
17 de febrero de 2018

SEX energy ties that are created and sexual wounds we acquire if done without love

Energy ties are created and sexual wounds we acquire if done without love.
 Resultat d'imatges sex chakra
Welcome to this post where talk of sex as something not to reproduce, but as the energy generated by us, depending on the consciousness or unconsciousness for it.

After reading this, you will learn that your physical vehicle is a sacred temple and learn to take care of your energy and know with whom to share ...

As you see in the graph starts to have an insight all the magic of the energies in both, because we live in energy vortexes called chakras.

Energy penetration in the heat of emotions or feelings, you begin to generate faster in the base chakra putting more emphasis on the sexual chakra mode.

Resultat d'imatges sex chakra

Intimacy is a step, with whom, it is the key

Intimacy: the union, at this point in a couple intertwines with our auric auric energy of the other person's energy.

These powerful energy connections, regardless of minimum inconsequential you think they are spiritual and energy leave traces and even karmatic.

The more you interact with someone intimately, more deep is the connection and the greater the intertwining of the auric fields

We are all physical beings but believe it or not, we are more than that, more than a physical body, we are "energy beings" as well.

That is why we started a relationship from physical attraction, because this is part of the vibration in this 3D world. why love at first sight is said. The concept at the old frequency of this world is when we say we chemistry, it was love at first sight, or I liked since I saw it, ie in this age of Aquarius this concept became more present, the physical, forgetting little some of the virtues of the soul, the virtuous, and bright which is part of the spirit.

Increasingly, creating materialists couple hundred percent not only money and everything that comes with money but choosing good bodies as ,, or stereotypes of beauty that we pre-establish in the mind, ignoring the soul. All the mental is material.
Pleasure, safety, physical beauty. This leads to pain and emptiness, and therefore death.

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When we have an intimate encounter, the energies merge , whether it is physical sex, or oral sex or astral sex, acquire part of its energy and this leads codes ego darkness of people or codes virtues light of those words and you make it clear:
If you have intimate relationships with people, virtuous, awake, conscious light-filled love, loving, positive ... that wonderful energy is absorbed as you start new energy codes and exalts is where it is said that love rises.

If you have intimate relationships with people dense, dark asleep, unconscious, devoid of light egoically love itself very negative, fatalistic, unstable, depressive, drug addicts alcoholics whether social, with people who get you for sharing something, if you mess with people selling sex, the energy that you will acquire if the new codes energy you will receive add you to a more dense and unconscious state, you're going to have fallen apart and selfless way in everyday life, an empty life nothing may you fill can have money and even that will give you joy, you feel a deep emptiness, you will walk up wanting to get you and consume alcohol or drugs, stole, killed, some of that karmic energy you absorb you and then you wonder why I'm so agresiv @. Your life change occurs but negative,

Paying for sex is the worst part because you do not help anyone but you contribute to a huge vacuum density pain, guilt and fear, increasing primarily yours.
 Married couples have absorbed the energy of their spouses, if he sleeps with a married person, the power of your husband or wife, consequently, be mixed with it, and vice versa.
 Resultat d'imatges sex chakra

PEOPLE WAKE rule the roost, and know CHOOSE LOVE AND LIGHT
It is not abusing the couple, or a couple looking to live well in the material or is handsome or pretty, to improve the breed;  but knowing this energy, -transites, a path of consciousness -seas extremely careful in choosing your sexual partners, far from being in favor of repression or denial of sexual, emotional, mental and physical freedom means going a little further and be fully responsible and aware of the consequences of our choices. You know choose whether you want to live light or dark?

"Always and at all times I say, ever sleep with someone you do not like to be"
- Lisa Hunt patterson

Barry Long's words:

"Make love for love, only for love. And when you're making love not expect anything beyond that point.
If there is not enough love in your partner, stop doing it; do not love. "



The penis is a transmitter and a receiver vagina: the penis will fill with vital juices, energy codes, also it emits the male body emits from his heart, and is deposited in the vagina where it nests.
That is why now in Kaliyuga there is more density because sex is no longer look sacred but as speed and taste like when snacks is chosen to meet domestic gluttony, an empty unconscious being, full of guilt fear or pain, looking here and there and no value not only your partner but not him or herself a rapidin sought by there, without thinking of the energies that are acquired.
new poses, new bodies, new games, trios swing, sadomasochism, anything to fill that void which has the fallen here no blame, only unconscious people seek.


WOUNDS ARE BORN ,,,, but everything is solvable CAMBIA, DESPIERTA

As I said penis transmitted but .. The pelvis is a container of physical, emotional and spiritual energies.
It is the area of ​​creativity, expressiveness, sensuality.
The matrix is ​​the repository of sexual history, both good erotic experiences as traumatic.
The pelvis reflects sexuality, ability to root ourselves and find our place in the world.
The same woman is energetically damaged, when acting from a male pattern.

How is this?

Well when acting with a superficial sexuality detached from the heart, allowing the man to use to download and relieve their sexual tension in a sexual act is a form of masturbation.
There are men who seek only their satisfaction in a sexual encounter with a vagina they consider an easy woman, of those they see as throwaway, that if ... give money not to take the blame and say ... at least gave him for soap, these men or andantes penises, women used to ejaculate, as a means to release their pent-up energy, masturbate your sacred self.

There are women who through ignorance, naivety or unconsciousness or because they see that man is a bank teller, and deliver their flower that only men are using.

What do you think is going on here ?,

What kind of energy link has been created in this sexual encounter?

Now, that is not good for her, nor can it be for him,
Consider that the same treatment inconsiderate, he, himself has, although not conscious is also assaulting his soul and body in its feminine side.
It is creating conflicts and dis-connection with the sacred feminine, and women are creating conflicts and dis-connections with the sacred masculine.


One vibration and Almica learning is attracting such situations, that is, because I seek relationships quick sex or people who do not love, well they are your mirrors, simply because you do not love, you mism @, you mism @
you interact with people of the same vibration, and sometimes you can fall in love with someone like that, with the inability to love and nurture yourself you can even use you because they perceive your need for love, but because in your unconsciousness this disaffection towards you mism @.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...