
10 de febrero de 2018



Suffer from terrifying experiences with "Boogiemen" when children

tend to be the "black sheep" of the family, to be lonely, to be distrustful

normally  experienced hostility from one of our parents 

rarely we felt understood as children,  we feel we are part of the family in which we are born 

never  feel that  we fit socially, especially when we were children 

have been marginalized by our parents, especially when we are young, endured emotional, mental, physical or severe sexual abuse or a combination of the four, had challenging experiences in the womb , had unusually difficult childhoods

We typically described as precocious children 

People naturally trust us and share their deepest secrets with us 

Naturally we stand as guardians of peace 

offer encouragement and support to those who are oppressed; had a very friendly and affectionate to a more intense and empowering of "tough love" approach 

quietly We looked at the flow of things around us; We observe everything around us naturally 

usually learn painful lessons at the beginning ignore our intuition and lack of discernment

We know the obstacles that might block the progress of spiritual seekers

We knew from the moment we can remind ourselves that somehow we were here to defend and protect 

We are connected to our soul, willing to take the heat for the good of all, motivated to defend the underdog, open to alternative information and meditate during hours, 

our auric fields are sometimes too intense for others to handle. messages often go against what others believe to be true ; We respect all beliefs roads and

catalyze change within others and this makes us lose friendsnot understand why

many are jealous of our abilities anddo not understand, refer to us as ancient and old souls

We can turn away completely from our family of origin and often we need it easily face an attacker and defend those who have been attacked; like ourselves, be intimidating; walk into a room and immediately intuit who can not be trusted; we allow our belief systems areconstantly changing; we be diplomatic, but we typically forthright in our approach

We talk ideas to the masses every time we see an area of concern to be addressed

often leave us open to attack by those who do not resonate with our tenacious presentation of truth, are blind by hostile attacks and betrayal of partners, often we born into families affiliated with the military

We have strong memories or feelings of past lives being warriors and adventurers to be courageous; We maintain the honor and integrity as crucial features to fight

We astrally traveled to different planets to protect and observe. We are very loyal to those we love and we can surprise us telling our friends who would die for them, we are consistent chameleons and often we refer to ourselves as such , we are  frankly honest no matter how controversial it,  well aware of a variety of perspectives and defend light by giving all sides of an issue no matter how unpleasant or controversial words, we are the target of darkness because we are powerful, we are very protective of our loved ones, strong advocates for all animals,  light and the truth

, Incessant seekers of truth and very independent. bold and direct, we are all about justice (very 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...