
12 de febrero de 2018

Trump lessons

07/02/2018  Lessons Trump Angel Guerra Cabrera Rebellion The show staged by President Donal Trump in the call report on the state of the union has been a lesson in the deep moral crisis, political, cultural and leadership - internal and international afflicting the US imperialist system. Beyond his efforts to appear "presidential" three days of abstinence from tweets, the central character of this comic book remained the same and even grew some of its worst features. Boastful as could be, he claimed responsibility for economic and social achievements impossible to achieve in a year.

A graphic idea of ​​where the obsessive mendacity comes Trump offers an unmissable note of the British The Telegraph inserted into the Cubadebate website. Among other hard data it says Associated Press questioned the veracity of statements 19 presidential speech ( / news / 2018/01/31 / the-lies-de-trump-do-collapse-PolitiFact).

It was a string of short sentences followed loud applause, if not outrageous ovations, the Republican caucuses in both houses of Congress and the Cabinet, military leaders and guests. The object of applause a chauvinist, xenophobic, supremacist and bellicose speech in the highest degree. Distinctive which seal is that the vast majority of the guests mentioned as examples of bravery and the American spirit are military, police or people related to the warmongering foreign policy trumpiana, particularly with respect to North Korea, which continued to threaten more harassment and sanctions.

Drunken narcissistic elation a Trump obviously refocilado by applause and cheers from the audience selected blamed the migrants and the absence of the "great wall" on the border with Mexico of crime, low wages, youth gangs, the alarming epidemic deaths from opiate, terrorist actions etc. Here spoke, above all, for his electoral base, so far unshaken in his loyalty according to the polls, millions excluded by neoliberal policies. Mostly poorly educated white Anglo-Saxons, especially once prosperous industrial rust belt areas or the impoverished farm families in the Midwest.

 The glorious United States that constantly spoke Trump remains a country with millions of poor and homeless people without access to health care and public education to march toward ruin. Their policies will exacerbate this disaster and significantly increase the already obscene social inequality, as evidenced by the fiscal reform that both presumed. But unless it was subject to impeachment, or to ascend a real leftist opposition from the Democratic Party, able to defeat him, the tycoon could retain the loyalty of their faithful and be reelected, even if a financial crisis erupted. Elections average next November may be a thermometer.

Trump again taunted climate change with its reference to "clean" coal, in contrast to the praise of his administration for their performance against natural disasters magnos that only he and a minority in the United States not associated with global warming. By the way, without dedicating a word to Puerto Rico, which has remained in the greatest abandonment.

The billionaire and his team are a terrible threat to mankind. Not only by increased emissions of greenhouse gases and the consequent increase of global warming deniers will cause their climate change policies. Bristling hairs hear him say that "we must rebuild our nuclear arsenal" and will continue to increase the military budget as this leads to an arms race with Russia and China -to which reiterated its adversaries condition and continues to raise the risk of a conflagration nuclear, and the highest since October 1962. in this same position should be assessed on its threat to break the nuclear deal with Iran.

They should not miss the onslaught and threats to Cuba and Venezuela, which tries to suffocate force policies. It has intensified the blockade against the first and taken to paroxysm economic warfare against the second. They are brutal policies that hurt the people who suffer. But also remember what has always been true intentions and practices of the empire against our America. 

Twitter: @aguerrraguerra 

Rebellion has posted this article with the author 's permission through a Creative Commons license, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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