
23 de septiembre de 2017

The prosecutor informs the body that directs Trapero which will be coordinated with other security forces, by a single command of the Civil Guard

Interior assumes control of police coordination in Catalonia

The Government has decided to take control of the Mossos de Esquadra after this afternoon they have been summoned by the chief prosecutor of Catalonia, José María Romero de Tejada, all controls in Catalonia of the security forces, according to El Periodico de Catalunya . It is also the Mossos say, are under the sole command the police, the Civil Guard and the local police for relacioandas performances with the 1-O referendum. Both the Government and the head of the Mossos have expressed their opposition to the measure, in what they consider "an interference".

The prosecutor had already anticipated that this order was prepared to consider the involvement of the Mossos was still low, especially after the delay of the body that directs Josep Lluís Trapero shows the judicial delegation from the Ministry of Economy after registration. In any case, the order is not supposed to remove any competition to the Catalan police, ministry sources reported. This coordination mechanism is essentially the same for which the Mossos were entrusted the subsequent actions to attack Barcelona and Cambrils.

The decision did not like the Mossos. The Minister of Interior, Joaquim Forn, has ensured that the Mossos d'Esquadra have expressed, through Josep Lluis senior Trapero, "the body will not accept the coordination of the representative of the Spanish State" with other security forces Catalonia with a view to preventing the 1-O. In an official statement, Forn pointed out that at the meeting held this morning at the headquarters of the Office of TSJC with commanders of the Civil Guard, the National Police and the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona, ​​the head of the Mossos explained that "no can accept that under the umbrella of coordination is intended to direct the body "through a command of the Ministry of Interior.

"Since the government of the Generalitat do not accept this interference by the State because all the organs that the current legal framework has to coordinate security Catalonia skips", stressed Forn, who added that the legal services of the Government are studying instruction given to the Mossos "to give a legal response. Trapero will have to confirm Monday that disobeys the order

The move comes after Interior communicated by letter to the Minister of the Department of the Generalitat, Joaquim Forn, sending units to Catalonia National Police and Civil Guard to support the Catalan police in maintaining public order. According to chief prosecutor has referred the Superior Court of Catalonia to the responsible Civil Guard, National Police and Mossos, coordination has been entrusted to the Ministry of State Security.

Interior recalls that the organic law of security forces of the State of 1986 referred to in Article 38.2 the intervention of police and Guard in maintaining law and order in support of the Mossos, as well Interior has communicated by letter to the Catalan authorities Catalonia justify sending units of the National Police and Civil Guard. The exercise of this function corresponds priority to the Mossos but, as recorded by the Act, subject to the intervention of Police and Civil Guard when, "or at the request of the authorities of the Autonomous Community, or by choice, deemed necessary by the competent state authorities. "

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