
7 de septiembre de 2017

Plan to end the sovereignty and freedom in Europe continues 

Preface Editor blog

Islamic terrorism is the best excuse for the European Union to continue with the task of suppressing the nation-states of Europe.

Many analysts declared his time this evening intention is an act of war against the people, to achieve this without the true people claim, on the contrary, asks the sake of their "threatened" security and protection to their traditional Lifestyle.

Terrorism comes in handy sponsors of a new world order in the strict sense, and not sensationalized analysis and conspiranoicos to which we are accustomed.

While we move freely, we say what we think, do what we want, the end of the nation state moves inexorably. And people do not realize the deception.

Consider some recent example:

France insisted the law on intelligence in June 2015, previously proposed, was decisive reactivation after the attacks on the satirists of "Charlie Hebdo".

The law allows the installation of "black boxes" internet providers, their function is to capture real - time metadata for all users.

The law also allows you to install microphones, tracking devices, cameras and software spies.

It is logical to assume that these devices has been commonly used in counterespionage activities, nothing unusual given the "friendly" relations between partners of the Atlantic Alliance, who watch daily.

Not to mention the "dangerous" Russians, or promoters of global terrorism like Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc, etc.

The problem is that the French law is not intended for external security but the vigilance of all citizens of France.

France's population is suspicious and as such will be treated as an enemy of the rulers.

"The executive branch has the power of decision and" control "of those secret devices in their hands.

Using as a pretext the fight against terrorism, this law legalizes a number of measures were already being applied, thus making available a permanent executive, clandestine and virtually unlimited monitoring device on citizenship ". (Jean-Claude Paye)

We have an inefficient system control terrorist activities that demonstrated the recent bombings in Spain - and I'm not criticizing the work of the security forces - but dubious decisions of politicians in the alleged fight against The terrorism.

Returning to the example of that French law reaffirms that the latest attacks are not terrorists but French citizens who get caught up in that law.

"By changing the nature of the intelligence services, from counterintelligence surveillance of citizens, this law is an act of war against the people of France.

Massacres have just seen in Paris are the real part of that war. "

We had already discussed in a previous release on the subject of terrorism in France, it was and remains clear that this is a pretext protected by the slogan:

"global fight against terrorism". For those who have not understood anything, this only means:

More coercion against popular protest in many cases equivalent to the suspension of the right to organize demonstrations;

more control and censorship of independent media on the internet, that is, the right to freedom of expression is at stake;

greater losses of individual rights in "defense" of the order, as the "International Union" will cause new legal provisions on terrorism (repressive);

and, above all, the "right" won the European powers (after the massacres and those to come) to intervene militarily in countries "sponsoring" terrorism ", read: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen and so on .

The United States has been offering long been conducting summits on global security. "

With the already frequent terrorist attacks, European governments are increasingly willing to stay in a "state of war on terror", for which not hesitate to apply new measures.

As at this point the astute reader will already know that terrorism has been largely promoted by the West, sponsoring wars, displacement of populations and refugees over the past decades,

and, as a rule, the terrorist is used, unknowingly, for evil purposes of those who sponsor.

Domestically European countries, cuts in civil rights are quietly implanted in the interest of "public safety".

For example, I recalled an article by our friend, Daniel Estulin, who wondered what that means "citizen security" ?. And we recounted, taking the case of the wave of child abductions that occurred 10 years ago, it means that once there is an epidemic of kidnappings, the media will discuss with some regularity.

Citizenship "alone" concludes "take steps to protect themselves." One of the "measures" were the famous microchips proposals for the weakest.

Surely, parents of victims would give anything to go back and put a microchip their children; Today, of course he would be safe.

A case that is being discussed in secret by the authorities, according to research by Estulin, is a dress rehearsal setting targeting children.

"To implant microchips children, you will need to convince parents that this horrible crime has reached epidemic proportions. Against whom blaspheme parents and society when kidnappings come to light? Against the government for not doing enough? Against the criminals?

But who and where are they? The media as a vehicle to cause turbulence are used.

And when the terrible scenes of murder and tragedy are presented to the whole world, society feel the need to react. "

Is not what's happening today ?, he asked 10 years ago. Acotaremos, is not that what keeps happening in the present?

After this introductory note you will be able to read an interesting conversation.

In September 2007 the Belgian sociologist Jean-Claude Paye gave the following interview, he refers to something that was already planned more than a decade ago before his story.

T. Andino

Jean-Claude Paye: "The anti - terrorist laws. A constitutive act of the Empire "

Jean-Claude Paye:

" The anti - terrorist laws. A constitutive act of the Empire "

Interview with JEAN-CLAUDE PAYE
Interviewer: Silvia Cattori (Swiss journalist) Released
on August 30, 2007.
Translated from French by Germán Leyens for Rebellion. The "anti - terrorism" laws imposed by US have served to lay the foundations on which a new order of law is built, said the Belgian sociologist Jean-Claude Paye. Apply from now on in all European states. Currently foreign secret services can monitor any European citizen in your own country, it can be described as an "enemy combatant" to be handed over to CIA torturers and be tried by US military commissions.

Reading his two works: "La fin de l'État de droit. The antiterroriste lutte: de l'état d'exception à la dictature "and" Global War on Liberty "[The global war against freedom] [1] one thing is understood that policymakers want to hide: that all measures taken in under the Patriot [2] Law - presented as having to do with terrorist organizations - have been widespread and affect henceforth to all citizens. Difficult to understand that European states have been able to approve the abandonment of its legal order and subject their companies to these emergency laws.

Jean-Claude Paye: Nothing, indeed, in European extradition agreements, signed in 2003, which prevents European citizens are brought before special courts US You have to realize that these agreements, which legitimize the special courts are the result of years of secret negotiations. They constitute only the tip of the iceberg. Part of the text on these agreements has become visible because it had to be ratified by the US Congress

On the European side, it was not necessary to make ratification by the European Parliament and the parliaments of the Member States have had no opportunity to influence the content of the agreements. Those who trade in Europe are simply designated by the various Member States officials.

But by signing these agreements, the Council of Europe has plunged our countries to a Kafkaesque universe! If those agreements have not been ratified by the European Parliament which have been accepted?

Jean-Claude Paye: There have been ratified - the European Parliament has only an advisory opinion - but have legal force. It is very revealing of the imperial structure that has been imposed. You can see that the only sovereign state structure remains, is US The European Union, for example, is a totally disintegrated structure.

What level took place this negotiation?

Jean-Claude Paye: At the level of representatives of the Council of Europe. It is virtually officials are accountable. They are permanent in charge of police affairs and justice, appointed by the Member States delegates. They are European or national officials who become US government satellites This applies in the judicial level, but also at the economic level.

Therefore, the European Union is not interested in protecting its citizens All this is out of your control?

Jean-Claude Paye: Yes, of course. It has been constructed so that all this is out of your control. This shows that the European Union is not an alternative to US power On the contrary, is integrated into the imperial power, is nothing more than a simple repeater [3]

Before September 11, 2001, USA He negotiated bilaterally. So wary before negotiations with an entity like Europe fifteen because there was always a Member State did not agree. With the attacks of September 11, things speeded up and simplified for USA Continues to negotiate bilateral agreements, but now also deals directly with the European Union because it has the necessary relationship to its demands are accepted input forces. That was during the agreements on monitoring data of air passages. A first agreement was signed in 2004, then a second in 2006 and third in 2007. Each US He increased their demands.

The agreement on data regarding travelers to USA - which entered into force on 29 July 2007 - is a good example. In this agreement, European stripped of its substance to all legal, national and European protections that exist regarding personal data. They are accessible 72 hours before the shipment. Airlines must transmit the number of bank cards, the way you travel in the US The latter has the right to prevent access to its territory, has all the rights. Foreign citizens are not protected by US laws During negotiations, Washington has conceded that Europeans would be treated as US citizens, but it is a privilege granted by the government,

Already there is nothing to oppose the establishment of a police system?

Jean-Claude Paye: Of course! European governments want to perform the same control of our freedoms. US demands They give them the chance. They say: "We are forced to accept US demands because if European companies can no longer continue landing there. "They behave as if European states did not have any means of retaliation and could not, meanwhile, prohibit US companies land in Europe. In fact, they want to do the same as US government. And there are plans to establish similar exchanges of information at European level.

In Britain, the "anti-terrorist" laws allow prosecute those expressing views considered susceptible to "create a favorable atmosphere terrorism." They can also extend these laws to other states?

Jean-Claude Paye: Yes. In Britain, the Blair government could criminalize by law all forms of radical opposition to its foreign policy. On the continent, states seek to act through jurisprudence. There was a very interesting process regarding DHKPC militants and sympathizers in Belgium, an organization of Turkish radical opposition [4], which shows how power is to create special courts to introduce a case of emergency. By creating these courts, the power tries to criminalize all forms of support, even verbal, groups labeled "terrorists" by the US, then enrolled in the European list of "terrorist" organizations.

In short, do these "anti - terrorism" laws established after the attacks of September 11, 2001, serve not only the objectives of the Bush administration, but also European governments?

Jean-Claude Paye: The measures we talked about were established before 11 September 2001. The Patriot Act includes a set of measures already partially existed. The aim of the Patriot Act was not only impose the measures taken, but give them legitimacy. What was isolated, dispersed it is now gathered in one law. Which gives legitimacy to the measures that are taken.

Can you deduce that US He required a major attack to impose this modification of criminal law?

Jean-Claude Paye: It's obvious! You should know that the Patriot Act, which was submitted three days after the attacks, has 128 pages. The US criminal justice system is complex, it works by references. That means a law modifies the content of other criminal laws. If you take all of these changes, this corresponds to 350 pages. It takes at least a year to draft such a text.

As for the European Union, it is no less cartoonish. The two framework decisions - that relating to "terrorist" organizations and those relating to the European arrest warrant - were presented a week after the attacks. Also in this case it comes to texts that were ready. The right occasion to approve expected.

What means that Bush since 2001, and Sarkozy now can use these procedures except to transform enemies who want?

Jean-Claude Paye: When they adopted these texts, already had a good idea where they could carry. The list of networks "terrorists" comes from the European Union. It is established by a European regulation of 2001. In my book "La fin de l'État de droit" [The end of the rule of law], I mention the case of a Filipino Communist, José Maria Sison, a political refugee recognized that he had granted asylum politician in the Netherlands. Inscribed on the "terrorist" US, his name became enrolled in the Dutch "terrorist" list, Mr. Sison list discovered after he was enrolled in the "terrorist" list when they blocked their accounts and expelled accommodation social they assigned to him. He was later removed from the list but as Dutch meanwhile had been inscribed on the list European Council,

The interesting thing is that on July 11, 2007, the European Court in Luxembourg annulled the decision of the Council of Europe. It stipulated that there were no grounds to register Mr. Sison on the list of "terrorism" Council allows the blocking of accounts.

The verdict clearly states that the absence of "relevant reasons" and non-respect for the rights of the defense led to the decision to annul the decision of the Council of Europe.

However, on August 28, the Dutch police again arrested Mr. Sison, violating the decision of the Court of Justice.

This case is significant in the current relations between justice - which is the last institution of resistance against the concentration of power in the executive branch - and police. This shows that the police does what he wants, violating the decisions of justice. It would seem that it has started the first transcript on the French "terrorist" list of decrees recently issued by George Bush that criminalize organizations and individuals who oppose the current policy in Iraq and Lebanon. A list of names that could be soon published jointly by France and the US When was voted in January 2006 by the Parliament in France on laundering legislative provisions [5] nobody imagined it would be used to attack political opponents.

Jean-Claude Paye: In each country, there is an internal list of "terrorist" organizations. In general, it is simple transcription of the list of the Council of Europe, which add complementary elements.

I find in regards to Lebanon. Here it seems to have added complementary elements on elements of the political opposition in Lebanon would be interesting to know whether these elements will be integrated into the list of the Council of Europe.

Declaring that someone is "terrorist" is not a court; It is a simple administrative authority that registers you, without any explanation to justify that you have placed on that list "terrorist."

What inspires all this?

Jean-Claude Paye: This shows that almost all power is now concentrated in the hands of the executive. The executive currently holds judicial powers. It is the executive that decides who can take this or that measure against you.

Example respect to the opposition in Lebanon and example of José Maria Sison, are exactly the same. It is unmotivated decisions. Except that in the case of Lebanon, there is an extension because it is not enough to be a member of an organization that has been described as "terrorist" to be incriminated, but simply to have contact with its members. It is a general trend prevailing level of implementation of laws "counterterrorism."

Why therefore, the purpose of the Patriot Act and other "anti - terrorism" laws is to attack fundamental freedoms?

Jean-Claude Paye: Yes, the goal is to suppress fundamental freedoms.

One might have hoped that all political forces to denounce these emergency regulations. Left, presented as an advocate for social justice, would not should mobilize, demand the immediate return of the rule of law?

Jean-Claude Paye: Left? What is left? Look USA Democrats vote in favor of the most draconian laws made by the Republican Party. The Military Commissions Act [MCA, for its acronym in English], adopted in 2006, was voted by just one part of the Democratic Party, which, however, is the majority in the House and had the possibility of preventing its adoption that law.

Where we, it is the same. The difference right is not seen when the left is in power, apart from an acceleration, as is the case with President Sarkozy. For example, in France, the first steps of monitoring the network, global surveillance measures were established by the government of Lionel Jospin.

The only power that manifests a small resistance is the judiciary. In U.S.A. There are decrees adopted by the executive who are canceled. For example, when the Court of Cassation in Belgium annulled on the grounds of the judgment on appeal of militants DHKCP, it is a judiciary resistance. The problem is that there is no relief in civil society. That absence of relief adds to the silence of the media. You can not expect that an isolated institution to resist for long.

But it is an attack against freedom of opinion extends to the whole world. Therefore it is essential that political parties worry about these deviations and that citizens know that these new laws allow, on the basis of mere suspicion, to stay to anyone in prison without charge and without trial, that nobody is protected by law, that is a completely arbitrary! How can you explain that the Social Forums, the "anti-globalization" those responsible for Attac, do not place these issues at the center of the debate?

Jean-Claude Paye: Do not talk about it. They not want to talk. It touches fundamental problems. They do not want to talk about these problems because they should afrentar directly to power. Those concerns are secondary to them. Are not part of the program ATTAC. They talk about the Tobin tax, peripheral things. It is in a psychotic society, a society of non-confrontation.

Those who defend the citizens are never gobiernan.Cada parties that once the parties have adopted measures favorable to citizens, they have done so because there was a relationship of forces has forced them to do so. Democracy is won every day, it is never granted.

If we study and explain the "anti - terrorism" laws is revealed exactly the nature of power. You can not speak of democratic power, a society which is now underway toward dictatorship is. It is that each new measure is worse than the previous one . Things are very clear. But they refuse to see them as they are.

The fundamental problem is not that the power is transformed into dictatorship, because, as history shows, an uncontrollable power always becomes dictatorship. The fundamental problem of our time is the abdication of people to this process. And that is a fairly new phenomenon. People abandon the power and economic machinery liberties; and ultimately, in view of ecological and climatic problems, their survival as a living species.

How long has sensed that things were going in that direction, and that would prohibit people who criticize the political and media system is expressed?

Jean-Claude Paye: Since the late nineties. At that time and the establishment of this police state it was. But the laws established at that time and seem almost democratic compared to what we see now. The process is experiencing a strong acceleration.

Does that mean that the executive authority US directly attacks the fundamental rights of citizens worldwide, including the European Union?

Jean-Claude Paye: Yes, of course! But it is not only the US executive, but of all executives in the world among which there is real solidarity against their populations. Secret CIA prisons are a good example of that process. [6] In Europe, governments have been directly integrated into the organization of torture. In the best case, everything that has been obtained from European governments is to behave like the three little monkeys: blind, deaf and dumb [7].

What will happen to those who are enrolled in those lists "terrorists" who are still held in secret?

Jean-Claude Paye: Lists "terrorists" are not all secret. At European level, only the "Europol" list is secret. It allows surveillance measures and the use of secret surveillance techniques and special investigation regarding individuals identified as "terrorists" [8] are taken.

The list of Council of Europe allows financial measures, such as blocking bank accounts are taken. All these elements will be used if the relation of forces is favorable to the existing power. The first thing to do is to reveal what happens, disseminate maximum information and make such lists are known.

All this does not suggest any analogy?

Jean-Claude Paye: Yes, the climate of the thirties. But now a world dictatorship is established. A sort of "best of all worlds" and not a simple process of "fascism".

Since 2001, he kidnaps people are tortured alleged "terrorists" of Arab origin and Muslim faith. Should we expect punish those who denounce these abuses morning?

Jean-Claude Paye: The Empire needs enemies. Creates, invents his own enemies.

The first thing to do is bring to light what is hidden [9] There are so many laws that allow do anything, when you want! But that is based on immediate resistance from stakeholders. Before there was a legislative framework that protected us. Now, they can do anything if you have the ability to impose it . Today, things rest on a simple balance of forces.

Mr. Dick Marty [10], appointed by the Council of Europe, can he get from the European Union to annul those illegal lists?

Jean-Claude Paye: The report drafted Mr. Dick Marty is very important! His report is on target, it opposes the policy of European governments. But in fact, Mr. Marty has no power; the report could not change anything because it goes against the grain. However, this report is essential.

Those policies that speak of justice and freedom; They are nothing but air, nothing?

Jean-Claude Paye: We must be lucid: show things as they are. Those who make criticisms and simply say, "Yes, we must take anti-terrorism laws, it is necessary to fight terrorism, but avoid abuses" do nothing to legitimize the point of view of power. You have to show that laws are aimed at the fight against "terrorism" they are actually laws against populations.

The last law enacted in the US, the Military Commissions Act is a constitutional law worldwide, as I show in my latest book "Global War on Liberty". US President has the ability to qualify enemy every US citizen or national of a country with which the US It is not at war. The management of stocks, including American citizens, becomes an act of war and not just in a police action.

Take the example of the Swift Agreement. SWIFT is a Belgian agency that deals with international financial transfers. Swift has passed since 2001, all information on customer transactions not only violating Belgian law but European law [11]. It is the right US applied in Europe.

Everything he says the US government is the domain of faith. The government 's thesis on the attacks of September 11, no one can believe rationally. The Commission report indicates that not even a third tower collapsed. It is a psychotic report in which the master discourse replaces the facts themselves. A recent Zogby poll shows that most Americans want the investigation to be reopened. [12] While in Europe the fact of asking questions to be stigmatized enough.

What mechanism exists to demand a return to the rule of law?

Jean-Claude Paye: leave things clear. Speak clear. Show what it is. It depends on the resilience of the people.

The "anti - terrorist" war is really a war against freedom. That war freedoms is the first stage of a war against the people. And the Military Commissions Act is a criminal statute that is global in nature and that, in fact, is an act of imperial sovereignty. It is a law that confounds police relationship and relationship of war. It is the establishment of a new form of world state that, by integrating the functions of police and military, fight against their own populations.

Something important: This law applies worldwide, US gives the possibility not only of kidnapping, but above all to be delivered to any citizen in the world, ie people who he described as "enemies combatants. "

European extradition agreements with the United States not opposed to that described as "enemy combatants" people can be transferred to the US Therefore it is a law worldwide. It is a charter of Empire.

Currently, criminal law is constitutional. That has already existed in the history of our societies. Criminal law has a constitutional role in the transition periods (eg at the beginning of capitalism criminal law has been dominant).

If the criminal law is dominant today, it is because a new form of property rights is prepared. It is what might be called to "self - ownership". The whole of our personal data no longer belong to us . They belong to the state, and also to private firms. The domination of criminal law prepares the establishment of such private law future. Do people generally think that these measures do not affect only certain individuals? Jean-Claude Paye: They affect everyone. They affect all forms of resistance. A "terrorist" has become someone who does not want to give up their freedoms to power, someone who wants to live.

Since this summer, USA considered as suspects of "terrorism" opponents to his policy in Iraq and Lebanon [13]. The director of the Lebanese press agency New Orient News, a member of the Voltaire Network, and figure. The Bush administration would have required the cabinet Sarkozy, who transcribed into French law the new lists of political opponents and make appear the journalist Thierry Meyssan, who is already persona non grata on the territory US Are you surprised by this?

Jean-Claude Paye: I did not know the specific requirement regarding Thierry Meyssan Bush. But there is a context of simple relationship of forces at a given time. When you think about the hysteria that so-called "intellectuals" French have developed and attacks that Thierry Meyssan has been in France since the release of his book on the attacks of September 11 [14] who dared to present the questions that had to be done, nothing can surprise us.

My work shows that the "anti-terrorist" provisions are intended target political opponents as well as people and not just the "Islamists" Therefore one is not fundamentally be surprised if that is checked for a possible Thierry Meyssan registration in lists "terrorists." However, that would indicate that we have entered a new stage in the criminalization of the word opposition.That would indicate that power feels perfectly comfortable, aims to bring to public light that has always denied so far.

Who can believe the government 's thesis on the attacks of September 11? Who can believe that a tower hit by an airplane fall in a controlled manner? The problem is that the US It gives all the information that cast doubt on his thesis, and people believe it simulates. We face a perverse mechanism, in which the individual, not to face the Real, pretends to believe the improbable.

Although Thierry Meyssan has revealed facts that should be taken seriously, surprisingly, journalists have put it back half.

Jean-Claude Paye: Who owns those newspapers that have defamed Thierry Meyssan? These "journalists" are people who copy what they are told to say. Do you know many "official" journalists verify their sources and do serious research?

His books are important for all those who defend freedom.

Jean-Claude Paye: I wrote these books because I think it was necessary. When I saw that these laws were passed in Belgium and everywhere in the world, all it is going in the same direction. It had to be stressed that coherence. There are few people who do that job. I am practically the only one working globally. All these data are not collected. I collect them , do the work of lawyers while sociologist my work: to think the new way of organizing power. My work takes into account both sides of the Atlantic. Study not only anti - terrorism laws but all laws of social control. That way a whole.

Jean-Claude Paye: "The anti - terrorist laws. A constitutive act of the Empire »


[1] "The order l'état de droit. Antiterroriste La lutte: de l'état d'exception à la dictature ".
La Dispute, Paris, 2004. This book was published in Italian by Manifesto Libri in German by Rotpunktverlag.
"Global War on Libertyª. Éditions Telos Press, New York 2007. The Turkish translation in IMGE soon appear in Spanish in HIRU in Dutch in EPO.
[2] 2) The Patriot Act is defined as a "Law to unite and reinforce US providing appropriate to discover and counter terrorism instruments. "Adopted by the US Congress, was signed by George W. Bush on 26 October 2001. Adopted a working title, this device exception expired on 31 December 2005, but it was extended by the House of Representatives and perpetuates. Of the sixteen provisions of the Patriot Act, ensuring widespread population control, fourteen have been converted into permanent. That law also allows the US government to stop without limit and without charge to any foreign citizen suspected of "terrorism."
[3] "L'NATO Gladio aux vols du secrets of the CIA», par Ossama Lotfy, Voltaire Network, 24 April 2007.
[4] The trials of first instance and appeal were annulled by the Court of Cassation in Brussels in June 2007. This process recommences on appeal on 13 September in Antwerp.
[5] Chapter VIII of Law No. 2006-64, published in the Official Gazette on January 24, 2006, stipulates that any moral or physical person who has been in relation to a person registered in European lists of suspected financing of terrorism, for example (which include lists of opponents to US policy in Iraq and Lebanon) should answer any questions related to that relationship. In the event that available resources or goods whose origin can not justify, will be considered by default as if he had received in the course of an activity "terrorist." France can block their possessions, while an anti-terrorist judge can do arrest and imprison, prosecute and maybe then sentence him to 3 years in prison and 75,000 euros fine.
[6] "The CIA possède secrètes des prisons in Europe" by DE, Voltaire Network, November 10, 2005.
[7] "L'Union européenne a écrit par les autorisé secrètes prisons of CIA dès janvier 2003" Red Voltaire, December 13, 2005.
[8] "L'Euro Patriot Act", Voltaire Network, November 17, 2003.
[9] "La loi Perben II-Ashcroft" and "La France autorise l'action des services US sur son territoire ", by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, February 18 and March 8, 2004.
[10]" Faut-il combattre the tyrannie avec les instruments des tyrants? "Dick Marty par, Voltaire Network, 22 March 2007.
[11] "The CIA contrôlé transactions les financières du monde entier via the SWIFT société" by Grégoire Seither: and "SWIFT: le Trésor états-UNIEN au-dessus des lois européennes", Voltaire Network, June 26 and 29 September 2006.
[12] "The majorité des Etats-Uniens souhaite une enquête sur le rôle of MM. Bush Cheney et dans les attentats du 11/9 ", Voltaire Network, 7 September 2007.
[13] The rating of "terrorist" has been extended by President George W. Bush's political opponents by the Executive Order Blocking Property of Certain 13438- Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq (signed on July 17, 2007) and 13441 Executive Order Blocking Property of Persons-Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions (signed on August 1, 2007). [14] "L'Effroyable imposture", ed. Carnot, 2002. Reissue in mid-June 2007.


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