, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : I'm a witch ..... I do not revere Satan,



I'm a witch ..... I do not revere Satan,

I'm a witch ..... 
I do not revere Satan, I'm not interested. 
Satan was created by Christians. Satanism is a form of Christianity. I'm not Christian. I do not go to church on Sundays. 

SACRED Jesus was a son who lived 2,000 years ago AND RESPECT HIS LOVE AND TEACHINGS to men, though few listened and many manipulated and continue to manipulate the rest of his brothers. I'm not  afraid to go to hell, I do not believe in nor believe in Satan. I believe in reincarnation, that I will return to this or perhaps another world to live another life. I'm not bad. Tell people or people ask me if I'm "good" witch means that there are bad witches.

There are bad people in the world, and there are people who decide to work with the forces of nature in a way that injures someone or something; these people are not considered Warlocks. 

The main law of a sorcerer is "without hurting anything or anyone, do your will." 

Please do not ask me about sacrifices to cats or desecrating churches. I love my cats. 

And I 'm not going to churches or temples unless an acquaintance invited me to some special occasion. 

And if I get to go to a church not part me lightning. And if a Christian, Jew or Buddhist off some pagan celebration, our Gods Nor leave with lightning. Is not that something to think ?.

Bring a staff position is no different to bring a cross, crucifix or Star of David. If you want to remove me the symbol of my religion because it is offensive, you need to make all the people of other religions are removed theirs. 

5 Star peaks in the pentagram represent the 4 elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water and the fifth peak represents the Spirit; the circle around the pentagram surrounds or protects the world. How can this offend someone ?? My pagan mind wonders. 

The image of a tortured man, dying is more offensive, yet thousands of people use it openly, without hiding.

Also, please do not ask me if I belong to a sect in that tone of voice half half horrified fascination. If you want to talk about my sect, I would offer the subject. If I am a solitary witch, then I have no sect to talk about. In any case, our rituals contain candles, food, liquor, poetry, dance ... and yes, if there is a knife but only to cut the air, not anyone's skin. 

I do not drink blood. I'm not any kind of vampire. Wear black because it rejects the negative energy, and because I look better in black with a skirt orange with purple polka dots.

If you want to ask me something about my religion, ask me about the next full moon. Ask me about herbs. What's more, ask me to make a love potion. But do not ask me to do a spell to make it more attractive, slim, irresistible. And would not do a spell to make your partner love you more. Believe me you do not want anything like that, nor enveloping Karma for you or for me. That's a form of manipulation, it is disempower someone is acting against his will. Nothing good.

Warlocks work with universal energy, with the Gods, to improve our chances. You need money? Do not ask me to do a spell to your boss for a raise. Simply ask the universe to increase the flow of abundance to you. That is not to be imposed on anyone's will. 

One more thing…. Do not give me a book about the persecution of the Witches of Salem, is like giving a book to a Jewish Holocaust. It 's not funny or in good taste.

Please do not try to embarrass me what I am and whom I serve. Please do not try to "become" or "save". Do not throw me with holy water. I not seek salvation, not need. We pride ourselves Sorcerers say we do not try to "convert" anyone. We are simply Warlocks Warlocks, and the people around us, realizes that as I changed, acted, our inner peace and only when someone asks how I can become a witch? It is when they pointed the way. I'm not trying to convert or recruit as a witch. I'm just asking you to understand. And if you do not want to understand, please, just leave me alone. 
*********** ************* RECEIVES BLESSINGS

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