
18 de septiembre de 2017

Letter from an indignant Spaniard in favor of the referendum.

For prudence (and fear) I will not reveal my identity. Only comment that I am a Madrid, proud until recently of my Spanish inherent to the status of citizen of the capital of this country. I practice as a legal professional in one of the most important multinational companies in Europe.My absolute outrage has exploded from very recent evidence, as recent as yesterday. On a stormy night in which I could not sleep, I decided to get up and write this letter to express the reason for this indignation. An indignation that, after careful reflection, is not such: what I write next is the bomb's fuse with ten basic reasons that confirm that my indignation, unconsciously, comes from very far away. I explain:

The main one, the one that has filled the glass, has been the torticera manipulation that today, I repeat, all the newspapers of Madrid, have done referring to an explosive declarations of Juncker in Euronews. I am bilingual Spanish-English because I studied more than 5 years in London and have lived abroad more than 10. Junker's statements are posted on the web, in a web that is accessible by anyone with a connection to the network. More than 90% of the Spanish population. And they are not hidden; his statements have thousands and thousands of retuits and likes from innumerable profiles of Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. In them, textually and without any manipulation, Mr. Juncker responds to a question from a youtuber that "The EU would recognize a yes in a referendum of independence in Catalonia".That's what he says, just like that. Well, as I said, all the Madrid press hides in their covers and in their headlines these statements so absolutely relevant.And I say "absolutely relevant" to come, nothing more and nothing less, the President of the European Union. And "absolutely relevant" because they will provoke a Copernican turn in the process that takes us to October 1. In the face of such an informational attack, we have been able to get this far. As I said, for ten reasons. Better for 10 lies, ten big lies that we swallowed like a toad. There they go:

1 / We have been lied to, from the State, whatever color it may be, with respect to the independence movement of Catalonia, painting it as a delirium consciously promoted by politicians and bourgeois to cover corruption with the estelada. Lie. The independence movement is legitimate because it is driven by the people, in a transversal and peaceful way. And the Catalan politicians, intelligent, guide that force, do not believe it. Out of anger you give us.

2 / They have lied to us saying that the Constitution is the guarantor of the unity of Spain. If the Constitution were drafted as voted today, more than 85% of the population of Catalonia would reject it flat. Neither want monarchy, nor want "indissolubility" of our nation. It is a lie that the Constitution enjoys the support of 93% of the Catalan population: more than 70% of those who voted for it are dead. And of the remaining 30%, at the time, in 1978, they accepted a text under the military threat of an involution that could have brought us back into the shadow of a velvet dictatorship.

3 / They have lied to us arguing that the State has wanted to negotiate with the Catalans. Neither the PP, nor the PSOE nor of course Citizens, more white mark of the PP than ever, have made the slightest gesture to negotiate the conditions of a referendum agreed. They have said with hollow solemnity that they are willing to talk about everything except a referendum that divides? to the Catalans. Lie: in ETA times the state swelled to say that in the absence of violence, you could talk about everything. It is necessary to be blind and above all blind of sectarianism not to recognize that the separatist movement that began in 2012 by the revocation by the TC of a statute approved by the Congress and endorsed by all the Catalans, has been what you want m
enos violent. The covers of Madrid, after the dyad of three days ago, took Spanish, French and European flags being burned. Well, gentlemen: I was in Barcelona that day and the 1,000 things that impressed me and that collapsed 90% of my prejudices, one of the most, was the absolute citizenship of the people. Talk about pacifism is not enough. Believe me.

4 / They have lied to us saying that Catalonia in the case of being independent, would roam the sidereal galaxy. That would be like Cyprus.That Angola would run his hand over his face. An independent Catalonia, with industry, innovation in abundance, leading universities in the south of Europe, with two business schools among the ten most important in the world, would be able to generate a wealth much greater than that obtained by forming part of Spain. It is very easy to understand: the per capita income and the employment rate of Catalonia are much higher than the Spanish average (which includes the Catalan).And if those two conditions are given, and the quota of "solidarity" that Catalonia pays to Spain is subtracted to favor the development of other communities that have never made the slightest effort to develop (and continue to be subsidized) the wealth of Catalonia in terms of GDP, would shoot like a rocket. In this case as a sidereal rocket

5 / They have lied to us when from the state they have crushed us with the idea that Catalonia is not a nation. That the only nation is the Spanish and that it has three thousand, two thousand, one thousand or five hundred years together, unique and indivisible as the wind blows. Or according to the declarations of different members of the caste of the state and according to those declarations have been done before or after a copious meal watered with abundant wine and several shots. Anyone who has the slightest curiosity to understand the 1% of the history of Catalonia will discover, albeit we are sorry, that the national reality of this piece of Europe is undeniable. But for that there have been hundreds of Pios Moas and dozens of Vargas Llosas to deny it without argument. With lies and more lies applauded by hugs as the unpresentables of Marhuenda and Inda.

6 / They have lied to us saying that Catalonia will collapse like a house of cards when its economy becomes independent. Lie. Who is going to fall apart is the Spanish economy.Because the Spanish economy is kidnapped by the BOE and IBEX companies. To observe which are the most important companies of the Kingdom of Spain is a drama, because of the 35 that conform it, more than 20 depend on the arbitrary decisions that are taken in the stage of the Bernabeu and they end up being drafted in laws and ordinances in the Bulletin Official of the State.Catalonia has industry, tourism and, surprisingly, holds more than 50% of the investment in technology and start-ups throughout the Spanish State. The big lie is not having informed us that without Catalonia, Spain is going to the garete. It's going to shit, go

7 / We have been lied to, pompously, from Madrid, a Madrid that, by the way, since the transition has kidnapped and deserted Spain (only the Basque Country, thanks to its special regime that no one discusses - although it is the indirect result of ETA terrorism - and Catalonia for their stubbornness and tenacity), have told us, when we have been sold from Madrid that we are the megalopolis of southern Europe thanks to our ingenuity and thanks to the provincialism of Catalonia. Lie.Madrid was big (and if the independence is consummated it will not be again in centuries) thanks to the prebendas of being the most centralist capital of the world after Paris. How many ministries, directorates general, official institutes and other state organisms are outside the capital?I tell you, none. Germany, a true federal state, distributes all these institutions between Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne or Munich. Madrid lives as a queen of the capital's bonanzas and to have a million officials with the guaranteed payroll (again by the BOE) that fills restaurants and exhausts stocks of Rioja wines and good ham dishes.

8 / They have lied to us when they have drawn from the state, from the media, from sectarian pseudo-intellectuals, from tertulias and from several Sálvames Deluxe, that the Catalans are unsupportive.Insolidarios? Just over a week ago, the Ministry of Economy acknowledged that Catalonia, annually, gives away 10 billion euros of its taxes. 10 billion !!! Divided by 365 days that has a year, that implies that the Catalans pay us, every day, 27 million euros. This means that every two, Catalonia pays, enterito, an airport without any passage, such as that of Castellón. So that the popular leader of the day can take a picture with his grandson "at the airport that your grandfather has done". Fabra dixit.

9 / They have lied to us when they wanted to draw the image of an ethnic independence process, of the interior Catalonia, of Catalonia of the Catalans of 8 Basque surnames (pardon, Catalans). If one has the curiosity to enter an organism of the Generalitat that is called Idescat (it is in his web,, you will be able to verify that 15 of the 20 most repeated surnames of the Catalans finish with z. With z of Gómez. With z of Gonzalez. With z of Rodriguez.With z of Hernandez. And that the most repeated surname is Garcia, who does not come from Girona precisely. One more lie, and they are 9. The sovereign process of Catalonia has been led by charnegos, sons of charnegos and grandchildren of charnegos. And I use this unfortunate expression to emphasize that this word no longer uses it in Catalonia. Except those from inside and outside, they want to divide Catalan society. The Catalan revolution is the revolution of the smiles but above all, the revolution of the Garcias.

10 / We have been lied to what would break Catalonia before Spain. It is a phrase of Aznar, the arsonist Aznar (thanks, you started everything). But it is a phrase that have become theirs intellectuals, tertullians, media and even politicians of all bullfighting. Lie.Catalonia is not going to break because it is a society much more compact, solid, solidary and fraternal than the extractive society that we represent, like it or not, the inhabitants of the megalopolis of southern Europe. We have lied with what Madrid is the most inclusive society in Spain. Madrid is a vacuum cleaner with a centripetal force that has dismembered our wonderful country. And that is why our society is much weaker than yours, than Catalan. As a manager I am very up to date with fashions in business management and leadership techniques. One of them, perhaps the most in vogue, is that of empowerment. From the ability to empower people, empower people to be more effective, more efficient, more creative. In short, better. Well I'm sorry to say, but Catalan society is much more empowered than ours.We are lambs and they are lions. And the bastards trying to sell us the opposite. How can it be explained if lambs being that the Popular Party wins the elections with a million cases of corruption behind its back?Well I'm sorry to say, but Catalan society is much more empowered than ours. We are lambs and they are lions. And the bastards trying to sell us the opposite. How can it be explained if lambs being that the Popular Party wins the elections with a million cases of corruption behind its back? Well I'm sorry to say, but Catalan society is much more empowered than ours. We are lambs and they are lions. And the bastards trying to sell us the opposite. How can it be explained if lambs being that the Popular Party wins the elections with a million cases of corruption behind its back?

And after these 10 lies (and 100 more they would give for writing a book), I feel indignant. Deeply indignant. We can not keep our heads under the wing. Catalans can vote and must vote. Because by doing so, we will be doing ourselves, the Spaniards, a favor. A huge favor. If Catalonia leaves, the catharsis so deep that our country will suffer will serve as a spur to start again, erase the innumerable errors of the past and the recent past and, above all, will allow us to erase forever the PP and the PSOE and , as the CUP say, to send them to the trash can of history.We will trash the heirs of a dictatorship that had millions of victims and 0 accused. If you have friends in Catalonia, tell them to vote yes. Let them vote for us, the Spaniards

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