
19 de octubre de 2018

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Vibrations Continue to Increase

morning meditation eraoflight
As the new cycle continues to impose itself upon the old one, great conflict has occurred between the two as new ideas are emerging whilst there are those who are prepared to hold onto the old ones at any cost. In consequence progress is very slow and sorting out the entanglement of the old and the new is proving a difficult task. However, the new must be established to move mankind forwards, and introduce new ideas that will completely change the way of life. The changes are going to be pronounced and there are already moves to change the fabric of Humanity so that they are prepared for them. As one might expect, the changes are going to alter your very way of life, making it much easier and bringing you new ways of living that place minimal demands upon your time, leaving you with so much more for your personal leisure. As a result people will become more independent, and the long term future will see them coming together in much smaller groups.
Be assured that out of the apparent chaos a way forward will become apparent, and as the vibrations continue to increase will bring you a greater peace than you have previously experienced. Harmony will grow and happiness taken for granted as you all work for the benefit of everyone rather than the individual. Gone will be the spectre of homelessness and everyone will have a suitable dwelling. Everyone will have exactly what they need to live a comfortable and healthy life. These things will take time to manifest but you will find the results well worth waiting for. More and more you will find that your ability to “think” things into being will increase, and eventually it will become quite automatic. In the same way you will also dispose of that which no longer serves you, and the land and seas will cease to be blighted by rubbish. There will also be a point reached where you will be able to “talk” to animals and also understand them too.
Humans need to have a goal in mind and it is the way of working that they are used to, so planning well in advance will be with you for quite some time to come. One of the most welcome changes will be when you are able to have what you need instantly through the power of thought. Amassing things will become a thing of the past and the acquisition of wealth totally unnecessary when you can just “think” what you want into being. These developments must sound a very long way off to you just now, yet changes that will propel you into the future are beginning to happen so quickly. It is your younger generations that are full of new ideas and are so eager to bring them into being, and they should be given every encouragement to do so. Their approach and ways of looking at things is vastly different to your old ways, as they can see answers to problems in a much quicker time, and have a greater perception as to what needs to be done and how to do it.
You have crossed the bridge and in new territory where you can manifest much more easily than previously, plus the fact that your own power is increasing all of the time. Forget the past that has served its purpose and take that leap forward into all that is new and challenging. After all it is your choices that will pave the way forward, although there is always a central plan and goal to be reached – called Ascension. Humanity as a collective obviously has an influence on the future, but at all times will be directed onto the path that fulfils your needs whilst at the same time keeping you pointed in the right direction. Of course you have freewill but would be ill-advised to divert from the path laid out before you. Since you passed the 2012 Marker you have gained the entitlement to greater help and upliftment into the higher vibrations.
Returning to current problems the revaluation of the currencies looms large, but the overriding factor is still to ensure that all countries are poised ready to take part. However, there will come a point when the changes will have to go ahead, as there is a limit to how long it can be waited for. To make the playing field level some will go up and some need to come down, and it will soon be seen as creating a fairer deal for all concerned. Peace on Earth is not just a dream but a necessity if you are to experience a smooth transition to the New Age, so you may rest assured that many people are working hard to achieve the necessary changes to bring it about. Revaluation will prove to be one of the most important steps you have ever taken, so the decision to go ahead must be well supported by all concerned. The result will be the kick starting of a world-wide boost that will see the market place come alive.
At our level in the “now” we see all things happening at the same time, making it difficult to put them in chronological order. We see where difficulties may arise and try to use our influence to help you overcome them. We can do much to help you but in the final reckoning it is you who have to do it. You have done very well so far to pass the Marker and we have every faith in your ability to overcome the present difficulties. There seem to be dire warnings all over the world as the changes are causing problems, yet all are possible to overcome if decisions are made in the interests of all rather than some powerful individuals. It is surely dawning upon people that if you work together you will get far more done in a lot less time. Competition is a feature of capitalism but even that will fade into the background as co-operation between people becomes more the normal.
You have been waiting quite a long time for a positive outcome to all of the experiences you have been through lately, but be assured your patience will be rewarded. Try to sit back and relax and allow events to outwork themselves naturally, as all things will come to you in good time. Indeed, you may be pleasantly surprised at how things work out, possibly much better than you may have thought. The extreme karma experienced through the last Age is over, but as individuals you will still collect some if you put a foot wrong. As you have already been told, instant karma is taking place for immediate clearance, unlike earlier periods of time. Understand that when you incur karma your vibrations are momentarily affected when in fact you should be doing everything to maintain your higher level. It is even more important if you are one who is set on achieving Ascension. However, having come this far it is unlikely that you will lose your level of vibrations.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to the God inside.
In Love and Light.

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