
11 de septiembre de 2017

Many "light workers" are already gathered and begin to explore their natural abilities to control weather

By Anna von Reitz 

His heritage

Much of my work is about helping everyone to claim back their natural heritage - its trade name given its natural home in the land of their organic states of the Union, its assets both on land and at sea. That's fine. These are your possessions that thieves have tried to steal. We must pay attention and work together (and separately) to undermine their plans and stop their false claims against us and our ownership interests.  

But there is an even greater legacy of which everyone should be aware. We are children of God, made in His image, endowed with powers and creativity. We are all demi-gods and there is nothing boastful or blasphemous or hoo-doo-voo-doo about this statement : it is clearly written in the scriptures and Jesus showed him throughout his life. His disciples continued and proved it with their lives.  In fact, the true saints among us have always testified to what a man or woman can do.  

If we "tune in" and become one with Jesus, and He is one with our Father, then really we took the full force of creative power and genius of the Universe. As conduits of that power, we can do something really good we want to do.  

Jesus told the winds to stay put in the lake of Galilee and they calmed down. He told his disciples that in the future he would do even greater than miracles.  Do you think Jesus had any reason to lie? Why do you take part of his teaching so seriously, andknow all the rest as if He should have been talking to someone else?  

Who me? Mr? Are you talking to me? Can I make miracles? What??? 

Then he spoke to the disciples and He speaks to them now.  

As part of the process of "awakening , " everyone needs to awaken their own divine nature. Rather than moan and groan because we are not fully divine and immortal, turn your attention to what is taller, stronger and better on you. Realize that this physical body is like a spacesuit that has its limitations, but the consciousness that dwells within the body is not limited.  

Why you surprised someone you've encouraged to take control of Hurricane Irma? Have not we seen enough destruction of Hurricane Harvey?  
Anyone for seconds?  

Many "light workers" are already gathered and begin to explore their natural abilities to control weather. 

Such efforts and the exercise of "haul network" which gave everyone can move both storms like mountains, but it certainly helps if you practice an even more fundamental skill: focus your attention on what is good. 

I, myself, can call the rain and make it go, can redirect the path of cyclones, and changing winds. Jesus could do this, and your followers can do this. It has given us as a gift, so instead of standing like sheep raining, explore their skills. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Literally.  

Because meditation is a relatively familiar concept today, many who are trying to awaken people to their true heritage use the word "meditation" to describe the means to exercise these skills, and others, such as those preach "visualization" and "demonstration" I have other ways to explain it, but I have a slightly different approach to access to this divine gift that is virtually foolproof.   

In my opinion, we are rather limited at this stage of our development, like young children who are just starting to become aware of ourselves and our abilities neglecting awkwardly not have answers to many questions.  

We can not answer "how" or "why" or "when" or "who" or "how" or "where" very well, but there is a question we can answer a fine precision. 

We can answer the question of "what" we want, and the more our hearts rely on good and fair and humble goals more quickly and surely all our needs are met and our desires are carried out without us having to worry about who or when or where or why, how or how much.  

All these problems are taken care of by us.  

All we have to do is give our attention to what is good, rather than what is bad. Choose life. Choose health. Choose peace. And realizing that we are all neophytes, babies are walking, ask for help from his Heavenly Father and Salvador Justo to know better what is good.  

Like an adult who sees a child get to a bowl of oatmeal, which are able to guide their movements and help you navigate the spoon to mouth action.  

Give our attention to something different to meditate on it and visualize different from anything in particular. It's more a matter of simply look and see and let our focus is stopped in whatever way a separate, impersonal, watching.  

You have to be able to cling to the concept of "dog" before it can differentiate the reality of their own individual dog, Brutus.  

This process of giving attention to things determines what you bring or expelled from their experience.  

I once knew a woman who complained that what she wanted was a tall, dark, handsome man, but all I had was short, pale, ugly chaps. He was devoting his attention to what he did not want. 

So I taught him to refocus attention and give dispassionately what she wanted, both in terms of appearance and behavior. Before long, I had half a dozen tall, dark and handsome men who were also friendly and competent and ... guess what? - interested in it, even though it was middle-aged and overweight.  

We can all have such an abundance of every good thing we want, as long as we learn to give our attention to what we want - like we were curious about what we're seeing.  

I told my friend, looks tall, dark and handsome men, not as objects of desire but as phenomena. Whenever you see one, even in a magazine --- seen as a scientist. What makes dark? What makes them good-looking? More importantly, what makes kind? What makes them competent?  

What you pay attention today?  

¿Hurricane Irma? It is is allowing television play streaming swaying palm trees waving wildly and power lines? Or perhaps you are looking at the thermal images of the storm that moves like a rainbow-colored wheel arch across the blue sea?  

Well, well, you see all this and more on television. It is to that to what should pay attention to? No, you need to redefine what you're paying your attention and take away what you do not want, like my friend who was drawing an endless stream of short and ugly men in your life. 

Focus your attention on other things, other aspects of climate that you want. Find a picture of a peaceful scene of the Caribbean island, bright sun, calm water. Check it out. I watch it. Think that without comment, without urgency, without desire --- as a camera simply reporting what you see. Immerse yourself in the feeling of it. How do you feel? How does it smell? How smooth rotation of the waves sounds?  

Focusing on what you want rather than what you do not want to reprogram the entire delivery system of the universe, which is created to meet all your needs.  

Some people who want evil to others has created technology that delivers ugly fear and physical damage. They give their attention to those things, but his attention is not stronger than yours and become not dictate what you give your attention. 

So if you give your attention to the still winds and calm seas and bright sunshine and blue seas and healthy marine biospheres, that's what will create. If you give attention to peace and have plenty of everything you need, that's what will create, with the same reliability as the grass grows. 

Simply define what you really want and then, coincidentally, back up your approach with their actions. Remember that your Father is the Creator, and His Son, you also believe, consciously or not, we are creating the world around us. 

So learn to give your attention to what you want, rather than what you do not. Stop letting the "means" faceless and unaccountable purchased focus your attention on sex, death and disaster. Take control of Hurricane Irma instead. 

Relax spiral wind. Make the wind lie. Just do it, dispassionately, happily, of course. We do not need a hurricane. So enough of this nonsense.  

And while we're at it ......

Do you want a government that serves you, rather than one that serves your expense? How is that government? What kind of structure do you have? It required? What is the easiest way to provide public services? What goals does the government? What kind of people create such a government?  

Scripture promises that our God bring to ruin those ruining the earth, but will destroy the world - the fictional world created by men - with fire.  How can he do both? It would not say that our God is a "consuming fire"? Are not we baptized with the flame of the Holy Spirit?  

As each of us catches fire and begins to burn with the spirit of love and peace and health and share without fear and calm and truth, chaos and darkness and dishonesty and fear and idolatry and disease and violence and everything else threatening and ugly burns with holy fire and the creative vision burning brightly within us.  

Those who have been deceived by the makers of idols and cheated by scammers can suddenly see what they have been doing and believing and giving his attention to --- and so are able to know the truth and choose differently,  

Awake, Sons of God! Daylight in the swamp! Reclaim your heritage!

What you pay attention? What created this day?  

Hurricane Irma, allegedly "the worst storm in history", has just been downgraded to a category three. This was done by a relatively small number of people who gave their attention to calm the storm and turn. Imagine what happens when all good people on Earth become experts in using their natural gifts to build a peaceful paradise?  

In fact, we will say, "Go!" and the mountains move and "Stay still!" and the winds will lie. The servants and children of Satan, say, "Come out!" and they will, because they have no choice. The land belongs to us, not them. 

And those are the facts of their heritage.  

See this article and more than 700 others on the web site Anna here:

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