
15 de septiembre de 2017


It seems that the thugs of the neo-Franco Regime of 78 that has kidnapped Spain and all their minions of the media, are going crazy at times.
The hysteria of these mafias who have been distributing the cake for decades has reached such a point that they begin to invent the most outlandish conspiracy theories and it seems that the trigger has been the support of the activist Julian Assange to the celebration of the Referendum secessionist of the 1 of October.
The last thing we have seen is "de traca": according to El Confidencial, PUTIN WILL BE BEHIND THE CATALAN SECTIONIST PROCESS .
As they read it.
Up to this point the dementia of this mafia and corrupt Regime that is tottering and of which so much gentuza sucks.
The theory in question seeks to find some obscure explanation of the support that Assange is giving to the Catalan pro-independence process, or rather, his support for the celebration of the Referendum, against censorship and the pressures of the neo-Franco regime that governs country since the false democratic transition.
Without going any further, following the court order to close the Referendum website (which to the shame of the Spanish government failed in just 45 minutes), the founder of Wikileaks himself, said on Twitter that he is helping to protect the web of the referendum of Catalonia, closed by court order.
"We have a lot of experience paralyzing abusive censorship. I am pleased to help protect the publication rights of the referendum website. "
Faced with this posture of a world-wide activist (and future Nobel Peace Prize if Yankee imperialism did not kill him before), the Regime's media could only do one thing: to try to defile the image of Assange and present it before the eyes of the indoctrinated Spanish population as a criminal.
And they have done so by creating a "theory of planetary conspiracy . "
Ta and how the National exposes:
"The confidential has given the keys to an alleged conspiracy on a planetary level that would explain Assange's 'conversion' into an active militant of independence, all from a triangle that would have in its three corners the leaders of a world conspiracy destined to destroy Spain : Russian President Vladimir Putin; the United States, Donald Trump; and that of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont. Meanwhile, Russian diplomats, congressmen and American lobbies and the efforts of the Catalan Government to internationalize the process.
You see, the regime's media are trying to sell us an evil conspiracy trio Putin-Trump-Puigdemont. How high has that son of some bakers of Gerona!
But let us continue with the raving. According to El Confidencial:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has been trying for years to get his foot in the door of the Catalan independence process. Most of these attempts have crashed against the rocks, because the Generalitat itself denies this support. But this week the arrival of the hacker and digital activist Julian Assange on the Catalan theme has been Russia's latest attempt to put a spoon in line with a Russian foreign policy that since the Ukrainian crisis seeks to destabilize Europe by various means . Catalonia has been the last chapter of a foreign policy marked by the constant clash with the EU. "
The Confidential regrets that:
"Assange has published a dozen tweets giving support to independence in Catalonia" and "has more than 368,000 followers. Because of its relevance, it is like a means of communication in itself and, in addition, of great international repercussion ".
According to The Confidential, Assange would be little less than a Russian agent, a puppet of the evil Vladimir Putin.
The media contend that Assange's support comes after the activist met last August 16 at the Ecuadorian embassy in London with Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, close to US President Donald Trump, and a firm public defender of Russia's interests.
All this after Dana Rohrabacher was one of the two US congressmen who met with Catalan President Carles Puigdemont in the Palau de la Generalitat in April, a meeting that was ridiculed by most of the regime's means, now, apparently, hides a "Judeo-Russian-Masonic world conspiracy . "
Curiously, these same media forget to remember that in Barcelona, ​​Rohrabacher also met with the delegate of the Spanish Government, Enric Millo, a prominent member of the PP, accompanied by the Spanish police summit in Catalonia.
What is certain is that the Kremlin annually organizes meetings with secessionist minorities around the world, basically to justify their own actions in the Crimea, Donbás or in future in other countries of the former USSR with Russian minorities. It is true that the minority independence party Solidaritat Catalana (a minority that has no MPs in the Parliament) was invited to the meetings held in September 2015 and 2016 at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow to bring together secessionist minorities from all over the world, from Texas or California to Northern Ireland or the Italian Northern League.
In 2014, the then Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, referred to the sovereignty consultation in Catalonia, to justify the annexation of Crimea to the Security Council.
Evidently, the Russians in the Catalan process care about them and use it, as they use anything else, to defend their interests.
But to see things from this more natural and balanced point of view does not suit the increasingly hysterical means of the Regime, who, burdened by the constant calls of their masters, now have to turn Assange indepe into an agent of absolute evil .
The fact is that the Confidential sustains his theory of linking Assange to the Kremlin with this paragraph:
"There is no evidence that Assange's support for the Catalan independence cause is driven by Russia. But the hacker has only supported overtime causes in the last year - whether to Trump in the United States, Marine Le Pen in the last French presidential or Putin's interests in the Syrian crisis. He even met with Nigel Farage last April, according to 'The Guardian'. All anti-European projects that coincide with Russian interests against the EU. "
The first sentence of the paragraph already says it all: "There is no evidence that Assange's support for the Catalan independence cause is driven by Russia."
Assange himself has come to the forefront exposing the lies, in this case of El Periódico (the newspaper that invented from nothing a false CIA note to the Mossos d'Esquadra) about his alleged support of Trump, Farage and Le Pen ...
The truth is that the arguments of El Confidencial are so pathetic that they can only be explained if they are aimed at an indoctrinated population to the point of massive brainwashing.
And is that for any brain minimally thinking, it makes no sense that Russia wants to use the independence of Catalonia to fracture the European Union.
What they do not explain in El Confidencial is that it is totally absurd to regard the Catalan pro- independence process as "anti-European," when the pro-independence proletarians defend their EU membership from the outset and show themselves as ardent Europeanists and European project.
Without going further, the head of Catalan diplomacy, Raul Romeva, is a fervent Europeanist who spent 10 years in the European Parliament.
Someone could say that Putin tries to support Catalan independence to harm the EU if the Indus wanted to leave the Union, but like the Scots, they want exactly the opposite: to be part of it whatever.
As we say: the level of madness and manipulation of the neo-Franco regime and its spokesmen, already rubs the most absolute ridicule.

Spain, a country where Paniaguados journalists who present themselves as "leftists and progressives", are personal friends and collaborators of Mafioso magnates such as Florentino Pérez and receive salary from the far right of the Grupo Planeta
Soon they will tell us that the evil Puigdemont (you know, the tyrant who in his antidemocratic dictatorial frenzy wants to set up a referendum for people to vote), is an agent of the KGB.
Or but still; may soon be linked to Puigdemont with Kim Jong-Un, perhaps saying they are cousins ​​and that the North Korean dictator is selling nuclear weapons to the Catalans to attack Spain.
Given the dementia level of the regime's means, they could do so: after all, one of the North Korean regime's representatives and spokesmen in the West is Alejandro Cao de Benós, a Catalan from Tarragona.
Time to time.
But beyond the jokes, what we fear and we already warned at the time, is that the neo-Franco regime, if it can not overcome the situation through police and judicial repression, will soon show in all its "splendor" everything their level of criminality and psychopathy .
All the warnings that we made based on hypotheses in previous articles, we keep them standing. You can find them in these articles ... 
It is the price that all Spaniards will pay for having allowed for so long that a corrupt, fascist and absolutely criminal mafia kidnapped our country without anyone moving a finger ...

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