
12 de septiembre de 2017

mapa de cada estrella a 50 anys llum visible a ull nu de la Terra.

Estrelles en 50 anys llum

Aquest és un mapa de cada estrella a 50 anys llum visible a ull nu de la Terra. Hi ha 133 estrelles marcades en aquest mapa. La majoria d'aquestes estrelles són molt semblants al Sol i és probable que hi hagi molts planetes similars a la Terra al voltant d'aquestes estrelles. Hi ha aproximadament 1400 sistemes d'estrelles dins d'aquest volum d'espai que conté 2000 estrelles, de manera que aquest mapa només mostra el 10% més brillant de tots els sistemes d'estrelles, però la majoria de les estrelles més febles són les nanes vermelles. També hi ha una versió negativa d'aquest mapa, que podria ser més fàcil d'imprimir.
A map of Suns

Una llista d'estrelles a 50 anys llum

This is a list of all the stars marked on the map. This is every star brighter than magnitude 6.5 within 50 light years, so all of these stars can be seen with the naked eye although most of them are quite faint. This list contains every G-type star within 50 light years. The Sun seen from a distance of 50 light years would be a magnitude 5.8 star, so it also would be a faint point of light barely visible with the naked eye.
      1                     2      3       4     5          6              7     8     9      10     11         12           13
Catalog Name               Equatorial     Galactic    Classification     Visual Abs  Prllx   Dist  Gliese   Proper Name     Notes
                           Coordinates   Coordinates                      Mag   Mag          (ly)  Number
                           RA     Dec      l°    b°
Sun                        ---     ---    --     --   G2V                -26.8  4.83   --    0.00    --     Sol             Has 8 planets
Alpha Centauri           14 39.6 -60 50  315.7  -0.7  G2V+K1V+M5.5V      -0.29  4.06 742.12  4.39  Gl 559   Rigil Kentaurus
Alpha Canis Majoris      06 45.1 -16 42  227.2  -8.9  A1V+DA2            -1.46  1.43 379.21  8.60  Gl 244   Sirius
Epsilon Eridani          03 32.9 -09 27  195.8 -48.1  K2V                 3.72  6.18 310.75 10.50  Gl 144                   Has a planet
Alpha Canis Minoris      07 39.3 +05 13  213.7 +13.0  F5IV-V+DA           0.36  2.64 285.93 11.41  Gl 280   Procyon
61 Cygni                 21 06.9 +38 44   82.3  -5.8  K5V+K7V             4.79  7.07 285.42 11.43  Gl 820
Epsilon Indi             22 03.4 -56 47  336.2 -48.0  K4V+T1+T6           4.69  6.89 275.76 11.83  Gl 845
Tau Ceti                 01 44.1 -15 56  173.1 -73.4  G8V                 3.49  5.68 274.17 11.90  Gl  71
Omicron² Eridani         04 15.3 -07 39  200.8 -38.1  K1V+DA4+M4.5V       4.43  5.92 198.24 16.45  Gl 166   Keid
70 Ophiuchi              18 05.5 +02 30   29.9 +11.4  K0V+K5V             4.03  5.50 196.62 16.59  Gl 702
Alpha Aquilae            19 50.8 +08 52   47.7  -8.9  A7V                 0.77  2.21 194.44 16.77  Gl 768   Altair
Sigma Draconis           19 32.4 +69 39  101.3 +21.9  K0V                 4.67  5.87 173.41 18.81  Gl 764   Alsafi
HR5568                   14 57.5 -21 24  338.2 +32.7  K5V+M1V+M3V+T8      5.72  6.86 169.32 19.26  Gl 570
Eta Cassiopeiae          00 49.1 +57 48  122.6  -5.1  G0V+K7V             3.46  4.59 167.99 19.42  Gl  34   Achird
36 Ophiuchi              17 15.3 -26 36  358.3  +6.9  K1V+K1V+K5V         4.33  5.46 167.08 19.52  Gl 663
HR7703                   20 11.2 -36 06    5.2 -30.9  K3V+M3.5V           5.32  6.41 165.24 19.74  Gl 783
82 Eridani               03 19.9 -43 04  250.8 -56.1  G5V                 4.26  5.35 165.02 19.76  Gl 139
Delta Pavonis            20 08.7 -66 10  329.8 -32.4  G5IV-V              3.55  4.62 163.73 19.92  Gl 780
HR8832                   23 13.3 +57 10  109.9  -3.2  K3V                 5.57  6.50 153.24 21.28  Gl 892
Xi Boötis 14 51.4 +19 06 23.1 +61.4   G8V + K4V              4.54 5.41 149.26 21.85 Gl 566
HR753 02 36.1 +06 53 163.4 -47.6   K3V + M4.5V            5.79 6.50 138.72 23.51 Gl 105
HR6426 17 19.0 -34 59 351.8 +1.4   K3V + K5V + M2.5V        5.91 6.61 138.2 23.6 Gl 667
HR222 00 48.4 +05 16 121.5 -57.6   K2V                  5.74 6.38 134.04 24.33 Gl 33
107 Piscium 01 42.5 +20 16   138.9 -41.0 K1V                  5.24 5.87 133.91 24.36 Gl 68
Beta Hydri               00 25.8 -77 15  304.8 -39.8  G1IV                2.82  3.45 133.78 24.38  Gl  19
Mu Cassiopeiae           01 08.3 +54 55  125.4  -7.9  G5V+M5V             5.17  5.78 132.40 24.63  Gl  53
HR8721                   22 56.4 -31 33   15.9 -64.6  K4V                 6.48  7.07 130.94 24.91  Gl 879                   TW PsA, 0.87 light years from Fomalhaut
Alpha Piscis Austrini    22 57.7 -29 37   20.5 -64.9  A3V                 1.15  1.72 130.08 25.07  Gl 881   Fomalhaut
Alpha Lyrae              18 36.9 +38 47   67.5 +19.2  A0V                 0.03  0.58 128.93 25.30  Gl 721   Vega            Surrounded by a ring of dust at 80AU.
Pi³ Orionis              04 49.8 +06 57  191.5 -23.1  F6V                 3.19  3.67 124.60 26.18  Gl 178   Tabit
Chi Draconis             18 21.1 +72 43  103.5 +28.1  F7V+G?              3.55  4.02 124.11 26.28  Gl 713
p Eridani                01 39.8 -56 11  289.6 -59.7  K0V+K2V             5.07  5.52 122.75 26.57  Gl  66
Xi Ursae Majoris         11 18.2 +31 32  195.1 +69.3  G0V+G5V+K?+M?       3.79  4.18 119.7  27.2   Gl 423   Alula Australis
Beta Canum Venaticorum   12 33.7 +41 21  136.1 +75.3  G0V                 4.24  4.63 119.46 27.30  Gl 475   Chara
Mu Herculis              17 46.5 +27 43   52.4 +25.6  G5IV+M3V+M4V        3.42  3.81 119.05 27.40  Gl 695
61 Virginis              13 18.6 -18 18  311.9 +44.1  G6V                 4.74  5.09 117.30 27.81  Gl 506
Zeta Tucanae 00 20.1 -64 52 308.3 -51.9   G0V                  4.23 4.56 116.38 28.03 Gl 17
Chi ¹ Orionis 05 54.4 +20 16 188.5 -2.7   G0V + M?              4.39  4.70 115.43 28.26  Gl 222
HR6416 17 19.1 -46 38 342.3   -5.3 G8V + M0V             5.47  5.75 113.81 28.66  Gl 666
HR1614 05 00.8 -05 45 205.1 -27.2   K3V                 6.22  6.49 113.46 28.75  Gl 183
HR7722 20 15.3 -27 01 15.6 -29.4   K1V                  5.73 6.00 113.33 28.78 Gl 785
Gamma Leporis 05 44.5 -22 26 226.8 -24.3   F7V + K2V              3.59 3.83 111.49 29.25 Gl 216
Delta Eridani 03 43.2 -09 45 198.1 -46.0   K0IV                 3.52 3.74 110.58 29.50 Gl 150 Rana
Beta Comae Berenices 13 11.9 +27 52 43.5 +85.4   G0V                 4.23  4.43 109.23 29.86  Gl 502
HR4550 11 53.0 +37 43 168.5 +73.8   G8V + M5.5V            6.42 6.61 109.21 29.87 Gl 451 Groombridge 1830, estrella d'alta velocitat
Kappa¹ Ceti 03 19.4 +03 22 178.2 -43.1   G5V                  4.84 5.03 109.18 29.87 Gl 137
Gamma Pavonis 21 26.4 -65 21 328.2   -40.3 F7V                  4.21 4.39 108.50 30.06 Gl 827
HR4523 11 46.5 -40 30 289.8 +20.7   G5V + M4V              4.89 5.06 108.23 30.14 Gl 442
HR4458 11 34.5 -32 49 284.8 +27.3   K0V + DC               5.96 6.06 104.84 31.11 Gl 432
61 Ursae Majoris         11 41.1 +34 12  183.6 +73.3  G8V                 5.31  5.41 104.81 31.12  Gl 434
12 Ophiuchi              16 36.4 -02 19   13.7 +28.4  K0V                 5.77  5.82 102.27 31.89  Gl 631
HR511                    01 47.7 +63 51  129.1  +1.7  K0V                 5.63  5.64 100.24 32.54  Gl  75
HR5256                   13 57.5 +61 29  109.6 +53.9  K3V                 6.49  6.47  98.97 32.96    --
Alpha Mensae             06 10.2 -74 45  285.8 -28.8  G5V                 5.08  5.05  98.54 33.10  Gl 231
Beta Geminorum           07 45.3 +28 01  192.2 +23.4  K0III               1.14  1.07  96.74 33.72  Gl 286   Pollux          Nearest giant star. Has a planet
HR857                    02 52.5 -12 46  192.1 -58.3  K1V                 6.05  5.97  96.33 33.86  Gl 117
Iota Persei              03 09.1 +49 36  144.6  -7.4  G0V                 4.05  3.94  94.93 34.36  Gl 124
HR9038                   23 52.4 +75 32  119.2 +13.1  K3V+M2V             6.36  6.19  92.68 35.19  Gl 909
Zeta Herculis            16 41.3 +31 36   52.7 +40.3  G0IV+G7V            2.81  2.64  92.63 35.21  Gl 635   Rutilicus
Delta Trianguli 02 17.1 +34 13 142.4 -25.4   G0V + M5V              4.84 4.66 92.20 35.38 Gl 92
Beta Virginis 11 50.7 +01 45 270.5 +60.8   F8V                  3.59 3.40 91.74 35.55 Gl 449 Zavijava
HR637 02 10.4 -50 49 275.9 -62.0   K0V                  6.12 5.93 91.63 35.60 Gl 86 Té un planeta
Beta Leonis 11 49.1 +14 34 250.6 +70.8   A3V                  2.14 1.92 90.16 36.18 Gl 448 Denebola
HR6806 18 09.6 +38 27 65.3 +24.2   K2V                  6.38 6.15 90.11 36.20 Gl 706
54 Piscium               00 39.4 +21 15  119.2 -41.5  K0V                 5.88  5.65  90.03 36.23  Gl  27                   Has a planet
Gamma Serpentis          15 56.5 +15 39   27.7 +45.7  F6V                 3.85  3.62  89.92 36.27  Gl 603
11 Leonis Minoris        09 35.7 +35 48  188.5 +47.8  G8V+M5V             5.40  5.16  89.45 36.46  Gl 356
Theta Persei             02 44.2 +49 13  141.2  -9.6  F7V+M1V             4.10  3.85  89.03 36.63  Gl 107
Alpha Boötis             14 15.7 +19 10   15.1 +69.1  K2III              -0.05 -0.31  88.85 36.71  Gl 541   Arcturus        Most luminous star within 50ly
Eta Boötis 13 54.7 +18 23 5.3 +73.0   G0IV                 2.68 2.41 88.17 36.99 Gl 534 Muphrid
HR5553 14 53.4 +19 09 23.6 +60.9   K1V                  6.00 5.69 86.69 37.62 Gl 567
Zeta Doradus 05 05.5 -57 28 266.0 -36.7   F7V + K7V              4.71 4.38 85.83 38.00 Gl 189
Lambda Serpentis 15 46.4 +07 21 15.7 +44.1   G0V                  4.42 4.07 85.08 38.34 Gl 598
Iota Pegasi 22 07.0 +25 20 82.3 -24.3 F5V                  3.77 3.42 85.06 38.34   Gl 848
Delta Capricorni         21 47.0 -16 07   37.6 -46.0  A5V                 2.85  2.49  84.58 38.56  Gl 837   Deneb Algedi
Gamma Virginis           12 41.7 -01 26  297.8 +61.3  F0V+F0V             2.74  2.38  84.53 38.59  Gl 482   Porrima
Zeta Reticuli            03 18.2 -62 30  279.0 -47.2  G1V+G2V             4.62  4.21  82.65 39.46  Gl 138
Zeta Trianguli Australis 16 28.5 -70 05  319.5 -14.6  F9V                 4.90  4.49  82.61 39.48  Gl 624
HR3384                   08 32.9 -31 30  252.3  +5.0  K0V                 6.38  5.95  82.15 39.70  Gl 309
HR1925 05 41.3 +53 28 158.4 +12.0 K1V + M1V              6.21 5.77 81.69   39.93 Gl 211
Beta Trianguli Australis 15 55.1 -63 25   321.9 -7.5 F2IV                 2.83 2.38 81.24 40.15 Gl 601
85 Pegasi 00 02.2 +27 04 109.6   -34.5 G3V + K6V              5.80 5.33 80.63 40.45 Gl 914
Rho¹ Cancri 08 52.6 +28 19   196.8 +37.7 G8V + M3.5V            5.96 5.47 79.80 40.87 Gl 324 Té 4 planetes
HR3259 08 18.4 -12 37 234.6 +12.8   G8V                  5.95 5.45 79.48 41.04 Gl 302 Té 3 planetes
HR483 01 41,8 +42 36 132,7 -19,3   G2V                  4,96 4,45 79,09 41,24 Gl 67
Lambda Aurigae 05 19.1 +40 05 167.7 +1.5   G0V                  4.69 4.18 79.08 41.24 Gl 197
HR683 02 19.0 -25 56 214.5   -70.4 G8V                  6.33 5.81 78.88 41.35 Gl 95
44 Boötis 15 03.8 +47 39 80.4 +57.1   G1V + G2V              4.83 4.30 78.39 41.61 Gl 575
HR6518 17 25.0 +67 18 97.6 +33.2   K0V                  6.44 5.90 78.14 41.74 Gl 675
36 Ursae Majoris         10 30.6 +55 58  154.3 +51.7  F8V+K7V             4.82  4.28  77.82 41.91  Gl 395
HR6094                   16 24.0 -39 11  341.6  +7.2  G3V+DA2             5.37  4.82  77.69 41.98  Gl 620                   Has a planet
HR4587                   12 00.7 -10 26  283.1 +50.5  K0IV                5.54  4.99  77.48 42.10  Gl 454
Alpha Aurigae            05 16.7 +45 59  162.6  +4.6  G5III+G0III+M2V+M4V 0.07 -0.49  77.29 42.20  Gl 194   Capella         2 giant stars + 2 red dwarfs 0.14ly away
HR6998                   18 38.9 -21 03   12.7  -6.8  G5V                 5.85  5.28  77.02 42.35  Gl 722
58 Eridani               04 47.6 -16 56  215.4 -34.8  G3V                 5.49  4.87  75.10 43.43  Gl 177
Upsilon Andromedae       01 36.8 +41 24  132.0 -20.7  F8V+M4.5V           4.10  3.45  74.25 43.93  Gl  61                   Has 3 planets
Theta Ursae Majoris      09 32.9 +51 40  165.5 +45.7  F6IV+M?             3.17  2.52  74.15 43.99  Gl 354   Al Haud
HR8501                   22 18.3 -53 37  339.0 -51.4  G1V+M?              5.36  4.69  73.47 44.39  Gl 853
HR8                      00 06.6 +29 01  111.3 -32.8  G8V                 6.07  5.39  72.98 44.69  Gl   5
Beta Aquilae             19 55.3 +06 24   46.1 -11.1  G8IV+M3V            3.71  3.03  72.95 44.71  Gl 771   Alshain
10 Tauri                 03 36.9 +00 24  185.1 -41.7  F8V                 4.29  3.60  72.89 44.75  Gl 147
Iota Piscium             23 40.0 +05 37   92.5 -53.0  F7V                 4.13  3.43  72.51 44.98  Gl 904
Gamma Cephei             23 39.3 +77 37  119.0 +15.3  K1IV+M?             3.21  2.51  72.50 44.99  Gl 903   Errai           Has a planet
Tau¹ Eridani             02 45.1 -18 34  200.8 -62.5  F6V                 4.47  3.74  71.56 45.58  Gl 111
18 Scorpii               16 15.6 -08 22    4.7 +29.2  G1V                 5.49  4.76  71.30 45.74  Gl 616
47 Ursae Majoris         10 59.5 +40 25  175.8 +63.4  G0V                 5.03  4.29  71.04 45.91  Gl 407                   Has 2 planets
26 Draconis              17 35.0 +61 52   91.0 +32.7  G1V+K3V+M1V         5.23  4.49  70.98 45.95  Gl 684
Alpha Fornacis           03 12.1 -28 59  224.7 -59.0  F7IV+G7V            3.80  3.05  70.86 46.03  Gl 127   Fornacis
HR7578                   19 54.3 -23 56   17.2 -23.9  K3V                 6.22  5.46  70.34 46.37  Gl 770
Pi¹ Ursae Majoris        08 39.2 +65 01  150.6 +35.7  G1V                 5.63  4.86  70.07 46.55  Gl 311
Alpha Ophiuchi           17 34.9 +12 33   35.9 +22.6  A5III-IV            2.08  1.30  69.84 46.70  Gl 681   Rasalhague
Eta Cephei               20 45.3 +61 50   97.9 +11.6  K0IV                3.41  2.63  69.73 46.77  Gl 807
72 Herculis              17 20.7 +32 28   55.9 +32.3  G1V                 5.38  4.59  69.48 46.94  Gl 672
Nu² Lupi                 15 21.8 -48 19  327.1  +7.4  G2V                 5.65  4.83  68.70 47.48  Gl 582
Theta Boötis             14 25.2 +51 51   93.8 +59.7  F7V+M3V             4.04  3.22  68.63 47.52  Gl 549   Asellus Primus
Iota Ursae Majoris       08 59.2 +48 02  171.5 +40.8  A7V+M1V+M?          3.12  2.29  68.32 47.74  Gl 331   Talita
HR7898                   20 40.2 -23 46   21.3 -33.8  G8V                 6.36  5.53  68.28 47.77  Gl 796                   1.68ly from Psi Capricorni
111 Tauri                05 24.4 +17 23  187.2 -10.3  F8V+K4V+K5V         5.00  4.17  68.19 47.83  Gl 202
Psi Serpentis            15 44.0 +02 30    9.7 +42.0  G5V+M?              5.86  5.03  68.16 47.85  Gl 596.1
Psi Capricorni           20 46.1 -25 16   20.0 -35.5  F5V                 4.13  3.30  68.16 47.85  Gl 805
Alpha Corvi              12 08.4 -24 43  290.6 +37.1  F2V                 4.02  3.17  67.71 48.17  Gl 455.3 Alchibah
I Hydrae                 09 42.2 -23 54  256.7 +21.5  G0V                 4.93  4.07  67.19 48.54  Gl 364
20 Leonis Minoris        10 01.0 +31 55  195.0 +52.9  G2V                 5.37  4.50  67.14 48.58  Gl 376
HR209                    00 45.8 -47 33  305.7 -69.6  G5V                 5.80  4.93  66.92 48.74  GJ 1021
Alpha Cephei             21 18.6 +62 35  101.0  +9.2  A7IV-V              2.45  1.58  66.84 48.80  Gl 826   Alderamin
HR7162                   18 57.0 +32 54   63.4 +13.3  G0V+K1V             5.20  4.32  66.76 48.86  Gl 738
Eta Leporis              05 56.4 -14 10  219.8 -18.5  F0V                 3.71  2.82  66.47 49.07  Gl 225
Nu Phoenicis             01 15.2 -45 31  290.1 -71.0  F8V                 4.97  4.08  66.43 49.10  Gl  55
19 Draconis              16 56.0 +65 08   95.7 +36.5  F6V                 4.88  3.99  66.28 49.21  Gl 648
31 Aquilae               19 25.0 +11 56   47.4  -1.9  G8IV                5.17  4.27  66.01 49.41  Gl 759
HR3018                   07 45.6 -34 10  249.1  -4.8  G0V+DC              5.36  4.45  65.79 49.58  Gl 288
HR5864                   15 47.5 -37 54  337.2 +13.0  G6V+DA7             6.01  5.09  65.60 49.72  Gl 599
Mu Arae                  17 44.1 -51 50  340.1 -11.5  G5V                 5.12  4.23  65.46 49.83  Gl 691                   Has 4 planets

Column 1: Catalogue name.  Either the usual Bayer/Flamsteed designation or the star's
          number in the "Harvard Revised" Bright Star Catalogue.
Column 2: The Right Ascension in hours and minutes for epoch 2000.
Column 3: The declination in degrees and minutes for epoch 2000.
Column 4: Galactic longitude.
Column 5: Galactic latitude.
Column 6: The spectral class of the stars in the system.  Different catalogs often 
          give different classifications.  eg. a type G2V star in one catalog might 
          be listed as type G0V in another.
Column 7: Apparent magnitude.
Column 8: Absolute magnitude.
Column 9: Parallax in milli-arcseconds usually from the Hipparcos catalogue.
Column 10: The distance in light years (=3.2616/parallax).
Column 11: The number of the star in the Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars.
Column 12: Proper name of the star.
Column 13: Additional notes.

ESA, (1997), The Hipparcos Catalogue.
Hoffleit D, Warren Jr W, (1991), Harvard Revised Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Edition.
Gliese W, Jahreiß H, (1991), Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars.
The star Capella is revealed as a pair of yellow giant stars in close contact with each other in this high-resolution image from theCambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope. The orbital period of the two stars is 104 days.

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