Al Qaeda".

En general, la situación es tan complicada e involucra a tantas personas, muchas de ellas todavía en el poder, que una comisión de la verdad puede ser la única manera para que el público mundial descubra lo que realmente ha estado sucediendo.

En ese frente, los coreanos y los japoneses deben notar que el recién electo presidente mexicano López Obrador está contemplando comisiones de la verdad para resolver la guerra contra las drogas en ese país.

Legalizar y regular las drogas mientras se ofrece amnistía a los capos de la droga sería un gran golpe para la mafia de la droga de Bush. México es ahora el último dominó en caer, ya que la mafia jázara pierde el control de un país tras otro.

El siguiente dominó en caer bien podría ser Brasil. Allí, el gobierno cleptocrático del presidente Michel Temer se tambalea bajo el peso de una huelga de camioneros de 10 días que está siendo apoyada ahora por los trabajadores petroleros.

El ejército, por su parte, no ha cumplido órdenes de romper el ataque. La ira por el saqueo de Brasil en nombre de los amos extranjeros (etiquetado erróneamente como "privatización") es la razón principal de esta huelga.

"La lucha es para rechazar el derecho, liberalizar la economía inversa y abrir la puerta a la posibilidad de un tipo diferente de sociedad", fue como Alistair Farrow, del Socialist Worker News, describió la situación.

Si el régimen criminal brasileño cae, la resistencia Khazarian superior restante sería el régimen alemán de Angela Merkel, el régimen de esclavos francés del presidente Emmanuel Macron, el régimen esclavo de Shinzo Abe en Japón, y por supuesto el archi-criminal y nazi Benjamin Netanyahu de Israel
Una vez que se derriben, se terminará el juego.

En este frente, debemos recordarle a los lectores que durante sus años como empresario, cada vez que Donald Trump quebró, fueron los Rothschild quienes lo rescataron.

La semana pasada, un agente del Mossad le envió a este escritor el siguiente mensaje: "Dile a tu amigo que es 100% acertado con su analogía con Trump y 'The Family'".
Le han estado respaldando no solo financieramente sino también abriendo puertas difíciles, permitiéndole mezclarse con las élites desde los días de Roy Cohn.

Los agentes del Mossad no son todos malvados.

Están aquellos que están maniobrando eventos a favor de Trump y lo están ayudando a drenar el pantano ".

También enviaron la siguiente fotografía que muestra a Trump en Teherán, Irán en 1979, donde planeaba abrir un casino antes de que la revolución iraní interrumpiera sus planes.

Lo que esto significa es que mientras la oligarquía jázara se dividió entre nazis ("guerra contra el terror" más dinero de drogas) y los calentadores globales (fraude de comercio de carbono), parece que está surgiendo una tercera facción de "drenaje del pantano".

Tendremos que esperar y ver si realmente son "los buenos". Sus acciones lo dirán.

Tal como están las cosas ahora, según fuentes del Pentágono, "el sistema financiero cuántico respaldado por activos está listo, pero está a la espera de la cumbre Trump-Putin, el restablecimiento monetario mundial, las detenciones en masa y las resoluciones geopolíticas".

Las fuentes también dicen que la cuarentena en el planeta tierra podría ser levantada pronto y que "la fuerza espacial de Trump puede tener un guardia espacial para vigilar el movimiento espacial civil".
Suena genial, pero solo créalo cuando puedas comprar un boleto a otro planeta en tu agencia de viajes local.

En una nota final no relacionada, la siguiente noticia sobre arañas volando "miles de millas usando electricidad" llamó nuestra atención.

Hace años, un investigador ruso me dijo que habían descubierto que los insectos usaban antigravedad.

Es por eso que los abejorros pueden volar, a pesar de que la teoría aerodinámica actual dice que no pueden.

Si los insectos pueden usar antigravedad, entonces deberíamos poder hacerlo también. De nuevo, sin embargo, créalo cuando puede comprar una alfombra voladora o un patinete antigravedad en su tienda local.

En conclusión, todo lo que podemos decir con certeza es que la humanidad está entrando en un territorio inexplorado.

Copyright © 2018 Era de la luz Todos los derechos reservados.

AVISO IMPORTANTE* Medicamento Suspendido_* _Estamos Vivos De Milagro_

Para tomar muy en cuenta esto: *AVISO IMPORTANTE*
*_Urgente Medicamento Suspendido_*
_Estamos Vivos De Milagro_


El Ministerio de Salud a través de la (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria) suspendió la distribución, manipulación, comercialización denominada *FENILPROPALAMINA*
La medida fue tomada después de que, *(FDA)*, de Estados Unidos, constató que la sustancia provocó Efectos adversos FATALES *(hemorragia cerebral)* Está presente en 21 medicamentos, especialmente en los antigripales.

Los medicamentos suspendidos son los siguientes:

_1)_ Benadryl día y noche.

_2)_ Contac

_3)_ Naldecón Bristol

_4)_ Acolde

_5)_ Rinarín Expectorante

_6)_ Deltap

_7)_ Desfenil

_8)_ HCl de fenilpropalamina

_9)_ Naldex

_10)_ Nasaliv

_11)_ Decongel Plus

_12)_ Sanagripe

_13)_ Descon

_14)_ Descon AP

_15)_ Descon Expectorante

_16)_ Dimetapp

_17)_ Dimetapp Expectorante

_18)_ Cepacol Plus

_19)_ Ornatrol

_20)_ Rhinex AP

_21)_ Contilén

_22)_ Decidex

_23)_ Contac 10

_24)_ Desenfriol-D

_25)_ Desenfriolito

_26)_ Dimetap

_27)_ Graneodin-D

_28)_ XL3

A todos los que estén  utilizando cualquier medicamento de esta lista, que suspendan la medicación y consulten a su médico para mayores detalles.


Intutive Astrology : Solar Eclipse July 2018

by EraOfLight
new astrology eraoflight
Solar Eclipses are always a time of change. Think of them like a powerful New Moon that can bring fresh opportunities and wake up areas of your life that have felt stagnant or old.

July 12th brings a Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This is the first Eclipse we have had in Cancer since 2009, and starts off a new cycle that will last until 2020.

Eclipses usually fall in the same two opposing signs. For the last year or so, we have had Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius, but now we are shifting into having Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn.

July’s Solar Eclipse will be the opening of this new cycle and will light the way for the years to come. As the first of the Cancer Eclipses, the energy we experience now is only going to grow and develop, so we can reach new heights and learn new things.

Around Eclipse time, the cosmos shakes things up in our life so we can see something new or different. The Universe shakes us so we can start setting new intentions or plans that we wouldn’t have normally considered or thought about before.

This Cancer Solar Eclipse has a strong rebirth energy and is asking us to dig deep within our soul to uncover what parts of our lives need to be awaken or reinvented.
Perhaps we have been walking the path that was laid for us many years ago, and perhaps this path is outdated or is no longer working.

We are not the same anymore. After all the cosmic upgrades and energy in the recent years, we have all undergone tremendous cycles of death and rebirth.

Now, with July’s Eclipses, we are being asked to honor the changes that have taken place within us, we are being asked to honor who we are today, and to adjust our lives accordingly.

We are being asked to really sink deeper into ourselves, and work out what we truly desire and what we truly want for our lives.

We need to connect with ourselves on a deeper level; we need to ask ourselves who we are in order to know what we find important.

Who are you on the deepest of levels? What is your truth?
When you peer within, you will find the answers. When you peer within you will see that there is only one truth- your truth.

This Cancer Solar Eclipse may rattle us in ways that feel uncomfortable, as we will very much be guided to go within and to sit with the darker, deeper parts of our soul.

Even though this can be challenging, think of this Solar Eclipse as a cosmic shortcut to a higher level of consciousness.

In order to harness this energy all we need to do is remain open, and to allow the Universe to guide us forward. Trying to fight the flow or trying too hard to control things is not going to be in our favor.
We need to allow the Solar Eclipse energy to take the lead, and reveal to us the answers.

Because there are so many planets retrograde around this Solar Eclipse, we may not be able to understand or interpret this energy straight away. In fact, it may take some time before we can tap in and use the Eclipse energy to our full advantage.

Being patient is going to be an essential part of this Eclipse energy, and we are going to have to allow things time to unravel or unfold.

July’s Solar Eclipse also carries a lot of emotional energy, which means it is important to protect and be mindful of our energetic bodies. It also carries a strong nurturing energy, making self-love and self-care a top priority.

You don’t have to worry about what intentions to set or what direction you need to head in around this Solar Eclipse. Simply sit back and allow yourself to be guided. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of the Universe.

Just put your hands up and say- I am ready, I am open, I want to be guided, I want to be lead to my highest destiny.

By opening yourself to the cosmos, by practicing lots of acceptance, self-love, and self-care, this Solar Eclipse will unlock all the doors it needs to, and in time, you will be able to walk through them all one by one.

The tides are changing and shifting, a new cycle is blossoming, and you are blossoming along with it.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Update From Paul the Venetian and Apollo

by EraOfLight
througthelight eraoflight
Update From Paul the Venetian and Apollo

In my Monthly Meeting with the Masters on July 3, Paul the Venetian, came to speak with us. He represents the Third Ray and holds the office of the Maha Chohan, which represents the office of the Holy Spirit for this planet. According to the book “The Seven Sacred Flames,” by Aurelia Louise Jones, “Paul the Venetian was the inspiration behind the construction of the statue of liberty in France. The statue, among other things, represents the flame of liberty, the same flame that Paul the Venetian gifted to the Incas long ago.” His last incarnation ended in 1588.
In our class what he said about liberty is: “Be true to yourself; don’t let anyone railroad you; be an example for others; let your light shine; and stick to your values.” During these times of chaos and confusion, in my opinion this is good advice. In our process of mastery, we are garnering our strength, and from this strength you will always be shown what to do. You will continue to build courage and power as beings of light.
Apollo and I talk daily. He provides me with important information about what is occurring on the planet from the Galactic viewpoint. He tells me that a very high percentage of the dark forces have been removed from planet. I gather this could be about 90%. (In February of this year it was 72%.) When we get to a few percentage points higher we will likely see the end of chem trails. In our San Francisco Bay area there have been fewer chem trails in last few weeks. How is it in your area?
I also get the sense that something very big is about to happen. In the past few days I have heard words “astounding,” “redemption,” and have felt a lot excitement coming from him. We truly are living in exciting times. Apollo has also told me that we have many emissaries here now in all walks of life to assist us with Ascension. This means that even though we get information about what is going on various places like our governments, etc., there is much more than meets the eye. The divine plan is unfolding.
» Source » Channel: Valerie Donner

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Arrests in August, 9/11 Announcement in September, and Jubilee in October?k

by EraOfLight
eol independent news
The good guys are continuing to win the secret battle for the planet earth in a big way, multiple sources confirm. As things now stand, there will be a new wave of mass arrests in August, official government disclosure about 9/11 in September, and some sort of “major economic announcement in October,” Pentagon sources claim.
Behind the scenes, meetings involving the Knights of Malta, Russian FSB officials, Asian secret societies, and others are preparing the way for an economic announcement that could well be a genuine jubilee accompanied by a new financial system, according to sources involved in the negotiations. Since the negotiations are ongoing, the details have yet to be hammered out, but a general consensus does exist, the sources say.
The key may be U.S. President Donald Trump’s imminent takeover of the Supreme Court, which would pave the way for war crimes trials and the legal recognition of a new financial system when it convenes in October, Pentagon sources say.
On that front, the “battle rages, as Trump’s super-elite stopped Bush operative Brett Kavanaugh and may succeed in getting a woman or an Indian [Native American] nominated,” the sources say.
The situation has reached the point where The New York Times has actually called for “Godfather” tactics and armed rebellion because Trump and his backers were poised to take over control of the Supreme Court.
Do not be surprised if military police soon occupy that treasonous paper’s offices. Since they have consistently, and criminally, suppressed the truth about the murder of 3,000 New Yorkers on September 11, 2001, such a move would be long overdue.
We also have former U.S. Defense Secretary (and traitor) Leon Panetta saying European leaders “are scared to death” that U.S. troops will be pulled out of Europe.
They should be scared to death, since they are mostly war criminals who would have already been jailed and possibly even executed if the U.S. military were not protecting them.
The corporate press is also now following this newsletter (remember, you read it here first) in reporting that NATO and the post-war system are in mortal danger.
We have Bloomberg reporting that embattled German Chancellor Angela Merkel is resolved “to fight for the survival of post-World War II global institutions.”
We also have the Khazarian whore, court bard Bono warning hundreds of UN officials that the United Nations, the EU, NATO, and the Group of Seven are “under attack.”
They are under attack, because their leadership has been plotting to murder 90% of humanity, and their incompetence is leading to the largest destruction of life on the planet since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.
Of course, as usual the Khazarian mafia is trying to murder, lie, and bribe in order to stay in power.
The latest casualty was Chinese HNA Group chairman Wang Jian, who news reports claim “fell to his death after posing for a photo in France,” last week.
Mossad sources say it was “no accident” and that he was “taken out, as he was about to testify in a closed hearing regarding Deutsche Bank’s yet-to-be-revealed improprieties, possibly enough to have finished off the bank. It is known in certain circles that Hilton Hotels is a global laundry service for dark money. Wang’s family was given a gag order.”
“As you know, Deutsche Bank is a George H.W. Bush-Sherff Fourth Reich establishment,” a CIA source explained.
It’s likely that the death of Wang is connected to the execution in Japan last week of Tokyo subway Sarin gas attack mastermind and Aum cult guru Shoko Asahara and six of his top lieutenants, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor.
The Japanese slave government of Shinzo Abe is terrified that the truths about the subway gas attack, as well as the Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass-murder event, are going to be made public soon now that North Korea is cutting off its connections with the Khazarian mob, the sources say.
Executing the Aum leadership prevents them from being questioned by third parties about what was really going on.
Aum was a front for the Unification Church of Reverend Moon that had long worked in the international narcotics and weapons business with the Nazis under Fuhrer Bush, the right-wing sources say.
Also, on the day of the subway gas attack on March 20, 1995, balloons from North Korea carrying an “unidentified liquid” landed all over Japan, bearing the message that this attack was “revenge on the 100th anniversary of the murder of Empress Myung Sung.”
Myung Sung wanted close relations with Russia in order to counter Japanese attempts to colonize Korea, so the Japanese murdered her and proceeded to colonize Korea.
It is also worth noting that the Aum cult had tens of thousands of Russian followers.
The connection with Deutsche Bank would likely have to do with the laundering of drug money.
Several Japanese journalists were murdered after reporting that the Aum Shinrikyo subway gas cult was selling North Korean amphetamines to Japanese gangsters, as confirmed by sources in the Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate.
Furthermore, all testimony about the Aum illegal drug business was scrapped from the decades-long Aum-related trials.
This writer was once approached by a self-described former “Aum sex slave,” who said the top hierarchy of the gas attack cult were North Korean gangsters, and that above them were “Al Qaeda-type Jews.”
Overall, the situation is so complicated and involves so many people, many still in office, that a truth commission may be the only way for the world public to find out what has really been going on.
On that front, the Koreans and Japanese should note that newly elected Mexican President López Obrador is contemplating truth commissions to resolve the drug war in that country.
Legalizing and regulating drugs while offering amnesty to the drug lords would deal a major blow to the Bush drug mafia. Mexico is now the latest domino to fall as the Khazarian mob loses control of country after country.
The next domino to fall could well be Brazil. There, the kleptocratic government of President Michel Temer is tottering under the weight of a 10-day trucker strike that is being supported now by oil workers.
The army, for its part, has failed to follow orders to break up the strike. Anger at the looting of Brazil on behalf of foreign masters (misleadingly labeled as “privatization”) is the main reason for this strike.
“The fight is on to beat back the right, reverse economic liberalization, and open the door to the possibility of a different kind of society,” was how Alistair Farrow of the Socialist Worker News described the situation.
If the Brazilian crime regime falls, the remaining top Khazarian resistance would be the German regime of Angela Merkel, the French slave regime of President Emmanuel Macron, the slave regime of Shinzo Abe in Japan, and of course the arch-criminal and Nazi Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.
Once they are taken down, it will be game over.
On this front, we need to remind readers that during his years as a businessman, every time Donald Trump went bankrupt, it was the Rothschilds who bailed him out.
Last week they had a Mossad operative send this writer the following message: “Tell your friend that he is 100% spot on with his analogy pertaining to Trump and ‘The Family.’”
They have been backing him not only financially but also opening difficult doors, enabling him to mingle with the elites since the Roy Cohn days.
The Mossad operatives are not all evil.
There are those inside who are maneuvering events in Trump’s favor and are assisting him in draining the swamp.”
They also sent the following photograph showing Trump in Tehran, Iran in 1979, where he was planning to open a casino before the Iranian revolution disrupted his plans.
What this means is that while the Khazarian oligarchy has been divided between Nazis (“war on terror” plus drug money) and the global-warmers (carbon-trading fraud), it appears a third “drain the swamp” faction is emerging.
We’ll have to wait and see if they are really “the good guys.” Their actions will tell.
As things now stand, according to Pentagon sources, “The asset-backed quantum financial system is ready but awaits the Trump-Putin summit, the global currency reset, mass arrests, and geopolitical resolutions.”
The sources are also saying the quarantine on the planet earth may soon be lifted and that “Trump’s space force may have a space guard to police civilian spacefaring.”
It sounds great, but only believe it when you can buy a ticket to another planet at your local travel agency.
On a final unrelated note, the following news item about spiders flying “thousands of miles using electricity” got our attention.
Years ago, a Russian researcher told me they had discovered that insects used anti-gravity.
That’s why bumblebees can fly, even though current aerodynamic theory says they cannot.
If insects can use anti-gravity, then we should be able to do so, too. Again, though, believe it when you can buy a flying carpet or anti-gravity scooter at your local shop.
In conclusion, all we can say for sure is that humanity is entering uncharted territory.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

New Study Shows The Science of How Psychedelic Drugs Repair Neurons In The Brain

by EraOfLight
era of light dna upgrades
The Facts: New research shows how psychedelic drugs help to create structural changes in the brain — commonly referred to as neuroplasticity.
Reflect On: What is it about these altered states that cause such profound changes in the brain within such a short window of time?
In recent years, many psychedelic drugs, such as LSD, DMT, and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) have been able to shake off some of their stigma and bad reputation as scientists have discovered their promising results for the treatment of a variety of mental health disorders. Even ketamine, a common tranquillizer, often used as a party drug has been found to be able to treat cases of treatment-resistant depression, with the effects lasting long after the treatment has ended. Obviously, there would be protocols and dosages to follow that a health professional within the field would know about, this doesn’t mean we should start ingesting psychedelic drugs at will.
New research has been able to show that the way that psychedelics repair the brain is similar to how ketamine can repair the brain. This could signify the beginning of a class of fast-acting drugs to treat a wide array of mental health disorders from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and addiction. A paper which was recently published in the journal Cell Reports noted how a team of researchers showed evidence that psychedelic drugs can induce structural changes in nerve cells, this is also known as neuroplasticity, this could help repair brain dysfunction and aid those suffering from mood and anxiety disorders.
“Psychedelics are some of the most powerful compounds known to impact brain function so I was very interested to know what their mechanisms of action are,” David Olson, Ph.D., an assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine at UC Davis and the corresponding author on the study, tells Inverse.
This paper merely adds to a large growing body of psychedelic neuroscience research by showing some of the direct changes in the brain while under the influence of psychedelic substances.

The Study
Experiments were conducted on cultured rat neurons as well as on the brains of fruit flies and rats. Olson and his colleagues were able to find that LSD, DMT, and DOI actually increased the number of dendrites (branches) in nerve cells, increased the density of dendritic spines and increased the number of synapses, which are the functional connection between neurons. These findings certainly suggest that psychedelics absolutely do induce structural changes to the brain, which is why Olson believes they are so effective at treating mental illness.
“The structure of neurons affects their function, and in the case of a lot of neuropsychiatric diseases, particularly mood and anxiety disorders, these are characterized by an atrophy of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, a key brain region that regulates emotion, fear, and reward,” says Olson. “So if we can find compounds that promote the growth of those neurons we might be able to repair the circuits are damaged in those diseases.”
The prefrontal cortex helps control the other areas of the brain that are involved in fear, anxiety, and reward. This is a critical region for the treatment of depression, PTSD and substance abuse disorders.
Olson and the co-authors of this study aren’t only interested in using psychedelics to treat patients. They want to be able to use psychedelic compounds as tools to dig deeper into the biochemical signalling pathways that lead to the neuroplasticity observed in this study. Being able to identify the specific ways in which psychedelic substances act on the nervous system, Olson and his colleagues hope to be able to develop a new generation of drugs that can emulate the same, long-lasting effects of ketamine and other psychedelic substances, but without the potential for abuse or other challenging experiences.
“That’s the ultimate goal: to use psychedelics as inspiration for better medicine,” Olson says.
Holistic Healing
There are intentions to treat people using the same processes that the psychedelic substances use, but without the psychedelic effects, but, if these substances already work, wouldn’t it be better to just learn how to work with them and navigate the experiences? One might be worried about a ‘bad trip’ on something like psilocybin, the active component in magic mushrooms, but research has shown that Having A Bad Trip On Shrooms an Actually Improve Your Well-Being. Perhaps, rather than just the substance itself that is providing the healing of the brain, it is the experiences that come along with the psychedelic experience and having to look at your life fro man objective point of view and face any darkness that comes along with it.
This is just one glimpse of the neuronal changes induced by psychedelic substances, more research will still need to be done to find out the long-term effects on brain function.
“Plasticity is not universally a good thing. We were hoping to induce plasticity in the prefrontal cortex, which can be potentially useful for treating mood and anxiety disorders, but promoting plasticity in other parts of the brain, like the amygdala can induce anxiety,” says Olson. “It’s very unclear what the risks are right now.”
Regardless, this research is promising and we are seeing more and more research in this realm emerge, especially with the work of the people at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS.) Who recently spearheaded the movement to get MDMA assisted psychotherapy an approved treatment method by the FDA for those struggling with PTSD. These times are changing.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Hostess of Light: You, The Creator

by EraOfLight
mother god eraoflightdotcom
Everything that you do touches another, weaving a strand of time that seeks to be eternally experienced.  There are no actions or interactions that are not in Divine proportion to each other, there is only the vibration of ‘all that is’ that seeks to be entwined with itself.
Like a tiny pebble that hits a silent lake, ripples are seen and felt from one end to the other. Everything counts and it can be no other way. When a supernova explodes its energy spreads throughout time and space, layering multi-dimensionally into a place that all can be seen and experienced.
Hearts expand Hearts contract within the very tempo of the creator. Life lives on a pulse and a wave of thought. The Continuum of Life seeks to expand its presence into a place of quickening for all life forms in all places of time and space. All things of creation past present and future give of themselves in totality like placing a drop of rose oil in holy water the entire vessel is changed in measure and aroma. One droplet of any element of divine proportion matters.
Like a spider that stands back from her web of choice every line of creation was essential to create the geometries that will eventually rewrite the original mathematical equation of life. What lives within seeks to come to the surface at the same time what no longer serves us seeks to exit the humanness. In whatever form that may take. All words and actions that are toxic will no longer, and can no longer, be tolerated by the body.
All toxic thoughts and timeworn equations of old no longer stand true in the new longitudes and latitudes of light acceleration. All of life can change form and dimensions. It is either a wave or a particle. Naturally photonic of nature and soul twin of light, matter dances in different directions.  As Soul twins, life is always contracting and expanding, shifting  continually, choosing different experiences and life projections.
The thoughts in your life in your mind and in your body are either light of particle, heavier of wave, or vice versa.  Each thought has a density and an exact numerical configuration.  Human Thoughts distribute themselves in accordance with the spiritual atomic weight of each thought. Gathering together and adhering  like storm clouds or a beautiful sunny day according to thought pattern and density.
Now you can see with somewhat more clarity that the vows of Silence in the times of old served well to simplify creation and all that sought to be. Even in times of complete silence and isolation from the different fractions of the world one has a creational force that does not stop and needs not spoken words to propel itself forward into a place of livingness.
The dimensional dialog and quantum drag increases in volume, as many locations of light seek to neutralize the heaviness that the Earth seems to be experiencing. Lethargy lengthens the days and shortens the night as it consumes like a tsunami time-storm changing past present and future. This planetary lethargy is speaking volumes about human experience and the shortness of divine sight.
The definition of lethargy is the quality or state of being dull, listless, indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish. This energy is birthed when grandmother spider does not care which way she weaves her thoughts, her life, or her heart. Apathy is birthed when she is tired of weaving and seeing no results in her effort. All of Earth looks around themselves with wide eyes feeling that they do not make a difference.  In that house of weariness there are very few good words that take flight. All is at a standstill like an LA freeway at rush hour.
Cellular lethargy is clumped together in a place of stagnation and void, off course like a runaway moon. All life exists within a sea of vibration. The pulse of life creates movement. Sound creates light and that is what we seek as humans. Sound moves matter and creates form. Sound from Outside of time and space as we know it is affecting the formations within the biology of Earth herself and her inhabitants. There is a sound and a vibration from deep space that is causing the moon to ring at a different cadence which in turn affects the tides and all that house water within their biology. That same energy is changing the Schumann frequency of Mother Earth which is affecting human biology causing distress in the body. Cosmic radiation has an audible sound that streams thru everything it touches. The so called cosmic “void” is actually a dissonance of zipping quantum particles and light waves creating new expression of light and life.
Earth is a living spherical receiver and transmitter. all incoming energies of stellar and solar  light and sound can affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining),  Brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all (mental-emotional-physical) responses. These cosmic energies can cause us to be nauseous, nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable, and lethargic, have short-term memory loss, headaches, trouble with all forms of communication–both human and technical.
Solar and stellar activity illuminates consciousness, allowing old patterns to be consumed in Light and to make way for the new paradigm. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process. Solar light stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness for all sentient beings in our universe. It pushes us into a higher position of knowing and the ability to integrate and use that knowledge for the betterment of all Universes.
Evolutionary change is Sun driven and new energy is coming from deep space via the portal of the sun. As the heart and brain of this entire solar system, the Sun sends a twelve-faceted geometric light into every atom of its solar universe. The sun is a giver of life. It is a portal thru which streams data and light emanations from other systems and worlds.  It is a storehouse of vital energies and is considered to be the great hear of this universe.  Stars like our sun are the ‘visible raiment’s of celestial beings’ that are far ahead of us in their spiritual evolution.  Their inner aspects are invisible, just like ours. The sun is simply the heart and brain of our little Universe.
» Source » Channel: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Siempre escuchando ...

Uno de los términos más incomprendidos en su avión de la Tierra hoy es "despertado". Parece que hay un estigma asociado; se burla de ellos y se burla de otros porque lo usan. Sin embargo cuandoentiendes el verdadero significado, las cosas cambian un poco. (Sonriente)
Ser despertado simplemente significa que te has abierto y finalmente estás dispuesto a aceptar el Amor incondicional del Universo por ti. Con cada momento que pasa, la voz del Creador se vuelve más fuerte y más clara, dando lugar a oportunidades de conversación en lugar de súplica. Querido, es hora de comenzar a tener el intercambio consciente que has estado anhelando. ¡El Universo siempre está escuchando! ~ Creador

Always Listening…

One of the most misunderstood terms on your Earth plane today is “awakened”.  There seems to be a stigma attached to it; it is scoffed at and others are made fun of because they use it.  However, when you understand the true meaning, things change a bit. (Smiling)
Being awakened simply means that you have opened yourself up to and are finally willing to accept The Universe’s Unconditional Love for you.  With each passing moment, Creator’s voice becomes stronger and clearer, giving rise to opportunities of conversation rather than supplication.  Darling one, it is time to start having the conscious exchange for which you have been longing.  The Universe is always listening! ~ Creator

9 de julio de 2018

¿Quiénes son los Aliados de la Tierra de la Federación Galáctica?

Como se ha discutido muchas veces, la flota masiva de la Federación Galáctica que actualmente rodea la Tierra 3D está aquí para ayudar a la humanidad en los días más importantes de la larga historia de nuestro planeta, nuestra ascensión a una existencia dimensional superior. Las tareas más adecuadas para una armada de millones de naves luminosas incluyen mantener a raya a los trabajadores oscuros, ayudar a estabilizar las placas tectónicas de la Tierra, erradicar los efectos de la fumigación con chemtrail, así como muchas otras tareas vitales. Sin embargo, lo que el GF no está haciendo es realizar tareas que sus aliados terrestres humanos son capaces de realizar. Estos proyectos son nuestra responsabilidad de completar, y muchos miembros dedicados y valientes de la raza humana están trabajando incansablemente para derrotar a la camarilla oscura y ayudar a restaurar nuestro planeta a la utopía que alguna vez fue. Entonces, ¿quiénes son estos aliados de la Tierra?
La lista de aliados terrestres crece considerablemente a diario, ya que los despertadores prestan atención al llamado a la luz, y las estimaciones ya son millones. Hombres y mujeres en agencias gubernamentales mundiales, el Pentágono, la CIA, así como otras agencias alfabéticas, unidades militares dentro de las fuerzas estadounidenses, chinas, indias, rusas, brasileñas y de todo el mundo, miembros de familias japonesas del crimen organizado como Yakuza y Yamaguchi. Gumi, que ahora ha prometido ayudar a derrotar a la oscuridad, miembros de varias sociedades secretas de luz diferentes e incluso miembros de sociedades secretas oscuras que han desertado recientemente, así como muchos miembros del sector empresarial privado se han alineado para oponerse al pronto - Estar desempleados. Regidores de la Tierra.
Los Trabajadores de la Luz no son necesariamente miembros de los Aliados de la Tierra, ya que los Trabajadores de la Luz son en realidad miembros de la tripulación de tierra de la Federación Galáctica, aunque muchos Trabajadores de la Luz se han alistado dentro de las divisiones de los Aliados Terrestres.
Existe otro grupo que, aunque ciertamente se consideran miembros esenciales de los Aliados Terrestres, merecen un reconocimiento distintivo y una introducción dedicada.
'¿Quiénes son los primos perdidos de la humanidad?'

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...