
17 de febrero de 2018

Pay attention to who share your intimate energy

Resultat d'imatges sex chakra

Privacy at this level intertwines with our auric auric energy of the other person energy. These powerful connections, no matter how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual waste, especially in people who do not practice any physical and spiritual purification. The more you interact with someone intimately, more deep is the connection, and the greater the intertwining of auras. This is something beautiful when we are really in love and want to spend with that person for the rest of our days, because when we love we really want to share the good and bad with our partner, but what if only is it was an act of pleasure or one night ?, could no longer be so nice ...

Can you imagine how is the energy field of someone sleeping with several people, carrying around these multiple energies? what they do not know is that others may feel that energy, and it can repel attract positive energy and negative energy in their lives. I always say: "Never sleep with someone you do not like to be" (Lisa Chase Patterson) We are all physical beings, but in reality we are much more than that, too "We are energy beings". When we have an intimate encounter, energies merge, no matter if it comes to astral sex (OBE), physical sex, or oral sex.

If you have sex with loving people, wonderful That positive energy is absorbed and exalts. If you have sex with negative, pessimistic, unstable people, depressive -the energy you have collapsed and uninterested in everyday life, for example. Married couples have absorbed the energy of your spouse, if you lie down with a married person, the power of your spouse therefore be mixed with it, and vice versa. So, next time you want to jump into bed with someone, remember that it will absorb the energy of the people with whom that person has had sex, unless this person to practice on a regular basis some kind of clean energy.

Resultat d'imatges sex chakra
This is not about a new discovery, Christians often called this connection "soul ties". It is also widely discussed in the study of tantric sex. There is interesting information on this topic in books and articles. 

Here we present information on cleaning and aural healing. 

In everyday life, we will accumulate unwanted energies. and regular cleaning of the aura is necessary for our health and wellbeing.

It's the same with personal hygiene, if one does not bathe, the body becomes increasingly dirty, little by little, the smell is unpleasant and unbearable. Eventually your body even becomes a breeding ground for disease and bacteria, if not clean your aura, your spiritual energy system will also become "dirtier". Eventually it will be unpleasant for those around you (although neither consciously understand why). Your energy system will begin to attract lower vibrations, which is not healthy for you and for others. 

In modern culture, we hope that people take care of their personal hygiene by bathing regularly. But, spiritually we are not yet so developed!

To clean the aura there are different cleaning methods, some are light, others are deeper - in terms of hygiene - in the same way we do with our bodies, like putting deodorant, change clothes, wash our hands, or face, or the entire body, the latter being considered the most "profound" in body cleansing, however light cleaning is still useful. Options for cleaning the bath with saltsWater helps remove dirt, both physical and energy. Adding salt to your bath stimulates the flow of our own energy and removes minor psychic debris out of our aura. 

The swimming Submerging in water helps cleanse the aura, the ocean water is more effective because it contains salts and minerals, making it useful in extracting minor psychic debris out of our aura. Sunlight light exposure to sunlight stimulates the flow of our own energy, some low vibrations can be no exposure to bright light. Four more effective approaches to cleaning aural 

1.Meditatión aural Even basic meditation helps to release and relax. Aural meditation works directly with the release of unwanted through the connection with the earth energies, cleansing our aura, the energy channels and chakras. One of the most effective ways to clean and take care of our auric aura is through meditation. 

2.Sanaciones aurales A healing aura is through a healer, which will help in cleaning unwanted energies on your system. Unblocking the energy tunnels, allowing the flow of energy. For more information on the auric healing, it is recommended to investigate reiki, or visit a reiki healer in your area. aural 

3.Lectura We often confuse the energy of others with our own When we confuse foreign energy with ours, we do not release it We cling to it because we believe we are. In a prescient aural reading, a reader can help you identify your own energy and foreign energy discern when we recognize an energy that does not belong to us, it is much easier to release. 

4.Palpación of emotions When our emotional energy is blocked, congestion is created through our system of spiritual energy. This causes the unpleasant facility to stagnate and stay with unwanted energies. Allowing yourself to feel hidden emotions creates a release of energy. This movement and flow supports us in clearing mental debris.

Other options for cleaning the aura

Stand with an open body posture strong wind helps in the release of unwanted energies. Sea breezes contain moisture, salt and minerals, ocean winds are especially beneficial for cleansing the aura. 

Gardening and Nature Through gardening and commune with nature, we enter into direct contact with the ground. Contact with the earth helps us to release unwanted energies of our system. 

Creativity Creating something that excites us, makes us create energy waves, these waves stimulate the flow of our own energy, and help us to release blocks and unwanted energies

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