
11 de septiembre de 2017

Fade to Black: Jimmy Church and Corey Goode - SSP and the Interstellar War - This


Jimmy : All right, welcome back Fade to Black. Okay, Corey, we were talking about interstellar slave trafficking and ICC (Inter Corporate Conglomerate). This is one of the scariest and most difficult parts of this that frightens us. And when we're talking about interstellar slave trade, so first let's back. There are many routes that are occurring throughout the solar system in our group of stars that involve trade, minerals, whatever, technology. There are trade routes, just like we have here on earth, going through the system of interstate or oceans. That's what we do, we trade. Well, the same thing is happening out there in the universe and our group of stars. So with that, and start combining that normal trade of goods, and launches into interstellar slave trade in the mix, that people get scared. What are we talking about here? And it's just a slave trade?
Corey Yes, it's a slave trade that is not unlike human trafficking have going on, on Earth. And many human beings who are taken, toamron because, and this sounds strange, we are good engineers. We are good troubleshooters, when put in the right environment. So we use for different reasons. And yes, this slave trade is something that has been going on for a long time. This interplanetary conglomerate decided that, once we have developed the technology to monitor the Earth, we were going to prevent these groups from entering and kidnap humans and steal them. And we would like to use these people as a commodity, which is the elite or humans who control everything. They saw supply and demand.
Jimmy  : Now, with that sober slaves, who have labor understand that part of it. You have the intellectual side and brain. But the darker side of it, which were won? Were the flesh? Were we being eaten?
Corey  : Yes, unfortunately, some of these beings that use humans, or parts of humans for sustenance, yes.
Jimmy: Have you ever seen evidence of this by himself, directly?
Corey  : Yes.
Jimmy  : And what you saw? And how do you know, that was what was happening, there was something telling you what's going on ? What happened?
Corey : I mean, I knew there was something to do during the first six years or so. We were doing, occasionally, when we were on the way out of a certain area of ​​the solar system, which were being loaded with these large containers that looked like they were made to transport technical equipment or any type of weapon. And they had a technological component of actual cases. And it was some time before discovering, through the insistence of the girl who had a thing to do in the program, which had me and another guy also entering an area where we had some of these containers for the transport. And she ended up opening them, and just seeing what was inside. And it was not what I expected.
Jimmy  : Well, they were complete bodies, or was, like, meat? That is, I do not want to be here gross.
Corey  : Yeah, I can not really talk more about it without being graphic. But there were people in some kind of restraint, and there were other people who had already been slaughtered like cattle.
Jimmy  : It 's true. .ok right, wow, that's heavy, but on the other hand, we have cows and pigs and chickens here as another species, another being, that's the way we looked. They do not look at us differently. And you kind of have to be open to that possibility. A question that leads me to this next step is why the accumulation of the offensive and defensive space fleet, but not only Dark Fleet Solar Warden is not it? Are we threatened? Is there a reason to have offensive and defensive space fleets?
Corey Well, yes, absolutely. And Solar Warden had both. They had some of the research vessels, and some of the support ships that were not heavily armed. One of the reasons that Solar Warden was built was to be the guardian of our solar system, to help prevent many of these species pass through here, make a quick kidnapping in a Third World country, take 10, 30 a hundred or more people, sometimes all a small town and then take them out, outside our solar system, never to be seen again. You know there are a lot of different scenarios in place, and we were realizing how big the galactic civilizations, I mean, how big it really is. We were learning that, and unfortunately, not all of them are angelic beings.
Jimmy  : Well, you and anyone else who was in the program, including you, were told any of you who might have a disclosure of the programs he was working on , and contact ET?
Corey  : Oh yes, we were told throughout this, that someday this will be revealed, and we seríamso as the hermanos Wright or the first astronauts.
Jimmy  : Well, well. And it was almost like a carrot, you were really doing good, and everyone would find out this time, so just sit tight?
Corey  : Yes, that is, people who are doing this, they are working within these programs think they are doing things in a positive agenda. They think they are doing the right thing.
Jimmy  : Let's talk about the arrival of the giant spheres. And in particular, we will talk about the search. Who was the search, and when did this happen?
Corey  : Well, I had heard a little about this information. David had heard this from one of his sources, so that during the 80s, this very large area of metallic appearance came into our solar system and started flying around planets, circling around the planets, and our space program He confronted them secret. They said they were just a cruise basically a cruise exploration and human space program secretly told them to leave the solar system right away, and they did.
Jimmy  : He said they were doing a walk.
Corey  : Yes.
Jimmy  : (laughs) Interesting. And we said we were not welcome. It was because we were afraid? Right? It was that part of this?
Corey  : Yes, but in the 80s, a protocol had already been developed. Beacons are getting outside our solar system, basically, transmission protocols, that when flying in our solar system, which has to scale in certain quadrant, is to send a signal of "friend or foe" then , receiving control air, basically traffic.
Jimmy  : Interesting. And later, there was more spheres coming and positioned in the solar system? They were kind of, almost like just appear and disappear?
Corey  : Yeah, they came in groups. They began arriving from outside the solar system and basically teleportaban through the Sun, and as they entered our solar system would immediately invisible, go transparent.
And the secret space program, people in the military industrial complex programs, were excited because they thought, okay, this is the return of the Sumerian gods. But these areas after be transported, also refused to answer any of hailstorms of human beings to try to make contact with them. So we knew something was not right at that point.
Jimmy  : It 's true. When we say sphere, of course, we have this area is the alliance, and we have areas that have appeared in your living room. We're talking about the same thing, it is not the same, but the same technology? Are we talking about the same thing?
Corey  : Well, the areas that have been coming, are energetic. They are not a sphere manufactured or craft.
Jimmy  : (no) solids, metal
Corey  : Right. And blue eyes I see coming into the room, which are the same being exactly, are beings who are exactly the same as these giant spheres flying in space. They are indistinguishable.
Jimmy  : OK. Now is the technology of the sphere is the same from what I have witnessed, when we were in Joshua Tree, when we saw these spheres in the sky? It's the same technology?
Corey  : Well, not technology. These are real people. These huge spheres are real beings higher density.
Jimmy  : It 's true. That's what I'm trying to suggest here. When you and I were together in Joshua Tree, we had a large group of people. And you and David had approached us, and we were having our sightings in the sky at that time. That actually did not react. (Laughter) His reaction to me was like ... why? It is because they knew exactly what was going on ?
Corey  : Well, I've seen that sort of thing so much. You is hard to feign excitement, you know? I tell everyone, if you get together with me, eventually you are going to see some weird stuff. I've had people who have seen UFOs me a lot of times.
Jimmy  : It was a quite extraordinary night, that night and, of course, the night before. And we spend much time talking about it. But do you think that the appearance was going over in Joshua Tree, who witnessed, and everyone else, do you think it's because we were there?
Corey  : Yeah, yeah, a group along with the vibration of consciousness will attract attention for sure.
Jimmy  : Yes, of course. Now, we talk about this benevolent-evil situation that is out there in the stars at this time, and on this planet. And of course we talked about earlier Greer and his opinion on this. When you are speaking of interstellar conflicts and rebellions and / or wars that are going on , who is struggling? Why participate?
Corey  : Well, we have to participate in the same way that other beings were involved with Draco. There is a group that works together with Draco like our Fleet Dark ago. And it is postulated that are a conquered race, like we're supposed to . They are about 8 feet tall; with blond hair. Many people call Nordic, except they have six fingers. Some of them have eyes in the form of reptile because they are hybrids between the two, between reptiles and the Nordic group of six fingers. And that basically served alongside the reptiles, conquest, for the same reasons that people from the Dark Fleet.
Jimmy  : How much of our local star system we keep talking, or star cluster have Draconinanos under their control?
Corey  : Not much. It sounds like they're two star systems, including our own . But at different points, their control over local star 51 or 52 has come and gone. His power comes and goes. They get are expelled from different star systems. They have to come back and reassert control. That's what has been happening for millions of years.
Jimmy  : Why live here Draco? Why keep coming back to our solar system and the Earth? That is, is a nice place to live, I get it too, but is there another reason?
Corey  : Yeah, there 's a group of them thought that the Earth was actually hers, who had their genetic experimentation here, and these different races came basically 65 million years ago , which is a great timbre of a frame time for you- and killed was here on Earth, which was a genetic experiment of reptiles. And this new group decided to make this human experiment instead of the reptile experiment. And say what happened here on Earth and other planets in our group of local stars, where there were all kinds of dinosaur similar things happening, they had three lost races, why they were upset. They are here because they feel that originated here, or have some kind of complaint here.
Jimmy  : And also, in the same sense, we keep talking about the 900 different groups that are trading in our group of stars, and of course the Dracos are part of that. How many of the 900 know about Earth? And you know what's going on here, or any of them know about us?
Corey  : You know, that's clear to me. Many of these groups are somewhat amoral anyway. Many of them have agreements when they are traveling through this cosmic web among the stars when they reach a star system while they are waiting portal to another star system, do not interfere with local, uh, what's going to locally in this star system, they do their business and leave.
Jimmy  : Once you started out on a couple of forums, Avalon and Tod, decided to come forward. Why he decided, instead of staying in the background?
Corey  : Well, to be honest, I had planned to simply provide information to investigators and remain anonymous. I had a job as an engineer cloud, where I paid good money and I did not want to stir the boat. Unfortunately some research decided to go ahead and "pulled" my name anyway.
And when this happened, I really had no choice at that point.
Jimmy  : How is your wife dealing with this today? And she has seen something?
Corey: Yes, there have been some things that he saw. I try to get my family speak for itself. I do not want to force a narrative, but they enter it with their own will. But she has had a lot of problems, a lot of depression. It has not been easy for her. So it has been difficult in some ways, sure.
Jimmy  : And your children?
You know, I talk a lot by phone. I know you're a family man. You always have your kids out with you. I feel like I've met them a few times indirectly. How are you dealing with this? Or do you know so much?
Corey  : Yeah, well, my son, not so much. It only has 5 yet.
But my daughter is 13. She has a good idea that much of what has been happening around here for sure, but I began to count less and less, when I started to see them react to information. They were a kind of shock, or my daughter was a little scared at first. I was having some strange experiences. I had to acclimate to this information.
Jimmy: before you hit pause, let's get a couple of critical questions out of the way. What is the outer barrier?
Corey  : The outer barrier is actually one of these giant beings blue sphere was erected and basically covers our entire solar system and is preventing human and non - human groups to leave or enter the solar system, until we have gone through the this "event" is going to be.
Jimmy  : What, we'll get to that in a second, but that also includes Draco?
Corey  : Yes.
Jimmy  : Is there life on Proxima B?
Corey: There is life in Proxima B, Proxima Centauri. They are in our set local stars, and most of the stars that are similar to ours have civilizations alive.
Jimmy  : Who is our Proxima B?
Corey  : I do not know.
Jimmy  : Who is Gonzales?
Corey  : Gonzales has actually gone by several different names. He is a person I met for the first time when this group of Mayan guy had helped me, and he became as a link between the secret space program and I, and he led me to believe he was in the Air Force, but in was a reality, it is a captain of the Navy tie. Yes, he's an interesting character. I had a sort of love-hate relationship with him sometimes.
Jimmy  : When was the last time you talked to him?
Corey  : The last time I spoke with him was probably two weeks ago.
Jimmy: And still in the SSP?
Corey  : No, it is no longer able to return to work I was doing before, with the secret space program.
Jimmy: And why is that?
Corey  : The secret Alliance space program is a group of people who have separated and are no longer working directly with the group to which they were assigned. And they are doing it surreptitiously. And it enontró marginalized through an interrogation about me, and could not come back and do what I was doing before.
Jimmy  : At one point was his commanding officer?
Corey  : I guess you could assume it more as a driver, I guess because it was not in the army. I was a civil asset.
Jimmy  : Because, had already been exposed to it in 2013, and then went off the planet and bumped into him again and recognized him. How was that?
Corey  : Well, reconpcí when I took up the LOC to meet this alliance SSP. And I was not given a lot of information about what was going to happen at this meeting. He was the one who welcomed me was saying you need to be there, I had to come here. And I recognized him from a previous encounter I had with this type separatist Maya, who was working with him, and you're working with him now.
Jimmy  : Everyone wants to know, is González Cobra?
Corey  : No. (laughs) No.

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