
17 de septiembre de 2017

CHECKMATE TO DEMOCRACY The locals cram the act for the right to decide


The event, ERC spokesman, Joan Tardà, said that "democracy is in check, not the right to decide". 

PUBLIC / Agencies 

Hundreds of locals have crowded the act for the right to decide at the Teatro del Barrio, organized by the group "Madrileños for the right to decide", in which participated politicians like Joan Tarda, Natalia Esteve, Eduardo Reyes, Isabel Serra, Nuria GIbert, Alberto Arregui Lluis Llach or. 

During the ceremony, a crowd was thronging the nearby theater to show their support for the sovereignist consultation October 1 and protest against recent government measures to prevent the referendum.

We can spokeswoman Community of Madrid, Isabel Serra, has attended the event to "show solidarity with the Catalan people" and "defend the rights and freedoms of all people."


"We are here today despite attempts by the PP to prevent a Popular Party does not understand that in a democracy people can express themselves freely, regardless of their opinion contradicts the government , " said Serra. 

Those attending the ceremony for the sovereignty referendum in Catalonia organized by the association "Madrileños for the right to decide" in the Teatro del Barrio, in Madrid. EFE / Emilio Naranjo 

The ERC spokesman, Joan Tardà has called on all democrats to rebel against a situation in which both the Government and the PSOE have put "in jeopardy", in his view, both the "exercise of the right to decide "and" democracy itself. " The 'Madrileños for the right to decide' platform maintains its act

ERC spokesman thanked the people of Madrid its "fraternal response" to the Catalans. At this point, it has paraphrased the motto of Catalan republicanism when the city of Madrid was under siege during the Civil War - "Defending Madrid is to defend Catalonia" -.

Tardà considered that all Democrats have to rebel against those who seek to consolidate 'democracy' low cost 'low quality'. 

At this point, it regretted that the PSOE a "Franco" party "fought for the freedoms" and is now saying the PP "to count on him for anything." "Even the terminology has endorsed the PP , " he lamented. 

A journalists ' questions about possible consequences of the act, the deputy of ERC said that Democrats "never" are afraid and know that "democracy always ends up winning." 
Puigdemont praises the commitment of the act of Madrid

The president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, has praised the public response to the call for an act on the right to decide this Sunday in Madrid and celebrated "the commitment to freedom of expression" of the participants. 

In a Twitter message picked up by Europa Press has published the event, held at the Teatro del Barrio of the Spanish capital, it has been "impressive and exciting."
Puigdemont has accompanied his message of a video that Zurita Madrid street full of people listening to the parliaments of the act that the judge banned José Yusty Bastarreche held in the municipal Slaughterhouse is. The Teatro del Barrio will host the act of 'Madrileños for the right to decide' Protesters in the act of "Madrileños for the right to decide" are concentrated at the gates of Teatro del Barrio Malasaña holding ballot referendum Oct. 1. REUTERS / Sergio Pérez suspension of the act in Matadero Elena Martínez, one of the organizers of the act, referred to the ban by Judge José Yusty Bastarreche of this act in the municipal Slaughterhouse.

"We think it violates the right to freedom of expression and claim that any citizen can talk about any subject without being vetted for the proper exercise of their freedom of expression. It means take us back to the times of the dictatorship. This is not an act by the independence, but for the right of all independent Catalan people to vote yes or no ", he explained

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