
15 de septiembre de 2017

Is Catalonia the political tomb of Rajoy?

Autocracy, from the Greek autos (by itself) and kratos (power or government), would be the form of government exercised by a single person with an absolute and unlimited power, kind of endogenous parasite of other systems of government (including the so-called democracy formal), that starting from the chrysalis of a party proposal chosen by free elections, came to power metamorphosed into a presidentialist leader with clear autocratic dyes (inflexible, centralist and authoritarian). 
Autocratic systems (de facto governments) would thus be a kind of invisible dictatorships based on solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation) and social repression (promulgation of Decrees-Laws that would violate constitutionality but will be covered by the democratizing veneer of the Court Constitutional on duty (Gag Law).
A fundamental milestone in the authoritarian drift of the Rajoy government was a modification of the Criminal Code to restrict the rights of expression (Gag Law) and the embarrassing signature between Rajoy and Sánchez of the so-called "anti-jihadist pact" that, under the fallacy of combating Jihadist terrorism "makes terrorist offenses minor infractions or licit conduct and assumes an attack on the waterline of the constitutional system" in the words of Manuel Cancio Meliá (article 573.1) and whose penultimate episode would be the "affair Alsasua" which according to the Court's opinion Supreme Court "would have fit in Article 573.1 of the Criminal Code" and consequently will be tried by the National Court as "facts constituting a crime of terrorism" with stratospheric penalties of 52 years for each of the 7 defendants. 
In the paroxysm of Rajoy's authoritarian drift, we witnessed the implementation of the so-called Aznar Doctrine which would have as its main axes the culmination of ETA's "institutional defeat to prevent terrorism from finding in its political partners the oxygen that will enable it to survive its operational defeat "and the maintenance of the" indissoluble unity of Spain ", having as collateral effects to criminalize groups and entities disingenuous and refractory to the message of the dominant establishment of the Spanish State and the prohibition of the sovereign referendum in Catalonia, constituent elements of the so-called "Negative perfection", a term used by the novelist Martin Amis to designate "the obscene justification of the use of extreme cruelty, massive and premeditated by a supposed ideal state." 
Will Catalonia be the trigger for the implosion of the regime of 78? 
The worsening of the economic crisis in 2019, the political disaffection of Spanish society motivated by the bleeding cases of corruption of the political-economic elite and the prohibition of the Referendum in Catalonia will review the validity of the Constitution of 78 in which supports the current status quo. 
However, a utopia must wait until a certain number of people (Critical Mass) reaches a higher consciousness, at which point the individual is already able to make an evolutionary leap and achieve a change of mentality, a thesis known as "Theory of the Hundredth Monkey "and quoted by the biologist Lyan Watson in his work" Lifetide "(1979). 
To this end, a process of catharsis and subsequent collective metanoia in the whole of the Spanish state, which will have as beneficial effects the liberation of the indomitable part of the primitive individual (the steppe wolf) who has been crouching in a corner of the heart, sedated and oppressed by the tyranny of the current dominant, neoliberal and constricting system of democratic freedoms. 
Thus, after an agonizing birth in which the old will agonize without the new dawn, we will witness the birth of the "Multidimensional Individual" as the generator of a popular tsunami denouncing the current democratic, social and values ​​deficit and establishing the constructive chaos that will succeed in finalizing the structures of the obsolete regime of 78 and proceed to the establishment of the Third Republic in the 2020 horizon, scenario in which will proceed to the design of a new map of the Spanish state with the implementation of a federal state. 

Rajoy, a disaster without palliatives

Fernando López Agudin, journalist
Felipe VI will not do so, at least publicly, but he could repeat today on Rajoy what his father, emeritus King Juan Carlos I, manifested in the New York Times about President Carlos Arias Navarro in the tense spring of 1976: "a disaster without palliatives ".
Yesterday, the political conflict lay in the democratic demand of the Spanish society, today in the democratic demand of the Catalan society; that denied by Arias Navarro, this one by Mariano Rajoy, with the same argument:
 the laws did not allow, as they do not allow today, to meet these popular goals.
Barely a few weeks later, the new president Adolfo Suárez commissioned the state legal engineers to find the tenuous thread capable of basing the referendum on political reform in the wake of the Fundamental Principles of the Movement of General Franco's dictatorship.
The failure of the Rajoy government, which has given up the slightest political initiative on Catalonia, aggravates the Spanish state crisis to the point of threatening to take ahead the highest state institutions. The Spain of 2017 is not that of 1936, where Hitler and Mussolini ruled in Germany and Italy; is not even the one that was in 1978 where the cold war marked the limits that the transition could not surpass.
Rajoy not only has not sought dialogue with the Generalitat but, on the contrary, has paved the way for the clash between constitutional legality and clear Catalan democratic legitimacy. The crows of the cave of Madrid, who nursed a dozen years ago in his campaign against the Estatut, today push him to the precipice of involution.
The Faithful Infantry has been installed in the Moncloa. The Aranzadi Brigade, the Brunete Mediática and the Patriotic Police, now have the free hands to act without restrictions against the separatists, 80% of Catalan society that only asks to vote, and the red AntiEspaña, now abode, accomplice of separatism. Leguleyos trained by the band of Trillo, tertulianos coordinated by Soraya and the Social Political Brigade of Zoido, are launched to the attack with the vain hope to liquidate the territorial conflict of Catalonia the I of October.
As Aznar said in 2001, in an ideological magazine of the Vocento group, it is time to recover "everything that was ceded in 1978 to the nationalists and left." 
The serious Catalan crisis is its opportunity for the transition to end up being a round trip to the preconstitutional times of Arias Navarro.
Anyone who sees measure and proportionality in Rajoy's response, like Pedro Sánchez, should make him look at the optician. 
The reaction of the Moncloa to its sensible proposal to create a constitutional study commission, involving all the parties to the conflict, is clearly improving and will be absolutely reprehensible.
Not in vain the PP has the very inestimable help of the parliamentary group Susana Diaz, about a quarter of those who sit in the seats of the PSOE, to have tied and well tied to Ferraz. 
Nothing more useful for the Moncloa than to incite the anti-Catalanist demagoguery in Andalusia to avoid that the rich social classes pay at least what the richest territories such as Baleares, Valencia, Madrid or Catalonia pay.
As was foreseeable, as we analyzed last Monday September 4, Rajoy enters by one ear and comes out for the other anguished cry of the Catalan right that demands a new Tarradellas. Yesterday Thursday 7 La Vanguardia once again insisted that it links the conflict between Catalonia and the state. 
With the support of the oligarchic sector of the PNV, bought at a price of gold that denies the Catalans, passes olympically of this minority Catalan sector.
If Miguel Roca, as editor of the 1978 Constitution, was able to relinquish a Catalan version of the Basque Concerto, according to Xavier Arzalluz, it does not make sense to ask for what he rejected at the time. 
Until the end of the judicial battle against the right to decide will keep the Polish window Moncloa closed.
But when it reopens, Rajoy will not be in the Moncloa. It will be impossible to redo the relationship of Catalonia with Spain if it continues as president of Government. 
Whether he loses or wins in his fight to the death against the right to decide the Catalans.
In both outcomes, in which his political life is played, he will die by killing. He is a political dead who still does not know it. An old custom of the Jews' funeral should be restored, according to which, when a corpse was taken to the cemetery, its coreligionists of the synagogue had to shout in his ear: "So-and-so, so-and-so, know that you are dead!
It will not be long before those who send behind the scenes, worried about the irresponsibility of the Moncloa, shout in his ear Rajoy, Rajoy, find out you're dead!

Spain: Rajoy puts the state to the hunt and capture of ballot boxes, ballot papers, voters, votes and other electoral paraphernalia

We are witnessing the most surprising spectacle in the history of democracies, an event that will pass into the annals of electoral pathology. Spain prohibits voting and, therefore, there will be no votes. 

It is impossible that there be because it is prohibited, something that does not even happen with marijuana. The Catalan referendum is not only a crime but a paranoia.

"We will do everything that is necessary and pertinent to prevent the referendum," said Rajoy when announcing the measures that the government has taken to annul the independence consultation. 

The executive works on two complementary fronts: the judicial and the police. 

The second includes an operation to try to find out where the ballot boxes and ballots are to be used by October 1.

One of the central government's objectives is to try to locate the instruments necessary to hold the referendum. 

Carles Puigdemont himself acknowledged a few days ago that they had more than 6,000 ballot boxes and it is also suspected that somewhere will have to print (if not already done) the necessary ballots for the voting day. 

Moncloa knows that if they manage to find their location the independentistas will have an added problem to fulfill their threat to vote on October 1st.

Information services are investigating where these ballot boxes and ballots are, if they have already been printed or are planning to print in the coming days. 

In the operation there are agents of the Civil Guard, the National Police Corps and the National Intelligence Center, who have orders to communicate to their superiors any activity related to the organization of the referendum.

The State Attorney General, José Manuel Maza, announced that he has instructed the Catalan Public Prosecutor's Office, with the assistance of the Judicial Police (Civil Guard, National Police and Mossos d'Esquadra) to investigate any action related to the referendum "on be indicirally constitutive of the crimes of disobedience, prevarication and embezzlement of public funds at least. "

The Ministry of the Interior has designed a device that includes a special deployment with more than 2,000 agents of the Police and the Civil Guard in three phases.

The first is to increase security in those state buildings in Catalonia with the excuse that they can be attacked or occupied by radicals. 

The second involves the withdrawal of ballot boxes and the closure, where appropriate, of public centers converted into polling stations. 

The third and final will be the presence on the streets of anti-riot units to contain possible public demonstrations or camping in the streets.

The government intends with this investigation to intercept the polls before they are distributed by the different polling places, thus avoiding scenes of tension the same October 1 if they have to withdraw them and confiscate them.

One of the central government's options is that Puigdemont may have acquired more than 6,000 ballot boxes in China. It is from the Asian country where Catalonia could receive thousands of ballot boxes and do so, also taking advantage of very low prices.

Buying polling booths in China is relatively straightforward. Anyone could do it from home. Simply type in the Alibaba website and look for "skillful design of the acrylic urn for election". Price per unit: 8.58 euros. 

Multiplied by 8,000 (the amount bid by the Generalitat) would result in 68,640 euros. An amount, therefore, that would be well below the 184,000 euros that the regional government tendered in the beginning.

The Chinese portal also offers cardboard voting booths at a price of € 41.70 per unit. 

It would not be necessary, in short, to resort to a public competition or that the autonomous public powers committed to disburse the money.

More )

While you looked away

While we all looked at Catalonia, Rivera compared it with Yugoslavia and not with Venezuela, the judges do the work that it is up to parliament and parliamentar to dance the mambo that touches the fanfare cupera, Rajoy and Puigdemont to put of layer the flag and Ruffian do the printer's numerito or the Civil Guard do the ríddiculo entering a printing press to requisition ballots, while all this happened and you and I looked to another side, we re-paste it on the opposite side, which is where we always they are worn.
While the government throws in the face the paste that the government wants to spend on the consultation, the PP threaded us and the squadron 40,000 million bailout bank, which the Bank of Spain has given up for lost and Rajoy for very well employed. 
The ransom that was not a ransom and would not cost us a euro, has cost us a hijacking of rights and freedoms and will end up costing us 60,000 million dollars. 
But Rajoy says that this way bankruptcy was avoided. 
It was more for the evicted, unemployed, pensioners, preferentistas, young people and families that were broken so that the banks that the bankruptcy went out to return were not broken.

Yes, ma'am. While you and I were looking at the finger pointing towards the Catalans and we were like who says on the Moon, the Bank of Spain, which is rather that of the bank, we hit another that has gone even more unnoticed, that  we are going to lose 14,000 millions of euros with the sale of ours, because they are ours, shares of Bankia and Banca Mare Nostrum , which turns out to have been merged and we have merged with its merger. 
It is necessary to see with what joy they let go our representatives the euros, thousands in thousands ... of millions. Even if they were his!
That if it was the money that the Generalitat wants to spend in polls, Montoro had already gone to retrieve them, but since it is only the money of all the Spaniards, who cares. 
Who cares since we paid our kidnappers for the ransom and now we invite them to dinner. 
If that was the thing, take it off and give it to me. Who cares. But we have already emerged from the crisis! If evictions are no longer a problem, the only problem is Catalonia!
And that is the pity, it seems that nobody cares anymore, that we are not astonished or strange or unworthy, that maybe we look the other way for impotence.
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Mariano Rajoy does not like Nicolás Maduro, fortunately (comparative point after the Barcelona attack)

Like Nicolás Maduro, Mariano Rajoy is president of a country. But that is the only important similarity that exists between the two.
The president of the Bolivarian Government works to ensure the welfare of his people. The one of the Spanish executive unequivocally for the economic elites to the detriment of the bulk of the population that suffers it.
The great difference that exists between the two presidents has been perceived in many ways. Perhaps the most visible and close in time is the unequal behavior expressed by both in relation to the violence suffered in the two countries.
In Venezuela there have been more than one hundred people killed as a result of the brutal violence on the streets by the fascist right, which Mariano Rajoy both defends and encourages. Of course, the Francoist president and his "entourage", far from condemning the facts and their authors, attacks Maduro by pointing out that he is responsible for them.
In contrast the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, besides being more sensitive to the pain of others, has been much more restrained. We have tested it many times; a few hours ago, for example and without going further.
It turns out that, after the unfortunate event that happened yesterday in the city of Barcelona, ​​Nicolás Maduro has condemned the attack that has ended the life of 13 people and has caused more than 100 injuries.
The Bolivarian president expressed himself in this way: "Venezuela joins the pain of the people of Barcelona and the world in the face of the brutal terrorist attack [...] 
We raise our prayer for the victims, "and showed his repudiation of" terrorism in all its forms. " Finally he cried "for a world free of terror, wars and violence."
Just as Spanish lies and unjustly blames the Venezuelan for opposing violence, it has not occurred to him to point out his participation - by the hand of NATO - in the wars of prey that, although much less justifies, if they have much to do with the bloody and indiscriminate attacks in Europe, including yesterday in Barcelona.
What I said, Mariano Rajoy does not like Nicolás Maduro, fortunately.

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