
17 de febrero de 2018

* Release of Sexual Magic. * 2 - Honoring the body of the goddess

* Release of Sexual Magic. * 2 - Honoring the body of the goddess * Connection brain - spinal cord: * Masturbation By honoring our body, and to honor the body of your partner and make love only when there is true love -this is the key-. The sexual energy of our body is our life force. It is the strength of the god or goddess who resides in nosotas because it contains the secret of secrets -that the creative force. Most human uses her sexuality so that they regenerate rather than degenerate.

Like the women have been sold the idea that they can not prevent pregnancy when you do not want to have children, the men have been sold the idea that the process of ejaculation is the only way to have an orgasm. The taboo of sex is based on these two aspects. Sexual yoga, to avoid spilling the glass of Hermes, semen, then orgasm becomes multiorgasmic, or say the Kundalini call where the seminal liquor may be retained and fluid power can be distributed throughout the body. It is a higher form of sexuality and practiced in the East for centuries.

If you are a man, you can learn to have sex retaining sperm and not ejaculating. There are more techniques you can learn. Pressing the perineum, this small area between the anus and genitals, retains the vital force within the body and orgasm changes.

 Humans have been deceived to have only genital orgasms, experiences very localized, rather than having an experience that involves the whole body, a cosmic experience. When we stop to think about the number of bodies we have, we are also able to realize that we can have an orgasmic experience in all these bodies.

 So, to rethink and redefine the kind of pleasure we want, we can start living different ways to receive pleasure and get out of the genital area (second chakra).

As we warned sperm is a catalyzing force of existence and every time a man releases sperm, exhausted, to some extent, your body. Ideally , a man ejaculated only when wanted, ie when procreate or wanted to live this experience in other sexual practices which are used yoga called Kalas. 

Keep in mind that some ideas keep us at a very low vibrational state, ideas rather degenerate rather than rejuvenate. First, you have told that sex is something wrong? Then why they have created institutions to forgive when you do these bad things? the planetary mind there are dualities that come and go that we will confront and dissolve with the natural mind.

Many people especially in the Western world do not even know how much they are convinced that sex is bad. This conviction is a thick layer covering all their behavior and makes passing through the sexual experience a hurry because, if they are doing something wrong, do not want to be caught doing so. T

here is an appropriate point, a point of equilibrium. No need to feel no shame or guilt after a sexual experience. That is why we insist that it is essential to have a profound loving union with your partner. The love we feel for it usually avoids generally, the feeling of shame and guilt. Loveless shame and guilt and the havoc that can be emotionally very large appears frequently.

There are many things that can be explored in the genital area of men and women. The holes you have, offer different acupuncture points that can be activated. This has very little to do with genital penetration. 

The pure fact look into the eyes to the other makes occurrence of a DNA strand exchange, and can cause tremendous excitement. This is a connection from the heart to the eyes of the soul- the heart of the soul. Of course we can close my eyes; however, strong eye contact changes the experience. You feel like may also be aware of the chakras, especially playing the lover 's heart chakra. Lay your hand on the heart chakra of the other person and Keep your hearts open.

All points begin to come alive if ye estimuláis with your eyes, activáis You use the chakras and acupressure points in the genital area. When you touch these points it produces a chemical response that allows you to have an orgasm that ascends all bodies. 

This makes go up the ladder of knowledge and we get closer to divinity. It also implies permission to explore other bodies to feel completely free to form and expression of the body. 

This is the next avenue.

Explorad who you are, what you seek clarificad And let the duration of expression of your sexuality, is a time of joy. Sex has nothing to do with a feat; It is about sharing and the more intimate union exists. It is not simply a 'how good it was. " It has to do with intimacy, merging with another while maintaining their own identity. It has to do with help and be helped because it will be essential to maintain our own identity and rediscover what is the pleasure and joy. Our body will then begin to remember.

Perhaps you may be able to change your focus while you make love not immediately reach the climax. Merry, outisde the point just before the climax, the frequency Hold up , go down to a certain point and come back up again and again. Take you all the time you want.

 If you honor this process you can pass hours because this creates a deep intimacy and experience will last much longer, generating a time and electro-magnetic intimacy expansion. Rejuvenation or regeneration occurs when you share intimate evenings and nights, long look with your eyes open and learn how to make your body do what you want me to do.

I advise remove all old attachments with respect to your body. Visualize how clean it is and how blessed all sexual energies from previous relationships are eliminated. 

Do whatever you can to lovingly remove previous sex and that meant a lot in your life. Stop talking about the past and not give more energy to think about previous partners. Let it all go. If you keep talking about people with whom you have had a relationship for years, you still energize your thought forms in your auric field, especially if you have had a sexual relationship with that person. This inhibits you to live a new "now".

Nobody has taught us energy ramifications that occur when two people make love. 

Perhaps you want to celebrate some other ritual or a ceremony in order to eliminate the energy of others in your energy field. A ritual with smoke is a good way to cleanse the energy field.

Shamanic traditions in all they do, they use incense or any type of smoke to clean energy. Smoke is multidimensional. When using smoke, you are taking a step to clean, rinse and remove energy so that there is no attachment to it. 

Maybe you are interested cleanse your body and your house with smoke. (Wirradica ritual cleansing), in shamanic traditions use the sun as a source of global connection to the galactic energy system of the earth. The sun is a sensory-telepathic organ of the galactic center.

Honesty and intimacy and commitment are essential parts for satisfactory sexual experiences. It must allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to each other's eyes; that's when sexual activity contains a higher vibration. 

Just like in the 60s, there was much experimentation as a result of higher energy input, there will now be a lot of experimentation with sexuality in the coming years also involved spiritual exploration.

One thing is wanting to explore the sensuality and have orgasmic experiences because we want to feel good and understand sexuality and, through it, understand who we are. 

Another thing is to feel "horny" and feel all this increased sexual energy and then simply masturbaros and relieve tension and climax. Sexuality is a sacred gift that gives you your body, something intimate and sensual. It helps you to understand this inner strength that gives you pleasure.

 Sexuality is one of the most intimate aspects of your life. However, most people on this planet having sex without intimacy. It is a function. It is like putting oil in the car, "I need to make love, come." Women do like men. Our argument has always been that the reason you from the sex without fear, is that you could discover that sexuality is a portal that leads to greater awareness.

Sexuality regain a completely different value and will be one of the most powerful to argue as the Earth changes become more pronounced forces. When our society disintegrates we will want to re-evaluate everything. We will want to be together, to want to make commitments and have a couple in which you may trust. 

When will we realize the extent of life and when we understand how everything is accelerating, we will experience a pleasant feeling of rejuvenation. Couples who choose to be people we know from thousands of years ago.

As humans, we are always looking vibrations of ecstasy, love and contact that occurs when emotions are expressed. You can not have access to sexual frequency of ecstasy and love unfeeling because sexuality is feeling. There are many people who are desperately looking for this frequency and do not even know that you are looking for. In his naivete only they know seek sexual expression.

If you are women, you can help your male partner to open, to accept you for yourselves and your own body. You can set the scales so that you know what kind of man you are available. Magnetizaréis to such men because they are willing to learn and change. Male vibrations in general are very confused right now because we do not know for sure what their identity.

We realize that we need to attract those who are willing to integrate changes. The more stable love for your body and the more secure you are with respect to what you want and desire, the easier it will be the task for men. 

Too many women have been silent for too many years and have settled on a date on Saturday night. Women have not created rules that men have had to stick.

Thanks to the activation of the feminine energy of the Goddess and understanding of the entire female form, as it was designed, it is creating a new modelo.Las women tend to talk about their feelings and desires in this way to create a new pattern experiences. 

This will make it easier for men to open their centers of feelings, to live their emotions, raise your sexual energy through your chakras and be more comfortable in the privacy of what they ever imagined. 

It will take time. Women have been so locked in their silence and men in the absence of feelings that changes can not occur from one day to the other. You must be patient with each other. Have compassion for all people and what they are going through.

You have many things to share and teach one person to the other. One of the great taboos of your society has been oral sex (see Part One ). We have said that the substance of female power is the blood, as the substance of male power is the sperm. 

The sperm carries a huge amount of information while blood can be compared to a healing elixir, a source of life; both offer revitalization and rejuvenation. Share these substances within an intimate and loving relationship is to share the deepest secrets of our power. It involves melting peak of our identities so we can remember who we are and why we are together in this life.

When women realize the mysteries of blood, many will very creative and quirky things with it. They will learn to realize that is not a horrible, ugly, bad and Stinker but has many mysteries. They'll play creatively and respectfully and with no sense of shame with this substance to see what you can do with it. 

The same is true of sperm. By ingesting these substances create a very deep bond. It's like drinking or infiltrate secret and essence of individuals from which they come. Once again we insist that without the ingredient love, you can never live this exalted state of fullness. (Link sexual Yoga and Kalas)

When there is love and trust, sharing, eating and using these fluids opens the door to deeper union memories and intimacy. You will go beyond what is called secret. Most people are not able to maintain this state for a long time. They can approach and can live; however, they are not able to complete the next phase of intimacy that goes beyond the physical. 

The intimacy that comes from sharing is very deep. What you are living and what is revealed is very deep. It needs love and a lot of preparation to use these substances properly. Our intention must be very clear when we experience these things and we will open a new way to travel.

We encourage couples who are going to make love to have an intention around their sexual activity. 

This does not take away the spontaneity. Does not mean that you have to organize yourselves , planning and structuring a fix in advance the appointment and go through several stages before together again 

When you develop an intimacy, sexual activity not only occurs when hormones move. Sexual expression occurs continuously. When you go to the market you can talk about your sexuality. Needless to enclose this experience in the bedroom or the time that you take a drink or in certain boxes of performances. 

You will be imbued with this energy. It is part of what will make you understand your divinity. This is essential!

We can not understand what it means to be a god or goddess (= being a multidimensional being) without sexual experience, at least not completely. 

This is because we are human and it is part of how our bodies were designed. It is the gift of the Reptilian mothers! Our secretions and mysteries are gifts that should be explored with dignity, grace, reverence and respect in the context of an intimate and committed relationship.

All creatures on this planet have some way of sexual expression - a method and reproducing- excited. We can not understand how two flies whose antennae touch, excite each other. 

The creatures of the Earth - plants and animals are stimulated at once and soar to higher states of activity without reproducing. Keep this picture. You need to understand sexuality. No exit sexuality of your life because be afraid of the life force itself that is in you.

 If you come together in pairs it will be easier to talk about and freely discover sexuality. There will come a time when you will feel very comfortable with the subject. No one will question the moral point of view because not be able to handle this type of teaching if you do not understand what 's going on.

Sexuality inter-dimensional. 

The highest experience in antiquity was making love with your partner and merge with a highly evolved being honored us and took itself the vibration of love, and thus make the sexual experience in an inter-dimensional experience. 

These multidimensional beings are beings of light as we in essence. In fact, before history, it is the natural way to exchange information with the stars, worlds and galactic mind. Remember that the earth is a kind of galactic bank information or living library.

The practice of meditation on the nature of mind and conscious sexual yoga make sexual magic that lives in humans. 

In this way you can reach an agreement with the universal intelligence and thus genuine human beings were born, when people practiced this magic knew who was born before birth, sexuality is how interdimensional communication. 

We have to state the rules and conditions regarding our sexuality, give the order to the nonphysical realms to approach us only those things that are right. 

To merge with a being let use the information stored in our DNA for specific purposes recovery of lost worlds.

There was a time, at the origin of the Earth that is considered sexual experience as the art of merging our being called gods or goddesses creative. If another type of energy appeared ye would realize.

 But perhaps you have not yet learned to recognize other energies and, therefore, do not know who they can be. 

The higher realms are not without disappointments. How do you know on Earth that the person with whom you have befriended a good person? We follow our intuition that same perception ability works the same when it comes to the nonphysical realms.

Let 's be clear with the energies that want to merge with us. Order, ordering that they comply with our availability. We establish the rules for both Sirius, Antares, Vega ... Pleiadians both all the aliens, both gods and goddesses, beings who inhabit the higher dimensions. Example of an order: "Listen, I'm learning from you. I do not understand anything. I know you These are my rules: I'll just make love with someone I love. I honor my body. I honor Earth. For me the most important thing is integrity. If you can adjust to my values, I welcome you and teach you things about human sexuality. "

We suggest that you keep your values and that you be very clear regarding your availability when you explore communication and play with sexual energy, entities and beings who are looking for a human to take shape. You must clearly reaffirm these values again and again. We are talking about spiritual sex and expect us a lot in this area unexplored. On the one hand, we remain open in this area, while we are reviewing our current beliefs about the subject of sex, expanding the vision where pleasure and ecstasy are playing our senses perceive the universal energy.

Also we encourage you to explore all the limitations that you may believe to have, analyzing thoughts. Sexuality is presented as a birthright and it is our heritage as human. Long ago, the Earth was completely in tune with natural forces and then created a vibration which these forces of nature fed. Remember that all things are interconnected separate 'Nothing and everything is connected to everything. Now what we do here affects all existence. 

Note 2: Masturbation

Wanking has nothing wrong. It is a great practice if you learn to honor your body and stimulate certain feeling in your body. Masturbaros without projections, no feelings of shame and without attracting a variety of unknown beings into your body through your thought. It has its tricks, like everything else. 

If you have not you ever masturbated, how can you expect to make love with someone and wanting the other knows your body when you do not know yourselves what? It is an art form, but do not practice only for relief and ejaculating. Use masturbation as a means of relieving tension should make you think. When you feel desire to express sexual energy, you might think:

"Well, if I decide to practice the art of masturbation, this time will be only to relieve tension. I want to reduce tension. " If this is what you feel, think: "Okay, how do I handle this accumulation of energy? 

Because instead of using my old patterns of masturbation and remove excess energy and feel relieved for a moment, I think this time I will go for gold and feel a little uncomfortable. I will hold this energy. Instead of masturbating, I will sit in some quiet place to meditate, to perform sexual yoga! ... I will use crystals, will practice breathing techniques and I'll put in the column of light ... ". Draw down the light through the eye of your mind and feel how your body fills.

This will help you greatly because you want to learn and evaluaros yourselves and know where your limits are. You want greater relaxation and a broader view, however, carry your energy continuously only to a certain level. By retaining your sexual energy, you will begin to use your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye. You open your crown chakra and will think: 
"Ah, I'm getting smarter. ? How come I'm getting smarter " 

The answer is: because you are using your life force differently rather than simply following a recipe. You have only a recipe for what you call sexuality is your life force. And there are many ways to use it.

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Note 3: 
ANNEX: Connection brain - spinal cord: it 
is why in our physiological constitution, the ancestral brain is connected directly to the brainstem and cerebellum. It is the awakening of the brain through activation of Kundalini, which allows the transport of energy to Sushumna and the recovery of our ancestral power.  In summary, the ancestral brain is LOCKED OUR KNOWLEDGE.

 Moreover, almost right on top of the cerebellum is the occipital chakra, the important extension of the sixth chakra. Let 's see together the spine, the spinal cord in which fire is Kundalini and the human brain. 

When the light energy of the sacred serpent rises along the spine (in yellow in the diagram) passes through the brain stem, destroying what remains of the "enemy program of mass destruction within us" perversely made by Anu the evil, and then unleashes the power of the brain. 

The first dorsal chakra is at the tip of the tailbone. The legs and feet are like "the extension" so to raise the Kundalini must be totally connected and perfectly grounded.
Sexual Magic planetary adventure from the secret center. 

Pleiadean keys to Genetic Manipulation ReptilianaCodificando DNA GALÁCTICO, Antares Intermediate station and Arturus we show that sexuality is a form of interdimensional exchange. 

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