
19 de septiembre de 2017

the secrets of the FED bare

Entry Submitted by Ginger Snyder at 3:03 AM EDT on September 19, 2017

Hello Family:

So much information is flowing out about the TDA accounts I wanted to take a minute to give a little bit better understanding of what is going on with these accounts. Many people are having a little bit of trouble figuring out what Lessor Bank or Pass Thru bank is the one that they should use. I am no expert nor banker, this is independent research used for encouragement purposes only. If you are not familiar with all material about these accounts, then I suggest you research first. Knowledge is everything. With that being said, I had seen these charts on one of my groups and truly is fantastic work. I do not know this wonderful women personally so I went and pulled them off the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve Banks, but I got the idea from a lady in All of Us. Thanks ma'me the charts are fantastic, and I appreciate your great work. 

What I did to find my lessor or pass thru banks:

Take this chart and locate the Federal Reserve Bank Region you live in from the chart below

Once you know this number take the next chart below and find the major cities listed in your Federal Reserve Bank region number from above.

Then take this chart below and find the Region listed by the Number

Then look at this bottom listing and look to the right of each of the Regions and those are the codes that are suggested for each Region of the Federal Reserve Bank. I belong to Region 11 Texas and my city is Houston Code 30 so all my codes for my Lessor Bank will begin with the digits 1130 as the first four digits out of the nine for the Routing Number of the banks you can find on the chart below.

US Bank Locations

This bank locator I use for many sources, I go into the site and Search by State then a list of cities for each State comes up. At the top is the large cities, and the other cities of the State are listed alphabetically on this site. I like banks that have names such as American, National, First, United, Citizens, Trust or any bank name that is patriotic in nature. I also like banks that are ACH and Fedwire eligible. After you have found a few banks that you like click on each bank and there is a tab at the top that says routing numbers. You will be able to see if the numbers also match the numbers of the Federal Reserve Financial Services codes that are listed for each region. I have made a very long list of the banks that will work for me. After you have found them you can call Telecheck and ask them if the account is working and give the Routing Code and your social security number as the account number. The Telecheck representative will tell you they have found no holds on your account or that something is wrong for you to fix. If they say there are no holds are bars on that account means the account is good. They have their lingo you know.

These charts made the whole process much easier for all to understand. Once again, this is for encouragement purposes only and if you are not fully versed do not step in the process without researching first, just saying... if you have done all the paperwork and are following thru with your ownership this may help so much. Make sure to check out the very bottom of the Federal Reserve Financial Services chart as the Processing Site is the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and there is some key information after Region 12 to the bottom of the chart. I have noticed they save the very best stuff for the very end. Just like I am going to do as the Federal Reserve Bank of NY which was named as the Debt Disbursement Division of the Federal Reserve Banks of NY is also a key player. There is also a few key words at the bottom of that FR Financial Services about Districts 1-9 there routing codes will begin with a 2 at the beginning of the code and the Districts 10-12 which is about half the country the codes will begin with a 3 for the first number at the beginning of the routing code.

I included at the bottom the chart with new codes these have three at the very bottom these are providers for the Fedwire Service Providers that have matching criteria. Always remember to verify the accounts and then if you have a bill or service these codes may work for you as well. Keep in mind there is more than one code as each code has a specific meaning. Like for bills, medical, purchases etc. So keep a running total of the different accounts that match up. Also remember the Processing Site listed on this form as FR Bank of Atlanta is the processor of several of these accounts. This is from research and there are no certain instructions for us. This gives you a good idea of the make up and the services that can be acquired thru research off of the and the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve banks. Its always a work in progress, so I hope this helps people to understand a little better of the ways these accounts work. I never go directly into the Federal Reserve Banks or the Social Security Accounts I always use banks that pass thru these organizations to the banks in my region. I have more research to follow but this will get you understanding the accounts a little bit better. Thanks to the many who have helped to pave the way. 


Ginger Snyder

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