
31 de marzo de 2019

Energy Update: Intense Catalytic Month Completes As We Move Into Digestion & Integration

Energy Update: As March is close to completing and this is our final 333 code day today, there is probably much to digest and integrate for you of the HUGE energy month that all of us experienced. This month of March offered three 333 days, strong geomagnetic storms, the Equinox passage during the Supermoon, CMEs and even SOULar flares, striking auroras, and a huge Schumann/Gaia spike wave up to 150 HZ.
These energies from Mother Gaia, from Father Sun, from Mother Moon…..they are working on us at the cellular level, at the emotional body/psyche/subconscious levels, at the galactic consciousness levels, at the Metasoul levels. These energies are inviting us to go in DEEP as needed to these places that were previously shrouded and cloaked in order to see them and digest and integrate them. In order to unanchor and let go of the denser trauma and karma energies that keep us in loop patterns in this life and other timelines/lifetimes too.
There can be very specific connections made from within in all of these areas as you allow your Protector/Gatekeeper to become the guide rather than the guard. I have seen so much more readiness in sessions lately for souls to lift their veils of amnesia to a deeper degree and go into a fuller state of remembrance from both this life (especially early infancy and childhood) and other lifetimes/timelines as well. To remember is to be empowered….to move from ‘I don’t know’ to curious self discovery that leads to receiving answers allows you to put more pieces together of your own soul’s puzzle.
All these energies seemed to have a purpose to them also of collapsing our denser timelines anchored still to 3D/lower 4D realities and moving us into our higher frequency timelines of serving love. This was in dramatic ways at times with very significant relationships completing and geographic shifts becoming obvious or happening as well. Sometimes this was in more subtle ways for which a light shifting supports a bigger transition and transformation to come. Sometimes this is mostly internal as a deeper movement emotionally and spiritually allows for outer action and choice points to become clearer.
For me, this has been an incredible catalytic month in which the most significant relationship in my life, my sacred union with Raphael, has shifted hugely, as I share about here:
I am letting this timeline collapse transmute whatever needs to that was rooted in fear or wounding from inside of me…..just being with parts of me in the grieving, letting go, and even waves of resentment and new dawning clarities of stuckness and shrinking. I am dissolving with love the karmic binds in the Metasoul too, in the pair bonds that are changing too as we do.
The interesting thing about this month’s energies are that while this has been going on for me, I also had my busiest and fullest month EVER in service for sessions, in person and remote. It has been a mystery at times HOW I could be going through so much loss and yet also feel my heart and soul so present to serve others. I feel that actually these timeline collapses can open you up hugely, break open your heart to another degree and you are actually MORE sensitive to others. And more intuitive as well, is what I am experiencing. This service has actually helped with the integration of all these energies and the letting go process. To experience my service of love self is a reminder of WHY these shifts are happening.
As you surrender to these timeline collapses as they appear in your life, as you go into them… discover NEW layers of trust and surrender in the Divine. You basically have to, in a way, as the alternative of feeling like the Divine is punishing you or making you ‘pay’ just doesn’t last long and doesn’t feel supportive to the shift that is going on.
This is now a phase of integration and digestion as the cosmic energies look to calm down for the next couple of weeks (although it is unknown what the Gaia resonance might do!) The integration process can be supported by bringing these codes/energies into all of your Ascension chakras. Salt baths, yoga, eating superfoods, anything that supports the body in vital health allows for more integration. Digestion of the emotions that come up can be facilitated by connecting with parts of yourself in a conscious way.
Here is the playlist to my 33 day video series called Deepen offering guided meditations to do this:
HUGE support from our star family, Divine guides, and Higher Self aspects is available to us as we so bravely continue to align with our higher timelines in order to serve the ongoing transition into the NEW. Connecting to this support allows for these energies to integrate and not just discombobulate.
Thank you to the month of March for providing such a powerful mirror to me and to all of us of what needs to shift and what is possible as we continue to choose and align with love!!
Jelelle Awen

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