
2 de septiembre de 2017

What he is not being said in the wake of the terrorist attack in Barcelona

Vicenç Navarro, Public 

Following the terrorist attack in Barcelona, ​​they have written many articles useful, briefly explaining the origin of the Islamic state and its expansion, very noticeable from the invasion of Iraq by the US military and its allies, including Spain. What is important to stress is that over the last forty years is not the first time a Muslim terrorist movement is established and expands thanks to interventions (many of them military) of the US federal government and other Western governments ( Britain and France have been two of the most active) have stimulated the establishment and / or expansion of such movements. And in each case, the reason for such interventions Western governments aimed to remove and / or destroy native political forces,many of them progressive, Western governments considered contrary to their interests.Accumulating evidence of this is overwhelming.

One of the best known recent cases is Afghanistan, where the US government helped intensely, financing and arming the movement created by none other than Osama Bin Laden, which was characterized by its primitivism and religious fanaticism. Oddly enough, bin Laden was funded by the CIA, an agency of the US federal government. Such movement, Al Qaeda, regarded as his enemy number one secular socialist forces then -apoyadas by the Soviet Union trying to make the economic, social and cultural reforms that this country needed to break their underdevelopment, poverty and smothering and reactionary religious and cultural environment that kept the country in a desperate situation for the vast majority of its population. Not to forget that it was the US government which helped the expansion of one of the then existing most fanatical and reactionary movements, praised by some members of Congress for their deep religiosity. What this government was not expected was that once defeated the socialist forces, Al Qaeda rebelled against their mentors, launching a terrorist campaign against the West which peaked on September 11, with the blowing of Torres twins.

But this was only the beginning. A Al Qaeda was followed by many other movements, one of which jihadists of the Islamic State, which could arise with great drive by the power vacuum that was created with the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq following the US invasion. And somewhat the same is happening in Syria, in an attempt to defeat another dictator, President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria. It is the war of Syria which is predominantly generating terrorism in Europe. This terrorism has also expanded in Libya, where the fall of Colonel Qaddafi-the result of US military intervention and its European allies have destroyed Libya, allowing the expansion of ISIS in North Africa. Both Syria and Libya, and Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi represented progressive forces, but it meant a parapet and curb the expansion of jihadism. It is interesting to note that both the one and the other had been supported by the US and the Western world when progressive forces tried to change the country.

Who is funding jihadism?

This is one of the most studied chapters of terrorism, and on which more has been written. But a source of valuable information have been the roles of the US State Department, published by Wikileaks, which appeared during the electoral campaign for the presidency of that country.There appear figures confirm what has been suspected for some time. According to the Secretary of State Obama government (figure equivalent to Minister of Foreign Affairs) -the Mrs. Hillary Clinton, some of the most important sources of financing of jihadism have been the government of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, statement Secretary made with all emphasis, ruling that it was one of the princes of the royal houses that dominate such governments. The Mrs.

This relationship is widely known in international diplomacy and also in Spain, which has given rise to many complaints of the behavior of the Spanish Royal Family, for his well-known friendship and support to the royal houses of those countries, which are the governments that direct their states. An example of this is the argument used by the Catalan pro-independence political party, the CUP, in their opposition to the Spanish monarch presiding over the act of homage to the victims of the terrorist attack in Spain, considering improper relationship of the Spanish Monarchy the royal houses that govern those countries, an argument that has resonated strongly in Catalan society. I consider the position of the CUP consistent and understand the wide openness of this argument in Catalunya. However, there is a certain contradiction in such complaint (which I share) it seems to forget that many Catalan institutions are involved and intertwined with Qatar, which have not been reported; including no less than Futbol Club Barcelona, ​​which until recently was the biggest promoter through his shirt, the State of Qatar (which depended promoted the airline, Qatar Airways). In fact, rarely complaint to the club for their massive promotion of a state funded and continues to fund movements that include terrorist acts in its military strategy, as happened in Barcelona a few days ago (see my article on the club, "The Barça, more than a club "in the newspaper ARA). Actually Qatar,

Two final observations. The response to the terrorist attack was one of the biggest problems facing the Spanish State: excessive centralism

Note widespread media has been applauding the efficiency of the Catalan police, the Mossos, in response to the terrorist attacks. I do not want my observation detracting from the value of such applause, well deserved. But I have two notes that are based on real events, but little known. One is that as a result of the Spanish State was the result not of a break with the previous dictatorial regime (based on repression), but an openness and adaptation of that State to include democratic dimensions, we have a huge number of bodies police, adding that its troops, it turns out that in Europe we are the country with the largest number of policemen per 100. 000 (and in contrast has fewer adults working in the public services of the welfare state, such as education, health, social services, schools, kindergartens, residential services, among others). It is likely that the proportion of the entire body of police is very uneven among the different bodies. But I think in the case of terrorism, which tends to occur in cities, it would be important to give greater presence and prominence to local forces at stations. Which brings me to another issue, related to the above.which tends to occur in cities, it would be important to give greater presence and prominence to local forces at stations. Which brings me to another issue, related to the above. which tends to occur in cities, it would be important to give greater presence and prominence to local forces at stations. Which brings me to another issue, related to the above.

The low power of municipalities

A note highlighted in the response of the three levels of government (central, regional and municipal) in these days of crisis, is the enormous institutional role that has been given in the media to the central government and the regional government. But the role of Barcelona City Council and the mayor has been shown Colau (erroneous and manipulative) as a minor, showing a prejudice inherited from the previous era during the dictatorial regime, local authorities had little. Result of such Jacobin vision of the state, the City Council has little power to solve the major problems of society (which is mostly urban) and that municipalities lack the authority and resources to solve them. In the countries of Southern Europe (Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy),where rights have been more powerful and more divided and less power left is where the municipalities have less power. Are the most popular levels of government (local state) (or less unpopular), to be closer to where citizens live and work, and is, instead, the level less power. It is precisely where the left have been more powerful -the northern Europe where they have more power.

City Hall is the closest level and more knowledgeable about the social and economic reality in which citizens live. And who better knows the neighborhoods, workplaces and leisure, housing, health centers, schools and other services over which they have little power and resources. And the terrorist attack was confirmed.

The popularity of the current mayor, with Ms. Ada Colau, is primarily due to its ambition to change Barcelona, ​​with the courage required to face the enormous powers (including the interests of Qatar), they have had in the recent past excessive power in the city. Reportable other parties is defined left have not consistently supported a program together to change Barcelona. And it is an insult to the city, for short-term political reasons, want to project an image of unity, under the baton of King, Rajoy and Puigdemont, putting on the last hole of the screen to the mayor Ada Colau. Unthinkable that this happened in Sweden, where the left have always had power.

Prevention of terrorism will not happen unless communities actively participate in such campaigns as it is a common feature of all attacks, terrorists are people living in such communities. The local is important to solve the major social problems, including security. And one of the most remarkable facts these days and has generated a general applause worldwide is the model behavior of the citizens of Barcelona, ​​showing great political maturity and an exemplary democratic behavior. Hence in recognition and public act is this citizenship, represented by Mayor Colau, which should have the leading role, not always figures promoted by means of persuasion that fund. So clear.

source:   Atac Neoliberalism

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