
20 de febrero de 2018

This is the message

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Intensifies the illegal attack on Catalonia from the B155. It has two complementary and impossible purposes. On one side, put some sort of presentable order in Europe in the disaster that he has organized for its incompetence and authoritarianism. Another break a peaceful and democratic social movement backed by a majority of more than two million people. To achieve desperately these two ends, the B155 is ready to use all means. He was going to add "legal" and "illegal" but to be under illegal use of 155, there is no legal means; all are illegal. Clean and no foul play; everything is dirty. The end justifies the means.

After appearing on the magnet Ripoll (paid CNI) news, it must continue to ask the government to account on what he knew of the attack, as have Rufian in Parliament and  Puigdemont from exile, especially when some argue that  CNI Mossad informed of an imminent attack in Barcelona and expressly linked to such a magnet, Abdelbaky is Satty. The interpretation raises the government 's silence on the one hand and its involvement in poisoning maneuvers other is left. But here expect everything from a government whose president says "not aware" that has tens of thousands of people killed by his and buried in unmarked graves, of which there are shocking evidence throughout Spain in Spain.

With such people you can and should expect everything. The judicial front B155 still frantic pursuit of independence, increasingly mired in a political process designed as a general case against an ideology, as in the time of the Counter Reformation, they're yours. Yesterday Rovira, which all took for unconditional prey, as Junqueras, he caught the judge of good and was released on high bail. In return, the feisty judge Lamela reappears on the other hand with the intention of imprisoning the largest Trapero Friday. And not how many judges and prosecutors walk to hunt for independence, for what purpose and with what consequences are known. You also have to see what happens with the cartoonists that, for now, unlike singers like Paul Hasel and many tweeters are going scot-free.

The prosecution of independence not only articulates procedural and legal téminos generally but also has an aggressive media coverage. It is not uncommon statements "seeping" to occur hours and provide the media holders in the same direction: respondents not crack, regret, accuse each other and are slightly less than cakes. the lowest blows were not disdain, in the sentimental and staff people who are under tremendous outrage. Try to get individual desestimientos because, as good repressors, unaware that / the defendants / as do what they deem appropriate, the movement will respect and if one decides to step aside, another will take its place. It is the most complete ignorance of political and personal commitment.

And, of course, they get nothing. The movement continues, it is unstoppable and the Catalan Republic is asserting itself in closed conditions hostility and injustice. 

Just Rovira known the decision was made public a letter from him and Junqueras to militancy in ERC announcing that  "never give up their convictions"  and ask no pabulum to the divisive maneuvers of the PP is given. Nobody gives up. No splits. That is the answer, the message to judicial maneuvers and media aggression. No turning back. 

Today we debate in  Parliament the proposed reform of the law of the Presidency to allow telematics investiture of Puigdemont. This already is outlining a set of competencies as "President of Catalunya" in exile. Are the indepes who mark time, decision makers because that won the elections on 21 December, although the PP, the PSOE and C's are determined to go against the results .. 

Meanwhile, Anna Gabriel  opens another front diplomat in Geneva . Just announced that it does not think going to the statement, something to be expected, especially in view of the courts intend to continue imprisoning people under the law of the enemy as is already planned to be done with the greatest Trapero. A newspaper that says "flee from justice "and will stay in Geneva . Be more proper to say that flee from injustice, because that is what you get for these payments, practical kind of what St. Augustine said that" when there is no justice, the rule no more than a gang of thieves. "As if he had written today.

The presence of another focus of indpendentista activism abroad, this time in Switzerland, particularly in Geneva, where is the European headquarters of the United Nations, it strengthens the process of internationalization of the conflict. And above all, of Europeanization. It will be interesting to see cómoi explains Dastis in the country of referenda in Spain there are more than a thousand wounded, more than six hundred suspects, four people in prison, three in exile four seized a deposed government and a state of emergency in place to prevent a referendum that would have not only won the independes once, but four. 

Look what faced and disunited the three independence forces continue to act in unison and in coordination with the Parliament are. 

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