
15 de febrero de 2019

Messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, which foods should be avoided (sharing goodness)

Human past, present and future lives as a single instance. Time does not exist, the facts themselves.
If time does not exist, nor there, that is, when the incident occurred or do not exist, but the fact is visible, or the fact was eternal. That is, if I drop my pen down.
That incident occurred after 5 minutes ago. In other words, it was not an eternal fact, at least in this dimension. Occurred

We keep talking about time.
We are in a transition time where the human is realizing that life is not only in 3D.

The human is realizing it's something far grander than the everyday day life, everything is so natural out there, so purchasable easy to reach, only to be activated as perfect machine that is the human body. His heart and mind into perfect alignment of chakras.

Man has supreme power, a power that seems to be asleep because of the things that ingest chemicals and sold as something healthy and natural, even to heal:
Milk powder
Chocolate for chocolate milk
Tidbits that seem as harmless as rich as cute, but everything decontaminate human would be based on plant, including processed without additives or damaging the properties of sleep be.
Some minds are not ready for self-healing because of poisonous goodies for awakening


The Annunaki with Draconian, kings and queens, princes and princesses, reptiles and a whole caste of their own aristocrats of a kingdom with the dominant of mind, another race dominating industries on the planet Earth and discoverers minds and inventors that relate harmless quimnicos that will in the final product will come to your table as something good.

In planteas of the Pleiades are not consumed animal - derived or milk from their cows, nothing, but nothing that has to do with an animal, in fact what we call our animals, they call them beings and have their free and   they are respected living with the pleyadiano.


Plant-based foods, as or richer than our food with chemicals that seem more delicious.
You tell me: "Yes, but I like rib roast is delicious".
Yes, of course, is delicious, but did you know that plants get the same delicious flavor roast rib, much more delicious and healthy, and I assure you that the vegetable liquid that you try and you're able to take 3 liters of how delicious is.

Oh your body, envejecías, forget about it, do not grow old more. Tapeworms diseases, forget, never sicker, or negative feelings from the moment you ingest vegetables and carry a healthy lifestyle, goodbye negative thoughts. Veras, they have industries that process vegetables in a healthy way, marrow, convinan other plant extract to achieve the taste and nutritional properties requiring exact your body.

For example:
You need iron. You can eat a vegetable paste having iron compound inside that does not change the taste and still delicious to your taste.
I like eating candy, or flan, or as they say the English: a pudding. There are those foods made from vegetables.

Flan takes milk, egg. They have eggs and milk product and taste, extruded or processed vegetables, processed and when I say I say with healthy processes are mixing small parts of other plants to reach the desired asbor and structure of the desired product.
Knowing this, it is time to go awakening.

Reptilian, Gray, Archons talbaticous and many others are taking the (illegible), because he knows that man is asleep. They rule the big cdenas of drug laboratories, major industries of food and drink, we get sick on one side, and we sell the right medication will heal us. In addition they dare to break the wind test tubes like the flu in its class x to then sell vaccines and thereby made more millionaires.

Did not they know that the perfect machine itself can regulate the temperature according to the weather, I'll give you an example.

When you sleep with cold feet at night, say you wake up one hour after falling asleep, notice that their feet are hot, but if they had slept donot would still struggling to heat their feet.

perfect machine: The human body then good, if stupid, no. 

The day that man will rebel and stop going to work in industries and the entire planet will turn off. And as you know, the darkness will not leave the planet, luckily the human has older siblings, which is why I need money to create heaven on earth. A mothership with cultivated fields, houses, animals in and on high, because water will come up with a sector to be open to the Pleiadian ships to contact us and provide new technological chiquitines undreamt technology.

And  that there as teachers come to sit with us in the park sergilouse to teach us about the new life, new technology, in peace, in love, in happiness, in harmony with the universe and multidimensional as we are, our perfect machinery they reactivated.

Forget death will not exist once we Pleiadians humans and belong to the great family of extraterrestrial races respecting each race, loving every race, no more misfortunes and negative affect. Everything will be happiness, family love, and respect for others will recognize the evil and the ways they can come and come from it.

As the engines of motherships work

They are like artificial suns, gravity does not exist, magnetism and magenitización if high and low scales but equal attraction power in conjunction with the hoist.

The universe is like a great heart beating, for that heartbeat drives infinitely all spacecraft turning the timeless ship looks like a science fiction movie, but it is what it is for and advanced awake can live in peace and the big family orbits in our beloved planet or planets orbiting neighboring planets civilizations or neighboring civilizations, as in the family living space will tend incase any planet that our beloved planet exists a reboot.

we are today as we are moving in the awakening, let new way to be human.

Those who look beyond worldly education and take only what is worth teaching that own mundane as entruncada of evil who wanted to instill in our heads, they are loved and contemplated.

Blessed are they on the path of good and love for yourself and others.

Pablo Fretchamm

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