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Fade to Black: Jimmy Church and Corey Goode - SSP and the Interstellar War - Corey's Story


Jimmy  : What is the Dodge Dart?
Corey  : Yes, it 's a small transport ship that was used in the beginning, when he was being picked up by the secret space program. It took place for 5 people. He had two seats at the front for the pilot and co - pilot or navigator. There were three seats in the back for, I guess, people like me. And it was a kind of triangle shaped small ships, like a pyramid. And it could travel from here to the LOC (Lunar Operations Command) in a very short period of time.
Jimmy  : Was invisible? Do your neighbors see this? You attract attention? That is, I think it would.
Corey  : He began to draw attention. So they stopped using that method of collection.
Jimmy  : I understand. Okay, I want you to tell us the history of the real objective Draconian. How did that happen? Lead us there and tell the story, because it was quite spectacular.
Corey  : Yes it is. I was told I would have to comply with this group, and I was not very excited about this. The night of the meeting picked me up and took me into this larger ferry have, which could probably fit up to 18 people. The doors opened on the sides, very similar to the helicopters. These were opened and took me to the roof of what proved to be a hotel, which had been closed long ago. One of those hotels like garden where everything was inside, and when you ride in the ascensorse see a large area. Then, they were immediately balcony areas, and you can look down at the bottom and see what would be the restaurant area.
Jimmy  : Yeah, like an atrium.
Corey : Yes Yes of course. We were taken to the first floor, where we were greeted by some of these groups, the Committee of 300. It is a secret society that leads a lot of financial and judicial systems in the West. And they ended up introducing me to this high and white reptile, which was, as 4 meters high. Huge. And this being was extremely psychic. I had never experienced any interface like this before. This more or less reached out and grabbed my mind, to a point where they did not perceive anything or anyone around me. He was alone and this being in communication. And it could handle what I was seeing. It was a very annoying experience. The meeting took place basically because they wanted to deliver a message to the alliance of the spherical beings. They wanted to be allowed to leave the solar system, to get out beyond the outer barrier. To negotiate this, they offered to deliver all servers reptiles (lower caste) and their human servants.
Jimmy  : Is ablaban, or did this telepathically?
Corey  : It was done telepathically.
Jimmy: help me understand here. If it is 4 meters high and you are close to the 2, then you are looking at your kneecap, practically, right?
Corey  : (laughs) It was the kneecap which was seeing.
Jimmy  : Well, well. (Laughs) Well, you're looking at him, what was his face? Do your eyes? How you smell? How was this experience?
Corey  : Well, we're scheduled. We have this deep programming, and I do not care how many times we find the reptiles, there is a genetic programming that humans have, that we are afraid or distrustful of them. No matter how many times you meet them, we still have this visceral reaction, as if for the first time. And the smell. They have this horrible, spicy, musky smell like urine. This remains impregnated you.
Jimmy  : I'm just imagining a 4 - meter albino alien looking down toward you. Do you put in a trance? It is that the word I'm trying to find here?
Corey  : You know, I do not know if I would call it a trance, but he took care of my conscious state.
Jimmy  : It 's true. He took control of you. And that was the message with which he ran. I was trying to work a deal.
Corey  : Right.
Jimmy  : And what offered?
Corey: That the royal caste would offer all lower castes, would deliver them, either benevolent aliens who were here, or human space programs. these lower castes would be given if they are allowed to leave the solar system.
Jimmy  : And when you say lower castes, you are insinuating that had slaves? Human slaves? Earthlings?
Corey  : Well, yes, human slaves, but they have a caste system. ET have multiple groups with whom they work. And within each group they have social castes.
Jimmy  : Did a harem?
Corey  : Yes, he had some young blonde women who were obviously his slaves.
Jimmy  : Wow. Did you see them ? They were there?
Corey: Yes, they were standing a little behind him, and behind her legs. They had been sprayed with what this material is musky, and it stunk too. But as we were leaving, we were able to communicate with him as a gesture of good faith, hand in human beings have with you. And we've been able to take them with us.
Jimmy  : Ok, so now obviously they have given a deal, an offer. Fusite you right away? What did you do with the information? And what was your answer?
Corey  : Shortly after I was taken back, which was picked up by one of these blue spheres and was taken before the Blue Avians. It was obvious from the beginning that they would not accept this treatment. But fortunately, uh, they never refused to meet any of those things again after that meeting. And fortunately I was not who would be sent to deliver the bad news.
Jimmy  : This man was not a good guy. He was given its name. But you never want to say this again in a loud voice. Why is that?
Corey  : When it comes to some of these negative groups like reptiles, the more you put into your consciousness, the more it puts you in yours. And they are very psychic beings. If I give the name out, some people will start calling the name, or start praying to it or evoke things with the name, you know, it 's just a better idea not to put the name out there. There is much speculation that Enlil or Enke. Is not that. It's really a sort of name that sounds very Middle Eastern.
Jimmy  : What happened to the guy who had to return with the bad news?
Corey  : I do not know how the news is delivered.
Jimmy  : Do you know how the news was taken? Because obviously he was denied, right? So he 's still here.
Corey  : Well, I think that was denied without have said he refused, but at the same time this news came out in the lower ranks of Draco, the human group, the Committee of 300 and so on. And that was causing them a little frightened. So then there was no immediate acceptance of the offer Draco, and Draco saw that had a big mess to clean people serving them, they just become a kind of non-problem, I guess.
Jimmy  : I have literally 100 questions that have arisen during the show. We'll get to them as quickly as possible. So let's start here: You do not know anything about Corey battles between the aliens and the United States in Greenland in the 1950s?
Corey  : The ET battles in Greenland in the 1950s? No, I have nothing specific about a battle between the  US . and non-land during that time, no.
Jimmy  : OK, fair enough. Now comment on the plan to introduce humanity to a benevolent ET group.
Corey  : Intelligence until the late 90s was that they were going to use this technology  Blue Beam to simulate an alien invasion, end it was in fact a plan at once. Holograms screen, and then put spacecraft royal secret, to cause a ruse. So he was exposed to a degree, so it was no longer a viable operation. But they had used this technology in small theaters of war, such as Iraq and others where they had convinced people that their deities or religious figures were in the clouds, communicating with them, to be delivered or whatever. It was very effective in smaller theaters. The plan that was developed long after the 1990s was that they were going to introduce us to a kind of human outer appearance, which has been interacting with the government for some time. This non-terrestrial group would be introduced to humanity, This non-terrestrial group and introduce us to their belief system, and it will be a kind of cosmic religion. An esoteric world that humanity comes. And we will be convinced that all expert teams out there are positive, and we have nothing to fear from them, so we are willing to give our sovereignty away and to worship them and their belief system, which is what they have been socially and genetically programmed to do from the beginning.
Jimmy  : You know Corey limits the capabilities of time travel SSP?
Corey  : No, I do not know. It turns out from this program , "20 back" they have been doing, they were traveling in time and get different individuals, and put them in the "20 and back" and then sending it back in time for periods the earliest possible time would think.
Jimmy  : Well here we go. We need an update of the deep Earth. Any new information on that front? Anshar, etc.
Corey  : After brief meetings with them, no, not a lot of new information from inside the earth, but I hope to give much more information about the meetings I had through this graphic novel video I'm producing with many people at this time.
Jimmy  : Well, very cool. On a scale of 1 to 10, urgent and important than Corey thinks he is, stock up on food and water and prepare?
Corey  : I think it's a very good idea to have it as soon as possible, if you are financially able to do that, of course. There are a lot of different changes of the Earth, a lot of different things that will occur, some civil disturbances here and there, many of them manipulated. Part of this has to do with energy changes we are going through. And when it comes to having that kind of supplies, it is better to have it and not need it , than to need it and not have it.
Jimmy  : Have you ever met Corey information about the "second coming" and how it might relate to ascension?
Corey  : I have not received information through space programs about it . A lot of this material also has to run like everyone else. Therefore, I would like to have all the answers.
Jimmy  : Have you ever heard of Hillen Cotter or Lemay? If you have, you've seen the pictures.
Corey  : Yes I've seen the pictures.
Jimmy  : Corey Tell us if the people of Micca are third or fourth density?
Corey  : Son of fourth density. And basically, they are still in transition. As we are in the third to fourth density transition at this time.
Jimmy  : Will there be an important ET event, not a whale, but an event in the next 24 months?
Corey  : I do not know. I know that  the powers that were  are trying to make a fast track to unroll this partial disclosure to us where they are going to inform us about the secret space program I told you, with the two space stations. And part of the narrative is that we will file a non - terrestrial group of very human aspect. But what I timestamp in this plan they will do that ?, I have no idea.
Jimmy  : Have you been in contact with other members of the SSP as Tony Rodriguez Dark Fleet and Randy Cramer?
Corey  : No, I have not worked with any of these two individuals.
Jimmy  : Could Corey comment on the latest scandal involving WikiLeaks emails. Oh, this is about  Pizzagate . I will skip that quen. No Pizzagate in this program. I want people to know I'm reading everything. I'm not censoring anything unless you say Pizzagate. Blue spheres are visiting, like blue birds?
Corey  : Are the Blue Avians and blue the same areas? No, they are not the same thing. The Blue Avians are a group of sixth density, and blue spheres are actually what they claim to be beings of the ninth density. And everyone is working together.
Jimmy  : Raw Tear Eir was in contact with you in one sphere, right? When he grabbed you, you were riding with him when he left his living room? You meet with the Blue Avians inside the blue sphere?
Corey  : The sphere is a different being, and we appeared inside of it to have communication, as if it were a spaceship, I guess I would say, or a home. When I arrived at one of these giant blue spheres, is not this kind of porcelain floor below, I'm walking on a floor that is not connected to anything that is floating in the middle of the field, walked by him as floor crystalline. And I've had meetings with other beings and people who have been brought there as well, including the Blue Avians.
Jimmy  : When I see the name Eir Raw Tear immediately think of Egypt, and I think of Ra. Have you asked? One and the same?
Corey  : Yes, they were very heavily involved with several of our civilizations in the past and came down to deliver messages, and every time I delivered a message, it was turned into a religion, it is distorted. But they contacted us, including the Sumerians and Egyptians.
Jimmy  : Is there a connection? Tear and Ra.
Corey  : There seems to be no.
Jimmy  : Star Wars program in the 1980s partial disclosure of the SSP?
Corey  : It was more partial disclosure of a cosmic consciousness and, I suppose, cosmic mind, and how things have occurred over thousands of years. So in a way, yes, apart from the fact that large transport ships were much like those of the dark fleet, most of revelation only let us into their belief systems and what kind of going out there in the cosmos.
Jimmy  : Could you comment on earth Honeycomb?
Corey  : Yes, the honeycomb Earth. Earth is much more porous than what they told us. Several groups, over millennia, have been removed in this porous part of the Earth, where they are protected from all disasters and changes that occur on Earth. But they are also protected from the sun and cosmic rays.
Jimmy  : Is there anything positive that can be said about the ETs? What is your plan for the future with the disclosure, and what would be the sequel?
Corey  : Yes, there is much positive to say about extraterrestrials. For the most part, most of them are good. Most of them would love to interact with us and help us through a lot of our challenges ahead. And for the future of disclosure, I hope to be among all others pushing for a narrative full disclosure, while being unwound this partial disclosure right now. They already are beginning to show a lot of their craft SSP in heaven, especially what we will see during the day are these large white orbs, which are just giant wreaths surrounding the ship.
Jimmy  : The group of Maya leak here to help humanity? And if so, how? They are in touch with us now?
Corey  : Are not contact us now. His position is that once we address these problems ourselves, are ready and willing to come and help with the healing aspect. They help many people with emotional healing.
Jimmy  : OK Welcome back to Fade to Black. Corey now, I'll go through the rest of these questions really fast. I'm reading them now that are coming. Please ask Corey if the earth is flat.
Corey  : The earth is not perfectly flat. When you 've been around, all I've seen is the spherical geometry. I have not seen any of these domes are talking about. That was a thought experiment that began some time ago, and he has acquired a life of its own.
Jimmy  : It just will not go away. It is so funny. What do you know about Halcyon Corey? Is there any ET there, and are compatible with Draco?
Corey  : I do not have specific information of any star system, about who is dwelling there and what is your relationship with Draco.
Jimmy  : Is there any kind of racism in the Federation?
Corey  : Well, it all points of view. What we see as racism, which they see as maintaining their pure and separated from each other genetic experiments. You know that going in and develop a lot of spiritual or social control mechanisms, which is not allowed to date outside their race. Biblical stories where people are told to go and kill anyone else of that race and not take any as his wife heard. All these things helped to sprout roots of racism among us, of course, but it is a part of an experiment for them, and from their perspective, they see it as something negative.
Jimmy  : Do you have any intelligence Corey some fires burning in Cabal bases in the eastern part of the United States?
Corey  : There are a number of bases that have been under attack worldwide. It was one recently, I was told, in Nigeria, in the depths of Nigeria, which was destroyed. I have not heard of anyone open flames from them. I not have been informed me that what is happening exactly.
Jimmy  : Are the aliens and aliens kept dark agendas from each other?
Corey  : Absolutely. Many of these groups work together seamlessly but have their own agendas, their own intelligence, and not share it with others.
Jimmy  : You know Trump aceraca ET contact? Do you think you have been exposed to this point think?
Corey  : I think you know it exists. I do not think he has had firsthand exposure yet, but is most likely.
Jimmy  : Do you think it is part of the Cabal? And if it is not, do you think you will do something to process the Cabal?
Corey: No, not at all. It has been endorsed by the Earth Alliance and military factions in the US government who have been fighting against the Cabal. So it's a very interesting person, not someone who, I guess, is not some sort of Kissy Huggy as we would like. He is by nature uncontrollable by the powers, and the alliance can not really control it.
Jimmy  : when he met with tall white Draconinano, was there anyone else there that you recognize, some politician?
Corey  : When Gonzales had a meeting with the same being later, yes, there was a very important person who spoke to him especially.
Jimmy  : Was Henry Kissinger?
Corey  : It could very well be, from the description. That's the closest I'll get.
Jimmy  : Wow! You know what I'm reading these questions in my cards and I'm like, come on . AGREE. Let's see ... when we're talking about Draco, we have seen a lot of performances and decripciones artists, you and others, but how these beings really look, texture of the skin, eyes? Can you describe it for us?
Corey  : look like snakes. I mean that look like reptiles. There really is no better way to sum it up. His eyes will be yellow with flecks of other colors in them, including red. Vertical pupils. Your skin: Some of them have scales. Some of them have real scales set as snakes do. And there are different types of reptiles.
Jimmy  : Has anyone in your family has traveled in the blue sphere?
Corey: No.
Jimmy  : OK. What Corey aerca think of the recent update of Cobra on the end of the artificial intelligence?
Corey  : Actually I have not heard or watched. I have no idea what it entails. All I know is artificial intelligence, my intelligence, AI threat will be addressed in this solar flare, as reported a few months ago.
Jimmy  : Do you know anything about the satellite Back Knight?
Corey  : Well, there have been a number of satellites have been called Black Knight. They have satellites that have entered our solar system, orbiting the earth for a while and then left here, and then returned. They have had some who have changed position from its orbit around the Earth, moved closer to a polar orbit, the estational geostationary orbit, which is much farther from the surface of the earth, but there are a number of satellites unearthly , satellites have been observing us in recent years.
Jimmy  : If we have an astral experience, which are similar in appearance and other dimensions to them higher density?
Corey : I do not understand the question, but a lot of people, when it comes densities and dimensions, you really have a hard time wrapping your mind around it. Higher density beings are not invisible. You can not pass through them. They are not completely a different frequency, where the matter does not interact with our matter. Just as we have the first and things second density of this planet, you know: animals, viruses, worms, whatever, we can interact physically with them, and it works the same way as you climb the different levels of density. The highest density being basically has a higher vibrational state of consciousness. And because they have this consciousness they are able to control matter, including the question of their own bodies.
Jimmy  : That could happen, pass through us, through walls, that's all a way of looking at science fiction.
Corey  : They have a kind of consciousness technology, most of these fourth - density beings can do. They have technology that is based on knowledge. But if they are in the room with us, you'll be able to see them and touch them. Not sort of, where are you going to magically walk through or are each on a different frequency: That's not really how it works.
Jimmy  : What do you think this year 2016? What are we to expect next year? What has been informed about both?
Corey  : Well, I'm happy to see end 2016. The election process was horrible. But you know, for the future, which is what we make of it. We are a collective consciousness that has forgotten that we are a single being, and small fragmented pieces of this being, which is our individual, co-creating our future together. And so, our future depends on us. It's what we want. If we put it in the universe that we want a positive experience, we will co-create together.
Jimmy  : I want to thank my brother. Thank you for coming forward and hang out with us.
Corey  : Thank you .

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