
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta command Ashtar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta command Ashtar. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de julio de 2020

Ondas da Ascensão | C. Ashtar - Canal: COBRA

Olá queridos irmãos e irmãs. Aqui é o Comando Ashtar, da base interplanetária de Krotron.

Somos seus irmãos interestelares, viemos a vocês em Paz e Luz, para que nesta Nova Era, possamos ajudá-los no processo de mudança de conhecimentos.

Seu mundo está passando por uma enorme transformação e está à beira de um grande salto em frente na evolução. Seu mundo será trazido para dentro da Luz. Celebre, porque chegou o momento da Libertação. Sananda está em nossa nave espacial de Luz ao redor do seu planeta, você tem um mestre que você chama Jesus, e nós o chamamos Eugene Sananda, Ele está nos guiando. E sob o nome D'Ele, estamos enviando-lhe uma mensagem sobre a salvação em formação:

"A salvação para o seu mundo acontecerá com as Três Ondas da Ascensão. Agora, estamos lançando uma chamada para aqueles que desejam poder fazer isso na Primeira Onda, as pessoas que serão promovidas precisam poder estar preparadas. Aqueles que decidirem ascender na Primeira Onda serão elevados às nossas naves espaciais por um feixe de luz e, em nossas naves, sua consciência mudará. Sua consciência se expandirá para além da Terceira Dimensão da consciência humana, a consciência infinita estendida à Quinta Dimensão transcenderá todo o tempo e espaço e você entrará na eternidade do tempo e do espaço. Você experimentará a alegria de ser livre, você viverá no Oceano de Amor do Universo. Seu corpo mortal do mundo tridimensional será transformado em um eterno corpo constante de Luz que fará de você um Anjo.

Então, você poderá voltar para a Terra, andará entre seus irmãos e irmãs humanos, e espalhará amor. Você estará em uma Comunidade da Luz que se reúne para mostrar às pessoas o Caminho da Luz consistente com as Leis da natureza. Mas voltar à Terra não será sua única opção, você também poderá ir mais fundo no Universo, e viajar para explorar mundos milagrosos.

Você sabe, o último momento chegou, e estamos esperando por isso há milhares de anos. Agora, todos os desejos em todos os corações, serão realizados, e todos os milagres acontecerão. Um milagre é uma expressão natural de Amor Universal, e ele existe no seu planeta, mas você ainda não acredita.
Se há um desejo de redenção em seu coração, se em seu coração há um desejo de ser um ser de Luz, tome a decisão. O processo de Ascensão é uma transformação, desde que todos estejam determinados, eles podem ascender. Quando você tomar essa decisão,
enviaremos a Energia do Amor e da Luz, para ajudá-lo a seguir esse caminho.
Ao mesmo tempo, pelos seus pensamentos, emoções e corpo, a limpeza também começará, para que você esteja pronto para o feixe de luz que será ativado na espaçonave, porque esse feixe de luz tem uma frequência muito alta.

Seu conhecimento do mundo e da vida será totalmente transformado. O modelo mental teimoso começará a desmoronar e a libertar-se perante a existência do Amor Universal. Raiva, medo ou tristeza, essas emoções reprimidas começarão a surgir, você começará a percebê-las e liberá-las. Tudo o que estiver encoberto se tornará claramente visível para que possa ser curado pelo Amor.
Seu corpo estará em uma frequência de vibração mais alta, em resposta, será acompanhado por alguns sintomas incomuns; às vezes, você não será óbvio, sentindo-se cansado ou com sono por um motivo desconhecido, e às vezes você se sentirá particularmente enérgico novamente.

Se você decidir ascender, ingressará em um caminho para o desconhecido. Portanto, é muito importante ouvir sua sabedoria interior, porque só ela sabe o que é verdade, sabe que a Ascensão é uma jornada de Amor. Se você deseja entrar em um Estado de Ascensão, solte o botão direito, a perseverança no mundo tridimensional é muito importante. Em um determinado momento, você enfrentará novos e antigos obstáculos. Até então, você perceberá que precisa abandonar tudo e deixar de lado tudo o que não ressoa com a sua mais alta Verdade, e se você quiser seguir em frente, deverá abandonar todos os compromissos que não lhe agregam. Então, quanto mais fundo você entrar internamente, mais você encontrará a Paz e se ater à sua decisão.

Na sua vida, pode abrir seu coração para nós, ligue-nos, convide-nos. Muitas pessoas entraram em contato conosco no país em que estamos e de nós receberam muitos presentes. Portanto, não há razão para que você não possa ser um deles. Para você, aprender o amor próprio é muito importante e necessário. Perdoe toda a "dívida" que você cometeu, porque você é um lindo Ser Divino. Quando você se perdoa, seu coração se abre e perdoa seus irmãos e irmãs. Concentre-se na verdade e procure a beleza, não importa onde você esteja. A beleza o levará a um mundo novo e, em breve, será Tudo o que existe, porque o velho mundo se desfez.

Quando houver voluntários suficientes em todo o mundo, a Primeira Onda da Ascensão acontecerá naquele momento, e isso acontecerá a qualquer momento. Portanto, fique alerta e esteja preparado(a). Quando esse momento chegar, vamos encher você com Luz, para que você veja um feixe de luz claro à sua
frente, não importa se seus olhos estarão abertos, todos poderão ver. Quando você entrar nesta luz, nós iremos levar você para a nave espacial. Ao tomar esta decisão, não há necessidade de se preocupar com a sua estadia. Aqueles mais próximos a você serão bem cuidados. E, todos os outros perto de você, serão informados em sonho que você os deixou.

Na verdade, você não estará separado de ninguém. Em alguns meses, a maioria de vocês retornará à Terra e liderará toda a humanidade na Luz.

Estaremos com você."

*O Evento inaugurará a Primeira Onda.


20 de febrero de 2018




10 de febrero de 2018



Suffer from terrifying experiences with "Boogiemen" when children

tend to be the "black sheep" of the family, to be lonely, to be distrustful

normally  experienced hostility from one of our parents 

rarely we felt understood as children,  we feel we are part of the family in which we are born 

never  feel that  we fit socially, especially when we were children 

have been marginalized by our parents, especially when we are young, endured emotional, mental, physical or severe sexual abuse or a combination of the four, had challenging experiences in the womb , had unusually difficult childhoods

We typically described as precocious children 

People naturally trust us and share their deepest secrets with us 

Naturally we stand as guardians of peace 

offer encouragement and support to those who are oppressed; had a very friendly and affectionate to a more intense and empowering of "tough love" approach 

quietly We looked at the flow of things around us; We observe everything around us naturally 

usually learn painful lessons at the beginning ignore our intuition and lack of discernment

We know the obstacles that might block the progress of spiritual seekers

We knew from the moment we can remind ourselves that somehow we were here to defend and protect 

We are connected to our soul, willing to take the heat for the good of all, motivated to defend the underdog, open to alternative information and meditate during hours, 

our auric fields are sometimes too intense for others to handle. messages often go against what others believe to be true ; We respect all beliefs roads and

catalyze change within others and this makes us lose friendsnot understand why

many are jealous of our abilities anddo not understand, refer to us as ancient and old souls

We can turn away completely from our family of origin and often we need it easily face an attacker and defend those who have been attacked; like ourselves, be intimidating; walk into a room and immediately intuit who can not be trusted; we allow our belief systems areconstantly changing; we be diplomatic, but we typically forthright in our approach

We talk ideas to the masses every time we see an area of concern to be addressed

often leave us open to attack by those who do not resonate with our tenacious presentation of truth, are blind by hostile attacks and betrayal of partners, often we born into families affiliated with the military

We have strong memories or feelings of past lives being warriors and adventurers to be courageous; We maintain the honor and integrity as crucial features to fight

We astrally traveled to different planets to protect and observe. We are very loyal to those we love and we can surprise us telling our friends who would die for them, we are consistent chameleons and often we refer to ourselves as such , we are  frankly honest no matter how controversial it,  well aware of a variety of perspectives and defend light by giving all sides of an issue no matter how unpleasant or controversial words, we are the target of darkness because we are powerful, we are very protective of our loved ones, strong advocates for all animals,  light and the truth

, Incessant seekers of truth and very independent. bold and direct, we are all about justice (very 

12 de enero de 2018

you already know that your destiny is to become a Galactic Human and also a Star Nation.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 12 January 2018

I cannot emphasise sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012. From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. 

The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultimate will be when only the higher vibrations can exist. Then you shall have become physical Angels with full consciousness as predicted long, long ago. 

In the distant future you will eventually move into the Inner Earth and its Crystal Cities. These are events well into your future, but how wonderful and uplifting it must be to know that great changes await you. At the same time, all life-forms of the lower energy will have followed their own path in a different cycle, to continue evolving.
If the idea of living inside the Earth seems strange to you, bear in mind that it is a normal development of all advanced human type lifeforms. In fact it is much safer than living on the surface, and with advanced technologies a “new Earth” can be created that would appear little different to living on the surface. 

The immediate gain is that you control all aspects of your environment, so you are never at the mercy of the weather extremes that are sometimes experienced on the surface. Also realise that when you are so advanced, you will create virtually all you need through your power of thought. Let it be understood that your path to Ascension is already laid out, and where you come in is the manner in which you reach Ascension as it is down to you, but reach it you will because it has already been decreed.

 With your feet back on the Earth the future described seems far away, yet in reality you are beginning to give thought energy to that creation and it is beginning to take shape, as the potential already exists.
Some of you are already aware that your destiny is to become Galactic Humans and also a Star Nation. If you have ever wondered why your Earth seems to have attracted so much attention in recent years, it is because your challenge to ascend with your present physical bodies is unique. 

Now that you are on the final stretch to completion you will clearly go all the way with ascend in your physical bodies, and it will be a most remarkable first time ever achievement. All of you are most revered and loved for your determination to succeed, and when you pass the finishing line there will be an almighty cheer in Heaven. 

There will be great celebrations all round and news of your success will travel the Universe. You will rightly be able to bask in the glory of your success, and the Blessings of God will accompany you.
Much is still happening on Earth and all through its history it has been very volatile at times, its continents seem to always be on the move, but earthquakes rarely seem exceptional. With your modern equipment and instruments you are now able to accurately predict where major Earth changes are most likely to occur, and prepare for them. 

The San Andreas Fault is known to be on edge yet people seem prepared to take a chance by remaining in the locality, hoping to get due warning if a major earthquake is likely to occur. However, in the course of time changes in such areas will result in them having to be permanently evacuated. 

That however, seems a very long way off and should not present any danger within your lifetimes. Again over a long period of time sea levels will rise quite substantially, so that the low lying areas of the coast will become uninhabitable. With the advancements in “early warning” equipment there is no reason why people should get caught out unexpectedly.
Having lifted your thoughts to such heights it is somewhat sad to have to return to more mundane matters. However, as Lightworkers you still have your individual challenges to deal with, and having stepped upon a new path must take every opportunity to spread the Light.

So far, they have been encouraged to talk to people at their level of understanding, but now the Ascension is in sight and, in relative terms, time is short. So expand what you would not normally do, and rest assured that a seed of planted knowledge can now bear fruit in the future.

 Certainly if a soul has the potential to go all the way to Ascension, their Guides will do their best to move them onto the right path. What is coming is a chance not to be missed, as it otherwise means starting another cycle with no guarantee of Ascension. However, as you have been informed before, no knowledge is wasted or lost and what you learn in one incarnation is carried forwards into the next one.
For some souls the thought that they are not their body seems rather scary, and the question arises as to what you really are when out of the body. Whether you have left your body temporarily as most do during their sleep, or have “died” to it you will find yourself outside of it appearing to still be in your physical body. You may even find yourself looking down upon your physical body that is fast asleep. If you happen to have “died” you will quickly leave that scene and be greeted by those who have been awaiting your arrival in the higher level, and that is the key to your experience. 

Once you leave your physical body you immediately find yourself in another identical body of self. However, what is so different now is that the “new” body called the etheric body, whilst being identical to your physical body is a finer version that is vibrating higher, and not afflicted with any illness or deficiencies that you may have been carrying. It would seem as though you have been completely rejuvenated, and can “think” changes to your body such as becoming younger again in appearance, and without any disabilities whatsoever that you may have had previously..
Those souls that fully understand “life after death” realise that death is nothing to be feared, and your friends and relatives will know when you are expected on “the other side” and be ready to greet you. So much mystery and fear has been built up around death and most likely by those who have had a difficult passing. Yet death itself like taking off one suit of clothes for another. Passing over is in no way traumatic or painful and it is so easy many souls do not even realise that they have “died”. 

To remove all of the misrepresentation of the facts is difficult, because many souls have been brought up to think differently, and since the power of thought is so strong, you will initially experience death as you believe it will be. If you an Atheist all that will happen is that you will know that you are still alive, but otherwise experience “nothing” until your thoughts open up to other possibilities. There is still much to be made known, and if you find it too much to accept, simply set it aside ready to come back to when you are able to re-consider it. One thing is certain, that whatever comes your way the truth will always remain when all else has passed by.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

18 de agosto de 2017

Disruption today in the political, financial and military sands.


"APTB" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 18, 2017

Received via email at 11:13 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

So much disturbance today in the political, financial and military arenas. Makes one ask is the greatest good really being served here?

In Feng Shui terms this time deemed unstable, as chi (energy) prefers calm so its healing powers can settle in the soils of benevolence.

The irony is that our world has never in its history been more stable, at least structurally speaking, as we have in fact achieved a better place for all chi to settle in new grace filled gardens.

The illusion is that chaos is more powerful than order, and if the cabal can continue to get you to focus on the former and not the latter, they will continue to control your soul's destiny--for they know where you place your attention creates your reality.

So they create false events of chaos to keep you from remembering your divinity. Pretty simple strategy.

What's interesting about the whole Trump phenomena is how planned it all is behind he scenes---without the general feeling of coordination.

Meaning, when the lead extra terrestrial Draco negotiated the cabal's surrender after the global economy collapse back in 2009, Henry Kissinger (who is not human btw) agreed with the Ancient Powers That Be (new term APTB) that all cabal mechanisms of global control would be dismantled slowly as not to radically upset the human population.

For instance it's taken just under two years to eliminate ISIS in the Middle East; and it's taken seven years to replace all illegal forms sovereign government. The world's financial system was also replaced in a decade.

Nobody knew. It was safer that way. But everything changed in a top down pattern. Same institutional names on the door, but with completely different agenda governing humanity moving forward.

As a result, chemtrails are now disappearing. Fluoridation of the water is being eliminated. Vaccinations are being re-engineered first to ultimately be removed permanently.

Even more drastic changes are being applied everywhere you look, but gradually, and slower than slow, painstakingly so to those who are already wide awake.

Your held currency is changing or revaluing as well, transitioning in a same manner. Quietly. Behind the scenes. So it's safer for the masses.

Tick by tick on the trading screens worldwide rates are trending towards new gold benchmarks--gradually, gently, and invisible to the unawakened eye.

With one momentary exception... when those souls who were pre-awakened are invited into banks to accelerate the earth's restoration process by exchanging their old malevolent fiat assets for new benevolent digital credits backed by humanity's natural asset reserves also called the Global Collateral Accounts.

These accounts were safe kept by several sovereign families based in China, who pledged to live a life of anonymity and poverty in order to protect humanity for this exact moment.

So by remitting all the cabal's bogus assets helps the APTB both to remove the mechanism of fractional reserve banking, as well as eliminate the usury concept of needing to in-debt a entire species.

In exchange for your service, the APTB ask that you help other souls looking to awaken with economic assistance without limitation.

You may assist as many souls as you desire, there is no requirement other than doing no harm.

Historic stuff, transitioning an entire species and planet. Bet you didn't plan on that when you first got into the currencies!

Yet this is where the chi has settled as being the richest, greatest good soil we can all plant our future. Sobeit.

God is with us

7 de agosto de 2017

CONFIRMATION: the cabal is dead today

Dinosaurs" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 7, 2017

Received via email at 12:36 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Not sure how to post the intel tonight. So I'll just say wow.

The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.

Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.


All global geopolitical negotiations have been completed. There's world peace now, including North Korea and Qatar, Ukraine and Palestine. Even Syria and Yemen.

That one took my breath away.

Never in a million years did I think the RV would occur over a series of years both pre and post RV, but that's what the NPTB have designed this to do. Stretch out. Breath before and after the release to ease into the higher consciousness.

An enormously long runway was designed to deliver the true force of these financial reforms, accomplished over decades of which we are right in the middle of.


Meaning, rates won't change all at once on forex screens, but all rates will constantly change over many months and years after the T4 release, including the ZIM which has already publicly been reintroduced at 1:1.

It's all an inside baseball kind of event. A club opening that passes down verbally between friends.

Social media hints or ego based tells will be immediately erased as teams of techs will be omitting content from the web for months and years after the release.

When the Zimbabwe government issued its gold backed currency announcement two weeks ago, that was the public start of the RV in terms of a currency revaluation and reinstatement of the global gold standard by a free sovereign nation.

No grand GCR/RV announcement is up coming from some high profile G20 meeting ushering in a package of global reforms, but several scattered announcements will sparatically roll out from individual nations that say they are independently switching over to the gold standard like on the winds of a warm summer breeze--a la Zimbabwe who was honored by the Chinese Elders with being the first out of 209 nations to go public.

The 800#s you seek already exist with each participating internationally currency exchange-able bank, and the RV will commence utilizing their normal front of the house web presence functioning per usual.

New rates will go live in these banks but all elder will remain 100% normal.

The ZIM will have its own 800# that non participating ZIM redeeming banks will issue to ZIM holders and help assist them in obtaining a redemption appointment.

No drama. Subtle. Quiet. Easy. Private.

All banks will organically and very gently direct ZIM redeemers to an HSBC/military call center and redemption location worldwide. The security for ZIM holders especially will be triple compared to other redeemer's we are told--whatever that means.

Private rates will be negotiable, but never discussed unless the redeemer knows they exist and initiates such a discussion with job creation/humanitarian projects in mind only.

In Europe, 95% of all test redemptions have never heard of sovereign rates. 95% of all ZIM redemptions took less than the 1:1 screen rate. That was out of 25,000 test cases over several months.

Might be a different story here in the US and Canada because of higher quality intel sites and providers. Way to go Patrick!

Know the UST currently has a 1:1 rate for the ZIM and has since 2010 because the 2008-2009 ZIM currency/bond note issue was never discontinued by the Zimbabwe Central Bank.

It was the western banking cabal that would no longer accept the ZIM bond notes in 2009. However all that obviously changes now with the release of new T4 currency rates/transactions worldwide.

The ZIM's 1:1 par number will be the starting point for all negotiations, with higher sovereign rates available only for redeemer's sincerely looking to create jobs and/or fund humanitarian projects.

Projects really do matter in obtaining higher sovereign rates for any currency.

But know you may ask for whatever you feel you are worth with or without a project(s) prospectus. You alone will determine your own economic ceiling for the first time in your life!!!!! So be bold and step up strong into your highest self!!!!!!

Rates for all other currencies will be shown on the screen and honored per normal--but those rates will not be made public initially and not for some time after we are told.

Rather, all rates will be gently raised and lowered depending on their true audited value on the new financial system. This will keep he public, investors and markets calm.

No drama in a super slow exchange process, as nothing on the exterior banking facade will change fast.

Again, private rates can and will be negotiated for all currencies, but again it's wise to arrive with job creation / humanitarian project(s) plans in hand to make your strongest case.

In summary, the RV will just suddenly be there at some point this week (when was not revealed but soon); as all participating banks were told to be fully staffed and ready to proceed at any moment as of July 1st.

Even the banks don't know when the RV will start! And market makers are speculating on the RV start time daily--thinks why the American markets continue to rise.

It's now August 7, and will be August 8th on the other side of the international date line in less than six hours.

And in a single moment the RV will just be there. Maybe tomorrow morning. Same infrastructure. Same 800#s. Same currency exchange locations.

The mass staffing of redemption centers was sent home and was deemed a total lost leader meant to mislead and distract the cabal away from the true mastermind plan.


We have been told the NPTB have reduced currency exchange inflow down to a "harmless trickle." Meaning, there is just not that many of us die hards left.

We're dinosaurs, folks. Relics. Antiques.


God is with us.

5 de mayo de 2017

Mensagem de ADAMATIS, das Plêiades -

É hora de despertar, de todos aqueles que sentem e reconhecem em seu coração a verdade por trás das coisas cotidianas de vida sobre a Terra. É hora de assumirem seus postos de guardiões da Luz sobre a Terra, pois esse papel precisa e deve ser desempenhado pelos filhos da Mãe Gaia, que hoje tem a graça de andar sob a superfície deste amado Planeta.

A maldade e a opressão está por trás de praticamente todos os atos daqueles que controlam o poder, a Cabala Escura, os Chapéus Pretos, os Iluminatti, a Chimera, seja qual for o nome usado para chama-los, eles são todos a mesma coisa, as trevas, o mal.

Há uma real opressão sobre a população da Terra, exercida em ambos os lados do véu, mas que é dirigida e coordenada pelas mais trevosas almas que residem do lado de cá do véu, que exercem controle sobre os daqui deste lado, tanto como sobre parcela de seres humanos viventes na superfície. Esses trevosos possuem armas e mecanismos de alta-engenharia psicótica de controle da mente, de forma que eles envolvem em energias toda a população do planeta, transformando os pensamentos daqueles mais fracos de coração, tornando-os verdadeiros zumbis sob controle do mal, tanto do lado de cá como do vosso lado do véu.

Entretanto, mesmo envolvendo a todos nessas energias psicóticas, O Universo envolve a tudo e a todos com elevadas energias do Amor, de forma que aqueles que hoje vivem em qualquer lado do véu sob a Terra, estão envolvidos tanto pelo lado negro como pela Luz.

Por isso tantos mensageiros trazem a vós palavras de ânimo e consolação para que busquem a Luz em seu próprio coração, pois vosso coração é o único lugar realmente seguro para cada um dos seres humanos, tanto do lado de cá como de vosso lado.

Nunca sob a Terra o Livre-Arbítrio foi tão importante como agora, pois neste final de ciclo onde o destino derradeiro já foi decidido pelo Criador atendendo ao pedido de ‘socorro’ emitido pela Mãe Gaia, e foi também o desejo ardente de todas as almas do planeta, de que sobre o Planeta Terra somente vivam aqueles cuja Luz do coração se irradie sincera e amorosamente ao redor, transformando este planeta em um planeta de Luz, onde não mal já não pode mais viver.

Essa a razão de tanto ódio sendo irradiado por todo o planeta, tanta opressão, tantas demonstrações de força, e também de tanta resistência daqueles portadores da Luz Pura do Amor Universal.

Hoje, parece que todos lutam contra todos, e este é o momento de se resguardar, de se proteger, de deixar que o mal lute contra o mal, até que ele se consuma a si mesmo.

É hora dos homens despertarem, de se posicionarem nas trincheiras do Amor, de envolverem-se com a Luz e Amor, de vestirem a Armadura de Deus, conectando-se com o Ser Divino e de Luz que cada um de vocês são, para permitirem que vossa Luz se irradie ao seu redor, contaminando com o mais Puro Amor a tudo e a todos ao redor.

Essa é a hora, vocês vieram à Terra para ajudar neste momento, vistam seus trajes de Luz, e vivam amorosamente seu dia-a-dia, mostrando a todos que “Vós Sóis Luz”, vós sois a Luz que não se apaga, e que vossa Luz emanada servirá como um Farol na escuridão, guiando a todos de volta para quem todos vocês são, LUZ.

Apronte-se. É hora de mostrar quem você é!

Eu Sou Adamatis, das Plêiades
Canalizado por Adriano Pereira

1 de mayo de 2017

FIVE SIGNS THAT WE ARE A GLOBAL CROSSING MASS AWAKENING ..- The real enemy is greed for money and power.

Luke Miller, April 12, 2017.

We are currently in the middle of a mass awakening that is happening at various levels across the globe. For sometimes we find it difficult to see what is happening because of the distractions of the media, advertising and manipulation. However, I have the chance to see the world from a different perspective for the work I do and I see a mass awakening a A local and global scale. There are many indicators of this awakening, five of which I describe below:


People are revolting. A small - scale rebellion, questioning government movements. This did not exist before, the level at which we seenow. Currently the cracks are starting to appear at all points of the regime, trying to keep us fighting among ourselves, but people want answers. Uprisings moderate type, with protests, petitions and strikes becoming very common throughout the world, with banners being built at Standing Rock, as an example for many people around the worldparticipate and express their solidarity. Largescale rebellion, with groups organizing revolutionary acts, also are joining in Iceland and Egypt these being just two examples of popular insurrection.

Worldwide we are fed up with the lies of governments. This is not a 100% smooth transition and unfortunately many activists and manufacturers are discussing changes between them. Nevertheless, something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction. something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction. something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction.


The world as we know it is falling apart. Our forests are being devastated. The oceans are polluted. We still have slaves around the world, working so that we can consume more than we need. We voted again and again in corrupt politicians. We have been complacent about corruption and tax payments support. Everything is fine, because many times we do, because we know that we became complacent.
We however, and are not ignorant of these facts and if we choose to maintain power system, we are repressing our feelings about what is happening and the best hypothesis, choosing notdo our part for the changes manifest. This is our test, the mirror is showing us the negativity of relevant and powerful characters and all of them are teaching us what we have collectively and no longer need to leave to go on living this lie. Ignorance can be bliss, but denial is a slow torture.

Seeing the world as É L ES

With the above two points in mind, we begin to see things as they are. There are many groups of activists are denouncing the atrocities committed, as never happened before and is very easy to become involved in a movement, when you want.
Eco-villas are emerging around the world, local farmers markets and more people are turning to a life of communion of resources. This became evident with companies like Uber and Airbnb. These may not be in communities, but emerged as a result of a lawsuit by the communion of resources. We had a collective consumerist mentality for a long time and although this mentality is still very much alive, many are moving toward an understanding that we need not have so many things,


Discussions with a group of people, I was keeping abreast of the many people who are experiencing sync events and splits. This occurs when two or more situations or people gather in what modern society calls matching; for example, you are thinking of someone, the phone rings and the person calling. That is also evident in numerical codes, specific people appearing in a project to help or ideas and things, just magic, which happen at the right time now.

Synchronicity is not just a spiritual phenomenon; it can also be explained by science, through something called quantum interlaced. If you believe in the "Big Bang" as the beginning of the Earth, then you know that this theory is that we were just a tiny particle in a Dotty existence. Interlaced Quantum is the physical phenomenon in which particles are separated but remain connected at the microscopic level, meaning that if you alter a particle, the other will be affected, regardless of the distance to be.
Thus , the universe was a starting point a single particle, which was divided in many ways, created different forms of life and existence, but we all still remain the single particle. Some of us may be more intertwined than others; This may explain the occurrence of magical events of sync.
Some of the most popular articles I've written speak on this topic and it 's amazing to me the number of people who are experiencing these events simultaneously. If you are one of those people, do not worry; There are other very sensitive they are experiencing the same.
Related articles: Vibration and Synchrony, tuning into the flow of the universe and return to spiritual practice.
All modern science has its roots in alchemy, which is a form of philosophical, spiritual and physical art that aims to transmute substances for a purer form. All the progress we are doing now, They were born of that practice.
The image below also shows how the Mayan pyramids resemble a computer chip. Currently, we are using an ancient sacred spiritual knowledge in an incredible way.
Not only that, we are moving collectively to pursue spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. These ancient art forms are becoming commonplace and even practiced in schools and prisons to help maintain focus.
Some of these practices were definitely marketed and capitalized in some cases, losing the essence of the original practice. However, I think this was a necessary step to obtain information on a large scale process. It may not seem like much, when someone shares an inspiring meme on Facebook, but that word can often be enough to brighten someone's day and so we go, realizing that we are all the original particle, we all share that in common. And when someone feels pain on this planet, we all feel too; but not only that we all have the ability to heal that pain.
It's time to rebel, but when I say sublevar does not mean go out causing chaos. This type of rebellion is the strategy of division and conquest we initially placed in this confusion. You are rebelling doing the right things, even when nobody is looking. You are rebelling up and expressing their opinion when she witnesses an injustice. We rebel joining us in front of adversity and saying not continue letting a small group of people, who think they deserve to live at our expense, divide us. 
We're going together, this mass awakening. The real enemy is greed for money and power. We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love!

Copyright: © Luke Miller
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NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key.
Translation: Lúcia ( We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love! Copyright: © Luke Miller Source: https: // ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love! Copyright: © Luke Miller Source: https: // ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( com / 2017/04/12/5-signs-going-global-mass-Awaken ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links are operating the Google translation. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( com / 2017/04/12/5-signs-going-global-mass-Awaken ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links are operating the Google translation. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( html Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( html Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia (

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...