
5 de noviembre de 2017

Twitter responds to the "black list" of Spanish journalists of the Soros Foundation

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Hours after the publication of a list of the Soros Foundation in which many journalists, activists and users of social networks are identified as "pro-Russian", Twitter has reacted to the news with dozens of messages on the subject .
Paco Arnau (@ciudadfutura), a member of the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) and one of the people on the list, did not say he was surprised by its existence.
"That's nothing surprising," he wrote on his Twitter account.
Arnau also qualifies the authors of the list of "snitches" and "mercenaries".

"By tweeting in favor of Russia in the coup d'etat against Ukraine, the foundation of Soros puts you on blacklists," wrote the user "Erich Honecker" (@HoneckerRDA).
"Soros paying 6,500 euros for a document of 3 thousand words and the chronicles from a war to 50 euros, that's how it goes", lamented the journalist Pablo González (@PabVis), who also appears on the list.

The user Pep Santxes (@pep_santxes) asked: "Hey, Marta Ter, the lists that you do Nicolas de Pedro and you tweeters pro Ukraine or pro Russia, what are they for?".
He added: "Who do you work for? Can you know?"
In this sense another one of the ones mentioned in the list was also pronounced, the user @Drazamihailovitx: "Marta Ter, who pays you?", He wrote in Basque.
"It's shameful that people like Marta Ter dedicate themselves to blacklisting," wrote user @ _ju1_, also included in the list, adding: "If I'm on a Soros blacklist, I now understand many attacks and many lynching campaigns. (On twitter)".

"There are people from the pro-Russians on the Soros list who inform and know a lot about the issue, dangerous people because they SAY THE TRUTH," said @alitecarlito.
The account Love Will Tear Us Aznar satirized on the subject: "How shabby the doc that of the pro-Russians, right? They could have made a table or something, that the Soros handles pasta."
As a result, the authors of a controversial list for the Soros Foundation that includes journalists, activists and Twitter users who are considered "pro-Russian" have closed their Twitter accounts.
Soros leaks
A megafiltration of the Foundation for an Open Society (Fundación Open Society Foundation) revealed on Monday numerous documents of the institution, among them a document with numerous Spanish journalists and activists who it identifies as "pro-Russians".
Specifically, one of the leaked lists is called "creators of pro-Russian opinion on Twitter," with 49 names of Spanish journalists and activists, as well as another less numerous list with "critical" but favorable to Kiev voices, according to a document published in the portal.
Among the names are Izquierda Unida MEP Javier Couso (@caninator) and two members of the Spanish Communist Party, Javier Parra (@javier_parra) and Paco Arnau (@cuidadfutura), academics Javier Morales (@jmoraleshdez) and Asier Blas ( @AsierBlas), the humorist Facu Díaz (@FacuDiazT), the reporter of Televisión Española (TVE) Pilar Requena (@RequenaPilar), the correspondent of Telesur in Moscow (@julioteleSUR) or the journalist Pablo González (@PabVis), among others , as well as several activists and platforms in favor of Donbás.
Most of the members of the list met on Monday the publications by the social network Twitter itself.
According to the contract -also leaked by DCLeaks-, the author of the report would be Nicolás de Pedro, principal investigator of CIDOB, where he is responsible for the post-Soviet space (Russia, Central Asia) and India.
De Pedro has also been a member of several electoral observation missions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), in Kyrgyzstan (2009, 2010), Russia (2011), Tajikistan (2010) and Ukraine (2010, 2014 ), according to his profile for CIDOB.
After the section of pro-Kiev journalists, the authors of the report write: "Would it make sense for us to include ourselves?" (Does it make sense to include ourselves?); and they provide their own Twitter accounts, @nicolasdepedro and @marta_ter.
According to the description of her profile in this social network, Ter is a researcher at the Eurasia Observatory and specializes in Russia and the Caucasus, in particular Chechnya.
Yesterday Ter and Pedro's Twitter accounts were no longer accessible to users.
At the end of the list, the authors suggest several people "who might be interesting for the project but who do not tweet about Ukraine," including journalists Ignacio Escolar (@iescolar), Juan Luis Sánchez (@juanlusanchez) and Jordi Borrás (@jordiborras), as well as Gerardo Tecé (@gerardotc) and the Popular Party deputy Pablo Casado (@pablocasado_).
Along with this, the report includes another list of "potential partners" among the Spanish media and lists the following: El País,, El Periódico, the newspaper Ara, the media la Directa and Radio Klara.
Other documents leaked by DCLeaks reveal similar listings in other European countries.
Thus, in Germany the list mentions the journalist Jakob Augstein (editor of the weekly Freitag and columnist in the digital edition of Der Spiegel) or several politicians of the Left, such as Sahra Wagenknecht and Gregor Gysi, whom he calls 'Russlandversteher' (favorable to understand the positions of Russia).
According to published data, one of the objectives of the Soros Foundation is to prevent the supposed growth of Russia's influence in Europe.
"After the Ukrainian crisis Russia managed to attract many supporters of different political positions throughout the European Union," says a published document, something that the organization seeks to "counteract".

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