
24 de marzo de 2018

The day has arrived. Together, we carry home Gaia.




The Divine Mother says, dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother, mother of all creation. Seriously, I anticipate with this message. 

El Divino and the company of heaven have been telling me repeatedly that the situation on planet earth is quite unpredictable.

You can go either way. Especially now, the incoming energy has been so intense, and as a result, the old energy simply can not sustain itself and is now collapsing. While the old collapses, the level of chaos will intensify to the point that it can be harmful. Now, how bad is it and how can we allow to develop to this point? 

You can ask. 

Dear, yes, the situation is quite intense done, and as a result, there are indeed some scenarios that are possible. One scenario is that the planet will simply chaos, countries and citizens are totally in chaos. And that scenario is not what we prefer, then the Divine will do something about it if that happens.

The other scenario is that the planet has been in the dark for so long, and now, suddenly, the light returns and rules. 

This scenario is possible and it is something to which the Divine is working. But in doing so, we may have to overcome the sudden effect. In other words, we must consider how humanity will react, and that reaction, what would happen. 

In my assessment, and estimation of the Divine, we do expect a certain level of chaos when the Divine between to rule at that time.

That said, the Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly warned the planet and humanity that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the Divine may have to come and rule the planet to ensure the planetary ascension and the journey of humanity home can be safe and sound. 
Dear, I am your Divine Mother. Being the mother of the great cosmos, I have been literally watching the planet Earth, watching her fight and feeling their pain. Especially lately when the Divine team sent the intense rays of energy. 

The planet itself has literally reached a point where it can no longer continue as usual. There is a lot of energy to be released from her body.

As a result, natural changes must occur, changes across the globe. 

Only then, Gaia, your Mother Earth, can breathe a little and Divine, and the company of heaven can rest in peace. I've been watching nonstop, and to this point where I have to agree with Gaia and the company of heaven, and let the event happen, let the changes come, humanity wakes up. Together, we must ensure that the trip home Gaia is fluid. 

And we need to let the natural flow of energy go where you need to go to unearth the old and free. That means that some areas of the planet will face natural events, things like earthquakes, etc.

In doing so, Gaia may have a better chance and easier way. I know that Gaia has a great love for the planet and its children. 

She has been keeping the old patterns so that their children can have a safer journey. But in reality, she has reached a point where you have to let go definitely release the old energy, separated from the anterior.De that, she, herself, can be saved, travel home safely. 

The Divine and the company of heaven, have told me repeatedly that Gaia needs to let it go, let it go Gaia needs finally Gaia feels and feels that the time has come. She has to let the old man go, let your children choose, or go home or choose to leave the planet. 

The election process is painful.

The souls who chose to stay, they know how the process works 

And souls who choose to leave, are you really feel the pain. 

Really they love the planet, the environment and learning opportunity. 

But because of the need for maturity of soul journey, they need to learn more before choosing physical ascension. 

So these souls decided to leave the planet and continue their soul journey elsewhere. 

The Divine is totally agree with the decision and respects their choices. Gaia is who has difficulty letting go of their children. 

She knows very well. She loves much. She knows that this will be the last goodbye. These children can no longer come back here again. And that causes great pain to Gaia.

I understand the dynamics and have had excellent conversations with Gaia. I have said repeatedly that those souls will be fine. 

They will be so happy on another planet like earth. The fact that decide to leave not mean they are not happy. It just means that a soul level, they know they need more time to accumulate maturity and wisdom, and that is the desire of the soul. And that is what their souls have decided. So there is no pain in it at all. 

Dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother. I know how Gaia loves his children and he has done Gaia for their children. But nevertheless, we have to let go of these souls, let Gaia go home.

For the ascension of Gaia and humanity move smoothly, a certain level of destruction should occur. Divine has given its approval. Gaia Divine wants to take and release begins. Only in this way the ascension of Gaia will go smoothly and safely home. 

Mother Earth send his greatest love and let him know how much he loves her, and what deserves your love and respect. Let Gaia feel safe to release, and know that your children will be fine. 

I am your Divine Mother. 

I love you very much, my precious children on earth. 

The day has arrived. 

Let Gaia knows. Together, we carry home Gaia.

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