
12 de febrero de 2018


"How do you say when the murderers accuse the murderers? They all lie, and you have to have mercy on those who lie"  (Colonel Kurz in "Apocalyse Now, Francis Ford Coppola 1979)
We could dramatize and clarify what is at stake is not state crimes against life, but only against the truth, but the truth is that if we start mask of apparent -of public dignitaries servers citizenship- to promoters censure alternative media, we found a club for sociopaths that power is an end in itself, and seeking to stifle dissenting voices only because it is more socially acceptable than you silence them by violence. 
The truth is that the hypocrites in the chancelleries and media call "fake news" to the information that contradict their own lies, no truth that they are alien.

Hysteria erupted in Washington as NATO mounted an entire device to accuse Russia of continuing the propaganda of the former Soviet Union. 

The mainstream media try to discredit the new US president accusing him of anything and this accuses them of spreading false news. 

This endless blame game is amplified by the sudden development of social networks, which previously served the State Department as a tool against nationalist regimes but now become popular forums against abuses of elites ... starting with Washington .

Since the announcement himself from his surprise choice without waiting to take possession of the White House, the vast majority of US media denounced NATO and President Donald Trump as incapable, if not mentally disturbed.
 Thus it began between the media class and the new president a battle where each side accuses the other of spreading false news.
Responsible for almost all NATO countries and only in those countries- denounce the "fake news" or "false news". Thereby exposing say the alleged influence of Russian propaganda in the "Western democracies". 

The country most affected by this campaign is France, whose president, Emmanuel Macron, has announced the development of a law specifically designed to combat this "attack on democracy" ... but only "electoral period".

Actually, false news is such an old problem as the world and the fact that the English expression 'fake news' is now repeated in exactly the same way in all languages ​​of NATO indicates the Anglo-Saxon origin of this "new "problematic.
NATO campaign source on 'fake news'
In 2009, President Barack Obama announced at the NATO summit in Strasbourg-Kehl held their intention to  create a service of "Strategic Communication" for NATOIt took six years to create that service around the 77th Brigade of the ground forces of the United Kingdom and the 361st Civil Affairs Brigade of the US ground forces (with bases in Germany and Italy).
The initial mission was to counter accusations that the American deep state had organized the attacks of 11 September 2001 and subsequently reports pointing to the Anglo-Saxons as planners of the "Arab Spring" and the war against Syria. Such accusations were classified as 'plotters' or 'conspiracy'. 

But, then quickly he shifted to try to convince the peoples of the member countries of NATO that Russia continues the propaganda of the former Soviet Union and that, therefore, the Atlantic alliance still good for something.

Finally, in April 2015, the European Union also gave a "Working Group for Strategic Communications to the East" (East StratCom Task Force). 
The working group sent weekly to thousands of journalists an overview of the "Russian propaganda". 
For example, in its latest edition (January 11, 2018) accuses Sputnik having propalado the Copenhagen Zoo feeds their beasts with abandoned pets. 
Serious threat to the "democracies"! It seems that specialists Task Force East StratCom agonize find significant examples of "Russian interference".
In August of the same year 2015, NATO launched its "Strategic Communication Center" in Riga, capital of Latvia. 

The following year, the State Department was provided, meanwhile, the Global Engagement Center, or Center for Global Engagement, which pursues the same objectives.

Facebook, Hillary Clinton's favorite toy ended up turning against it
In 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spurred by Jared Cohen -Head of Policy Planning Bureau - became convinced that it was possible to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran manipulating social networks. The result was not as expected. Nevertheless, two years later, in 2011, the same Jared Cohen, become head of Google Ideas, managed to mobilize the youth of Cairo. 
Although the "revolution" in Tahrir Square did not influence the opinion of the Egyptian people, so he was born the myth of the spread of the American way of life through Facebook. As a result, the State Department funded numerous associations and conferences to promote Facebook.
The real surprise came during the US presidential election of 2016. The real estate developer Donald Trump, an upstart to the political class, eliminated one by one all his rivals, including Hillary Clinton's own, and was elected to the White House thanks Facebook councils. For the first time, the dream of the leader of the professional politicians became reality ... but against herself. From overnight, Facebook became demonized by the mainstream press.

It was then revealed that it is possible to artificially cause movement of opinion and mass by  manipulating social networks , but users eventually return to reason after a certain number of days. 
This is a constant in all systems handling information: its effects are ephemeral. 
The only kind of lie that creates long-term behaviors involves long have pushed the public to get some sort of lesser commitment, or to proselytize.
In any case, Facebook understood this perfectly because he created his own "World Political Bureau and awareness of Governments' and put it in the hands of Katie Harbath. 

Facebook aims to create collective emotions  in favor of this or that client, but not lasting about organizing campaigns.

It is also why French President Macron wants to impose laws on social networks only for electoral periods. 
The Macron himself became president thanks to the disorder that Facebook and a weekly planted together against rival Francois Fillon, orchestrated by Jean-Pierre Jouyet operation. 
In any case, Macron fear that the next time social networks are used against it coincides with NATO's will to show that there is continuity between Russia and the USSR in terms of propaganda. 
So Macron cites as examples of manipulation Sputnik interview about his private life and the fact that half echo of his claim on a bank account abroad was made.
Thierry Meyssan  
(Source: )

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