
28 de febrero de 2019

Light will literally come to Earth for all´: the dark forces

Soon people will discover who and what has really been happening, and who they really are, when we discover our true origin ..

Many people do not understand what is really happening, since most of them are still asleep and every day goes by like any other day.

America has two types of armies; the non-corrupt army, the Forces of Light, the Patriots that are making a great effort to eliminate the negative forces as soon as they can and that serves their Commander in Chief, President Trump, and the Deep State Army, (which they have an almost unlimited free reign on the surface of the planet and they have had it for tens of thousands of years) known as the MIC - Military Industrial Complex, with the army of the Secret Space Program, which is part of the remains of the Paperclip of the Nazi Group , who were secretly transferred to America after the Second World War.

The military industrial complex, the MIC, which is run by draco-reptilian officers, also known as the Dark Forces, who are sabotaging positive initiatives, making it impossible to break the negative quarantine.

There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes and now it has become more secure for the good ones to act, eliminating the dark forces that make up the Deep State.

The mass arrests will show the world the truth about the banking institutions, our government and the atrocious crimes against humanity on the part of the clique.

Many phenomena that were hidden will be revealed, and much of the lost history will be found and revealed again.

To name some things; Free energy, interstellar travel, TeleTime Travel, a monetary system backed by assets, natural cures for the problem of chronic diseases on the planet, such as cancer, methodologies to cleanse the atmosphere of poisonous and disastrous effects of geoengineering. and the exposure to the danger of GMO foods with a turn to 100% organic foods, which provide nutrition without poisons, in other words, for an incredible future, that is real and will happen.

Light will literally come to Earth for all

publicado por Everth Thenansehed 1er oficial de la Federación galáctica de mundos libres a través de Joan Ashtar © misteri 1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright

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