
8 de febrero de 2018

False news as an excuse to impose global media dictatorship

01/13/2018  JuanLu González Bits red - green

It is really touching to see how Western states are concerned, a time now, the quality of the information received by the public through the media. That apparently say- we are being victims of a conspiracy by a group of evil countries that have planned, through its own propaganda apparatus, brainwash and undermine the foundations of the Western way of life, ending freedoms and our political system. But worst of all is that, as victims incapable of realizing the Machiavellian plan that hangs over our heads, paternalistic state intervention to protect countries and liars media and disseminators of hoaxes and unfounded rumors is necessary.

That is, grosso and jocular way, the argumentario which is distilled from many news, newspaper editorials and statements of policy makers in the US and the European Union in recent times.As on many other occasions, the power is going to create the necessary consensus among public opinion to justify decisions that appear as liberticidas and unpopular, just that sufficient evidence are held to analyze rationally.

And, what we come up is not trivial, is the end of freedom and neutrality of the Internet, handling searches, blocking satellite channels, eliminating social networking accounts or work ban of certain television in many countries that pride themselves on being the minions of freedom of expression and communication in the world. It 's not about future events , more or less ad soothsayers, unfortunately we talk about verifiable facts, the sad daily reality. Many examples are set:

• The approval late last year by the Federal Communications Commission of the end of neutrality and equal access to the Internet. This means that the network speed may vary depending on how much is paid, who is concerned or the interests of the operators, which opens the door to expel certain pages, to penalize widths ridiculous band annoying pages the power that become unworkable users and invisible to the search bots.

• Changes in mathematical search algorithms appear to prevent undesirable news for power. Someone put the outcry when he discovered that if you typed in Google "11S" the first thing that came was news "unofficial" or different from the conspiranoica version drafted by the US government versions, since they were the most read and demands by the general public. Since then the results are rigged so that the information has leading positions in line with the one-dimensional thinking. They are the most affected by changes in Google? As might be expected, the contrainformativas pages, the left alternative sites worldwide.

• In the Spanish State, the right has been proposed to control social networks preventing anonymity account creation even against the advice of the United Nations to defend freedom of expression, as a culmination to the worst year for freedom of expression since the dictator's death just suffer and continue tosuffer. • The expulsion of Telesur grills several Latin American by political decisions, such as Macri Argentina in 2016, which was also later extended to RT countries.

• The censorship TV station Al Manar, removing it from the grill Nilesat and Arabsat of satellites or declaring it as a terrorist by the US State Department for being "anti-Semitic" and incitement to violence. Meanwhile, the true channel of agitation and promotion of wars in the region, Aljazeera, broadcast as normal while supporting the Takfiri terrorism without any subterfuge for years.

• The boycott HispanTV and PressTV in Hispasat satellites ordered by the Spanish government in 2012, it still has almost 10% of its shares, along with that is the majority shareholder Abertis and Eutelsat in the hands of Israeli capital. This measure was expanded Astra satellites under the guise of European sanctions regime for the non - existent Iranian military nuclear program and have not been reversed despite the signing of the agreements of the G5 + 1. • The temporary closure of accounts on social media networks that do not follow the mainstream tax.Although to date the accounts have always been restituted after several days of punishment, it is not surprising that once a decision is taken permanent nature.

• Imposing to RT and Sputnik in late 2017 declared as "foreign agent" in the US relying on a 1938 law and preventing him from exercising journalistic work in public institutions such as the Congress venue. • A ban on buying advertising in social media communication networks antagonists, as has happened with Twitter and RT channel, although this was offered as a service to render to the television network.

What transcends all this eradication campaign information "dissidents" of our countries it is to end the real diversity of opinions. Power has always sought a monopoly of information to shape public opinion at will. However, progress towards the plurality which resulted in his day the generalization of the Internet and the emergence of new global media, has come to bother too much. Now they try to demonize, criminalize or even accused of terrorism to any means to disseminate information that is located outside the increasingly stringent limits considered acceptable by the establishment.

The pretext used for this are the alleged false news broadcasting and television websites not controlled by national governments or financial capital, which, by itself, the invalidate to continue their business. However, a serious problem arises: who decides what is false news and what is not without partiality denote? Obviously, to address seriously the issue, some system should be implemented in a transparent, public and incontestable verification. However, it is clearly opting for prior censorship in the purest, more forceful and dramatic Orwellian style, but are put into danger fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and information.

Recently the country has been convicted in court for spreading false news, would that mean that it should be closed in response to those premises? Obviously, few would arise because, nevertheless, does not pose a danger to the system, quite the opposite. However, foreigners when media broadcast live in Spain mobilizations other hidden when they placed cameras and mikes experts and local activists who ever a conventional local media would give him a second time, it's just foreign plots, canards diffusion of attempts to destabilize a country, fake news. On the contrary, when considered serious media spread false reports permanently sewers cooked by the state to incriminate parties or people uncomfortable, that, here,

Of course, it is not accidental that has been the country who lead the ridiculous campaign against alleged Russian and Venezuelan interference in Spanish politics and support for the independence movement. The deputy director of El País, who has personally devoted body and soul to spread these own canards of the Cold War, has been formed in the United States to turn a defender of the foreign policy of empire and has personal ties to foundations belonging to CIA networks and George Soros.

It is no coincidence that many of the attacks on freedom of expression and communication in the world take place in the US and the Spanish State. Media in both countries are the least credible of the Western world for their own populations, as demonstrated academic research, and its people are hungry for different materials, simply because they do not trust official or corporate news releases. Why they are commonly reported through internet. It is logical that governments and companies in the sector uninformative feel especially threatened by disaffection and act so moved by fear in order to eradicate competition.

As the great José Luis Sampedro wrote "without freedom of thought, freedom of expression is useless". we are already adults to choose who informs us or who misinform us. The state has no right to restrict freedom of information and freedom of thought.This type of action has nothing to do with the general interest but in the interest of the ruling class to perpetuate their privileged position. By definition, the more informative diversity, much better and for that, nothing better than the manifold ways.

how the separation of powers in our country never existed, as the regime of 78 served to sustain the Francoist powers.Unfortunately, that's what we are worth neither the corporate media nor the public media as they are working today. We need, because we are entitled to either political or economic truthful, independent media powers, running our country. And that is, pure health, something extrapolated to all countries and all societies.whether political or economic, running our country. And that is, pure health, something extrapolated to all countries and all societies. whether political or economic, running our country. And that is, pure health, something extrapolated to all countries and all societies.
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