
11 de febrero de 2019

Lighten your trip to 5th density.

Divine Mother through Jennifer said that each of us has a predominant divine quality, Each of you has a virtue that bind. For some it may be love, for other balance for other forgiveness. It's like a stamp that is stamped on your soul. 

The Creator, in deciding experience himself / itself, creates self-rays representing various qualities or different attributes. These Vedic scriptures declare Sapta Rishis or be the seven children born in the mind of the Creator, Brahma.

This differentiation One Creator in different qualities and attributes is analogous to the refraction of white light in physics by a triangular prism.

One Ray multiplies the smaller rays. Life precedes form, and life survives the last atom. Through the countless rays, the ray of life, the One, like a thread through many accounts. 

Thus, each further refracted forming Vedic Pitris, or Gd. Similarly, the word Elohim is the plural form of the word God in hebreo.La word Elohim is thus translates into "creator gods". According to Vedic and theosophical literature  , the Pitrisor Elohim first created the Devas or celestial beings (intelligent aliens), followed by man. They formed the template of the human body (from its own image) template called Adam Kadmon. Then, they took care to embody. Prism of Lyra in the authors Lyssa Royal Holt and Keith Priest give a fascinating account of the galactic wars and the role of the Pleiadians in the formation of humanity on Earth from the DNA of 22 different. Extraterrestrial races.

Each Pitri thus formed, was created primarily from a single divine ray or quality of God. Its essential task was to embody and learn about that quality. In the sub-refraction (to continue our physical analogy) they could refract only that particular quality in all its aspects and different meanings. As further refraction of the seven original ray spectrum rainbow, different tones or gradations of each of the seven colors are produced. This brings us to our quantum be three refractions down. To be created from a particular Rishi, or quality or Ray of God, each of us embodies a particular divine quality. Of course, we all have every divine quality at all times. 

Terms such as Higher Self, Oversoul, Monad Supersoul and Quantum are just a few examples. Interestingly, in the postmortem Hindu ceremonies, there is a particular rite called shraadha sapinda which literally represents the fusion of the recently deceased with three higher aspects "soul". Often it described as the induction of late soul to Pitris.

Therefore, we have a reasonable explanation for the existence of Deva Pitris led by Kavyavaadanal.

Everth Thenansehed  1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds
Everth Thenansehed by Joan Ashtar   © 1963 misteri 

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